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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Re-Education - 14. Chapter 14

I felt Jake stop feeding and lick my wrist, so I looked down. “How you doing, bro?”

“Better, now that you’re all here,” Jake replied.

“Any change? I mean—”

“No, bro, I can’t see a thing. How long?”

“We don’t know, Jake. We hope it’ll heal,” I said, trying to reassure him.

“No, you dope,” Jake laughed. “How long since you did it?”

I glanced at the clock. “It’s been about twelve hours since you first fed, Jake.”

“Then maybe it’ll heal. You said it takes twenty-four hours, right?” he asked hopefully.

“Usually, yes,” Scott replied. “But Greg only took twelve, and you’re coherent, so that’s a sign that you might be done.”

“NO!” Jake shouted, shaking his head. “I can’t be done healing, I can’t move!”

“Stop moving your head!” Jenny shouted from the nursery door.

Jake froze and looked at me. I gave a slight shrug and turned to Jenny, who explained, “This is all theory, but you had no major muscle damage, no blood loss, so your brain and body changed quickly. But from the paralysis when you were still human, I feel certain that your spinal cord was severed, Jake. I’m hoping that will heal soon. Until it does, I don’t want you moving your head and doing more damage to heal.”

“So you think it will all heal?” Josh asked.

“I think we have to have hope and give it time. I refuse to accept that he’s paralyzed.” She looked at Jake and offered, “You already have more movement than you did before the change, Jake. You couldn’t even move your lips to talk; now you can move your head.”

“Why am I blind? Will that heal?”

Jenny sighed. “I don’t know, Jake. I know that the change somehow focuses on the most important systems first, so maybe there are more important things to heal right now?” She looked around the room and said, “Right now, he needs to sleep. Everyone out!” she declared. Then added, “Josh and Craig can stay, and his parents if they can sit aside quietly.”

Jake looked like he might object, but his body decided for him. As he drifted off to sleep, I said, “I won’t leave the house, Jake. I’ll be here in seconds when you need me.”

He was smiling in his sleep as we all left. Wanda and David kissed his forehead and made him the same promise as they joined us, leaving Jake wrapped in the arms of his twin and his nephew under the watchful eyes of our nurse.

Once the door was closed, I introduced Wanda and David to Andrew and asked him to have someone show them to their room. Once the footman led them away, I asked, “Are my parents still here?”

“They left when you went downtown, My Lord,” he replied.

“Please contact them and ask them to join us for dinner,” I said.

“As your parents, My Lord? Or as Baronet and Lady Pittsburgh?” Andrew asked.

I laughed, “Sorry, Andrew. I hadn’t thought of that. Invite them as our parents and ask them to invite Mary as well. In the future, I’ll try to refer to him as Baronet Warnick if it’s an official invite. Will that help?”

“It will, My Lord. As you said, we will learn and adjust to each other,” Andrew replied, then added, “If you would also specify if another noble’s visit is to be informal or formal, it would be greatly appreciated, Sir.”

“Other than their parents, I will be inviting any other noble, Andrew. Hopefully, I’ll remember to tell you how to handle their visit,” Billy said.

“Isn’t that Jake’s job?” Scott asked.

“Everyone’s jobs overlap, as I understand it, Scott. When it comes to nobles above Greg, contact with them falls to me. With his Baronets, it falls to Jake,” Billy explained. “Until Jake heals, I can handle his responsibilities.”

“If I may, My Lord, how many will be at your table? And do you want this in the family dining room or the formal?” Andrew asked.

“That depends on how many seats each has,” I replied as I tried to count who was here.

“The family dining room was formerly set up for six,” Andrew told us, “But the table will extend to seat twelve. The formal dining room can seat as many as sixty-six if you ignore the strictest rules of fine dining, My Lord.”

I sighed. The idea of eating in the formal dining room every meal didn’t appeal to me, but a table for ten would exclude some of my friends or my children. Scott took over before I could reply.

“Greg, you and Billy go to your office and help Chris and Brian sort things out. Tony, get Jonesy. Greg will need the two of you as well. I’ll call Dad and work with Andrew on dinner arrangements.” Having given everyone their marching orders, Scott turned and headed down the hall, with Andrew quickly falling into step behind him.

When we got to the office, Chris said, “As intriguing as it is, your personal fortune needs to wait. You need to get control of your Barony.” Just then, Tony and Jonesy knocked on the open door and joined us. “Sorry for sending you away so soon, Jonesy, but please bring us everything that was in the late Baron’s clothing. And whatever was in the late Lord Steward’s as well. If nothing else, get me their phones.”

“Tony, has Tommy worked out a chain of command?” I asked.

“He has, Greg. Jonesy and he gathered all the officers from the previous service, and before Tommy could suggest integrating them, they all offered to step down to Marshal. Tommy didn’t agree, but they insisted that he should only have officers that he knew. Tommy then insisted that the previous Deputy Marshal accept the rank of Captain and the previous Captain accept Lieutenant.”

“Then, with Tommy and Leonard off duty and Captain Vega preparing to deal with our trip, this other Captain is the ranking Marshal?”

“He is,” Tony replied. “Should I get him?”

I nodded, and when Tony was gone, Chris said, “I’m going to ask Dad to join us, Greg, if you don’t mind.” I nodded again, and Chris headed to find his dad.

I looked at Brian and asked, “Have you looked at the finances of the Barony?”

“Honestly, Greg, Baron Evans didn’t spend much, and from what I’ve seen, the businesses are doing quite well. I don’t know enough about everything yet to suggest where you might spend the excess,” he said. “I would suggest that we consider repaying the money the prince gave us for the school.”

“George did that because he thought the school was a good idea, Brian. Why would we waste Baronial funds when he’s already willing to support it?” I asked.

“To prevent the same problems that plague human schools in the US, Greg. If the Barony totally funds the school, we control it and can do as we please. If we have to answer to Prince George, he can dictate who or what we teach.”

“George would never—”

“He might not, but he could. I’d rather not risk it, Greg,” Brian interrupted.

I thought about what he said and realized he was right. “I’ll consider it. Give me numbers.”

“Initially, the prince gave us four million dollars, then an additional two. That does not take into account his pledge of twenty-five thousand per student for operational costs. Do I have it right?”

“You guys keep better track of the details than I do, Brian, but that sounds right.”

He nodded, then continued, “If we were to repay the six million, I would still have eighty or so in liquid funds to do anything you need within the Barony. So far, I think the annual income is four million dollars.”

“To be clear, Brian, we’re talking about Baronial funds; none of this is mine.”


“Eighty-six million in reserve with only four coming in each year,” I paused to think. “That seems out of balance, Brian.”

“My point exactly. If I had to guess, I think you’re going to be giving Josh a lot of money for refurbishing vampire housing and possibly updating some of the businesses. I would like to keep ten years of operating costs in reserve, but if I based that on past spending, we have a century’s worth. Keep in mind that this is all based on a quick review of the books. I’d like to speak to the previous treasurer or whatever title he used.”

“In general, I agree with you. At the same time, we can’t just throw money to the wind. I will attempt to return the school money; you make a good point about that. And I also agree that Josh will have to go through the properties and come up with a renovation budget. I’ll let the two of you decide whether to separate all the housing income from other sources or not. It would be nice if the housing incomes at least balanced the outlay.”

Just then, Tony returned accompanied by a very young-looking Marshal whom he introduced as Captain Pierce. Before I could even speak, Chris and Mike joined us. I only had time to thank Mike for joining us when Jonesy returned with a small box. I was considering which to make my priority when Billy did that for me.

“Did you find the phones, Marshal?”

“I did, My Lord,” Jonesy said, reaching into the box and pulling out two phones, handing them to Billy.

While Billy scrolled through the phones, I looked at Captain Pierce. “Captain, we have put Chief McNiel and Deputy Chief Owen on personal leave until our return from the Prince’s Court, as Captain Vega is accompanying us; that leaves you in charge from now until our return.”

“Chief McNiel has informed me, My Lord,” he replied with a bow.

“I hope your demotion hasn’t offended you, Captain,” I said. “In our absence, I would like you to begin working on something I asked Chief McNiel to implement.”

“Not offended at all, My Lord. You need to know and trust your Baronial Guard, and you already have a working relationship with yours,” he replied. “I am intrigued to hear of this project.”

I explained how I wanted to arm the footmen stationed at the main entrance and those at the entrance to my office, our bedroom, and the children’s bedrooms. He was in total agreement and said they could begin training tonight, as there was a firing range in the basement. I also told him about Tony and Jonesy being assigned as personal guards to Scott, Billy, and myself. He immediately noticed the problem.

“My Lord, even if they are terrible as a valet, I would like to assign a third man to that detail, as there are three of Your Lordships. I would also suggest you make the assignment of those who guard your children part of this detail. This would excuse them from gate and roving duties and allow your children to get comfortable seeing the same Marshals all the time.”

“I agree, Captain. I wanted to make sure we’re all on the same page. I will sit with the Chiefs when I return to discuss our personal detail.” I thought of one more issue, so I added, “Regardless of rank, Jones and Riva will quite often be tasked with relaying my instructions. Will this cause problems?”

“All Marshals will be informed of their positions, My Lord. They will be instructed to follow orders from your detail as if from Your Lordship,” the captain replied.

“Thank you, Captain. That is all for now.” When he bowed and left us, I waved for Riva to close the door. The mention of our children reminded me that I hadn’t seen Trevor since this morning. I connected with him, mind-to-mind, and asked where he was.

‘I’m with Tommy, Leonard, and Mandy. Until you make a decision on her, I thought I should stay with her.’

‘I appreciate your dedication, Trev. She’s safe with those two. Please come to my office.’

“Brian and I were just discussing Baronial finances. I need to meet the late baron’s Council; otherwise, we’re just stumbling around in the dark,” I began. “I also need to find and review any decrees he made. I’ll need to decide if we leave them standing, change them, or overturn them.”

Trevor knocked and entered, saying, “Sorry I didn’t come earlier—”

“You were doing your duty as you saw it; say no more,” I said, then asked, “Are there other vampires on the streets, Trev?”

“Only three that were regulars, Greg. There’s the occasional nomad, but they rarely stayed more than a week,” Trevor replied.

“Any children?” I asked, then clarified, “And by children, I mean under the age of eight.”

“Chipper and Craig are the only ones I knew of, Greg. If there were others, I can’t say.”

“While your title is Master of Children, your job entails all vampires who are in need. I would like you to go downtown and speak with these three. Tell them there’s a new Baron and ask what I can do to help. Also, ask about homeless children or any who are being forced to do the work you had to.”

Trevor looked embarrassed as he said, “I will need a driver, Greg. I can’t drive.”

I smiled, “Trevor, you are on my Council. Everyone calls you ‘My Lord’. All you need to do is direct a Marshal to take you. Am I right, Jonesy?”

“Quite right, Greg. And if you don’t mind, I’ll arrange for driving lessons,” he replied.

There was a knock, and Andrew came in and said, “Your parents and Mary have arrived, My Lord. They also brought two young vampires named Johnny and Tanya. Baron Warnick is entertaining them in the east sitting room. Also, dinner is ready to be served when you are ready.”

“We’ll follow you, Andrew, as I have no idea where the formal dining room is, let alone the east sitting room,” I said with a grin.

“I will be happy to show you around your home whenever you like, My Lord.”

“That may have to wait until we return from California, Andrew, but I would appreciate it.”

He led us to a large room with two tables against each of the end walls and another table in the center. This center table was roughly eight feet wide and thirty feet long. There were twenty-three chairs around it, but there was enough room to accommodate another six or so.

Everyone was standing, waiting for me to arrive, so out of habit, I headed for the head of the table.

Andrew coughed and said, “I took the liberty of arranging the table like the duke always liked his, My Lord. He was fond of his family as well.” He pointed to a larger armchair in the center of one side of the table. “If Your Lordship sits there, he is only half the length of the table from any of his guests. If this doesn’t suit, we can quickly rearrange—”

“It’s perfect, Andrew, thank you,” I said as I headed for my seat. I noticed he said duke, not baron, but I’d ask about that later. “Please explain how you’ve arranged the others.”

“Thank you, My Lord,” Andrew nodded. “Your side of the table will always have an odd number of place settings to keep His Lordship in the center of the table. I suggest Lord White and Baron Warnick sit opposite you unless you prefer them at your sides. I have placed Baronet and Lady Warnick at your sides. Aside from this, as this is a more informal setting, I didn’t assign seating, My Lord.”

As everyone sat, I saw Tony and Jonesy heading for the door. “Tony, where are you going?” I asked.

“I know how you feel, My Lord, but I thought the rules may have changed. We were headed to the staff hall for our meal,” he replied sheepishly.

“Andrew, during more casual meals, family meals, would anyone take offense if my personal Marshals and our nanny dine with us?” I asked.

“You may invite whomever you choose to your table, My Lord.”

“But will it cause jealousy among the staff or Marshals?”

“I believe we all understand their unique roles, My Lord. If you were to invite a footman or a chambermaid, that might cause some tension.”

“Thank you, My Lord,” they both said, then turned and left.

I then asked, “Earlier, you mentioned we could seat sixty-six, but you said something about rules. Please explain.”

Andrew motioned for the footmen to serve and then said, “For a large formal dinner, My Lord, this table would form the base, while the other tables would form the legs of a U-shaped arrangement. If you hold to the strictest guidelines, you don’t seat anyone on the inside of the U. That rule can be ignored, and quite often is, but in such an arrangement, one never sits on the section opposite His Lordship.”

“Thank you, Andrew,” I said. Then I sighed, looked at Scott and Billy, and muttered, “I have so much to learn.”

James laughed and said, “Just follow Andrew’s lead, Greg. He won’t let you embarrass yourself.”

“I’m afraid he’ll have his hands full, James. Right now, I don’t even know where my clothes are.”

Donna said, “Andrew sent three footmen and a truck to the house this morning, Greg. They boxed all your things and left when we did.”

I looked at Andrew and raised an eyebrow. He said, “Your personal clothing is being put away as we speak, My Lord. I took the liberty of having Lord White’s things put with yours, as that is how we found them.”

I nodded, then looked at Billy. “Looks like you have some competition in the mindreading department.”

Billy stuck his tongue out and giggled. Scott smacked him and said, “Behave, or I’ll have you banished to the kid’s table.” He turned to me and said, "I told Andrew to get a table large enough for twenty for the family dining room, Greg. If we have guests, we really need to host them here. I also told Amy that buffet service for breakfast and lunch would be fine.”

“Riva mentioned a staff hall, Greg,” Mike said. “What is that?”

I looked at Andrew, and he replied, “The kitchens, laundry, and other work areas of the house are located on the ground floor, Sir. The staff and Marshals take their meals in the staff dining room. As most of the staff have been in service for quite some time, we tend to use older terms for things.”

Wanda said, “So, like in ‘Downton Abby’?”

“I am not familiar with the reference, Madam, so I cannot say,” Andrew replied.

“Yes, Wanda, and unfortunately, almost as drab,” Scott offered. “But Greg and I will be making changes to how things are done, including upgrading the staff accommodations.” I looked at him, and he said, “Later.”

I picked up my glass and noticed it was wine. “Andrew, are the blood stocks short?”

“The late baron had strict rules against serving blood when humans were present, My Lord. Forgive me; I arranged things out of habit.” He looked at a footman and nodded, which sent the boy rushing from the room.

“Totally understandable. If I’m hosting a human who doesn’t know about us, I will warn you. Otherwise, I like blood with my meals,” I said.

Andrew nodded, “Certainly, My Lord.”

“Dad, I think we need to act on your plan to retire in January,” Chris said.

Mike smiled and said, “I announced my intention to retire at the office today, Chris. I figured Greg would need us.”

“Thank you, Mike,” I said. “I guess I have to come up with a reason to withdraw this week.”

“That’s easy, Greg,” David said. "They know you’re in danger. Simply say there was a verified threat, and you are being moved into witness protection.”

“That’s genius,” Mike said. “But Tommy will have to communicate that to them.”

“What about me?” Brian asked.

We looked at each other, trying to come up with an idea. Brian’s parents didn’t know about vampires, and we all agreed that they should never find out. Johnny said, “You…” He stopped. “Forgive me, My Lord.”

“Johnny, you are a guest at my family table. Please speak up anytime you like, and unless we’re in Court, you can call me Greg,” I said.

“Sorry, Greg,” he said. “Well, I was going to say you could enthrall them and tell them that he’s studying abroad, but that won’t work. It’ll wear off.”

James said, “Still, Johnny, you have the makings of a good idea. You could have the OBR help you, Greg. They could—”

“A what?” I asked.

“You do have so much to learn,” James said with a grin. “The Office of Baronial Records. They create birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports, and other documents when a young vampire is old enough or when we renew. They could create documents you could send to Brian’s parents, inviting him to some study program.”

“What if they try to do research and find out it’s fake,” Julie asked.

Brian laughed. “Not likely. Since his surgery, Dad’s been apologizing to me once a week about how he treated me and how he spent my college money. He even said he wants to mortgage the house to pay for me to go to Wharton. An offer for me to study abroad, he’d jump all over."

“The decision is yours, Brian. You can finish your senior year, or we can get with this OBR and figure out something. And I’m sure the liaison at Wharton can fake a scholarship offer that will calm your father’s concerns,” I said. “Speaking of which, how are you doing with that issue?”

“If you mean do I still hate him, the answer is no,” Brian said. “Finding out about the tumor really took a lot of my pain away. If you mean am I ready to be changed, well, I think so, but I’m afraid to find my beast if I’ve just suppressed things and not really gotten past them.”

I nodded. “I’ve tried not to dig into your mind when you’ve fed me, but if you want, I can try to dig some when we get back from LA.”

“I’ve accidentally come across some of his memories, Greg,” Billy said. "In my opinion, he’s at peace with it.”

Brian nodded. “We can ask the OBR if they can do it, Greg. With you, Scott, and the twins all leaving this week, Chris and I really need to stay until the end of the year.”

“Speaking of which,” James said. “Mike, I need to sell our house. Do you know of a good agent?”

Scott coughed and said, “Really, Dad? Really?”

“What?” James asked. Then looked embarrassed and laughed, “Honestly, Scott, I forgot. I’ll call their office tomorrow.”

“Uh-huh. You forgot,” Scott grumbled. He then grinned and said, “Greg, we should buy a few vehicles for the staff. Do you know any reputable dealerships?”

I laughed, then remembered something I had told Scott when we hired Jenny. “Managing the household is your job, Scott. Do whatever you think you need to do.”

He looked confused, then seemed to understand. “Get your checkbook ready, buddy. I’ve already got a long list of remodeling ideas.”

“Speaking of remodeling,” Donna said, “once you tell George that you’re now the baron, Dracul will give you money to help with that. Don’t spend your own money.”

Scott, Billy, and I looked at each other and resisted the urge to laugh. Scott said, “Thanks, Mom, we’ll remember that.”

“Greg?” Tanya said in a timid voice.

She looked terrified, so I smiled my best. “Yes, Tanya?”

“I know I’m sworn to your service, but…”

“It’s ok, hen, Greg don’t bite,” Mary reassured her.

I tried not to think about how I killed Baron Evans as I said, “What’s on your mind, Tanya? It’s okay.”

“Well, Miss Mary’s been teaching me to cook, but now, with you being here, I guess I’ll have to come here and…” Her courage failed her.

“If you want to stay and help Grandma, then that’s what you’ll do,” Billy stated firmly. I simply nodded.

“And if my parents mistreat you, you call us,” Scott warned, smirking at James.

“Not likely,” Donna interjected.

Tanya’s request caused me to turn and ask, “What about you, Johnny? Have you given any thought to what you’d like to do?”

“Not really, Greg. If you want, I could come work as one of these guys,” Johnny said, pointing toward a footman.

Before I could reply, Billy said, “I have another idea, Johnny. Get with Tony and me after dinner, and we’ll talk.”

I knew what he had in mind, and I thought it was a great idea. This conversation had taken place throughout the meal, and as the dessert dishes were removed, I said, “Andrew, please tell Amy that the food was excellent. I look forward to experiencing more of her cooking.”

“I shall pass that on, My Lord.”

I grinned and asked, “Is now when I ask if we should go through?”

Before Andrew could reply, Donna said, “He’s messing with you, Andrew. He got that from a television show. If he tries to do that old thing, I’ll bite him.”

“Thank you, My Lady,” Andrew said, nodding to Donna. “I’ll have to find this program, so I know what His Lordship’s concept of society is based on.”

I stood and said, “Actually, what I need to do is go check on Jake. David, Wanda, would you like to join us?”

They stood, and Wanda said, “Yes, Greg, please.”

I asked James to stay, and he asked if he and Donna could explore the castle. I told them to feel free, and then we headed to check on Jake. Billy was leading Johnny to my office, and Scott seemed unsure which way to go but decided to join Billy. Chris and Brian asked Billy if they could grab some papers to continue their work, but he told them to join him in the office.

When we entered the bedroom, the first thing I noticed, aside from the three sleeping forms on the bed, was how clean it was. Andrew had apparently had the maids scrubbing every surface because there was not a drop of blood in sight. The next thing I noticed was all the little personal items were gone from the nightstand, dresser, and tables. I assume they had been boxed up to make room for us. As David and Wanda approached the bed, Josh woke.

He smiled and whispered, “Hi, Mom, Dad.”

They smiled as well, and Wanda asked, “How is he?”

“Hungry,” came Jake’s voice.

I knelt by the bed and opened my wrist. When I held it to his lips, he stunned us all when his hand came up and grasped my arm. We all exchanged smiles, and there were a few tears.

Josh kissed his brother and said, “Craig and I are going to go eat, bro. We’ll be right back.”

Jake gave a slight nod but continued to feed. A few minutes later, Scott and Billy joined us, and both were shocked when they noticed Jake’s hand. I smiled at them and said, “It’s a good sign.”

Apparently, Josh had said something in the dining room because the room quickly filled as Riva, Jonesy, Chris, and Brian joined us. They were soon followed by James and Donna, then Tommy, Leonard, and Mandy.

I scowled at Tommy and said, “I thought we said you were off duty.”

He smiled and said, “This isn’t an official visit, Greg. My friend is healing and I wanted to share in the joy.”

Mandy timidly took one step and said, “Thank you for saving me, Lord Baron Greg.”

I smiled at her and said, "You’re welcome, sweetie. And you can call me Uncle Greg,” I looked at Tommy, “no matter what anyone says.”

Just then, Chipper came running in with Jenny hot on his heels. “Uncle Jake! Craig tole me you was awake.”

“Chipper, I told you not to run,” Jenny said as she pulled to a stop.

“Is this true?” Scott asked. “Did Miss Jenny tell you not to run, and you ran anyway?”

Chipper looked down at his feet and said, “Yes, Daddy, but—”

“No buts, young man. You know you’re to obey her. First, you apologize.”

He turned and mumbled a weak “Sorry,” but Scott insisted he look her in the eyes and say it properly. He looked up and said, “I’m sorry I didn’t obey, Miss Jenny.”

“Now, you plant your backside in that chair,” Scott pointed to the seating area, “And don’t say a word until you are spoken to. Do you understand?”

Dejected, he replied, “Yes, Daddy,” then walked over and slumped into the chair.

Jenny said, “Thank you, Scott. Remind me of this when we’re alone.”

Scott realized his error and said, “No need, Jenny; we won’t do that again.” She simply nodded and headed for the nursery, returning shortly with a squirming Charlie. Scott took him, opened his thumb, and fed the constantly growing boy.

While Jake fed, Billy took Johnny, Jonesy, and Tony to our closet and helped them arrange our clothes. The footmen who had moved our things had done a good job, but some things were crossed, and these three needed to know who everything belonged to. They then checked the drawers and after rearranging underwear, socks, and shorts, decided it was good enough and rejoined the party. Tommy, Leonard, and Mandy were the first to leave, but one by one, everyone returned to where they had come from, leaving Scott, Billy, David, Wanda, and me alone with Jake. Billy took over feeding Charlie and Scott sent Chipper with Jenny to get a bath.

Jake stopped feeding, licked my wrist clean, and released my arm. With his other hand he reached out, feeling the bed. “Josh?”

“He went to eat, did you forget?” I asked, concerned there was a problem with his memory.

“No, I thought he might be back.” Jake replied, pulling his hand back.

“You would smell him,” Billy said.

Jake laughed, “His scent is all over me and the bed. It smells like he’s here.”

“You can move your arms,” Wanda observed with a smile.

Jake waved them around. “Apparently.”

“What about your legs?” Billy asked.

“I don’t know. Are my toes wriggling?” Jake asked.

“I don’t know,” Billy replied. “You’ve got your shoes on. Hang on.”

Scott and Billy quickly pulled his shoes and socks off, then Scott said, “Try now.”

We all stared intently at his toes, willing them to move. After what felt like forever, Jake said, “Guess not, huh?”

Scott grabbed a foot and ran his finger up and down on the bottom, “Do you feel this?”

“I feel something,” Jake said with a hint of hope.

From the door we heard, “You talk about my scent then abuse us all with those nasty feet?”

“Shut up and come hold me, I miss you,” Jake said to his twin. “Where’s Craig?”

“He’s taking a bath with Chipper,” Josh explained. “I told him to go to bed after his bath.”

As Josh climbed onto the bed and wrapped his arms around his twin, Jake returned to the land of nod. I suggested that David and Wanda go to their room and join him and promised we would get them if Jake woke and there was anything major to report. Scott, Billy, and I headed for my office.

On the way, I remembered James was waiting, so I excused myself and sent him a message, mind-to-mind, and was told they were in the game room. I asked the footman guarding my office and after getting directions, only made three wrong turns before I found James, Donna, Mary, and Tanya watching television in a room similar to James’ basement.

“James, would your father come help me?” I asked.

James laughed and said, “Damn, now I owe him two hundred.” He saw my confusion and explained, “He bet me you would be seated before you finished high school, and I accepted. Then, he bet that you would ask for his guidance within twenty-four hours, which I also accepted.”

“I’ll remember not to bet against him,” I laughed. “Will he come?”

“In a heartbeat, Greg.”

I thought for a moment, then said, “We leave for Los Angeles tomorrow. I’ll have Billy book a flight for him—”

“You forget, you now have four planes, Greg. Send Evans’ old plane and crew to West Palm Beach. He can stay with me until you return,” James said.

I said I would have Billy make the arrangements, said goodnight to James, Donna, Mary, and Tanya, and saw them to the door. Then I turned and headed for my office. When I got to the door, I asked the footman to bring us some wine, then went to work. As soon as I went in, I told Billy to arrange for a plane for Baron Zell, which ended up requiring us to involve Andrew and Captain Pierce to contact the pilots and convince them that they now worked for me.

Chris, Brian, Scott, Billy and I went through paperwork for hours, learning all we could about the businesses and properties owned by the barony. At midnight, I ordered Brian to go get some sleep. At two, Scott went to feed Jake. At five, Andrew came to say that breakfast would be set up buffet style in the family dining room in thirty minutes. When Scott asked how he had arranged that, Andrew explained that, as a large dinner was unlikely, he simply moved one of the tables from the formal dining room until Thursday when the new table arrived.

We had just stood to go eat when we heard Josh shouting. We all went running and when we walked into the room, Jake sat up, looked directly at me, and said, “Nice to see you this morning, Greg.”

Here ends Greg's education. Of course, we know he'll continue to learn, but now it's on-the-job training.
More to come in Book 5: Re-Organizing, though when that will be I can't say.
I don't want to start posting chapters before I have them done. I'd rather you're waiting for the book than waiting for chapters mid-story.
Copyright © 2024 Justin4Fun, masterchief429; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

4 hours ago, Paladin said:

Another amazing chapter and finish to this book. I've commented before that I seem to be one of the few who haven't read the previous version but, I have to add that I'm enjoying this version so much I don't have any desire to check out the old version.

I am also a first time reader and as Paladin says I too have no desire to read the original.  

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A wonderful ending to this part of the story.

Greg has completed his education And Jake can see.

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Where is my happy tears button? 😡😡 you are so in the dog house for pulling my heart strings, you're grounded mister. 

Total side note, am I the only one sitting here wondering how the tour of the house and conversation with Andrew during is gonna go? So many characters so many backstreet 😭😭😭 I must know it all 😭😭😭

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6 hours ago, Al Norris said:

Wonderful ending to this part of the story! Jake not only can see, since he sat up in bed, looks like all the nerve damage is now fixed!!!

I'm not sure if I can wait for you to rework the chapters... I have several questions but I cannot ask them here, without alerting those who haven't read this story to what may be coming (assuming some things were not changed)!

Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma... 🥴

But but I'm immune to spoilers? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 makes me wonder if I should be asking you for answers instead of @Justin4Fun lmfao

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1 hour ago, RainbowPhoenixWI said:

But but I'm immune to spoilers? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 makes me wonder if I should be asking you for answers instead of @Justin4Fun lmfao

I can't give out answers, @RainbowPhoenixWI. @Justin4Fun is not just in revision, he is in rewriting. There is a difference! 😁

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5 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Sounds like the old Baron did not really take care of everyone and everything like I would have expected someone in his position to do so; but I think Greg will fix that, with some help from Scott and Billy.

Consider, if you grew up in the (let's say) 1100s, regardless of how societies have changed, you will still have some or even many of the same characteristics that you had growing up (we are assuming you were changed well into adulthood). While you would be an evil man in human society, in the society of Dracul, it wouldn't be a problem how you treated your vassals.

Whatever powers you had that allowed you to become a Baron, you would retain regardless of how many regenerations you went through. As you aged (and went through the regeneration process), your basic character would likely stay the same.

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3 hours ago, Al Norris said:

I can't give out answers, @RainbowPhoenixWI. @Justin4Fun is not just in revision, he is in rewriting. There is a difference! 😁

Now listen here whippersnapper, you're not too old to take over my knee *tries to hold serious face and fails miserably* 🤣

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21 minutes ago, RainbowPhoenixWI said:

Now listen here whippersnapper, you're not too old to take over my knee *tries to hold serious face and fails miserably* 🤣

That sounds like fun for a Saturday afternoon 😀

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Al Norris

Posted (edited)

31 minutes ago, RainbowPhoenixWI said:

Now listen here whippersnapper, you're not too old to take over my knee *tries to hold serious face and fails miserably* 🤣

@chris191070, at least he didn't say "Young..." Nah, he only wants to get kinky with me! :heart:

If only Australia twern't so dad blamed fer away! 🤣🤣🤣

Edited by Al Norris
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12 hours ago, Al Norris said:

I'm not sure if I can wait for you to rework the chapters... I have several questions but I cannot ask them here, without alerting those who haven't read this story to what may be coming (assuming some things were not changed)!

Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma... 🥴

So much has changed I can't promise that ANYTHING from the original will end up in this version. I do appreciate the lack of spoilers though, as they might skew opinions or expectations.

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6 hours ago, RainbowPhoenixWI said:

Where is my happy tears button? 😡😡 you are so in the dog house for pulling my heart strings, you're grounded mister. 

Total side note, am I the only one sitting here wondering how the tour of the house and conversation with Andrew during is gonna go? So many characters so many backstreet 😭😭😭 I must know it all 😭😭😭

I'm not wondering at all...

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5 hours ago, Al Norris said:

Consider, if you grew up in the (let's say) 1100s, regardless of how societies have changed, you will still have some or even many of the same characteristics that you had growing up (we are assuming you were changed well into adulthood). While you would be an evil man in human society, in the society of Dracul, it wouldn't be a problem how you treated your vassals.

Whatever powers you had that allowed you to become a Baron, you would retain regardless of how many regenerations you went through. As you aged (and went through the regeneration process), your basic character would likely stay the same.

Along these same lines, as recently as 150 years ago, a girl of 12 being married off wasn't rare, so the Baron's proclivities weren't unheard of. This is why Dracul law is what it is, as a vampire at 4 is roughly a human of 12. Granted, as there is NO age limit, it can get ugly. 

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Like all the others we await here with bated breath and caseloads of impatience...I have on good authority, (CIA, MI5, and the SVR) that the following Foto is of your desk...may suggest a match or one of those firms that deal with organizing your stuff???

Tell me please that isn't a Fisher Price 186 you are using for a PC???

ORGANIZATION - Very Demotivational - Demotivational Posters | Very ...

Thanks, your hard work is appreciated...

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15 minutes ago, Justin4Fun said:

And Betty White didn't die, she renewed. (Don't tell anyone, it's a secret!)

And here's the proof!!!

20 of the Funniest Betty White Memes - Next Luxury

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7 hours ago, Al Norris said:

Consider, if you grew up in the (let's say) 1100s, regardless of how societies have changed, you will still have some or even many of the same characteristics that you had growing up (we are assuming you were changed well into adulthood). While you would be an evil man in human society, in the society of Dracul, it wouldn't be a problem how you treated your vassals.

Whatever powers you had that allowed you to become a Baron, you would retain regardless of how many regenerations you went through. As you aged (and went through the regeneration process), your basic character would likely stay the same.

Noblesse Oblige above all...

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2 hours ago, Justin4Fun said:

My desk isn't that organized. And no, my computer is a Commodore 64, thank you!

Pong anyone???

The Inside Story of 'Pong' and Nolan Bushnell’s Early Days at Atari | WIRED

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12 hours ago, Al Norris said:

@chris191070, at least he didn't say "Young..." Nah, he only wants to get kinky with me! :heart:

If only Australia twern't so dad blamed fer away! 🤣🤣🤣

I ain't visiting neither, way too many things that can kill you down there. I'll stay in my safe little northwoods where the most deadly thing is a toss up between a gardner snake or a black bear. Knowing my luck I'd survive a kangaroo to get taken out by a koala ..... then again there is better shark diving there ...

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18 minutes ago, RainbowPhoenixWI said:

Knowing my luck I'd survive a kangaroo to get taken out by a koala ..... then again there is better shark diving there ...

I don't know @RainbowPhoenixWI, but according to a story I read, those red roos are deadly, especially when they get in large groups. One time, when they left a small town, no one was left alive.

If you haven't read Circumnavigation, you should. You'll learn all about them red roos!

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