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Love Of Family (2024 Revision) - 12. Family Weekend pt. 2

Maddox turned left onto a deserted, woefully neglected dirt road infested with potholes, barely wide enough for a mid-sized sedan to use. Each hole the tires dipped in and out of made his body bounce up and down on the torn bench seat as he struggled to light another cigarette while following the curvy lane deeper into the woods with overgrown, untrimmed tree branches hitting the driver and passenger side doors of his vehicle. The brunette parked outside an old, unkempt, one-bedroom log cabin that would've made a picture-perfect description for any country song about growing up poor in the mountains. He grabbed two ziplock bags, one with Jaycen's name written on it, the other with Troy's, each containing two undershirts and two pairs of underwear, and went inside. He pulled off his boots, turned on a lamp, got a beer from the fridge, and walked into the bedroom. The grotesque man undressed and flopped on the squeaky, brass bed. He began to caress and fondle his stiffening manhood as he deeply inhaled the strong, musky scent from the couple's undershirts, his nose slowly moving left to right, then up and down along the sweat-stained pits. It surprised him that Jaycen's shirt was as fragrant and intoxicating as Troy's. When he put the shirts together, he found the combined aroma so delicious that it only took a few seconds for his thin, slimy watery seed to dribble from his slit.


After dinner, the blended family walked to the pond, sat on the bench and grass, and enjoyed the breathtakingly beautiful display that the peaceful evening's pastel-colored sunset provided.

Greg watched the loving interaction between Levie and his Bropops, and through their strengthening bond, he could feel how safe his mate felt just being around them. The brunette also felt his red-haired boy's heart and soul were torn between living with him and at the ranch with Jaycen, Troy, and Triton. Then, after realizing there was nothing keeping him at the townhouse, he decided to talk to Levie and Brandon about the possibility of the three of them moving to Oakridge. He looked at Jaycen and said, "Jaycepop."

"Yeah, Greg?"

"At the hospital, you started to tell us how you and Troy raised Levie from infancy but never got to the actual story."

"Come to think of it, you guys never told me the whole story either," Levie said. as he crawled over and made himself comfortable between Troy's legs.

The four parents chuckled when Greg sat between Jaycen's legs, and Brandon got comfortable at his brothers' feet.

Jaycen's eyes sparkled in the dusk's waning light as he smiled. He leaned over and kissed his husband's and Levie's cheeks. Linda and Tom held hands, knowing exactly how the younger man felt because they felt the same love for and pride in their two boys.

"Mama Stacy and Papa Mark were two very loving and protective parents," Troy said. "They took my parents in, gave them a home, and helped them become successful pillars of the community. They cared for me so that Mom and Dad could devote their time to getting a college education and didn't worry about trying to make ends meet."

Jaycen continued for his mate.

"Mama was diagnosed with cancer and had fibromyalgia when Lev was conceived, and Dad was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. The doctors told them that giving birth was very risky and that with the drugs and chemo, there was a greater chance of complications with the birth. Thank Goddess, the cancer went into remission because Mama went off the chemo and drugs, and the pain almost killed her. Dad's CFS was so bad at times that there were days he barely had the energy to talk and couldn't get out of bed."

Jaycen had to stop and take a breath because he became so emotional. He smiled and patted Linda's hand when she passed him a Kleenex and hugged him. Troy, Levie, Tom, Greg, and Brandon were also wiping tears from their eyes.

Troy took over for Jaycen.

"Mom and Dad helped out when and where they could. Then, eight and a half months later, this amazingly adorable little red-haired, green-eyed boy was born. Although Jaycen and I were already in love with him. As unbelievable as it sounds, when he was in the nursery with the other babies, the moment he locked eyes with us, our hearts and souls told us that this was our boy."

Jaycen lightly smoothed Greg's hair and wrapped his arms around the brunette while Troy did the same with Levie. Brandon sighed when his brothers lovingly stroked his arms.

"Troy, if you and your parents didn't live in the farmhouse, how did you two handle the midnight feedings and diaper changes every night," Linda asked.

Chuckling, Jaycen and Troy held hands and shared a quick kiss.

"We used our allowances to buy walkie-talkies and an extra set of baby monitors," Troy said.

"We'd turn the ones off in our parents' bedrooms in the farmhouse and the cottage beside it where Troy, Mama Ev, and Papa Lyle lived and we took turns taking care of Lev," Jaycen continued.

"It also helped that pretty much every night we slept in the same bed," Troy added. "Since we lived next to each other, we lived as one blended family unit."

"Wait, didn't that make you two tired and hard to get through a school day," Tom asked.

"Of course, it did," Troy and Jaycen answered, "but caring for Levie was totally worth any physical exhaustion we experienced," Troy said, "and we'd do it again if he needed it because Lev's always been the beautiful boy that Mom and Dad shared with us," Jaycen stated, finishing the tag-teamed response.


Later that night, the three young men relaxed in the king-size bed. Levie's and Greg's light tickles kept Brandon boyishly giggling while his squirming body was sandwiched between them.


"Yeah, Greg," Brandon and Levie answered.

"Tonight, at the pond, I had an idea that I wanted to run by the two of you."

"What's up, babe?"

Levie and Brandon switched places so that Levie could touch and kiss his boyfriend.

"Lev, almost every time you've been here, you've had a bad nightmare. I think it's because of separation anxiety from Triton. I asked Troy about it, and he told me that you occasionally have them and that they started after you saved him."

Levie started to say something, but Brandon and Greg gently laid their hands on his as they kissed his cheeks.

"Babe, through our bond, I felt how safe and calm you were, and that's because the Bropops were with us. Except for the mortgage, I'm not attached to this townhouse, so I wondered if you and Bran might be open to the three of us living at Oakridge."

Greg giggled when he saw the looks on his boyfriend's and brother's faces.

"What are ya gonna do about the mortgage if we move," Brandon asked.

"Well, I figured I'd ask Lev's Uncle Damien to suggest a reputable rental company that could handle finding a suitable renter. That way, I can keep this place and have the additional income."

"You're not giving this idea consideration just because of me, are you," Levie asked.

"No way, my sweet Prince. As much as I love you, I know that making any decision based solely on making you happy might cause problems in the future from possible resentment. Levie Michael, I'm not letting that ever happen if I can help it."

"Since I already broke the rental agreement on my apartment because I thought we'd be moving to Tennessee with Mom and Dad, I've got nothing keeping me here either." Brandon smiled and said, "Besides Greg, you've always wanted to live in the country on some acreage."

Levie chuckled. "And I think there's about two hundred acres between the ranch and Oakridge." He snapped his fingers and sat up.

"What's up, Bro?"

"Since you're starting on Monday, and Greg's brought up the idea of moving to Oakridge, we can spend a few nights at the ranch. It'll give you guys a taste of life in the country."

"That's a great idea, Lev," Greg and Brandon said.

"We can talk with Mom, Dad, and the Bropops tomorrow about the possibility of moving to the ranch and renting the townhouse," Brandon added.

"Yeah, they've probably got some helpful suggestions and know people who can assist us," Greg offered.

Levie and Brandon smiled as they climbed on the unsuspecting brunette, pinning him to the mattress.

"C'mon, you two, it's sleepy time," Greg protested while giggling and squirming. He squealed when Levie's fingers scribbled over his vulnerable bare soles as the grinning redhead gently nibbled every one of his plump olive-like toes. "Lev, you're sooo gonna get it when you're all healed."

Brandon giggled, pulled his brother's arms over his head, and tickled the exposed, damp, hairy pit hollows.

"Bran," Greg hollered amidst the howling laughter. He pulled his arms down, but all that accomplished was trapping the tickling fingers in his very ticklish hollows. His back arched, and his legs moved back and forth, trying to get from under his giggly mate.

The tickles ceased after a couple minutes, and after the trio took turns going to pee, Greg moved to the center of the bed, and his playful boyfriend and brother were snuggled on either side of him."


Tom and Linda were in bed, sharing a plate of cheese and crackers with a glass of Merlot.


"Hmm?" Her wordless response was because Linda was chewing a cracker.

Tom chuckled and said, "I'm having second thoughts about the franchise, and I know you are also."

Linda sipped her wine and stroked her husband's cheek. "You're right, Tommy. Since meeting the Stillman family, especially Levie, and seeing how happy our boys are, my heart isn't in the new venture."

"Neither is mine. When we began looking into and planning everything in Tennessee, we thought the boys would be with us and that it would be a family business. Without Greg and Brandon, it's not gonna be what we envisioned. After spending time with Levie, Troy, and Jaycen, seeing how connected they are, and feeling their love extending to our family, Linda, I don't want to leave."

"Well, all we've put in so far is the nonrefundable licensing fee."

"It sounds like we've decided to stay," Tom said, smiling.

"We've got a lot to discuss with the family tomorrow."

"Are you including Jayce, Troy, and Lev?"

"Yeah, I am."


"Troypup, making love to you just gets better and better."

"I know, my sexy redheaded bear, it's the same for me, too."

For two hours, the married couple took turns being tied down spread eagle, making love to each other. Troy licked his lips as he sat on his knees between his mate's legs, tickling the tops of the bare feet and slipping his fingers between the moving toes. Jaycen's eyes squeezed shut, his body bounced up and down, and his back arched as much as the wrist and ankle restraints attached to the bedposts let him while boisterous squeals and high-pitched giggles flowed unobstructed from between his parted lips until Troy released him a few minutes later.

"How's your bruised areas feeling, babe? And don't even think of not being honest, Troy. Don't forget, I know when you're holding things back."

"I'm a bit sore, but it's manageable. I've taken some Advil throughout the day."

Jaycen lovingly and lightly caressed Troy's shoulders and arms. His giggles blended with his mate's as the smaller, toned body shivered and squirmed. "I love you more than anyone other than Lev," he whispered.

Troy got comfortable in the warm embrace. "What about Greg, Bran, Mama Ev, and Papa Lyle," he asked, giggling.

Jaycen chuckled and drilled his index finger into the brunette's deep belly button crevice.

"Oh...Fuck," Troy squealed. "Not my belly button." In seconds, he was laughing like crazy while bucking and writhing. “Uncle!”

Hope everyone enjoys the chapter. I love watching this family bond and blend together.

Thanks for reading, reacting, and commenting.

Love y'all
Copyright © 2024 Ticklishboy30; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Loved the development in this chapter. Family bonding more. The boys moving to the farm and Tom and Linda staying and not moving to Tennessee.

The brooding threat from the vile Maddox brought back to our attention.

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The three boys moving to the ranch will be interesting.  I think they’ll really enjoy being in the country.  They are all growing closer. And a little tickle time thrown in there for fun.

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"Then, eight and a half months later, this amazingly adorable little red-haired, green-eyed boy was born." OMG, this physical description of Levie brought to my mind a little leprechaun. 

If Maddox was not such a vile creature I would not dream of making such an insensitive and bitchy comment, but isn't the following a blatant exaggeration @Ticklishboy30"He began to caress and fondle his stiffening manhood". In chapter 3 the exaggeration first arose with the comment regarding his "three-inch pencil-thin manhood", if nothing else he is guilty of false advertising. Dinky dick with yellowing rotting teeth. Poor man, I almost feel some sympathy for him. Almost. 

Triton will love having the trio to "love on" when they move permanently to the farm. 

Edited by Summerabbacat
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4 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

"Then, eight and a half months later, this amazingly adorable little red-haired, green-eyed boy was born." OMG, this physical description of Levie brought to my mind a little leprechaun. 

If Maddox was not such a vile creature I would not dream of making such an insensitive and bitchy comment, but isn't the following a blatant exaggeration @Ticklishboy30"He began to caress and fondle his stiffening manhood". In chapter 3 the exaggeration first arose with the comment regarding his "three-inch pencil-thin manhood", if nothing else he is guilty of false advertising. Dinky dick with yellowing rotting teeth. Poor man, I almost feel some sympathy for him. Almost. 

Triton will love having the trio to "love on" when they move permanently to the farm. 

@Summerabbacat I'm having a lot of fun recreating Maddox, it's going outside my comfort zone and challenging me to figure out what his next move is as he escalates and becomes bolder. I've been watching a lot of L&O SVU. :gikkle:

It's also intriguing that his fixation and obsession is evolving to include a physical attraction to Jaycen, and not just Troy. 

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3 minutes ago, Ticklishboy30 said:

@Summerabbacat I'm having a lot of fun recreating Maddox, it's going outside my comfort zone and challenging me to figure out what his next move is as he escalates and becomes bolder. I've been watching a lot of L&O SVU. :gikkle:

It's also intriguing that his fixation and obsession is evolving to include a physical attraction to Jaycen, and not just Troy. 

Pardon my ignorance @Ticklishboy30 but what is L&O SVU? I assume it is a TV show? I never watch TV so it is likely something I have never heard of.

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12 hours ago, Paladin said:

Loved the development in this chapter. Family bonding more. The boys moving to the farm and Tom and Linda staying and not moving to Tennessee.

The brooding threat from the vile Maddox brought back to our attention.

@Paladin Thanks, I hadn't intended to make the weekend a multi part chapter, it just organically happened that way.

I find it very interesting, and love how it's added a stronger foundation to the story's structure and displayed the two families desire to get to know each other and blend together while maintaining their original beginnings. 

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Just now, Summerabbacat said:

Pardon my ignorance @Ticklishboy30 but what is L&O SVU? I assume it is a TV show? I never watch TV so it is likely something I have never heard of.

@Summerabbacat Law & Order Special Victims Unit. It's a spin off of the original Law & Order series. SVU is in its 25th season. 

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8 minutes ago, Ticklishboy30 said:

@Summerabbacat Law & Order Special Victims Unit. It's a spin off of the original Law & Order series. SVU is in its 25th season. 

That is the one which Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni were in is it not? Given your comment I assume it has been in production for 25 years? I have seen it when I used to watch TV many years ago, and that was a TV show which I enjoyed if I watched it (and Christoper Meloni was hot).

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10 hours ago, VBlew said:

The three boys moving to the ranch will be interesting.  I think they’ll really enjoy being in the country.  They are all growing closer. And a little tickle time thrown in there for fun.

@VBlew Greg, Brandon, and Levie are so much fun to work with. It's exciting seeing them discover new paths on their journey through these formative years where they truly get to spread their wings and make decisions for themselves. 

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21 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

That is the one which Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni were in is it not? Given your comment I assume it has been in production for 25 years? I have seen it when I used to watch TV many years ago, and that was a TV show which I enjoyed if I watched it (and Christoper Meloni was hot).

Yeah, that's the show. I've caught episodes on network TV over the years, and now, thanks to the internet and peacock, I'm watching the show in its entirety. So far I'm on the 12th or 13th season. 

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4 hours ago, chris191070 said:

A great family bonding together, full of love and tickles.  

@chris191070 I'm really enjoying the chance to expand on somethings that I either lost track of or didn't think about with the previous versions.

Like the explanation of how Jaycen and Troy came to take on the responsibility of caring for Levie when their four parents weren't able to. It's always been a bit difficult to fully explain the situation in a way that didn't make Mark, Stacy, Lyle, or Ev'lynn seem like neglectful or absent parents when they werent. One pair was older and in poor health, the other pair were working hard to take advantage of the chance they'd been given to better themselves. However, being in that situation provided the reason why Levie formed a parent/child relationship with his older brothers.

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