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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Parasitic Love Redux - 27. Goodbye for Now

Hannah was admitted to the head trauma unit at city hospital. Connor, M, and Bradley got to ride with her in the ambulance, but they had to sit in the waiting room while the doctors ran tests on their unconscious friend. They weren't allowed in her room.

Connor was sorry and very worried for his oldest friend, but he already knew Hannah's coma was the exact same as Jamie's. Their symptoms were all the same and they'd both been in close contact with the agent or his minions when their eternal slumbers had started. He thought this was all a waste of time…

Eventually, Hannah's doctor entered the waiting room and signaled to Bradley. She got up immediately.

Bradley had been handling the doctors since the beginning of this whole mess. She had to notice the similarities between Hannah and Jamie, but she didn't mention anything while the doctor explained in fancy words how they had no clue what was wrong with their friend.

Connor wanted to interrupt the conversation, but he didn't move from his spot in the waiting room next to M. He followed Bradley's lead and stayed quiet. He didn't know what else to do.

"We can go see her now," Bradley said when she came back.

Connor didn't even ask if that's what they were going to do. From the look of determination on Bradley's face and the eagerness on his boyfriend's, he knew he'd be outnumbered. There was no use in arguing.

Hannah was scraped up and bruised in her little white bed, but otherwise she looked fine.

Bradley murmured that the doctors had no idea how to treat her. She should be waking up at any minute… there wasn't anything medically wrong with her.

"We already knew that," Connor sighed. "And we can't do anything about it here," he added darkly. "There's no pill that's going to snap her out of this."

Bradley was silent. She leaned closer to the bed and gently caressed Hannah's cheek.

Connor watched, frustrated and wanting to do something about it, when M suddenly moved past him. He gathered in close from the other side of the bed and looked carefully into Hannah's face.

Connor sighed deeply and went to sit at the chair in the corner of the room. He kept quiet and let the others pour their sorrow into their oblivious friend.

He sat in the corner for close to an hour, frankly, bored out of his mind. M and Bradley hovered over Hannah's bed, talking quietly amongst themselves and to Hannah… like she could hear them or something.

Finally, Connor had the bright idea to text his mother. They were in the same hospital, for Christ's sake. He didn't know why he hadn't thought to message her hours ago.

He sent her a few lines, briefly explaining the situation and almost immediately, Julie replied, wanting to know which room they were in.

She showed up within ten minutes. Connor stood up stiffly to greet her and Julie wrapped him in a tight embrace.

"Mom," Connor hissed. "You're breaking my ribs."

Julie reluctantly let him go. She edged around his tall form and stared down at Hannah. "Wow. What happened?"

"A close encounter with an alien," Connor muttered.

Julie looked back at him with wide, shocked eyes.

Bradley cleared her throat. "We were in a car accident. We lost the car."

Julie blinked. "Another accident?"

"If you'd bother to pay attention, this would all be adding up in your head by now," Connor snapped. He was tired and losing his patience. "We're being stalked by aliens, mom. How many times do we have to explain this to you? It wasn't an accident. But that's what we're forced to say it was because the alien cleaned all evidence of his presence before the cops could show up."

Julie thinned her lips. "It just doesn't make any sense to me, is all."

"Well, get it through your head already," Connor growled. "M's a fucking alien from outer space! How basic do I have to make this for you?"

Julie pursed her lips, silent, and Connor shook his head in disgust. He was rapidly losing what little patience he had left.

"Connor, cool it," Bradley said in a deep voice.

"She's being willfully ignorant!" he cried, poking a finger at his mother.

Bradley came around Hannah's bed and got in Connor's face.

"Keep it down… or the nurse will kick us out, dumbass."

Connor bit his tongue. He fought down the urge to shove Bradley, to yell something derogatory, to freak out and act like the neurotic idiot he usually was in a stressful situation…

Instead, he turned away from the women and deliberately started a countdown from 100. He committed himself to staying silent until he finished.

He sat back down in the uncomfortable visitor chair and buried his face in his hands.

"Is Nathan with you?" Bradley asked Julie.

"Yes. He stayed upstairs with Jamie."

"We never made it to lunch. Maybe we should all take a break and go down to the cafeteria for something to eat," Bradley suggested.

Everyone readily agreed. Connor didn't look up, but his grumbling stomach answered for him.

"Julie, grab Nathan and meet us downstairs. We'll go find a table." She stood over Hannah for a moment, looking down at her peaceful face, scraped up and battered on the left side. "Sorry about lunch, sweetheart. If they have that eggplant parm you were craving downstairs, I'll grab it for you."

Hannah had no response, of course. There was no change in her calm expression.

Bradley leaned down and kissed her forehead. She smiled serenely at the unconscious blonde girl and from the tender look on her face, it was obvious something was going on between the two girls. Connor cringed a little. None of this was a surprise for him, but still. Eww.

They all left the room after that.

There were a couple nurses gathered at the med station a few rooms down. The ladies gave Connor the evil eye.

"See," Bradley whispered as they passed and headed for the elevators. "You need to behave yourself. Nurses don't put up with bullshit."

Connor rolled his eyes.

Lunch was a cheerless event. The cafeteria had decent food, but the conversation amongst the group was sparse. Connor hadn't realized how much of a void Hannah was filling. Everyone was quiet and somber.

They stayed for maybe an hour or so after that. Bradley pulled up a chair and hunkered down in Hannah's room while Nathan shuffled back to Jamie's, but Connor, M, and Julie roamed between the two.

It was the first time Connor had seen Jamie since the fight with the agent… he slowly took in the sad image of her. Her stomach was huge, clearly pregnant, but her young face looked so ungodly pale and unhealthy.

Nathan sat vigilantly by Jamie's side. He had her delicate hand in his and he watched her face with a practiced obsession that kind of gave Connor the creeps.

Connor was uncomfortable with the whole thing. M was sympathetic and sweet with everyone, though, so he stuck close to him and tried to soak in his socialiabiliy. He wanted desperately to leave.

It was long past 5 when Julie finally hinted at going home.

Nathan was easy. They got him first. He gently squeezed Jamie's hand as he murmured a short goodbye. It was surprisingly sweet.

He neatly placed Jamie's hand beside her on the bed. His hand ghosted over her stomach, but he seemed almost afraid to actually touch the baby.

He left Jamie in the dim hospital room, sighing heavily as he closed the door behind him partway.

They went to get Bradley next. Julie and M went in the room while Connor and Nathan waited out in the hall.

From what Connor heard, Bradley was being difficult. She wanted to stay the night by Hannah's bedside and she initially protested Julie's suggestion to come home and get some sleep.

M and Julie talked her down though. It took more than a couple minutes and Connor was drumming his fingers against his arm when they finally came out of Hannah's room.

"I'll order pizza again," Julie was saying. "Delivery."

Connor groaned. He was sick to death of pizza.

"Do you have a better suggestion, Connor?"

Connor scoffed. "Since everyone's exhausted and depressed, I guess not. Nobody's ever going to cook in this family again, right?"

Nobody said a word. Julie took the lead and started them off in the direction of the parking deck.

Connor huffed. "I guess that means we're getting another pizza," he muttered. "Can't wait."

"Shut up, Connor, you're not the only one who's stressed," Bradley snapped.

Connor ground his teeth together. He didn't defend himself, even though he burned inside with the urge to do so. He had a feeling he'd better stand down.

Bradley fell silent and her shoulders untensed. "I could use a hot shower and a good night's sleep," she said to nobody in particular as they came to a set of elevators. Julie hit the down button and they waited for the doors to open along with an old lady in a wheelchair and a hospital gown. "The nurses were talking about Hannah's mother… They say she'll be here by morning," Bradley said with a sigh.

Connor frowned. "Good luck telling her about the car."

"She already knows," Bradley said. "The insurance company called her before anyone else could," she said. "I guess she immediately started checking hospitals in Tampa."

Connor made a mental note to steer clear of the hospital. Beth would probably try to claw his eyes out if she saw him.

The elevator opened and in they went. Bradley chivalrously held the door for the old woman.

"What floor?" Julie asked the lady.

"I'm looking for the gift shop," she said. "My grandson is coming to visit me. It's his birthday," she said with a beaming smile.

Julie hit the button for the ground floor and they descended.

The old woman rolled out of the elevator when it stopped and headed to the right, following the signage for shop. Julie led them to the left, towards the main exit.

Finally, they were outside, and Connor looked up at the setting sun, feeling like he'd missed more than a day inside the labyrinth of gloomy rooms. They walked down to the corner and crossed the busy street when the light turned red. Julie pointed out a side entrance to the parking garage and they followed her inside.

"Creepy," M said as they walked through the parking deck. His voice echoed and skipped across the cavernous building. It was dark and only a few vehicles were left. They didn't pass a soul as they walked up a level and finally, spotted the Hummer as they rounded a corner.

"Want me to drive?" Bradley asked.

Julie smiled. "I'd really appreciate it."

When they got to the Hummer, Nathan climbed in the far back and sat alone. Connor and M got in the middle. Bradley hopped behind the wheel and Julie sat beside her, guiding her out of the garage and around the large hospital.

They got home in 15 minutes.

It was dark, but Connor put on a brave face and took the dog out for a brief run in the neighborhood.

He saw a couple of the neighbors across the street, holding hands, walking leisurely. They watched Connor run by with his dog. Hesitantly, they waved.

Connor really wanted to give them the middle finger, but he waved over his shoulder and lengthened his strides. He wanted to get home before it was completely dark. He couldn't get over his paranoia that the agent was waiting around every corner.

The pizza was ordered by the time Connor got back. He waited with everyone else in the living room for the delivery boy to arrive.

Nathan stared despondently at the TV. Julie flipped nervously through a magazine. Bradley looked out the back window, at the gentle motion of the pool water.

Connor and M were the only ones who were in relatively normal moods.

Fuck, Connor wondered when he was next. When he'd end up in a mysterious coma. There was no luck in the agent sparing him… This was all part of some dastardly plan.

The doorbell rang and Connor sat up straight.

Julie pulled her wallet out of her purse. She took out two 20s and glanced at Connor, closest to the hall.

"Can you grab the food?"

Connor sighed, but he got up and took Julie's money.

"He can keep the change," she said.

Connor felt awfully nostalgic when he answered the door. The pizza boy was young with sandy hair and light gray eyes. He kind of reminded Connor of himself a few years back. He was the lighter version of Connor though…

Connor shook his head and paid the kid. "Keep the change," he said casually as he took the pizza boxes from him.

"Thanks," the kid said, his expression totally unaffected. He stepped off the front porch and jogged back to his car.

Whatever. Connor was glad he didn't work for tips anymore… Julie had just given that kid almost $10… That kid should have been way more grateful.

Dinner was informal. Julie set out paper plates and M helped her lay out the food buffet style. Connor grabbed a couple slices of pizza and tried some of the chicken wings from the side box. That was different, at least.

Bradley saw Connor loading up on the chicken wings and winked at him over the counter.

He suddenly realized Bradley must have spoken up for him in his absence.

Despite the nice favor, Connor didn't want to sit with everyone else. He grabbed some napkins and took his food upstairs to his room. He needed to be away from everyone. They were all being so damned depressing!

He understood. Of course he did. But he was trying so freaking hard to keep himself together, he just couldn't take everybody else's stress and misery on top of his own.

Connor was alone for a few minutes before M poked his head into the room. He came in with a plate of pepperoni pizza and some kind of sticky bun bread.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I just had to get away from them," Connor said. "I feel bad and everything, but I don't have anything to mope about. You're fine, the baby seems to be ok and doing his thing…" Connor hesitated. "I'm afraid something will happen to me next."

M's soft, kissable lips turned down in a frown. "Listen to me… I won't let anything bad happen—"

"M." Connor closed his eyes. "Stop fucking saying that—"

"I'm going to finish the locator device tonight," M said very seriously. "If you can't find me in the morning, don't worry. I'll be back."

Connor stared at his little lover, eating sticky buns and licking his fingers like it was no big deal. "You're leaving?"

"I have to figure this out," M said.

"I'll come with you—"

"No," M said. "It's much safer if you stay here and wait."

Connor sneered. "How are you even supposed to get around? I let you practice driving once."

M smiled a little. "I have more powers than just my strength," he said casually. "I'll be free to use them if you stay here. I won't have to worry about you." He beamed at Connor, even as Connor glared back at him.

"You're an asshole," Connor said and M burst into laughter.


"Yeah," Connor said poutily.

"Aww, would sex make it any better?"

Connor perked up at the mention of sex. "It wouldn't hurt," he said.

M smiled and put his plate on the bedside table. He licked his lips like a little harlot. "Get naked."

Connor smirked. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and smoothed a hand across his lightly muscled chest. "C'mon. You have to take your clothes off, too," he insisted.

M sighed and then quickly ripped his shirt off. He wiggled out of his little running shorts next, letting his sandals slip off his feet as the tiny pants slid down his legs.

Connor exposed his hard cock as M stripped across from him. Connor smiled, totally indulgent, as he took in M's giant belly. He definitely couldn't wait until M got back to his normal size, but as they got closer to the baby's arrival, Connor looked forward to it more and more.

Their little baby was inside M's enormous stomach… Connor loved it because of that.

They moved together and embraced. Connor skimmed his hands up M's smooth skin, breathing in the scent of his hair. They fell into bed together and spent some time forgetting about poor Hannah and Jamie for a while.


When Connor woke up the next morning, he knew instantly that he was alone. He could feel it.

He got up and put something on. He didn't feel his usual motivation to start his day. He trudged downstairs and looked through the kitchen.

There was a note.

Bradley asked for a ride to the hospital this morning, so her, Nathan and I will be gone most of the day. There's plenty of leftovers in the fridge!

Love, mom

Connor pouted. The idea of cold pizza for breakfast wasn't a terrible one, but he just wanted something normal like cereal… Was that really asking for too much?

He skipped the leftovers for now and went to meet the dog at the back door. He was glad Jack had stuck around at least… It made Connor feel a lot less alone, surprisingly.

So, after a long, invigorating run, Connor brought the dog inside and spoiled him to a slice of pepperoni pizza.

Connor ate a few slices of pizza too. He let Jack sit on the couch beside him while he flipped through the many premium channels Julie had, looking for a movie that interested him.

He was zoned out, trying to distract himself when his phone started ringing. Thinking it was family, or better yet, M, Connor fumbled to answer it.


There was a brief pause as the connection faltered, but then a loud male voice boomed through the phone's speaker.

"Hi! I'm Bob Redding from Southern Florida Life Investments. I'm looking for Connor Flynn. Is he in?"

Connor froze. He remembered that post on Craigslist about the sales position. He'd been waiting for a call for a few days now…

"Uh, hi," Connor said, moving to sit on the edge of the couch. The dog jumped up and went for his bowl of water in the kitchen. Connor was suddenly completely alone. "I ah saw your post about the sales job on Craigslist," he said awkwardly.

"Great! We're looking to hire immediately! Now, do you have any experience?" Bob asked.

"Not really," Connor said slowly. "I worked at Pizza Hut for a couple of years though. We had to talk to customers on the phone all the time; taking orders, and stuff like that," he said. "I've never sold anything besides pizza though."

"That's alright, Connor, that's perfectly alright," Bob said. "Give me a second to write that down… annnnd there we go!" Bob sounded like he had a permanent smile on his face. It bothered Connor a little. It was like he was talking to a robot. "We have a world renowned training program for all new hires. I'm sure you'll catch on fast."

"I'm a fast learner," Connor said.

"Good, good," Bob said. "Now, the job requires you to make 50 to 100 cold calls a day," he said quickly. "Those turn into sale opportunities and that's where we make the big bucks," Bob continued enthusiastically.

"Cold calls?" Connor asked. "So, like telemarketing?"

"We don't like to use that word, but essentially, yes," Bob said.

Connor instantaneously lost all interest in the job. "How much do you guys pay again?" he asked, just to keep Bob talking.

"Pay varies," Bob said. "But it's all based on commissions—"

"So you guys can't even pay me until I get a sale?" Connor guessed.

"That's correct. We don't offer paid training at the moment," Bob said. "We usually start new hires on part-time. That way, you'll be able to pick up a few hours here and there around the training courses—"

He hung up before Bob could finish his spiel. No way did Connor want to become a telemarketer.

He stretched out on the couch and decided to watch a scary movie on HBO.

He couldn't concentrate much, however. He kept worrying about M and thinking about Hannah and Jamie… Everytime he glanced at his phone, he thought of Bob and his stupid insurance telemarketing scheme… He felt sick… He covered his eyes and listened to the grisly sounds of a chainsaw murder on the TV, but surprisingly, it didn't help.

A new movie came on. A drama. Connor fell asleep during the opening.

The doorbell woke Connor from his nap. A different movie was playing. Rocky III.

He felt less sick, but his head was fuzzy and he staggered to the door.

He opened it, blinking in the dull, afternoon light as his eyes adjusted. He pulled up short in surprise. "Bradley?" There was someone over her shoulder, too. "Beth? "

Beth narrowed her eyes at Connor, but Bradley cut in before she could say anything.

"We're here for my things," she said solemnly. "I'm leaving town with Beth tonight."

Connor's mouth fell open. "What?"

Bradley frowned a little. "C'mon. Let us in."

Connor stepped aside and let the two women into the front hall. Beth looked around, but she seemed unimpressed.

Bradley glanced nervously over at the older woman. "Beth had Hannah transferred back to South Dakota. I don't know how she did it, but she did."

Beth looked smug. She didn't bother to elaborate.

"Anyway, I need to get home. There's a lot of stuff I need to do back at my apartment," Bradley said. "I can keep an eye on Hannah while I'm there, too. This is the best I can do, right now. I left a whole life back in the city…"

Connor felt numb. "I-I understand."

Bradley smiled tightly. "I already talked to Julie. You'll explain everything to M for me? I haven't seen him since early this morning."

"Yeah. I'll tell him," Connor said awkwardly. "He's taking a nap…"

"I'd like to say hello to him, if you wouldn't mind," Beth said suddenly, taking a step towards the stairs.

Connor lunged in front of her, cutting Beth off completely. "I do mind," he said sharply. "I'll tell him you were here, but don't disturb him. Like I said, he's sleeping."

Beth scowled, but she didn't try to fight. She stood off to the side of the front door, blending into the wall.

Bradley shook her head, but had no comment on the unpleasant exchange she'd just witnessed. She ran upstairs for her stuff.

Connor crossed his arms and glared at Beth. The old lady wasn't playing Connor's game though. She studied the many family photos that lined the entrance hall. She didn't meet his eyes again.

Uncomfortable, Connor wandered upstairs, past Beth and her judgment.

He found Bradley stuffing clothes into her bag in the guest room. She had her back to the door. Hannah's stuff already looked like it'd been packed. There was a couple overfilled bags on the neatly made bed.

"Do you need help?" Connor asked.

Bradley stood, looking over her shoulder. "You could carry those," she said, nodding to the bags on the bed. "It's Hannah's stuff."

Connor came into the guest room and gathered Hannah's bags under his arm. He hadn't wanted the girls to come with him and M to begin with, but Julie's house, once bursting with activity, was quickly becoming quiet and lonely.

Once Hannah and Bradley were gone, Connor and M would be by themselves most of the time. Alone. With nothing to do but fuck and watch TV.

Somehow, that didn't sound nearly a fun as it used it…

Connor watched Bradley finish packing.

She poked her head into the bathroom to make sure she had everything. "I think that's it," she said, grabbing her bags. Connor stepped out into the hallway, but Bradley hesitated a bit. She looked back into the guest room with a hint of a smile. "That was the weirdest vacation I've ever had," she said. "I'm a little sad to leave."

"Under the circumstances," Connor said. "It's probably for the best. I don't think we'll be having any more beach parties anytime soon."

Bradley laughed. "I guess."

They went downstairs together.

Beth waited for them at the door. It didn't look like she'd moved an inch in Connor's absence. "All set?" she asked.

"Yep. Ready," Bradley said. She closed her eyes for a second and then threw her bags down. She turned to Connor, her dark eyes brimming with emotion. "I'm going to miss you guys," she said and then she wrapped her arms around Connor and pulled him into a bear hug.

Connor could barely breathe, but he put up with Bradley's embrace, feeling like he owed it to her in some strange way…

"We'll touch base through text at least once a day, ok? Answer me when I message you," she insisted." And if either of us has any breaking news, call and report… No matter what time or day it may be. "

"Alright," Connor said.

When they separated, Bradley grabbed her bags again. "Follow us out?"

Connor shrugged. "Unless you want to take these bags, I'm kind of obligated to follow," he said, swinging Hannah's bags back and forth.

Bradley grinned sadly, but she turned for the front door. Connor followed and Beth trailed after them

In the driveway, a shiny new Lincoln sedan awaited them. Beth popped the trunk. It was clean, spotless, and empty. Connor and Bradley had more than enough room for the luggage they carried.

"Nice ride," Connor said. Once his hands were free again, he shut the trunk and touched the glossy, dark red paint on the back.

"It's a rental," Beth said, her nose in the air. She got in the passenger seat and promptly slammed the door.

Connor couldn't be more grateful. He got another second to speak to Bradley in private.

"Can I borrow your gun?"

Bradley snorted. "I don't think so."

Connor pouted a little. "M has a new plan. He isn't actually here. He's out in the world doing some alien bullshit," he said with an eye roll. "He's hoping to find an easy way to end the agent."

Bradley nodded. "I saw him slipping out the back this morning," she said. "He said he'd 'see me around'."

Connor sighed. "He's been gone all day. He told me not to worry, but I can't help it."

Bradley clasped his shoulder. "I came on this crazy trip because I thought I could help, but I haven't done much of anything. None of us have," she said, looking deeply into Connor's eyes. "I personally think M's better off on his own. He knows what he's doing."

Connor took a deep breath. "Yeah," he said. He couldn't even picture M as the strong, capable one. It just didn't fit with the image he had of the little blond.

But he was going to have to get used to it… All their allies were out of commission.

Bradley squeezed his shoulder before she let go. "I have to go," she said.

"I'll talk to you soon," Connor said and he meant it. He wanted to know how Hannah was fairing… He had a feeling Beth was going to get her excellent care.

He watched Bradley drive off, standing alone at the end of the drive.

It was getting late… He'd wasted the entire day watching TV and napping… he scrubbed a hand across his face and went inside to find the dog. He figured he might as well get the evening walk out of the way. He had nothing better to do.

Copyright © 2024 mastershakeme; All Rights Reserved.
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Now that I'm caught up, I can slow down?

I wonder what those extra powers are that M can't use around humans? Something to do with transportation I bet.

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