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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Confounded: Part III - 21. Chapter 13

This chapter awaits an edit and will change. However, those edits should be cosmetic, as they usually are. Story-wise, it doesn't really change, no editor should have such power. 😉

CHAPTER 13 --==Mitchell’s POV==--

I laughed at an anecdote Tom just finished telling while I followed him to Venice. Right after we got into our cars, he called me and we’d been talking since we left my house; we were near his place already, having just gotten off Olympic near Santa Monica, turning into 4th. To be honest, I’d enjoyed this ride, even when we weren’t in the same car.

“God, I’ve hated the color pink ever since,” he snickered.

“Noted,” I laughed, “it’s not my favorite either. Oh! I do own a pink tie, though.”
I prefer variations of blue or just plain white. Kit had a preference for pink, though.

“From your wedding?” He guessed.


“I remember! Mine is still hanging somewhere in my closet. Probably wayyyy in the back.”

The boys had worn a different shade back then, I recalled. Taylan had been dressed in an all-white suit with a silver tie, matching my suit. And now I knew where the pink tie had come from; that’d been all Taylan, picking colors and such. It clearly (now) had been a joke on the boys and particularly Tom. I snickered and told him that thought.

“You know; he was such a bitch at times, I wouldn’t put it past him to do that. He knew it!”
I laughed out loud, almost missing the turn he was taking; a car had snuck in between us.
“You alright, back there?”

“Almost missed the turn,” I smiled, “stop making me laugh.”

“No can do. I’m naturally funny.”
Hehe, he was funny, I had to give him that.


When we arrived at his place, Silver could clearly be heard; she damn near cried her head off.

“She recognizes the car,” Tom explained, chuckling. “She normally doesn’t do it, except for when I or Shannon comes. My girl, who takes care of her when I’m not home? She recognizes her car as well.”

“What’s to recognize?” I said, nodding at his car, “it doesn’t make much more sound than a powertool on batteries.”
He shrugged.

“Dunno, she just does. Come over a few times in a row; she’ll recognize yours too.” Grabbing my bag from the back of my car. “C’mon, let’s not keep the Queen waiting.”

Said Queen gave us a stern talking to when we came in. Even I got an earful of plaintiff meows and constant curling around my legs when Tom quickly disappeared upstairs to change, taking the plastic bag with items from the pharmacy we stopped at with him; I could hardly take a step as I tried to get to the fridge for a bottle of water.

“Alright fluffball, we got it,” I snickered, squatting. She rolled onto her back, showing her belly; immediate purring ensued when I gave her some attention. “You’re a silly one.”

“Who’s more silly; the cat or the grownup talking to her like she’s a cute little baby?” Tom snickered as he returned, having changed into a white T-shirt and light-gray sweatpants. He lured Silver out of the room with a treat while I took a seat on the couch, then closed the door behind her and came over; but instead of sitting next to me, he took my bottle and a sip, then set it on the coffee table and climbed into my lap, lacing his fingers in my neck..


“Hello,” I answered, amused, cupping his butt. I let my eyes travel over him. “So this is casual Tomás?”

“Yep,” he smiled back. “When I’m at home, this is what I usually wear because of her. Light colors work best.”
Ahh, that made sense.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Ditto. Now Casual Tomás would like to have a word with Grumpy Mitch, the one that I met this morning; when you were being a dick to me?”
I winced, more for dramatic effect, to show that the comment did land.

“I was, yes.”
He tapped my temple.

“You can tell me anything that goes on in there, but you gotta talk to me. I can’t guess; that drives me nuts because I’ll go places I shouldn’t go.”

“Such as…?”

“Alex-Syndrome Land. I start thinking I missed something, that you’re gonna tell me it’s not gonna work or whatever. That you wanna explore your options. Break it off, end it. Trust me, it’s not a nice place.”
I groaned; I was an ass.

“I’m sorry. How can I make it up to you?”
Sliding my hands up from his butt, I drew him closer.
“Maybe if I do this?”
Covering his mouth, he readily parted his lips, allowing me to slide inside, lazily rubbing against his tongue. He sighed rather contently, softly beginning to suck. When I withdrew, he smiled.

“Mhm. I’m not being needy; I hate that…”
Drawing him closer, I kissed him again, then withdrew.

“You’re not. It was me being silly and you were right to call me on it. I just felt, I dunno; not included? You just went with it, your call, which is absolutely fine. It’s your job, I get it. But at that moment, I got a little… peeved. That’s what I get for eavesdropping.”
He squeezed my neck in something of a bearhug, pressing my head to his chest. I inhaled the scent of his t-shirt and sighed. “I’m sorry."

Releasing me, he leaned back a bit and dipped, offering his mouth for another kiss. “Mmm, you really wanna make it up to me?”

I smiled against his lips. “I thought that’s what I was doing?”

“As a first try, it’s not bad but I can think of a better way,” he mumbled, softly biting my bottom lip, then lightly touching it with his tongue.

“Hmm,” I responded, playing along and returning the favor, “I’m all out of ideas…”
He growled softly, nipping my lips.

Then he moved off my lap, extending his hand and dragging me up when I took it, pulling me toward the stairs, faking a yawn.

“Gosh, I’m so tired. Aren’t you tired?”
I chuckled, following him while glancing at my watch. Not even 10pm.

“No, not really…”

“I'll make you tired,” he muttered, dragging me along.


“Oh umm…I wanna show you my t-shirt collection. Yes, you must see it, come.”
I began to laugh, ascending the stairs right behind him; he grinned, his eyebrows suggestively moving.

“But I've seen it already?” I teased, enjoying this.

“Work with me, man,” he rolled his eyes exasperated, “focus, read my lips; porn.”


“God, such an effort. Sheesh!”
Then he snorted, laughing when I bit him in the butt; not hard, just having fun.
“Yes, now he gets it!”
Running up the last few stairs, I gave chase and caught him halfway into the bedroom, already yanking the t-shirt over his head, getting stuck in it in his rush of getting undressed.

“Need help?” I chuckled, walking him backward, watching as he pranced around, trying to get that done and simultaneously pulling on the cord to get the sweatpants off. Those dropped first, revealing no undies; he’d gone commando in them. He almost fell over. “Calm down! You’ll keel over!”

He was being ridiculous, goofing around but it was infectious; reaching out, I helped him with the t-shirt and as soon as it dropped, his hands reached for my linen shorts.
“Off, off!”

“Come here, you,” I chuckled when he made a ‘tadaaa’ sound, similar to the Wall-E one, when my shorts and boxers joined the sweatpants on the floor. “You’re a goof.”
Wiggling his eyebrows, he stepped up at my call and God, did he feel good, sliding his arms under my shirt and around me.

I somehow got us toward the bed, getting drunk on kissing and having him feel me up; then, when the back of his knees hit it, he sat down, perfectly lined up with me. It seemed like it was just meant to be like this; his hand was on me, a wonderful grip

“Wow,” he whispered, staring, licking his lips as if he’d already tasted me, “fuck, I love your cock...” I groaned softly when he squeezed harder. Precum flowed steadily from my tip and he slicked his thumb over it. I moaned softly. “So wet! I love that!”

The more he stroked me, the more came and quickly, his fingers glistened. He put two fingers in his mouth, closing his eyes. He’d done that last night, and it still was a major turn on.

“So good,” he muttered. Rubbing me against his cheek, then sliding his mouth down my length, he explored freely. “I love your smell…”

“Christ, you’re unreal,” I breathed, incredibly aroused just watching him do that.
Opening his eyes, he sought mine; then he took me in his mouth.

Hot wetness engulfed me and I shouted “God!” loudly when he took me so deep, I was in his throat; tight, wet and hot at the same time and when he moaned/growled, it reverberated through my cock.

Then came the longest slide from a mouth, ever, with exquisite suction and then back in, even deeper and his nose pressed into my body. It felt absolutely amazing. And then back out.

Shrugging the shirt from my shoulders, I just watched him as I let it fall to the floor. How he took all of me, I couldn’t comprehend. No one had managed that before. Previous lovers always kept a hand at the base, so they wouldn’t gag on me, but Tom had no such reflex.

“H-how?” I breathed as he kept going.

Saliva coated me and glistened all over his chin and lips, the sight hot, searing into my brain. It felt sensational. And the sounds he was making; pure joy, actual slobbering. He loved doing this, obviously. Very, very good at it, too. He fondled my balls, massaging them and all too soon, they pulled up. I moaned, sailing into that happy place with all guns blazing.

I could have stopped him, I guess, but it felt so amazingly good; masterful, even. And why not have him take the edge of…

“I’m coming,” I breathed.

And then he did something no one had ever done to me; letting me slide out of his throat, he then wrapped his hand around me, and squeezed with his finger and thumb, hard, right below the head. The wonderful onrush of orgasm ebbed away.
Letting me escape from his mouth, he looked up and winked, still holding me, slowly stroking.

“No you’re not.”

“How did you do that?” I asked, breathing hard. That felt amazing!

“You can stop it right before it happens; it’s called Edging. I love doing that.”

“Noted,” I chuckled.

He laughed and caught a drop of precum about to drip down with his tongue. “You wanna put that big boy in me?”
I just nodded.

Blindly reaching for the nightstand, where he’d put a box of condoms (one of several we got on the way here), he opened it, taking out one and the lube, then suited me up, never breaking eye contact, not even when he ripped the foil with his teeth. Then he scooted further up the bed, and I followed, setting my knee on the mattress.

“Can I sit on top?”
Whatever he wanted.

“However you like…”
He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows again, rising and giving me a push on the chest, then moving with me until he sat on top, my feet on the floor.

“As long as you get access to the boypuss?”
He got it in one and I still loved that word.

Reaching behind him, he pressed me with the palm of his hand to settle between his cheeks, creating a nice tunnel for me to ride; he’d applied lube royally.

I let him set the pace. Sometimes, I’d learned, the height difference between a taller man and a much smaller one could cause discomfort. Exploring that together could be a lot of fun and you see things you maybe never saw before, like me, right now, looking up at this unbelievable body with its swirls of tattoos, focusing on the strong column of his throat as he slowly began to receive me inside him, moaning with obvious pleasure, his head upturned, eyes closed and a slight smile around those deep-red pretty lips.

Or further down, as his penis rose to full hardness and he began to stroke himself. I could see the Hafada and the idea that I was the only one who knew it was there, added to this whole moment.

“It’s so deep,” he moaned, beginning to rock at a pace to his liking.

“Yeah? You like that?”



Tom really enjoyed sex. It was fun and vocal and it felt incredibly good; he was very agile, seemingly tireless and that pottymouth of his got a full workout as we tried several things. He showed me this edging thing, letting me do it to him.

There was a lot of giggling as we tried things, continuing play after switching condoms, exploring each other, trying things we both liked, finding out dislikes. And when we were a bit more used to each other, he requested we try certain things that’s usually for the more advanced among us, positions wise. He certainly liked to play! As a lover, he was amazing, showing absolutely no inhibition and not afraid to ask for his pleasure.

One position was rather uncomfortable for him. He jerked a little when I slid in too deep, too quickly. “Oh! God, this angle is no good, oww!”

“Wanna sit on top again?” I asked, and the eagerness with how he moved to get me out made me laugh. “I’m sorry.”
He grabbed my penis, squeezing it and spoke down to it, sternly.

“Don’t ever do that again, you hear? Tomcat no likey.”
Oh God.

Nope. Full roaring laughter. He snickered, climbing on top of me. But this time, that was not gonna work. I went soft quickly and I hiccupped, still laughing.

“No one has ever spoken to my penis before,” I heaved, “anyone ever tell you you’re a little nuts?”

“Well, he needed to hear it,” Tom chuckled, his arms circling my neck. “Dude, my ass is numb now…”
He looked down between us.
“Aww…he tired?”

“Stop it!”

And no, definitely not, for a long time to come but… just not now. Not after that! And we’d have all night. I was nowhere near done with him but somehow, I liked this. Coitus interruptus perhaps, but the way we were so, I don’t know…comfortable? With each other? That was new to me.

There’s always, or rather there’s usually a little more trepidation involved in a first time with a new partner; you’re more careful and perhaps hold back a bit of yourself? But with him, there was absolutely none of that.
I looked at him then, raising a hand and sliding it into his hair.

“You okay?”

He smiled and nodded, leaning into my hand. “Mhm. Could do with a drink, though. You?”

“Yes please.”

“Water? Wine?”

Oh, I’d love a glass of wine. “Red?”

“Go look? Oh, wait!”
And then he reached down and pulled the condom off of me. Like snap it off, with the sound of an elastic band snapping back? And I don’t know what it was that made us look at each other; the familiarity with which he did that, the sound in the silence of the bedroom or just that it was such a silly thing to do…
We stared at each other, both looking down at the same time, then back up.

He cracked up first. His hand flew to his mouth, as if he couldn’t believe he’d just done that and then I just lost it.

Too funny!


“I don’t think I’ve ever had sex without finishing,” Tom chuckled as we lay in bed. I was sitting against the headboard, him resting with his back against my chest, enjoying a glass of wine and a platter of cheeses and meats he’d prepared.

We’d drawn the duvet back over us and the bed was a mess, one empty plate down by our feet, the half-empty wine bottle resting in a place of honor on the pillow next to us. It was weird, something I’d never done before, eating and drinking in bed, and I chuckled.

“Me neither. So let that be a lesson to you; don’t make me laugh.”

He snickered. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be; I’m having a great time, actually.”
His head moved on my chest and he looked up to me, smiling. Dipping down, I pressed a kiss on his lips.
“I’m serious. Do you remember saying it was so easy? Well, I couldn’t agree more. It is easy with you. I keep thinking ‘this should be awkward’, but it isn’t.”

Seeking my eyes again, he continued to smile. “I guess we’re having that talk now?”

“I guess we are…”
And again it didn’t feel weird. Just another moment.

“Alright. Well, I’m glad that it isn’t, but I know what you mean. I give you shit about the ‘awkward’ thing, but I don’t subscribe to commonly accepted ideas of how things are supposed to go. Fuck that.”
I chuckled. No, he definitely did not.
“Maybe we shouldn’t question why it is so easy; just accept that it is. Sometimes, things are just easy. It works. I guess we work? And it’s only been a few days. I’m sure I’ll fuck up at some point down the road.”

“Right. So, talk over?”
He chuckled in turn.

“No. I didn’t mean to sound like I’m closing the subject. I’m not. I’m just giving you my version of how I view things. I already told you; I don’t care what other people think. But I do understand that you might feel different.”
Moving, he slipped a leg over until he sat on top, looking down at me.
“Listen; I’ve had plenty of experience with people who think they have the right to comment on whatever I do. I lost interest in what other people think, a long time ago. But that’s me. I can’t speak for you.”

I took a moment to gather my thoughts. Well, a long moment, reaching for the bottle to refill my glass. He chuckled, reading the moment correctly; I didn’t know what he wanted to hear. Taking the glass from me, he took a sip, swallowing and looking down at me.

“Alright, let’s start with the age thing. Does that still bother you?”
I frowned, taking the glass when he offered it. I took a sip.

“No…” I replied slowly.
Oh wow. That one I didn’t see coming from myself. That was new!
“No! It doesn’t! That’s so weird! But when I look at you, that’s not even among the first ten things that come to mind…”

“What does?”

“Right away?” I returned the glass to him, settling my hands on his hips while he took a sip himself. “I think that you're amazing. You’re smart and open, honest, easy to talk to; you’re a little nuts, silly and funny. Sexy. Hot. Handsome. Painfully beautiful. Unique. Awesome. Did I say sexy yet?”
He smiled down at me.

“That’s like fourteen, fifteen….”

“Sensual, unreal, exotic, insane, wonderful, crea…”
He put his finger to my lips.

“Wow…damn, I couldn’t think of that many on a moments’ notice. But I like hearing that you think so. Now what would you say if someone else asked you what I am?”

“None of their business.”

“Oh, you’re learning! Here’s a tricky one, then; Kit.”
Straight for the kill. Yikes, he was perceptive.

“All of the above.”
Tom mulled that over.

“We never really were lovers, you know.... not in the sense that I view it. We were teens playing at being grownups. Did we have sex? Yes. Did we love each other? Yes, in our limited way. Did we know what we were doing? Much like we might have thought we did, we had absolutely no idea. Not really.”
He sat up, seeking my gaze.
“I had sex with your son. I let him fuck me. And he did, hundreds of times. What does that do to you, when I say that? Is it weird? Would you want to compare? Do you want to know?”

Yikes. Talk about confrontation. That one hit.

“Does it make you turn away from me?”
It didn’t take more than a second for me to respond.

I didn’t recognize my own voice, as I answered. It made me feel…something, but it wasn’t anything like jealousy or possessiveness, nor aversion or any kind of put off, either.
“No, it doesn’t. I know you did. I also know he’s with his husband now and that he loves him more than life itself. So no, it does not. And no, I don’t need to know details.”

“You’re exceptional then,” he responded.

“Why? Do you see me as Kit’s dad?”
He shook his head.

“No, though I know you are. But I look at you, that’s not who I see. All I see is this great guy and I feel…feelings.”

“Feelings,” I echoed. “Like…?”

“Like…if I say ‘I’m falling for you like a ton of bricks’...what would you say?”

“Are you?”
I found myself watching his reaction closely.

“Yes. And I know it’s too fuckin’ fast, but I feel there’s something here. And I’m not talking about superficial things like me thinking you're hot.”

“Well, I am,” I teased, very glad he’d said that.
He really wasn’t afraid to show himself. I liked that. I liked that very much.

“Ahuh. Stop this beating around the bush crap.”
Nor afraid to demand answers. It felt honest and his revealing himself deserved the same in return.

“You made yourself incredibly vulnerable, saying that, and I think you’ve become an amazing person. As for the feelings part; I'm right there with you. I couldn’t be anywhere else, to be honest.”
He blinked a few times, looking up and inhaling deep.
“I am. I’m right here, with you…”

“You are?”
Relief shone in his eyes.

“I am, yes. And you? Do you want to get to know me? You here? With me?”
Fair is fair.

“Yes! Definitely!”
He threw himself at me then, burying his face in my neck.
“Jesus. Fuckin’. Christ! That was hard!”
Wow! That was a bit wild, the way he reacted; I let the whole ‘taking the lord’s name in vain’ bit slide. Well…I slapped the back of his head, to see if he still remembered that.
Ha! He did remember! I wrapped my arms around him.

He leaned back, his eyes suspiciously moist.

“That’s me. 100% ass.”

Well…I could live with that.

“Wanna make that 100% sore ass?”

Well…he’d have to live with that. And yes, I would.

*******© andr0gene 2005-present*******
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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We finally have both of our guys all in!  They were fun, playful, sexy, honest, and completely comfortable with each other.  I loved it!

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