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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Silver Spoon - 3. Chapter 3

From that weekend on, Johnny set a course for his life. He vowed to have as much sex as he could, but never to “get involved.” When he was old enough to get the townhouse, he set up residence there. His uncle’s house in East Hampton was always available to him. It was as much his home as Clay’s. He lived in luxury no matter where he was, and although he didn’t have to work, he took up writing soft core, gay erotic stories and novels. He wrote under a pseudonym, John Blake, and he donated his royalties to AID’s charities.

Johnny never wanted his tricks to be aware of his vast fortune, so he rented a small one bedroom apartment in Greenwich Village under his pen name John Blake. His good looks made him so successful in his pursuit of sex, that most weeks he spent more time in The Village than on Central Park West. In addition to contacts he made at the bars, the internet was in full use now, and Johnny also made contacts in gay chat rooms.

He averaged four tricks a week, and never let any one of them spend the night. Part of his coolness could be attributed to his oath never to get involved, but in his deep subconscious brain, he feared that he would fall in love with a false god, someone who was only interested in his money.

His Uncle Clay had long talks with him about his promiscuous life style. Coming from a place of love, companionship, and monogamy, Clay feared for Johnny’s health. Clay simply could not reconcile Johnny’s ways to his own quiet (and secretive) life style, but there was little he could do about it. He never stopped to think that none of us is exempt from love. It might even happen to Johnny one day.

His name was Edwin Rose. Johnny first saw Ed behind the bar of his favorite hangout. He approached the bar to order a gin and tonic, and was shocked to hear the bartender ask, “What’ll it be Johnny?”

How did you know my name?” Johnny sounded a little annoyed, as if this stranger had taken liberties with his privacy.

“I heard some of the guys greet you when you came in.”

The bartender had no name tag, and Johnny didn’t bother to ask for his name. He immediately wrote him off as a possible connection anyway. Bartenders generally worked until 2 AM. By that time, Johnny had long since evicted his tricks, and was sleeping peacefully For the next two months Ed greeted Johnny cordially, but Johnny saw him only as an employee of the establishment.

One day, two months after Ed came to work there, Johnny placed an order with him, and noticed that he was wearing a name tag The tag was printed in scarlet capital letters, lest you should miss seeing it.

“Edwin,” Johnny said. “So that’s your name. How come you finally got an ID tag?”

“The boss doesn’t invest in them, until he’s sure you’re a steady.”

A strange thing happened with the advent of the name tag. It gave Edwin an identity. He was no longer a non entity to Johnny. He was a living, breathing man, yes, a sexual human being. Johnny suddenly became aware of Ed’s sex appeal, and he liked what he saw. How could he not have noticed right away? Ed could have passed as Bo’s kid brother. The sexual pleasure he felt at his first ever encounter with Bo, came flooding back to him. After all these weeks, he had a sudden desire to nail Ed to his bed.

“What time do you get off?” Johnny asked with the biggest, sexiest smile he could manage.”

“I’ve been waiting to hear you ask me that since the day we met.”


“The bar closes at two, but by the time I clean up and get everything ready for the following day, it’s nearer to three before I’m on my way. If you are really interested, I’m off all day Wednesday and Thursday.”

“That’s nice to know. Would you like to have breakfast with me Wednesday morning?”

“Could we make it lunch. I usually sleep until noon.”

Johnny reached into his wallet and gave Ed a John Blake calling card. “Lunch it is,” he said. “Just call me when you are on your way, and I’ll be ready.” He blew Ed a kiss, picked up his drink, and joined some friends.

It was barely past ten in the morning on the following Wednesday, when Johnny’s phone rang. It was Ed.

“What are you doing up so early?”

“I couldn’t sleep thinking of you and all the possibilities we might experience today. Can I come over? I’m only about ten minutes away.”

“Sure. I’ll leave the door unlocked. I’m going to jump into the shower now.”

Actually Ed had called from his cell phone on Johnny’s street corner. He opened the front door a couple of minutes later. The shower door was ajar and he could see the shadow of Johnny’s naked torso through the shower curtain. He undressed in record time and before Johnny could object, he was in the shower with him.

“Damn, Johnny said. “You sure are big. I never realized how tall you are, seeing you behind the counter.”

“The floor behind the bar is about six inches lower than the floor in front. That way we don’t get sore backs from bending over all night. I’m six/five by the way.”

Johnny glanced down at Ed’s cock and he shuddered. This might be the first cock he would not be able to take up his ass. At the very least, it would be a challenge. While Johnny was musing away, Ed wrapped his massive frame around him and began to kiss him.

Ed forced open Johnny’s lips, and they began to duel with their tongues. “Do you know how long I have wanted to do this?” Ed asked the thin air. Johnny was too lost in rapture to have really heard him. The excitement of the brush of Ed’s tongue against his own was spreading throughout Johnny’s body. The tingle reached his groin, and he began to get an erection. He pushed his engorged cock against Ed’s massive body, and realized that he was pushing just below Ed’s balls. Johnny stood on his toes and barely reached Ed’s cock with his own throbbing man tool.

The warm cascading water running down their bodies made Johnny feel even more passionate. Suddenly he pushed Ed away. Ed looked at him quizzically, but remained silent. He wanted Johnny to say whatever was on his mind, but Johnny was speechless.

Until now, Johnny’s love making had been lustful and urgent. There was rarely any kissing, and if there was, it was a quick peck without tongue. The kiss he had just experienced with Ed was different. It was full of passion and desire, and Johnny had responded to it. He was totally confused. He liked what had just happened and wanted more, but he was suddenly consumed with fear. He did not understand the emotions Ed was awakening in him, and he was scared of how he was feeling.

In the end he didn’t give a shit. He grabbed Ed again and resumed their kissing. His hand found Ed’s nine inch, fat as a sausage, cut cock, and he began to stroke it. Ed began to mewl, as Johnny’s hand sent shivers from Ed’s cock throughout his whole body.

Johnny heard Ed whisper, “Please don’t stop.” Johnny fell to his knees and took Ed’s cock into his mouth. He could only manage to engulf Ed’s head, but he opened wider, relaxed his jaw, and managed to take in about half of the fattest cock he had ever seen. His tongue stroked, his lips pulsated against this wondrous cock, and Ed came gushing into his mouth.

Johnny kept sucking and swallowing until Ed began to soften. When he stood up, he saw that Ed was crying.

“What’s wrong?” Johnny asked.

“I didn’t want to cum so fast. I wanted it to last all day.”

Then Johnny said something that surprised even him. “That’s no problem. You told me you had two whole days free, so what’s your concern?”

“None, none at all.” Ed fell to his knees, and returned the favor, and all the pleasure, Johnny had just given him.

Afterwards, they dried each other and lay down on Johnny’s king sized bed, which occupied most of the bedroom. At first all they did was hold each other and fondle each other’s cocks. Ed began to kiss Johnny again, and Johnny just melted into him. He wanted to feel as much of Ed’s body against his own as was humanly possible.

I’m going crazy. Johnny thought. I must be crazy if I invited this stranger to spend two days with me. Well, he’s not really a stranger. I’ve known him for a couple of months. Damn, he’s so sexy… and so big.

Suddenly Johnny felt Ed’s cock getting hard again and rubbing against his thigh. At that moment, all his doubts left him, at least for the moment, and he said, “Fuck me Ed. Please fuck me. I want you inside of me so badly.”

Not only did Ed spend the two days alone with Johnny, they spent the time naked and making love. The only break they took was to go out to dinner Wednesday evening. Johnny explained that he wasn’t much of a cook and kept very little food in the house. They went to a local, very inexpensive diner. The food there was passably good.

At dinner, Ed kept grabbing Johnny’s hand, until Johnny had to beg him to please free up his hand, so he could eat.

“Can I ask you something?” Ed asked over dessert.

“Sure, fire away!”

“How is it you can take two days off in the middle of the week. What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a writer. When we get back to my place, I’ll show you some of my published books. Unfortunately, my stuff has a limited audience, and my royalties are minimal.”

Ed frowned, and Johnny said, “Don’t fret. I get by.”

“In that case, dinner is on me.”

“No way, we’ll go Dutch. Now can I ask you something? If you had all the money in the world, what would you want to do with your life?”

“I’d go back to school. I want to be a doctor so badly, but it isn’t in the cards for me.”

You never know, Johnny said to himself.


For the next few weeks, they spent Wednesdays and Thursdays together. What shocked Johnny was that he had no desire to be with anyone else. He spent his evenings hanging out at Ed’s bar and ignoring any possible contacts.

“I have to go away this weekend. I’ve been invited out to The Hamptons,” Johnny announced to Ed one evening.

“I’ll miss you,” Ed said tersely, and then he turned away so that Johnny could not see the tears that were welling up inside of him. As far as Ed was concerned, Johnny was going to indulge in a weekend of debauchery. The truth is that all Johnny wanted to do was discuss his present condition with Uncles Clay and Billy. He really could not handle his unfamiliar emotional state. He had no idea that he was in love with Ed. Love was not a word in his dictionary.

Clay, Billy and Johnny sat at poolside sipping pina coladas, while Johnny tried to explain his confusion to his uncles. They listened intently without interrupting, but when Johnny explained that he had lost any desire to be with anyone else since his first encounter with Ed, both uncles broke out into wide grins.

“Hallelujah,” Billy proclaimed. “My boy has found love. Johnny, Son, don’t you realize that you have fallen in love with Ed?”

“And apparently he loves you too,” Clay added. “Does he know how wealthy you are?”

“Actually he thinks I am terribly poor, surviving on a pittance of royalties from my novels. He wants us to move in together to cut down on our expenses. Now I’m afraid he’ll hate me when he finds out that I have deceived him.”

“Did you ever tell him that you were poor?” Clay asked.

“Not really. I don’t think so. I just told him not to worry about me, and that I manage to get by.”

“Then you didn’t deceive him. I have an idea. Billy is leaving me for a couple of weeks on church business, and I’ve decided to go back to the city, since you won’t come out here now that you’ve met Ed. Tell Ed that your rich uncle wants to meet him, and take you both out to dinner. That’s the truth. I’ll wine and dine you both, give him a hint as to the family fortune, and see how he reacts.”

“I wish you could join us Uncle Billy, instead of always having to hide how much you two guys love each other.”

“I wish so also. In a perfect world it would be possible. Don’t worry about us, Johnny. We are happy and quite used to our situation.”

“I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have you two guys. I want so much to commit to Ed and live with him, but now I’m scared stiff of his reaction to my wealth. Knowing you two have my back, makes me so much more optimistic.”

“Let’s meet Wednesday evening at The Plaza bar at six, and have dinner there at seven. I’ll make the reservations.”

Sunday evening, they all returned to the city in separate chauffer driven limos. Johnny’s chauffer let him out at his Greenwich Village apartment, and Johnny immediately ran to Ed’s bar. Ed’s eyes lit up when he saw Johnny. It was almost closing time, and Johnny begged Ed to come home with him.

“I want us to be together every day and every night,” Johnny said, and my apartment is bigger than yours. Move in with me tomorrow.”

Ed ran out from behind the bar. He nearly crushed Johnny in a bear hug like only he could give. They kissed, and the few patrons, who remained, as the bar prepared to close, applauded them and yelled for more.

Neither of them slept that night. They made love for at least five hours before Johnny drew the blackout shades, and they fell asleep, holding each other tightly.


When they entered the bar at The Plaza Wednesday evening, Ed’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He stopped dead in his tracks and Johnny was prompted to say, “I told you that Uncle Clay was very well to do.” He avoided saying rich, or filthy rich, or anything which would hint at Clay’s vast wealth.

Johnny scanned the room. Uncle Clay wasn’t there yet. “Let’s wait at the bar,” he said to Ed. As soon as they were seated the bartender approached them.

“I haven’t seen you in ages, Mr. Winston. Will you have the usual?”

Johnny nodded.

“And what will you have, sir,” he asked Ed.

Ed looked totally perplexed. Finally he said, “The same.”

He turned to Johnny and said, “I thought your last name was Blake.”

Johnny remembered that he had given Ed his card with the name John Blake on it. He had also shown Ed his novels and they bore his pen name, John Blake.

“Oh, that’s my pen name. Didn’t I ever tell you my real name is Winston? My uncle is Clayton Winston. He was my dad’s kid brother. You’ll like him. He’s gay, you know.”

Ed was confused now, and not in a good way. He grew silent and wary. Suddenly they heard a voice. “Winston, you old devil, I haven’t seen you in ages. Where the fuck have you been?”

The voice threw his arms around Johnny and hugged him. Ed grew even more unhappy. He was certain that this stranger meant something to Johnny.

“Eddie,” Johnny said, “this is my old college room mate, Franklin Pearson.” He purposely didn’t mention that the college was Harvard. Eddie didn’t feel any better. He envisioned the two of them fucking away every night in a dorm room. It had never happened. As far as Frank was concerned they were both straight.

“Frank, meet my friend, Edwin Rose.”

The two men shook hands cordially.

“I haven’t seen you at The Club since Easter Sunday,” Frank said. “What’s with you?”

Ed’s eyebrows rose up The Club? Did Frank mean a gay club other than where he worked? It sure didn’t sound that way.

Johnny opened his mouth to speak, and was saved by the bell. Uncle Clay stepped in. Frank and Clay said hello, and then Frank started to leave. “I’ll see you around,” he said.

“Regards to your wife,” Johnny said, and Ed felt just a tad better.

Johnny introduced two of the three men in his life, and Uncle Clay said that their reservation was some minutes off, and he had time to join them at the bar for a drink. He ordered a Glenfiddich on the rocks. Ed knew that it was one of the most expensive scotches money could buy. They didn’t even carry it at his bar. He was growing more uncomfortable by the minute. He was unused to being surrounded by such wealth. Johnny told him his uncle was rich, but now he knew that his friends were wealthy also. He reasoned that Johnny didn’t share his uncle’s wealth since he lived so close to the vest. Still, he was very confused at the moment.

At the dinner table, Uncle Clay said to both young men, “I’ve taken the liberty of ordering for us. I hope you won’t mind. This is a special occasion and I want you guys to have a meal you’ll never forget. I know you are moving in together, and I couldn’t be more pleased. I want us to really celebrate.”

In spite of all his misgivings, Ed liked Clay immediately. Except for his expensive culinary tastes, he didn’t act uppity at all. He was an honest, down to earth sort of fellow. Even though Ed did not recognize the wine Clay ordered, nor any of the dishes, everything was absolutely delicious. Clay was right. It was a memorable meal, and one he would always remember. He could not ever hope to live like this, and he made up his mind to savor every moment.

“Are you taking any vacation time this summer?” Clay asked Ed.

Ed nodded.

“Johnny, why don’t you take Ed out to The Hamptons on his vacation, and use MY PLACE. If you tell me when that will be, I’ll see to it that only Billy and I are there, no guests. Would that be something you would like to do?’

Ed was dumb struck. Who was Billy, and would he fit in, in The Hamptons?

When he didn’t answer, Clay said, “That was stupid of me. Of course, you will want to visit family back home. Where is home, Ed? Obviously it’s not New York, not with that accent.”

“I’m from a small town in Minnesota, and I won’t be going home. My father has disowned me because I’m gay. As a matter of fact I’d love to see your place in The Hamptons. Thank you, sir.”

“Drop the sir. I’m Clay.”

When Ed excused himself to use the men’s room, Clay whispered to Johnny, “Don’t go back to The Village tonight. You can walk home from here. Take him to your house and get it over with. Somehow I feel that it will be alright.”

Johnny had no time to answer when Ed returned to the table.

They lingered over an after dinner aperitif, and finally Clay said that he needed to get home. Johnny and Ed stood up to say their goodbyes and thank Clay for this wonderful evening. Ed shook Clay’s hand with a firm, strong, as if he meant it grip, and Johnny kissed his uncle chastely on the lips. Ed envied their intimacy. It was something he never had with his father.

“Let’s have one more for the road,” Johnny said when they were alone. Ed nodded. When the drinks were delivered Johnny raised his glass. “To us!” he said.

“To us!”

“I have something to tell you,” Johnny said, and he took hold of Ed’s hand. Ed was very surprised. Johnny never showed affection in public, especially in a straight environment. Nevertheless he did not object.

“I grew up just a few short blocks from here. It’s a beautiful night. I’d like to take a walk, and show you where my childhood was spent.’

“I’d love that. It’ll be fun. I wish I could show you my farm in Minnesota.”

“Who knows? Maybe someday! Anything is possible.”

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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So Cupid hit Johnny with his arrow(s ? Should be many seeing the way they spent the 2 days 😆)

I love that Ed character, just because he managed to change Johnny 🥰

Poor Ed : so many to absorb in just one evening : well that will happen sooner or later, and better sooner 😆

awesome chapter ❤️

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11 hours ago, Al Norris said:

I don't have the best of feelings for this.

Spongebob Squarepants Ngapa GIF by The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run

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