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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Love Of Family (2024 Revision) - 3. Brandon Meets Levie

On the way home, Greg remembered he needed to get some things for the dinner he’d planned for them. He quickly called Brandon and told him to go on to the house while he stopped at Kroger.

Thirty-one-year-old Maddox Barksley sat in his truck outside the grocery store and got lost in his thoughts. He spent over a decade in prison and was released a few months ago.

The ex-con accessed a savings account opened before his imprisonment and withdrew some funds to change his name, get plastic surgery, and colored contact lenses. Now that he was back in town, the only thing on his mind was getting revenge on the men responsible for his incarceration by terrorizing and killing Jaycen and Troy Stillman. He was giddy and got turned on by the almost euphoric idea of making one watch as he fucked and sliced into the other one.

Maddox was a dangerous man, and all that time in jail taught him to be methodical, calculating, and patient. He lived for the thrill of the hunt. His mouth salivated over the psychological damage that could be inflicted on the couple by causing various problems and creating dangerous and hopefully life-threatening situations. His three-inch, minuscule, pencil-thin appendage got hard from all the thoughts of having his way with the men, and when he wasn’t working, he stalked his chosen targets and learned their habits.

An evil sneer came across the man’s face as his dark, hollow eyes zeroed in on the raven-haired kid getting out of his blue/purple Toyota pickup. I wasn’t expecting this, what luck, he thought. Despite not being interested in the two younger boys, he still wanted to know their habits and figure out if they’d be helpful in his conquest. He’d already concluded the young redhead Levie would be best as a last resort target. Barksley knew how fiercely protective the two older men were of him. It’d be suicide to go after Levie too soon. However, the dark-haired one dating Levie might be a better first target. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair, left his Nineteen-Eighty-Five, dusty, grey Ford F-150, and followed his quarry into Kroger.

Greg was so preoccupied with Levie moving in for the week that he was oblivious to his surroundings, so he never noticed the blonde man following him in and out of every aisle, even when the guy was close enough to touch. He quickly found the items on his list and waited in line at the self-checkout.

A sudden, unsettling shiver ran through his body when he locked eyes with the man behind him, and he wasn’t sure why. There wasn’t anything particularly off or seemingly dangerous about this guy. He was a couple of inches shorter than Greg, maybe around Brandon’s height, with almost white, blonde hair. His outfit was not the cleanest, but it wasn’t dirty either. The red shirt was wrinkled, and the man’s blue jeans were stained. He shrugged his shoulders, chalked it up to the unexplained as he checked his items, paid the bill, and left.

Greg loaded the bags into the Tacoma, placed the cart in a corral, got in his truck, and drove home unaware of the dusty F-150 that followed, just a couple of car lengths behind.

Maddox watched his target pull into the parking lot of the townhouse complex, then turned around and got back on the road. He had forty-five minutes to get to his new job.

The Ford sped down the highway and screeched tires as it barreled onto the exit ramp. He hardly stopped and almost sideswiped another car as he turned left at the stop sign. He turned right and followed the long gravel drive to the ranch’s parking area, where he skidded to stop throwing gravel everywhere and jumped out of the truck.

“Hey Maddox, slow down next time, huh?” The foreman extended his hand to shake Barksley’s.

“Sorry, boss, I thought I was gonna be late and freaked.”

Maddox hid the disgust in his voice because he had to play the good boy until he was ready to strike.

“That’s fine, just don’t come barreling in next time it’s too easy to lose control of your vehicle.”

“Sure thing, Bill. Just put me where ya need me.”


The Golden Eagle soared along the highway, and before long, the redhead was about five minutes away from his exit. Levie knew this area was heavily patrolled by the State Police, Sheriff Rusty Jackson, and the Deputies, so he kept an eye on the speedometer. Rusty and his top Deputy, Leon Wallace, attended school with Troy and Jaycen, and they were honorary brothers to all the Stillman boys. He deputized Jaycen and Troy and kept them on reserve status, and when he needed extra men, they were the first ones he contacted.

Forest City was in the middle of Augusta County and wasn’t particularly big. A person could walk from one end of the city to the other end in about four to five hours. However, it was expanding and getting more populated.

Dr. Stuart Blankenship worked at the city’s medical center. Stuart was one of Mark and Stacy’s best friends, and he delivered just about half the younger generation in the county, including Jaycen, Troy, and Levie, and was their honorary Uncle. Another family friend and honorary Uncle was Damian Montgomery, the real estate agent Levie helped.

The town maintained a healthy balance between the major stores and restaurants and the local mom-and-pop establishments, and there was a small police station beside the modest courthouse.

Levie reduced his speed, put on his turn signal, checked that no one was in his blind spot or too close behind him, and then merged with the flowing traffic.

After finishing the transaction at the bank and learning his Pap-Paw was with a client, Levie left the building and got into his jeep. He texted his Pap-Paw to say he was sorry they missed each other and loved him and his Mam-Maw, then tossed his phone in the passenger seat, carefully backed out, and left the parking lot. He turned left onto Barksdale Avenue and followed the two-lane road for about one mile, then turned right and entered the parking lot of his boyfriend’s townhouse complex.

Levie parked beside Greg’s pickup and shut the jeep down. The next few days were supposed to be dry and mild, so he’d left the Golden Eagle’s doors and top at the ranch. He stepped down from the vehicle, stretched, and attached the lock bar to the steering wheel column, then reached under the passenger seat for his holster and lockbox. He opened the glove box and retrieved his Glock, seventeen nine-millimeter pistol. Levie then checked the safety button, removed the ammo clip, holstered the weapon, placed the three items in the box, and locked it. He gathered his crossbow and arrows from under the passenger seat, walked up to the townhouse door, set his things on the step, rang the doorbell, and waited with a big smile.

The townhouse Greg lived in was a two-story unit. The first story was spacious and airy, with creamy light beige walls and open-concept living, dining, and kitchen areas. Light-colored hardwood flooring throughout the first and second floors, an L-shaped sofa, and a rectangular glass-top table separated the living and dining areas. A closet, a modest laundry room, and a half-bath were also on the first floor. Three bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, a linen closet, and a third full-size bath, were on the second story.

“Bran,” Greg hollered from the Master suite. “Was that the doorbell?”

Brandon was in the kitchen and checked the monitor for the security cameras mounted over the front and back entryways. “Yeah, it was, Bro,” he responded. “There’s this really, adorably cute redhead at the front door, and since he’s got a suitcase and a crossbow with arrows, I’m guessing it’s Levie.”

“Umm, are ya gonna let my angel in or continue stating the obvious? I’m getting the bed made up.”

“You’re lucky I love you, and that you're upstairs, ya’ big dope.”

Brandon snickered, then said, “C’mon in,” as he opened the door and stood behind it.

Levie opened the screen door and set his things inside. He was about to close the wooden door when someone grabbed him from behind, got him in a chokehold, and pulled him backward against their firm chest.

“Don’t move. At least, not until I make sure you’re good enough for my brother.”

Levie grinned as he grasped the other man’s wrist and squeezed the tendons. His assailant yelped before loosening his grip. He repositioned his footing, used the slightly taller man’s leverage against him, and flipped him over his shoulder. Before the blonde guy could make another move, he pinned his captor to the floor face down and straddled his waist with one arm pulled behind his back.

Brandon’s mind was still trying to process how he went from trapping Greg’s boyfriend in a chokehold to being the writhing, thrashing mass of limbs on the floor. No matter how he struggled and tried, he couldn’t get the giggling redhead off him.

“Say, Uncle,” Levie said as he giggled and tightened his hold on the former attacker.

“Greg! Help,” Brandon hollered.

The effort to try and escape continued as the squirming man’s legs slid back and forth while the tops of his sock-clad feet kicked and tried to find some form of traction.

Greg came running out of the bedroom, down the stairs and was doubled over with laughter when he saw what happened. He shook his head and decided to get in on the fun. With a devious smirk, he used one hand to tickle Levie’s open armpit, and at the same time, he tickled Brandon’s ribs with the other hand.

The young men shrieked and protested the tickle attack as they laughed like crazy. Levie rolled onto the floor and pulled his arm down, attempting to protect his ticklish spot. Brandon curled in the fetal position, and his body jerked and squirmed.

“Uncle! Uncle!” Brandon and Levie hollered in unison.

Once the tickling ceased, the pair worked together to pull their tickler to the floor, held him down, and Brandon tickled his brother’s feet while Levie focused on his upper body. The tickle-induced high-pitched, boisterous screeches and wild laughter bounced off the floor and walls of the townhouse. Greg’s body wriggled and thrashed in his brother’s and boyfriend’s inescapable grip. He yelled out his surrender after enduring close to five minutes of tickling.

“I really should’ve put more thought into getting you two together,” Greg muttered.

Levie and Brandon introduced themselves as they high-fived each other, then giggled and said, “We love you, Greg.”

As soon as he was on his feet, Levie helped the guys stand. He gave Brandon his signature hug and a kiss on his cheek before giving Greg the same show of affection.

“So, How’d I do? Am I good enough for Greg,” Levie asked with a nervous smile.

“You’ve passed,” Brandon said. He laid his head on Levie’s shoulder, gave the redhead his best love-filled hug, and kissed the shorter man’s cheek, and couldn’t believe the love and sincerity he felt coming from the guy in his arms. “For now,” he stated, then paused again as the three men shared a chuckle. “Greg was right. You do give amazing hugs. I’m happy to meet you, and I hope we can be best friends and brothers.”

Levie gasped as tears of joy dripped down his cheeks. He felt calm and at peace. “Your hugs are just as awesome, Bran, and you have a very comforting feel. I’ve only felt this protected in my Bropops’ and Greg’s arms.” He paused and laid his head against the warm chest. “I’m glad to meet Ya too... I love you, Brandon. Thank you for accepting me. I promise to do my best not to let you, Greg, or your family down and to make you all proud to be part of the Stillman family. Is it okay if I call you Bran? I’ve heard Greg call you that and loved it.”

Brandon’s tears fell as the desire to love and protect Levie flowed through his veins. He lovingly stroked Levie’s red locks and looked up at Greg. He could see the tears and felt the love for him and Levie shining in his brother’s eyes as they shared a quick nod and smile.

“Of course, you won’t let us down, Bro, and I love you as much as or more. Also, Bran is perfect as long as I may call you Lev.”

Greg wrapped his arms around both his brother and boyfriend. The love pouring from them created an incredible experience for the brunette, and with tears streaking his face, he said, “I love both of you more than I could ever verbally express.” He sighed as Brandon and Levie melted into his protective embrace and voiced their love for him.

Greg went to the kitchen to get them each a bottle of Bud Lite, then sat on the sofa beside Levie while Brandon sat on the other side of his red-haired boyfriend. The three of them fell into a relaxed conversation, and the rest of the afternoon was spent with Brandon and Levie getting to know each other.

Brandon’s curiosity got the best of him. “Lev, I don’t mean to pry,” he said and cocked his head to the side, and asked, “What’s in the box, and why do you have a crossbow and arrows?”

Levie chuckled and said, “Bran, your expression is too adorable. Being gay and an owner of a ranch, I’ve gotten used to being prepared for just about anything.” With a serious expression, he addressed the other men. “Greg, Bran, I need to ask you two something before I show you what’s in the box and strapped to my leg.” His statement brought a solemn look and demeanor to the siblings’ appearance as they shared a glance and then gave him their undivided attention. Levie continued, “Are you guys comfortable around firearms?”

“Mama Linda and Papa Tom have guns around the house, and they carry them on their person,” Greg responded.

Levie smiled as he lifted the leg of his jeans, unstrapped his knife, and set it on the coffee table. Next, he opened the box and removed the Glock and ammo. He looked over at the brothers and burst out laughing at their expressions.

“Holy fuckin’ crap, I’m dating baby Rambo.” Greg looked at the gun, the knife, and then over at the crossbow.

“You were armed this whole time, and you still let me grab you? Fuck, Bro, you’re a freakin’ badass.” Brandon reached over and picked up the knife.

“Be careful with that knife, Bran, it’s razor-sharp.”

“Would you teach us to use the bow and arrows and refresh us on gun safety, ” Brandon asked.

“As long as your parents don’t mind. Is that what you want, baby,” Levie asked as he leaned over and kissed his boyfriend.

“They’d be fine with that, and I’d love to have you teach me and Bran.”

Levie put the gun and ammo back in the lockbox, then got up and placed the box, the crossbow, and arrows in the closet. When he returned, the three of them continued to chat and enjoy the afternoon.

One thing I didn't like about the previous revision was that Levie came off as bragging about his accomplishments, and his dialog became redundant. So, I got to fix it and feel like his interaction with Brandon and Greg turned out the way I'd always envisioned.
Copyright © 2024 Ticklishboy30; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Posted (edited)

Lev, Greg and Brandon met and got along wonderfully. It turns out Lev is well able to handle himself phyically  plus he is armed and had a gun and crossbow. He is surprising and will not seem so capable to others. They all will need protection.

Unknown to them, they have an enemy who wants to torture. fuck and kill them. Maddox, now out of prison, wants revenge on Jaycen and Troy and those they love. Maddox has a new face thanks to plastic surgery and is hired on as a ranch hand to be close to his targets.

This is a scary situation. I hope he underestimates Lev and is handled well by him 

Edited by akascrubber
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Maddox is out to cause problems for our boys.

Plenty of family love and tickles, when Lev, Greg and Brandon got together.

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20 minutes ago, akascrubber said:

Lev, Greg and Brandom met and got along wonderfully. It turns out Lev is well able to handle himself phyically  plus he is armed and had a gun and crossbox. He is surprising and will not seem so capable to others. They all will need protection.

Unknown to them, they have an enemy who wants to torture. fuck and kill them. Maddox, now out of prison, wants revenge on Jaycen and Troy and those they love. Maddox has a new face thanks to plastic surgery and is hired on as a ranch hand to be close to his targets.

This is a scary situation. I hope he underestimates Lev and is handled well by him 


12 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

Maddox is out to cause problems for our boys.

Plenty of family love and tickles, when Lev, Greg and Brandon got together.

@akascrubber @chris191070 I love the assessments. I was hoping to make Maddox even more creepy and devious than before. As well as giving some insight into his motivation without giving away too much. Hehe 

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Maddox s a threat but my money is on Baby Rambo and the Daddies!

Great  revisions Tickles!

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5 minutes ago, Greg said:

Maddox s a threat but my money is on Baby Rambo and the Daddies!

Great  revisions Tickles!

Ahh, but what's he gonna do to them in the meantime? :gikkle:

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Who is Maddox Barksley and how did Jaycen and Troy put him away?  Was it while being reserve deputies or did they testify against him; we need the back story on this pronto.  LOL

Love the Baby Rambo reference and seems to be accurate.  Have no issues with reasonable firearms as long as someone is trained to use and care for them properly.  

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So we move to a threat to the family by someone disguised, devious and deadly. The family are capable of defending each other but will they recognize the danger in time? The boys are so much fun together.

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9 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Who is Maddox Barksley and how did Jaycen and Troy put him away?  Was it while being reserve deputies or did they testify against him; we need the back story on this pronto.  LOL

Love the Baby Rambo reference and seems to be accurate.  Have no issues with reasonable firearms as long as someone is trained to use and care for them properly.  

Yeah, the Baby Rambo moniker is something that's floated between a couple of stories. I've just felt that was the perfect nickname for my boys when they have to get physical and defend themselves. 

One thing that's always gotten on my nerves was in my youth gay men were characterized as either being really feninine, or closeted assholes, and I always said to myself if I create a gay male character they're gonna be playful, strong, sensitive, and comfortable with themselves. (I'm 45 now, so yeah Ive got the years under my belt to honestly make that statement. LOL) 

I love your comments, @centexhairysub

Edited by Ticklishboy30
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5 hours ago, Paladin said:

So we move to a threat to the family by someone disguised, devious and deadly. The family are capable of defending each other but will they recognize the danger in time? The boys are so much fun together.

@Paladin Levie is very special. He and Mikey from "A Ticklish Thriller" are actually my faves of the characters that I've created. 

Yeah, I'm wondering where this revision will take me. I'm hoping to incorporate some things from my original vision into this one. 

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As a non-American I find the "normality" of the average person possessing guns really disturbing, although with characters like Maddox Barksley lurking nearby the guns/knives/crossbow and arrows will likely come in handy.

On 4/19/2024 at 8:54 PM, Ticklishboy30 said:

One thing that's always gotten on my nerves was in my youth gay men were characterized as either being really feninine, or closeted assholes, and I always said to myself if I create a gay male character they're gonna be playful, strong, sensitive, and comfortable with themselves. (I'm 45 now, so yeah Ive got the years under my belt to honestly make that statement. LOL) 

This comment brought to mind the film The Living End from 1992, one which I saw and was very impressed with. Luke, one of the characters in the film, shoots a homophobic cop without batting an eyelid, and whilst it was shocking, I recall feeling "proud" that this character, who was quite small in stature, stood up for himself against a bully who thought it was OK to ridicule him for being gay.

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