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Love Of Family (2024 Revision) - 5. From Bad To Worse

This time, no one's gonna find me under the covers of the bed. :gikkle:

Jaycen and Bill were working in the barn. The younger of the pair was almost done mucking out the stalls when suddenly, a sickening, wrenching feeling in his gut made him drop the pitchfork and fall to his knees. His arms wrapped around his stomach as the redhead’s body visibly shook, and he rocked back and forth, groaning.

Bill was replacing the aging hinges and door locks before they completely broke. When he heard the groans and saw Jaycen’s distressed condition, the man dropped his tools and ran to his beloved employer and friend.

After about thirty seconds, he slowly lifted his head and blinked his tear-filled eyes. “Troy is hurt,” Jaycen whispered before breaking down and wrapping his arms around Bill’s neck and his head resting on the man’s strong, broad shoulder.

“We’ll find him, Jayce,” Bill said as he pulled his honorary son into a loving, fatherly embrace.

The fifty-year-old was unfazed by what he saw and heard. Through the years, there were times when family members and those who worked on the ranch witnessed the powerful, unbreakable bond and love between Jaycen and Troy, and the shared connection let one of them know when the other one was in distress or had a need without them physically being together. They looked up when one of the employees ran into the stable, saying the horse Troy was riding returned without him.

Jaycen’s heart was beating so hard and fast that he thought it would break through the skin and fall to the ground. However, somehow, he found the courage and strength to fight through the crushing fear as he willed himself to be strong for Troy while tears stained his cheeks.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, then tried twice to talk, and on the third attempt, he successfully gave voice to the question on his mind. “Do you know what trail he took?”

Seeing his usually active and playful boss in such an emotional state tore at Adrian Banks’ heart. “I’m not sure,” the dark-haired worker replied, “the mare came from the direction where Johnson and Maddox were working.” He watched Jaycen’s internal battle with all the devastating turmoil. He also saw the love for his husband and the pain and worry in his eyes. It was then he realized just how strong the ranch owner really was, and that strengthened the respect, love, and pride he felt for the family he worked for.

“Is Johnson back,” Bill asked.

“Yes, Bill. He returned shortly before the mare.”

“Rian, would you please go ask Johnson to come here?”

“You got it, Jayce,” Adrian said. He walked up to his red-haired employer and warmly embraced him. “Thank you for always putting people ahead of profit or anything materialistic. You make me proud to be part of and work for the family.”

Jaycen gasped at the statement as he returned the affection. “Thank you for speaking what’s in your heart, Rian. It means a lot.”

Adrian dried his tears, then ran off to find Burt Johnson.

“How can I help, Jayce,” Burt said as he entered the barn.

“About where were you and Maddox working,” Jaycen asked as he returned the love-filled hug he received from the salt-and-pepper-haired man.

“At the back end of the western part of the ranch, on the edge of the forest.”

Jaycen thought a moment before saying, “Okay, that gives us an idea of where we need to start looking, Bill. Meanwhile, Burt, you and Maddox get two more guys and start searching the trails.”

“Umm, I would, Jayce, but I haven’t seen Maddox since I left him where we were working.”

“No problem, maybe we’ll run into him while searching. I still want you to get two guys and search the trails.”

Burt nodded, then ran to start the search for Troy.

“I’m gonna go get the guys who’ll be searching with us,” Bill said. He gave his honorary son another hug before leaving the barn.

Jaycen was about to get Sampson, his white Camarillo Stallion, saddled up and ready to ride when Triton walked up to him, shook his head, and walked over to the saddles. He smiled and prepared his equine grandson. When the blue roan was ready, he hugged the horse and whispered, “C’mon, boy, let’s go find Pap-Paw Troy.” He held on tight as the steed reared up on his hind legs and whinnied before taking off at full speed to find their lost loved one.

Troy’s toned, muscle-defined body lay face down on the ground, his firm asscheeks clearly defined by the slim-fit light blue Wranglers that clung to his waist and lower body. Maddox slowly circled the defenseless, vulnerable man like a vulture, and he became more excited by the second because he finally had this beautiful guy who’d captured his attention back in high school. Barksley’s mind traveled back in time to the day he thought his fantasies about molesting and fucking Troy Moore would come true. The only difference between then and now was they were older, and Troy wasn’t naked like he was when he banged the brown-haired boy’s head against the wall during their struggle in the shower of the boys’ locker room after the team’s championship swim meet.

His pasty tongue slid across the thin, chapped lips as his devious smile bared the yellowing, rotting teeth he had left in his mouth. His three-inch pencil-thin manhood hardened and was barely visible through the Swiss cheese-like underwear and jeans he wore. There’s no Jaycen to come and ruin our time together this time, you sexy bastard. His thought referred back to the day in high school when the red-haired jock burst into the showers and beat the crap out of him before his dick could even touch his long-sought prize. Maddox stood, unbuttoned the jeans, and was about to unzip them when he heard Jaycen’s voice echoing through the trees and at least one horse’s beating hooves. What the fuck? Every Goddamned time, that cocksucker shows up to ruin my perfect moment. He quickly buttoned his jeans and ran further into the woods, hiding behind the thick bushes.

The second Triton saw Troy’s body, he rushed over to his fallen Pap-Paw, nuzzling the man’s cheek while Jaycen dismounted and called for a rolling cart.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he lightly stroked his husband’s hair, then leaned down to kiss the side of his head. “Don’t worry, Baby, you’re safe now,” he whispered.

Jaycen didn’t attempt to move Troy’s body until the guys came with the flatbed cart. When they arrived, four of them carefully lifted the brunette onto the padded bed, and Jaycen hooked it to Triton.

Jaycen patted the stallion and said, “I know you’re gonna be extra careful with your Pap-Paw. Aren’t ya, baby boy,” he smiled when the equine nodded, hugged him, and nuzzled his cheek.


The young men had been driving for about twenty minutes, and the sun began to set as the CJ7 coasted along the almost deserted highway. The red and blonde-haired duo remained silent, lost in their thoughts as the scenic mountains, family-owned farms, and some well-cared-for homes with their manicured lawns and beautiful landscapes passed by. At one point, Brandon placed his hand on Levie’s and gently rubbed the top of the redhead’s hand. Levie smiled as he quickly glanced at him. Another few minutes passed before Brandon broke the silence.

“Wanna talk about it?”

Levie blinked his eyes and hurriedly wiped the tears from them before his vision blurred. He looked down and noticed the gas needle was closer to empty than he was ever comfortable with.

“Yeah, but I wanna get my baby filled up first.”

The Golden Eagle glided into the parking lot of Beaver Dam store and Deli and nested in front of the two-sided four-tank gas pump. Levie had passed the establishment almost all his life but never had the need to stop there before because it was about ten minutes away from the ranch. After quenching the vehicle’s thirst, Levie walked inside, bought two twenty-ounce Pepsi’s, and paid for the gas.

“Thanks, bro,” Brandon said when he was handed the refreshing cold soda.

The guys walked over to a grassy spot at the edge of the pavement, sat down, and watched the brilliantly colored sunset.

“Where do you want me to start,” Levie asked.

“Umm, the beginning usually works, especially since we’re already in the middle part of the story,” Brandon grunted and squirmed when his comment earned him a chokehold and a noogie. “Hey, no fair, I’m gonna tell Greg on you,” he whined.

Levie shook his head and giggled. “You’re too adorable, he said and embraced his travel companion.

Brandon sighed and relaxed in the comfort of the other man’s loving gesture.

“Our parents died six months after giving my Bropops full custody of me. About six months shy of a year later, your Mom was the social worker who came to investigate a claim of child abuse brought to social services by one of my teachers when I was either ten or eleven. I remember your Mom asking my Bropops and me questions and showing up quite a few times unannounced. However, she was respectful, incredibly thorough, and professional. At least, I thought so until the end of the investigation when we went to court.”

“What happened in court?”

“Well, during the investigation, it was discovered that the claim was false, and the teacher was trying to get revenge on Troy and Jaycen because they didn’t take an interest in her, and she didn’t believe that any man was gay or something stupid like that. Even though the claim was fraudulent, and she found no signs or evidence of any abuse, your Mom still recommended the judge place me with a straight couple and that Jaycen and Troy shouldn’t have contact with me until I turned eighteen.”

Brandon’s mind was in turmoil because the woman Levie described wasn’t reconciling with the woman he knew to be his Mom, and part of his brain even entertained the notion that it was someone else who looked like his Mom, but that thought was quickly discarded.

Both men were silent while digesting their thoughts and emotions and drying their tears.

“I don’t want to, and it’ll break my heart, but I might break up with Greg. I can’t make him choose between me and his Mom,” Levie said between his soft sobs.

Brandon’s eyes narrowed, then quickly pinned Levie’s arms and straddled his waist. He tightened his grip to keep the redhead from escaping. “You listen to me, Levie Stillman,” he growled. “Don’t you ever say you’re gonna break up with my brother just because of some past issues with our Mom. We love our parents, but we don’t live our lives for them or let them have any choice in who we love. We seek their opinion and guidance, but the decisions fall on us, and that’s how Mom and Dad raised me and Greg.”

Levie stopped trying to escape and closed his eyes as tears dripped down his reddened cheeks. “I don’t want to cause anyone any more pain than what’s already been felt.”

Brandon got off his newly acquired buddy and sat beside him. He opened his legs and motioned for the other man to sit between them. Levie moved in front of the blonde male. He leaned back against the warm chest, then sighed when the slightly taller man’s arms wrapped around him, and his chin rested on his shoulders as they gently rocked back and forth.

“Levie, when we talked on the phone, I knew you were most likely the one for my brother, and when we met, bro, I was hooked. The love that comes from your heart is honest, pure, and comforting. Know this, Levie, if the relationship fails due to the inability to get along or some other reason, that’s one thing. However, I swear, I’m gonna kick your adorable red-haired ass if you continue with the idiotic reasoning you’re disguising as rational thought.”

Levie tilted his head to gaze into the blonde’s sparkly hazel-colored eyes and smirked. “You know that I could easily kick your ass, don’cha,” he asked.

Brandon giggled as he nodded, then wrapped his arm around the red-haired boy’s neck and gave him a decent noogie. “Good thing I know you’re weakness,” he said a second before tickling his victim’s left side, just under the ribcage.

Levie’s eyes squeezed shut, “Not fair, Bran,” he squealed before the flood of boyish giggles flowed past his lips. His body wriggled and squirmed side to side while unsuccessfully attempting to dislodge the fingers from his tickle spot. “Fine, I give... You win... I’m not breaking up with Greg,” he yelled out after about two minutes of nonstop tickling.

Brandon grinned as he lovingly embraced Levie and kissed the side of his head. “That’s better. I know we just met, but Lev, I already love you and have accepted you as my brother.”

Levie smiled and kissed the top of Brandon’s hand. “I love you too, Bran, and feel exactly the same about you.”

A minute or two of comfortable silence passed before a slow-moving car with no headlights pulling into the lot momentarily caught Levie’s attention.

“Can you forgive Mom if she asks for it?”

Levie closed his eyes and sighed.

“Before you answer, I want to put this out there,” Brandon paused and lightly swept the red bangs out of his brother’s eyes. “Greg told me that you’ve got the biggest, most loving heart and soul, and wouldn’t ya know, he’s right. Despite being a flawed line of thought, your first instinct was to try causing the least amount of pain and disruption to our family, even at the expense of your own heart being broken. That speaks volumes to me about the strength of your character. I also know my brother feels that you’re the one, the only one for him.”

“I feel the same for Greg,” Levie softly admitted.

Brandon smiled. “So, I’ll ask you again. Can you forgive Linda?”

“Yes, I can forgive Linda. I’d never hold the past against her. That being said, it might take a bit more work on both our parts to get past the hurt and fear I felt about being taken from the men I saw as my Dads and family.”

Brandon stood and helped Levie to his feet. He gave the emotional redhead his most sincere signature hug and kissed his cheek. “That’s all I can ask of you, Lev.”

Levie returned the affection. He was about to say something when he saw a man dressed in black with a ski mask over his head get out of the car, pocket a pistol, walk inside, and flip the sign from open to closed.

“Bran, there’s a robbery happening,” he said as he pulled his phone out and placed it in Brandon’s open palm. “Call Rusty Jackson.”

“The Sheriff?”

“Yes, and if you can’t get him, call Leon Wallace, his Deputy.”

Levie ran to the robber’s car. He reached for his knife and cussed himself when he realized he was completely unarmed. He opened the hood of the vehicle, then ripped out wires, unhooked hoses, and tossed them in different directions.

Brandon got through to Rusty. He told the man about the robbery and where they were and was happy to hear it would only be a few minutes before help arrived.

The robber came running out of the store, heard the sirens, and saw the flashing lights. He wasn’t paying attention and ran into the redhead under the hood of his car. The man growled as they fell to the ground, and he began beating on the young man.

Levie’s lip and nose got bloodied in the struggle. He managed to get his feet positioned under the assailant’s stomach and kicked as hard as he could. The masked man doubled over, and Levie got to his feet.

The cashier came running outside, brandishing a handgun. He squeezed off a shot, intending to shoot the robber, but instead shot Levie. The bullet hit between his shoulder and chest.

Levie gasped and crumpled to the ground. Not even a second passed before Brandon was by his fallen brother’s side, with his shirt pressed against the open wound.

“Levie,” Rusty and Leon yelled in unison as they approached the younger men. Leon called for an ambulance and gently stroked his honorary brother’s hair.

“Are you the man I spoke to,” Rusty asked.

“Yes, sir, I’m Brandon Wilmont. My brother Greg is Lev’s boyfriend.”

“You’ve got awesome reflexes and instincts, Brandon. Keep the pressure on because it’s keeping Lev from bleeding out.”

As soon as the ambulance arrived, Levie was loaded into the vehicle, and Brandon was given the green light to ride with him. When they arrived at the medical center, they rushed inside while Brandon paced back and forth, dialing his brother.

“Hey, Bran,” Greg answered after two rings.

“Bro, Lev’s been shot. He’s at the medical center.”

Exciting, right? :gikkle:
Copyright © 2024 Ticklishboy30; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Troy found safely, before the evil Maddox could harm him. Levie shot trying to stop a robbery.

You better not hurt Levie.

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What a mess--

Luckily the injured Troy was found and Maddox was not able to rape him as he wanted to do. Jaycen and others took Troy away to be treated. Maddox hid so no one knew he was the guy who hurt Troy. We learned Maddox tried to rape Troy years ago  in the showers after a high school swim meet and was stopped by Jaycen. Maddox is a ticking time bomb for both brothers and he will not give up with his devilish plans for them.

Lev and Brandon stop after a drive and get gas. Lev says Linda was a social worker who investigated a false claim of child abuse made by a teacher on his male guardians. While nothing wrong was found, she recommened that the boys be taken away and be placed with a straight couple and have no contact with their male guardians. It was so cruel. Brandon felt this did not sound like the mother he knew. He wanted Lev to talk to her and be open to forgive her. He reluctantly agreed to be open to forgiving her. But, they saw a robbery happening at the gas station. Brandon called the sheriff and Lev want to stop the robber and tried to disable the car. A fight ensued between Lev and the robber when he left the store and  saw Lev messing this his car. Unfortunately Lev was mistakenly shot in the chest by the store worker.

Lev is on the way to the hospital. Will Troy be taken to the same hospital? Everyone might meet and hopefully begin to reconcile as their loved ones recover.

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47 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

You do realise @Ticklishboy30 that you can't run or hide from the tickle crew. We will tickle you with  the feather until you reveal all.


46 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

Troy found safely, before the evil Maddox could harm him. Levie shot trying to stop a robbery.

You better not hurt Levie.


46 minutes ago, akascrubber said:

What a mess--

Luckily the injured Troy was found and Maddox was not able to rape him as he wanted to do. Jaycen and others took Troy away to be treated. Maddox hid so no one knew he was the guy who hurt Troy. We learned Maddox tried to rape Troy years ago  in the showers after a high school swim meet and was stopped by Jaycen. Maddox is a ticking time bomb for both brothers and he will not give up with his devilish plans for them.

Lev and Brandon stop after a drive and get gas. Lev says Linda was a social worker who investigated a false claim of child abuse made by a teacher on his male guardians. While nothing wrong was found, she recommened that the boys be taken away and be placed with a straight couple and have no contact with their male guardians. It was so cruel. Brandon felt this did not sound like the mother he knew. He wanted Lev to talk to her and be open to forgive her. He reluctantly agreed to be open to forgiving her. But, they saw a robbery happening at the gas station. Brandon called the sheriff and Lev want to stop the robber and tried to disable the car. A fight ensued between Lev and the robber when he left the store and  saw Lev messing this his car. Unfortunately Lev was mistakenly shot in the chest by the store worker.

Lev is on the way to the hospital. Will Troy be taken to the same hospital? Everyone might meet and hopefully begin to reconcile as their loved ones recover.

@chris191070 @akascrubber I'm definitely not the one giggling on the bed, protected by my soundproof magic flat sheet of invisibility. That's a totally different ticklishboy. :gikkle:

Now about what happened in the chapter. All I can say is... :whistle: followed by a firm :X and my final statement :yes:

Hehe I love you guys. 

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Okay, there is drama; and then there is soap opera level drama.  Maybe too much drama for me...  

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4 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

Okay, there is drama; and then there is soap opera level drama.  Maybe too much drama for me...  

@centexhairysub You were expecting something different? LOL

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All in one day two family members are attacked; one deliberately and the other accidentally while preventing a robbery. Certainly enough drama for one day, but I expect there will be more. At least the issue between Levie and Linda looks like being resolved.

I hope someone thought to drive Lev's jeep back to the hospital.

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@Paladin Hehe Eh, I guess the Eagle will drive itself home, or maybe Mark or Stacy will get it home from the beyond. LOL 

Yes, I do love my hangers on of cliffs, and creating some drama. It's sooo needed to balance out my sickeningly sweet characters. LMAO! 

Edited by Ticklishboy30
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