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Parasitic Love Redux - 32. Liam

Nathan held the duffle bag and Connor carried M on his back. The drone buzzed behind them.

Connor took a deep breath and opened the garage door. It slid upwards, the gears grinding as they worked. He narrowed his eyes as he spotted the legs of the man in black, but Marcus pulled into the drive and coasted seamlessly into the empty garage port, cutting off the view of the yard. He parked the car and got out smoothly.

"What's up? You guys look awfully prepared," Marcus laughed uneasily.

M groaned into Connor's neck and his legs clamped around his waist. Connor tightened his grip on M's thighs and squeezed him soothingly.

"You didn't tell me you got a brand new car," he said enviously, looking at Marcus' new ride. It was nice, dark red Nissan Altima.

"It's a couple years old… Shit, what was I supposed to do? Refuse the car because it's nice?"

Connor snorted and pushed Nathan up front. "I'll sit in the back with M," he said, his tone loaded with suggestion.

Nathan sighed and nodded. He slid into the front passenger seat, holding the duffle bag to his chest.

"Get in," Connor said, pulling M off his back and helping him into the backseat. He got in beside him and groaned a bit when he looked through the open garage door out and though the back of the Altima. He could see not just the agent this time, but Greg too! The old man was roaming in the front lawn, muttering wordlessly to himself, while the agent continued to stand motionless on the sidewalk at the end of the drive. He watched the group in the car through his dark glasses.

Connor opened the back window and let the drone in. "Let's go," he said a tad impatiently.

Marcus buckled up and shifted into reverse. "Cool your jets," he said. "And you still haven't mentioned where we're going."

"I will once we're out of the neighborhood," Connor said quickly. "Cmon! Back up!"

Marcus looked at Connor in the rear view mirror. He didn't say anything, but, he still waited a good minute until he started to back up.

"Use the door opener," Connor said to Nathan. They'd grabbed it on their way out.

Nathan did as commanded and the garage door started to close as they exited the double port.

"Wait," Marcus said, peering in his rear view mirror. "Who's that? A Mormon?" He stared at the grim reflection of the man in black with narrowed eyes.

"Go around him," Connor snapped.

"Who's that?" He pointed at Greg. The old, fat man knelt in the grass now. He pulled up bits of grass here and there. "Is that your step dad?"

"Yes," Connor said through his teeth. Nathan craned his neck around to see his father. He covered his face once he'd spotted him and slid down in his seat.

Slowly, Marcus navigated around the agent. The infamous man was just as pale-faced as ever. They were just inches from him… The enemy stared emotionless at them through the window, unmoving, unflinching.

"That was weird," Marcus said as they took off down the street. "I feel like I've seen that guy before…"

"That's our stalker," Connor said bluntly. "And M's in labor. We know from a good source that the guy stalking us is going to follow us wherever we go."

"So…" Marcus slowed as they came to the red light at the neighborhood's exit. "Where are we going?"

"Nowhere," Connor said. "Jump on the highway and go in circles."

Marcus snorted. "Sounds like a great plan."

"I'm out of ideas. I don't know what I'm supposed to do," Connor said, rubbing his face. "I can't believe this is happening."

"Labor? Like, he's going to have a baby soon?"

"Yeah," Connor said wearily.

"Well, shouldn't we be heading to the hospital?" Marcus asked, sounding a little shocked.

"So he can be the first male pregnancy in history?" Connor laughed. "No thanks."

Marcus sighed and headed towards the highway.

"So, birth on the highway. It's a plan," Marcus said sarcastically.

They got on the ramp as M moaned and shuddered through another contraction.

"You want some water?" Connor asked him. "Nathan. Give me a bottle of water out of the duffle."

Connor didn't know what to do for the trembling boy. He helped him get a drink of water and rubbed his back. "Try some deep breathing. I heard it helps," he suggested. "Like this," he demonstrated the breathing the girl on YouTube had showed him a few days back.

M copied him. He took deep breaths instead of moans. He nodded his head. It seemed to be helping.

"I thought you said you could do something about the pain," Connor whispered to the drone, sitting in the back window behind them.

"I'll give him the mock epidural in another hour," she said in a soft voice. "He won't be able to walk for several hours after I give it to him, however."

"What's that?" Marcus said from up front.

"Nothing," Connor muttered. He went back to rubbing M's back as the blond practiced his breathing. He was trying, but he felt useless.

Over the next hour Marcus drove aimlessly, huffing and complaining under his breath.

"I think we're good to stop for a while," Connor said. "Just find a parking lot or somewhere we can sit."

"I'm hungry," Nathan complained. "Go through a drive-thru. I have money."

Connor sighed, but he didn't argue. Marcus picked Burger King and they all ended up ordering something. Even M piped up that he wanted a cheeseburger and a milkshake.

Connor shook his head, but told Marcus what M wanted. Then he ordered a Whopper, fries, and a coke.

Marcus paid for everything on his card.

"At least take some cash, fuck," Nathan said snottily. He threw a ten dollar bill Marcus' way and folded his arms.

They got their food and went to the huge department store across the street to park in the over large lot. They got a space in the back and ate their burgers.

"This is boring," Nathan said between bites. "I almost wish he would have the baby now, because then at least something would happen."

"This is kind of pointless," Marcus agreed. "What's happening back there?"

Connor glanced at M. The blond was eating his cheeseburger with a grimace.

"I guess we're going to let the drone give him an epidural," Connor said casually, gesturing at the blond. "Maybe you guys want to go shopping or something for awhile."

"I wonder if Kohl's has any Xbox games," Nathan said. He gazed towards the store. They were about a mile away from the venue . It gleamed softly on the horizon, pulling them in.

"I doubt they'll have the ones you're looking for, but sure," Marcus said. "They have really good prices on sportswear though. That I do know."

The two of them got out and started towards the Kohl's.

The drone whirled into action the moment they were alone. She seemed antsy, like she'd wanted to move for a longest time.

"Put your food down, M," Mother clucked. "And Connor, lift up the back of his shirt so I can see his mid back."

Connor turned M so his back faced Connor and the drone and M faced his window. He yanked his t-shirt up and exposed his narrow spine.

The drone floated slowly off the back window and approached M's curled back.

"Don't move, M," Mother said very seriously. "I could really hurt you if you move."

"Ok," M whimpered and he held perfectly still as Mother drew closer and directed a thin beam of light directly into his spinal column.

"There," Mother said, drifting back to her perch. "That should simulate the effect of a spinal block. The pain should fade…"

"I don't feel any better," M whined, turning back around so he could drink his milkshake. Connor shared his fries with him. The blond popped them into his mouth. He seemed better already, even if he didn't feel it.

They ate the rest of their meal and then sat in the sun, listening to Marcus' radio.

"We should get going soon," Mother said suddenly. "They're catching up."

Connor felt a dull kind of pull on the edge of his brain. He could sense the agent too for some reason, it seemed. "I'll call Nathan," he said. He whipped out his phone and pulled up Nathan's number.

"Yo," the younger boy said in greeting.

"The bad guys are catching up," Connor said quickly. "We need to go "

"OK, we're almost done."

Connor growled. "We'll meet you up front then. Hurry."

Nathan hung up and Connor pocketed his phone and wedged himself over the front seat.

"Jerks," he muttered. "Too busy shopping to make a quick escape." He started Marcus' car and drove up to idle in front of Kohl's entrance.

"I feel pretty good now," M said cheerfully. "Except when the contractions start up again. Then it feels like I'm going to poop the baby out any minute."

Connor cringed.

It took a couple minutes, but Nathan and Marcus appeared at the doors. Connor started to get out, but Marcus slid into the back and sat next to M.

"You drive for awhile," he said with a laugh. "I don't know where we're going. "

Nathan jumped in the front. He had a Kohl's bag dangling from his wrist.

"What did you get?" Connor asked him.

"A t-shirt." The teen showed Connor through the bag. It was a graphic tee patterned with dollar signs and pistols. "It was on clearance, 3 bucks."

Connor rolled his eyes. "Great."

They pulled away from Kohl's and got back on the road. The faster they went the calmer Connor's strained nerves became. He got them back on the highway and almost instantly, the dull pull of the agent disappeared. They were safe for now…

"Do we have any plans?" Connor asked the drone. He stared at the machine in the rear view mirror.

"You're not asking me, right?" Marcus laid a hand on his chest.

Connor sighed. "No."

Luckily, the drone spoke up, before Connor looked completely stupid.

"The baby should be coming in an hour or so. We can drive until he's due, stop to deliver him, and then lure the agent close for an attack. We'll probably have to take him from wherever we stop next."

Marcus blinked at the drone in the back window. "What's that?"

"It's an alien thing," Connor said casually. "Don't ask."


They drove for 40 minutes in silence. Both Nathan and Marcus played with their phones now. M practiced his breathing and seemed generally content under the effects of the epidural. As they got closer to the hour mark however, he started to make faces and his breathing got ragged again. Marcus put his phone down to watch.

"Are you getting close," he asked, peering at M with interest.

"I think… soooo," M moaned.

"Wow," Marcus murmured. "Connor… You're going to be a dad before any of us."

Connor flushed, not totally in embarrassment, he was kind of proud too, in an awkward sort of way.

"Trust me, I didn't do it on purpose,"Connor said, staring straight ahead, at the road.

Nathan snorted. "I don't think any of us guys were doing this on purpose," he said.

Marcus shook his hand. "Definitely not."

There was a cop ahead, on the shoulder of the highway, watching for speeders. Connor tapped the breaks and coasted past the trooper's vehicle at a legal speed.

M howled with pain in the back. "The contractions are getting worse."

Connor glanced in the rear view mirror. The cop car was stationary in the reflection. The vehicle sat on the shoulder in the same position it had been when Connor first approached.

He let out a sigh of relief. It was just a regular cop. It wasn't a trap set by the agent…

"Maybe we should stop," Marcus said. Connor glanced at him and the blond in the mirror. M's forehead was slick with sweat and his face was wracked with pain. Marcus gently rubbed his back. His movements were awkward, but his expression was filled with concern.

Connor let out a huge breath of air. He wasn't breathing. He was holding it nervously.

"We can stop for awhile," the drone spoke up, and Connor let out another gasping breath. "We've got a head start again."

"Alright," Connor nervously muttered to himself. "We need a hotel or something… You guys have money, right?" he loudly asked the other men in car.

Initially, Connor's question was met with silence. Then: "I have my debit card," Nathan said.

"Me too," Marcus said. "And Angela's credit card," he finished in a rush.

"Great." Connor spotted a sign for a Super 8 in the distance and he signaled to get in the far right lane. "We'll get a room at the Super 8… We're going to have the baby at the Super 8… Fuck."

Nathan touched Connor's knee over the middle arm rest. Connor looked down at his brother's hand, then up at the dark-eyed teen.

Nathan met his eyes steadily, his gaze utterly serious. "You were always going to have this baby somewhere weird," he said. "Since you decided not to do at the hospital like everybody else, that is."

Connor snorted. "Yeah. I guess."

He got off at the next exit and followed the signs for the lodgings. Super 8 was to the left.

They drove down the road maybe 3 minutes. "There it is!" Connor announced when he spotted the motel. It was on the right side of the road and Connor quickly turned into the lot.

The motel was a tan, two-floor building in a U-shape. From the big sign outside the office, Connor figured the pool was in the middle.

"I'll get us a room," Marcus said, moving to get out at the door.

"I'll help," Nathan said. He got out too, leaving the duffle bag behind.

Connor signed as he was left alone with the laboring blond.

"Want to check out the pool?"

M gasped for breath then let out a wail of pain.

Connor sighed and pulled around to the back of the building. The pool was in the center of the U-shape, two levels of rooms on side behind black metal railings. There was an open hallway in the middle with stairs to the second floor. There were ice machines and vending machines across from the stairs, 9on both floors.

"Well, that's the pool. I doubt we'll get to use it, but…" Connor glanced in the back. M was panting, hyperventilating. "Honey, practice that breathing I taught you."

"I can't. I'm freaking out. It's time." M looked deep into Connor's eyes. The green orbs that met Connor's were full of panic. Connor swallowed. Just looking at the blond, perspiration on his upper lip and brow, he too started to sweat.

"Cmon, the guys will find us. They'll have keys to a room and we can get… comfortable…" Connor shut the car off and got out. He ran around to M's side of the car and opened his door.

M huffed and puffed as Connor pulled him out of the back seat. When he was out, Connor started to set the blond on his feet when he remembered the epidural.

In an instant, Connor scooped the blond up into his arms and went through the little white gate at the back.

M clutched Connor around the neck as they went. He moaned into Connor's ear and trembled in his arms.

The pool was empty at least. Plastic white chairs and recliners surrounded the bean-shaped pool. It was aqua blue. Beautiful and cool…

Suddenly, M lurched in his arms.

"What are you doing? M! I can't—"

The blond shoved Connor hard in the chest and broke away. Connor lost his grip and watched in horror as the blond angled his flailing body toward the water.

M banged his hip into the concrete edge of the pool, but then he dove smoothly under the water and disappeared.

Connor cried out in shock. He fell to his knees and scrambled to the edge.

M surfaced. He gasped for air and waded to the edge.

"What the fuck?" Connor yelled. He grabbed M's hand in both of his, splashing water all up his shirt and over his knees. "Why are you in there?"

M dipped lower in the water so just his eyes were above the surface. He blew bubbles with his mouth.

"What are you doing?"

M rose in the lapping water until his mouth was free. "I thought it would be nice to go swimming. I didn't want to ask."

Connor rolled his eyes. "How does it feel? Everything you dreamed?"

"Yes," M said simply. "The water feels nice."

Connor sighed. "Well, cmon. Get out. The guys will be showing up any minute."

Slowly, M drifted away from the edge.

Connor frowned. He stood up and glared at the willful pregnant boy. "Let's go."

"I don't want to," M said. "I feel so much better in the water."

"Then you can get in the tub when we get to our room," Connor snapped. "Now, cmon. Get. Out. Of. The. Water."


Connor threw his arms up and started to pace. He didn't know what to do. Normally, he'd let M do as he pleased. He hated being the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. He was cool. He was fun… But they were in plain view of anyone who wanted to see. Nobody was out yet, but who knew when that would change…

Connor ran his fingers through his hair. "Are you going to have the baby in there?"

"Maybe," M said as water from his hair dripped into his wide eyes.

Connor shook his head.

"There you two are!"

Connor turned, narrowing his eyes to see in the glare of the sun. Two figures rushed through the open stairway and towards the pool. Marcus and Nathan.

It was Marcus who had called out. He pulled up first. He took in the scene, his eyes flashing from Connor, his arms crossed, red in the face, and damp in more places than one, and M, insolent and totally soaked in the deep end of the little motel pool.

Marcus snorted. "We got a room. First floor," he said. "It's in the front though. Through there." He pointed back to though the open stairway from where they'd come. The office must be through there.

Nathan cleared his throat. He seemed to be holding in laughter. "How's the pool?" he called to M.

"Good," M said happily. "I think I'm going to stay here."

Connor huffed. "He wants to stay here," he said for the benefit of the other two, if they hadn't just heard, that is. "Right here. Out in the open."

Marcus smiled. "I heard."

Nathan shrugged. "It's a water birth," he said. "Some women like to be in the water when they're in labor. They even have big tubs at the hospital if you want to do it there, too. Me and Jamie saw them when we toured labor and delivery"

Connor rolled his eyes. "Yeah," he snapped. "Tubs. The motel probably has a tub, too."

"Not like this," M said. "This is what I need. "

Connor clenched his fists and started to pace again, frustrated beyond belief,wanting to scream.

Marcus shook his head. "Well, the pool did come with the room," he said with a laugh. "Relax, Connor. We'll keep a look out for people."

Nathan pulled up a chair and yanked his phone out of his back pocket. "I'm not watching this," he said.

"Well, you can still keep watch," Marcus said firmly. "Turn around. Make sure nobody sneaks up on us."

Nathan growled, but he dragged his chair around anyway and glared up at the motel.

Marcus turned back to the pool. "You should get in the water with him. In case he needs any help," he said to Connor.

Connor signed. He certainly hadn't been planning on swimming today. He stepped out of his boots, ripped his t-shirt off and tossed it towards Marcus, then he hopped in the water in his shorts.

He swam close to M. The boy's body seemed to radiate warmth, even in the water.

"How are you doing?" Connor asked once he was in reach. He cupped M's cheek, feeling the heat under his skin. "Wow, you're so warm."

M smiled. "I'm ready to meet Liam."

Connor quirked an eyebrow. "Liam?"

M flinched a little. He crouched a little under the water and pulled his sweats off. "The baby," he said as if it were obvious. "I'm ready to push now."

"Oh god," Connor muttered, his body filling with equal parts dread and excitement. The baby was coming either way though, and Connor hooked his arm around M's waist and dragged him to shallow water. He pulled him to the steps and sat him down.

M sat. He was naked underwater. Connor could see his cock floating around.

The blond didn't care in the least that he was technically naked in public though. He leaned back and pulled his knees up, out of the water.

"Hold my leg."

Connor scrambled to do as M asked. He grabbed the leg nearest him and held it supportively at the ankle as he watched M get in the zone.

The blond's body was still mostly underwater. His top half, with his wet t-shirt, was out of the water, as were M's knees and lower legs, braced to begin pushing.

M's face screwed up. "Now," he whispered and then he pushed his foot into Connor's stomach and his whole body tensed up. His eyes shut tight and he grunted and strained.

"Shit…" M's foot was pushing Connor across the bottom of the pool. "Somebody get in here and grab his other leg!"

Marcus jumped in and swam closer to assist. M relaxed though as Marcus got closer. He opened his eyes, breathing hard. He seemed a bit shocked to see the black man in the water with them.

"He's going to help," Connor said, rubbing M's ankle with his thumb.

Marcus gingerly took M's other ankle. "Ready?"

M bit his lip. "It's coming. Another… contraction… oooooh."

M's body went rigid. He used Connor and Marcus to shove and push with his lower half and he braced his arms and back against the pool stairs up top.

M groaned. He cried. Long minutes passed in an agonizing silence, interrupted by the sound of sloshing water and pain.

Marcus finally started to talk to the struggling blond… Saying little words of encouragement… Connor joined in after listening a few times.

"You're doing so good, M."

"Just a few more pushes; you're so close."

"You're doing great. The baby's almost here!"

Connor watched M's face as he spoke to him. Marcus faded away. The pool, the motel… even the agent, were no longer important.

Connor was terrified. He didn't know if he was going to be a good enough father… He didn't know what a good father was, to be honest.

"Oh my God, I think the baby's coming out," Marcus said suddenly. "Connor, look!"

But Connor couldn't. He continued to watch M's straining face. The blond whined a bit, flexed his foot in Connor's grasp and then with a deep breath, M gave an almighty shove that took over every muscle in his little body. He struggled and howled in pain.

"Nathan!" Marcus yelled.

There was a splash at the end of the pool and the water sloshed dramatically as Nathan hurried to their end.

"Shit, shit, shit…" he cursed as he got close. He wormed his way between M's legs, stepping on Connor's foot underwater.


Nathan didn't even notice, however.

The blond gasped suddenly and there was more splashing and moaning. Connor couldn't help it. He looked down between M's legs.

Nathan had both arms underwater and at first, Connor didn't understand what he was doing, but then, as a cloud of red emerged from M's lower half, Nathan collected a small, pale form into his arms.

M sobbed in relief as the baby's entire body slipped from his. Nathan pulled the tiny thing out of the water immediately and they all looked at it in utter shock.

"Tilt it, dummy," Marcus said suddenly. "It's got water in its mouth." He reached around Nathan, forcefully adjusted his arms, and then gently tapped the baby's back.

The pale, tiny little baby yacked up some fluids, but then he started to cry.

M had tears in his eyes. "Hi, baby Liam."

"Its a boy," Marcus said with a smile. He gently touched the baby's delicate face. His eyes were shut tight and his skin was red and wet, but he seemed to be a normal newborn. He had all his fingers and toes. And an umbilical cord attached to his belly.

"We gotta get something to cut that," Connor said bluntly, gesturing to the bloody cord.

"I've got a Swiss army knife in my car," Marcus said helpfully. He swam for the edge of the pool without being prompted and ran towards the Altima.

"Can I hold him?"

Connor turned back as M asked Nathan for his baby.

"Of course," Nathan snorted. "He's kinda yours after all."

Nathan and M exchanged the baby. Nathan couldn't take his eyes off the tiny infant though. "He's so small. I can't believe it," he said softly.

He was small.

Connor watched M hold and rock the baby for first time ever. His heart swelled and filled with a tender, vulnerable sort of love as he studied the little person in his boyfriend's arms… their baby.

Marcus came back and easily cut the cord. There was an after birth, but Marcus had come prepared for that as well. He had a plastic shopping bag from the car and he bagged all the bodily waste into it and took it to a dumpster on the other side of the parking lot.

"That part's not so glamorous," Nathan said with an uncomfortable laugh. "Gross."

"Shut up," Connor said, glaring spitefully at his little brother. Then, in the next instant, he was ducking down, beaming joyfully at his son. Liam Flynn.

"Do you want to hold him?" M asked.

Connor thought about saying no, but he didn't want to offend the blond boy, looking up at him with hopeful, glittering green eyes.

Gently, he took Liam from M. The baby cried and turned his head into Connor's warm chest. Connor touched his head, feeling his soft hair and skin.

"We should probably get out of the water," he said.

M nodded. He winced, but turned and pulled himself out of the pool. He was still half naked (Nathan looked politely away) and from what Connor could see, his butt wasn't horribly maimed.

Sitting at the edge of the pool, M awkwardly wrung out his sweats and pulled them on. He looked uncomfortable still, in pain, but he seemed to be managing alright.

Connor got out. He recognized M's hesitation to stand and he wrapped an arm around him. Still holding the baby, he easily managed M's weight too. He hoisted the blond up.

Nathan got out of the water too and came to stand beside them.

"So… are we going to the room?"

Connor glanced at M.

The blond nodded. "Let's see what mother says."

Connor helped him back to the car. M slid into the back seat and Connor was left with the baby. Liam cried weakly and Connor cuddled him to his chest, wrapping his t-shirt around him like a blanket.

"I see you had no problems with the birth," the drone said.

"Nope. It felt natural," M said. "I knew what to do and everything."

Connor rolled his eyes. He leaned down and gently kissed the top of the baby's head though. M had done a pretty good job.

"The agent is getting close," the drone said. "Are you ready, M?"

"I think so." M looked up at Connor and the baby. "Do they have time to run?"

"It's probably best if the humans stay here. Have them hide," the drone said in her mechanical, unaffected tone.

Connor and M held each other's eyes.

"You can stay in the room and protect the baby," M said.

"The others can protect him," Connor said through his teeth. He clutched the baby close. "I want to make sure you're alright so you'll be here for us. You're not leaving us already," he said in a rush.

M bit his lip. "I'll come to the room with you…" He turned back to the drone. "Mother? I'll be right back."

The drone didn't say anything. Connor glared at it.

Marcus waited for them when then finished their meeting with the alien AI. Nathan stood a little closer to the motel, obviously ready to get inside.

Connor walked past Marcus and left M sitting in the car. How was M supposed to fight anyone anyway when he was basically crippled?

"Where's the room?" He asked Nathan.

Nathan started to lead the way. "Back through here." They went through the little hall, past the ice machines. "And down to the right. Here."

He was wet head to toe, but he took a key card out of the back pocket of his jeans. "Two beds for four guys and a baby." He shook his head, but unlocked the door anyway.

Connor and the baby slid inside. The room was plain. Two beds, a TV, and a wardrobe. He went to sit on the far bed, closest to the bathroom. The baby made soft, pathetic noises in his arms and Connor gently rocked him back and forth, shushing him softly.

"We need that baby stuff mom got us," he said.

Nathan nodded distantly. He leaned against the wall, his back to the motel door. He watched Connor and the baby without saying anything. He seemed to be thinking.

Connor looked away, irritated at the look on his brother's face. He bounced the baby and tried to be extra interested in him, but he was really dying to know what M was up to. The obsessive wondering ate away at him from the inside… he couldn't concentrate on anything for long, not even the newborn.

With a huff, Connor swaddled the baby tightly in his t-shirt. It was a lot harder than he'd read it would be online, but he figured it out in only a few tries. Liam seemed to like the swaddling at least. Once Connor settled him against the pillows at the top of the bed, the baby instantly went to sleep.

He got off the bed and went to check out the window. He pulled the drapes back and peered outside at the busy road a few thousand feet from the edge of the property. He didn't see anything interesting and he quickly dropped the grimy window treatments back into place.

"Shit, where is Marcus?" Connor started to pace again, thinking about the dangers of the aliens outside.

"I thought he was right behind us," Nathan said vaguely. Then he pulled his phone out and checked it. He leaned there against the door, seemingly unworried, totally cool.

Connor glared at the teen as he scrolled casually through his phone. "So, what's the latest on Jamie?" he asked quickly.

Nathan glanced up from his phone. "She's still having seizures. A couple an hour," he said. "Mom said they're doing a lot of tests, but there's no apparent reason for the brain disturbance."

Connor hadn't checked his messages in hours, but he instantly knew he had at least one from Bradley complaining about Hannah's continued seizures…

Suddenly, there were three soft knocks on the door.

"That's them, "Nathan said easily, pocketing his phone again. He turned and opened the door.

Connor watched, his eyes wide and a tad desperate as he waited to see if it was just Marcus or if it was Marcus and M.

Connor was happily surprised when Marcus and M shuffled into the room together. Marcus had his arm under the blond's, wrapped firmly around his middle. M moved his legs, but he wasn't putting much weight on them. He had the drone in his arms, tucked under his chin. He released it as he and Marcus came into the small motel room and the drone flew smoothly up into the corner of the room, watching the humans from up high.

Connor came forward and reached out for M. The blond smiled and shifted from Marcus' arms into Connor's.

Connor picked him up and carried him to their bed.

"Oh! He's sleeping," M said from Connor's lap. He stared down adoringly at their wrinkled little infant. "And look," the boy reached out and very gently, he curled a strand of Liam's hair around his forefinger. "His hair is golden blond."

Connor nodded slowly. M was right. The baby had soft, blond hair on his tiny, white head.

"He's so cute, Connor," M whispered. "I love him… I love you."

Connor wrapped his arms around M and kissed him passionately. He stroked his hair back behind his ears and clasped his face in both his hands. When they separated, Connor used his hands on M's face to keep him close. He started into his green eyes.

"As soon as this stuff with the agent is done, and we're safe, we'll get married," he said softly, just so M could hear. "I love you, too, baby."

M grinned and leaned in to kiss Connor again. He sucked Connor's tongue sweetly for a long moment and pressed his warm body close to Connor's.

After awhile of this, Connor had to push him away and out of his lap when he felt his penis start to respond to the kissing. He glanced nervously at the other two occupants in the room, but Nathan was still buried in his phone, by the window now, and Marcus was browsing boredly through the guide on the TV. Neither of them cared about the show on the other bed.

M smiled wryly when Connor turned back to him. "Hopefully, my body will recover soon. Like mother said." He smiled. "I wish you could fuck me now though."

Connor swallowed.

"I have to go, through," M said sadly. "The agent is very close by. I can feel him."

Connor chewed his bottom lip. "What is your guy's plan?"

"We don't really have one," M said, his smile returninghl. "I think we'll try to take out his friends first though," he said. "They aren't as powerful and they're in the way. They'll stand up for the agent no matter what."

Connor nodded slowly. "Ok."

M took a deep breath and slowly, he stood up on shaky legs.

Connor jumped up in an instant, reaching out fearfully, in case M started to tumble. "Are you sure it's safe for you to stand yet?"

"I have to go even if it's not," M said simply. "The agent poses more of a threat than my wobbly legs," he said with a wink.

Connor snorted. "You're fucking insane. I'm not just afraid you'll fall, I'm afraid you won't be able to defend yourself properly! I'm coming with you."

He got off the bed and started at M, thinking he'd bump into him to prove how unstable he was. But M stopped him with a single hand on his chest.

"Stay with Liam," he said. "I promise you. I'll be back."

Connor bared his teeth and grabbed at M's hand. He tried desperately to pull it away, but it was unmoving, like a stone. He gave up with a cry of frustration, letting M's hand stay firmly against his heart.

"Maybe I'm not as strong as you, but I'm not stupid. I won't get in the way. I can help you!" Connor said fervently.

M sighed. "I'm taking Mother with me… If I need help, I'll send her to get you."

Connor growled. He didn't believe that for a minute. But he knew they couldn't afford to argue all day… his head was tingling and pounding with a dull pain again. It signaled the agent was close and up to no good.

"Be careful," Connor said lamely. He felt sick inside saying it though, thinking there was the slightest chance he might not see M again if this fight didn't go the way they were hoping.

Connor kissed M again and stroked his face lovingly.

He didn't care what M said, if he was going to be in danger then Connor was going to find a way to follow him.

Soon after, M and the drone went out the door.

Connor fell back on the bed as he watched them go and the door slam behind them. He felt cold inside. Like his heart had just frozen over…

Liam made a soft baby sound in his sleep and Connor leaned over him protectively. The tiny little thing was so delicate and sweet looking wrapped in his shirt…

"Daddy will be back soon," he said to little Liam. "I promise."

He tenderly kissed the baby on the forehead.

Copyright © 2024 mastershakeme; All Rights Reserved.
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Will this showdown be in Technicolor?... I've got the popcorn ready!

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