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Country Retreat - 60. Work and Fun

The storeman went back to the holding area, and after about a twenty-minute wait, he returned with my two suitcases, which I double-checked that they were mine, and took them off the counter, placing them on the floor by my feet. “You really need to do a better job with customers' luggage, your customer service stinks. Have a good day,” I said, just as Rebecca and Jarrad picked up my suitcases and headed for the exit, and I followed.

“Excuse me sir… what did you just say to that gentleman at the luggage collection counter?” a security officer said to me, as he stood in front of me, stopping me from going any further. “I said that he really needs to do a better job with customers' luggage, your customer service stinks. Have a good day,” I responded. “Well, he told me that you threatened him,” the security officer said to me, as I went to pull out my phone, “Freeze, do not move,” the security officer said as I had my hand on my phone which was halfway out of my pocket.

“If you look carefully, you will see a mobile phone in my hand, that is all,” I said as calmly as possible, as I started to feel the effects of an anxiety attack coming on, and I promptly collapsed to the floor. “What the hell are you doing to our friend, he has done nothing wrong, and now you set off an anxiety attack?” Rebecca demanded as she approached the officer.

“Stand back madam, he threatened an airport employee, and he needs to come with me to be interviewed,” the officer said in response. “What the hell? He did no such thing as my friend and I were standing right next to him, he said that they needed to improve customer service and wished him a good day, that is all he did. Now back off so I can help him with his anxiety,” Rebecca said as she squatted down near me.

“I said back away madam, he needs to come with me,” the security officer demanded, “The hell I will, my friend needs first aid assistance, so you back away and go and get your damn supervisor, and stop calling me madam, I am not a whore,” Rebbecca demanded back at the officer, as I struggled to breathe and Rebecca started to guide me to do my deep breathing exercises.

“What’s the problem here officer? I am a doctor, can I help?” a new person asked, “My friend is having an anxiety attack and this man if you can call him one is creating more trouble, I just need space and time to calm him down,” Rebecca responded. “Ok officer, how about giving us some space so we can treat this young man, then we can deal with your issue,” the doctor said, and after a moment of staring at each other, the officer eventually backed away.

“Hey, another anxiety attack?” Jarrad asked when he arrived after putting the luggage in the vehicle. “Yeah, the officer thinks that Oscar had threatened the luggage storeman somehow?” Rebecca replied. “I can resolve that matter right away,” Jarrad said as he pulled out his phone and walked to the officer. “Here, watch this video clip dumb arse, then let’s see what we do to have you sacked for attempting to illegally detain someone who has done absolutely nothing to anyone,” Jarrad said as he showed the security offer his phone and pressed play.

“Well, on seeing this, I believe that I was given a false statement by the luggage manager… I am sorry for my actions, I will make sure that a full investigation is done into this matter,” the security officer said, “Yeah, you do that, and you too could do with some customer service retraining,” Jarrad said to the security officer, who left the area, just as I was assisted to stand up again.

“Are you ok young man?” the doctor asked me, “Yes, I think so. Thanks, doc,” I replied, “We will make sure that he gets home safely and rests for the rest of the day,” Rebecca added, just as we saw a woman smartly dressed approaching us, while we were walking towards the exit. “Excuse me, I would like to speak to you three about an incident that has just happened,” she said as Rebecca stopped to talk to her, and Jarrad and I kept walking.

“Lady, we are not going to talk to you, we have medical advice that my friend needs to get home and rest, and that is exactly what we are going to do, good day,” Rebecca said as she turned to leave. “Hey just a moment, I need to speak to you,” the woman said as she grabbed Rebecca’s arm, where Rebecca turned and brought her closed fist down on the woman’s arm hard, which caused her to let go, and Rebecca followed us out the door.

Jarrad and I had stopped just outside the door when this happened, and Jarrad had once again pulled out his phone to record the event as proof, and once Rebecca had joined us, we promptly walked to the car and drove off, and once clear of the car park automatic gates, we headed for East Perth to wait for the Indian Pacific train, arriving just fifteen minutes before the train was due to arrive, and where Koen and Hugh were waiting.

After a hug from both lads, glad to see them both after a few years away, we sat down and told them about what happened at the airport, and showed the two video clips, which Jarrad had saved as well as emailed to me and Becca.

When the Indian Pacific train arrived, Giles and Hunter eventually appeared, and Giles hugged our overseas friends, before introducing Hunter to everyone, as we made our way to the vehicles in the car park, where we loaded up the luggage. Rebecca once again drove my vehicle, while Hugh drove the other vehicle, and we headed north, with Rebecca and I stopping off at Yanchep first so I could visit my grandparents while the others continued to the property.

After the hugs and hellos, we all sat down for a chat. “What are your plans while you are home and all of your friends are together?” Gramps asked me, “I am not sure yet, we had a few issues during the trip over, so I haven’t had a chance to sit down and chat with everyone,” I replied.

“Oscar had another anxiety attack, while at the airport, due to two situations that were not his fault. Luckily Jarrad video-recorded everything so we have proof that Oscar was not to blame for anything,” Rebecca admitted to my grandparents. “I am fine now, thanks to my best friend here, she managed to calm me down and get me out of the situation, although she may be in a bit of strife, but Jarrad recorded that incident too so all is good,” I explained. “Sounds like trouble has been following you no matter where you go,” Gramps said in response.

“Will it be ok if we all stay at the complex for Christmas and New Year, I think it would be good for Oscar to have all his friends surrounding him,” Rebecca asked. “Yes, I think that is a very good idea, dear. Gramps and I will be going up to the family farm for Christmas Day, so we will call in on the way back to check in on everyone,” Gran said to us both. “Thanks that would be good,” I replied.

“Any plans while you are all together for those nearly two weeks?” Gramps asked, “No, but I am sure you have some suggestions lined up,” I replied, and I saw my grandparents smile broadly. “As a matter of fact yes, we do have some ideas,” Gran responded, and for the next fifteen to twenty minutes they told us what they wanted. Once on our way again, we arrived at the compound less than an hour later, and there was a lot of activity in the garage compound, with some of the guys busy with gardening.

“Hey guys, what is happening?” I asked, “Spring cleaning in summer,” Marcus replied smiling, and I laughed at this response. “Rebecca and Hunter are in the main section doing a bit of cleaning up. I want to get this place spotless before Christmas Day, it’s hard with just one person to keep this place spotless, especially with all the outdoor work that needs doing too,” Marcus said to me.

I pitched in to help in the main complex, and by the end of the afternoon, the place was spotlessly clean, the nine of us relaxed on the front patio as we watched the sun setting over the Indian Ocean horizon, which I never got tired of seeing it, with summer being the best season to see great sunsets. As we sat down to eat that evening, we happily chatted, and I was pleased that all my friends were together again.

“Any plans that were discussed with your grandparents?” Marcus asked me, “Yes, maybe,” I replied smiling and Rebecca chuckled. “Yes, they did talk about it, and there had been some suggestions, but Gran and Gramps want us to relax and enjoy Christmas,” Rebecca added.

With just four days left till Christmas, we enjoyed our meal together we asked Marcus if any jobs need doing on the property, and he said that all the boundary fences that need to be checked, as some yobbos have been trying to break into the property, but thankfully we have a solid base to the boundary fence and all attempts have failed to get a vehicle through our boundary, but there are signs of people climbing over the fence, which has caused some damage that needed fixing.

Marcus informed me that Gran and Gramps have provided the equipment and supplies to install electric fencing along the top half of the boundary fence, which has several solar panels that can provide a continuous supply of power to the fence to deter any trespassers, with warning signs posted along the fence line.

With two plain wires half a metre apart, it should deter people from climbing over, and working together, we had the job finished within two and a half days, with Rebecca accidentally touching the wires after we had activated them, and she felt it working well, which brought some laughter amongst the crew.

When we had a break from work, we headed to the beach for an ocean swim and brought the kayaks down for a bit of a paddle when the ocean was reasonably calm and not so windy, and we had a wonderful time working together and relaxing on the beaches.

Copyright March 2024 All Rights are Reserved, Preston Wigglesworth
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Oscar has this knack of finding trouble wherever he goes. At least he had friends to record the incidents and help him over his anxiety attack.

A quite Christmas ahead for the group of friends.

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Posted (edited)

Oscar certainly seems to attract the worse type of 'officials' who invariably cause him harm, both physical and emotional. Hopefully this event at the airport will be the last, (for a while 🤞), especially when Gran and Gramps' barristers get done with them.

With four days until Christmas , Marcus (as 'Major Domo' for Manakoora ), remarks: "it’s hard with just one person to keep this place spotless, especially with all the outdoor work that needs doing too.” Everyone offers to help out and asks what needs to be done. Marcus said all the boundary fences need to be checked, as yobbos (troublemakers) have been trying to break into the property; and while the solid base to the fence have foiled attempts to get a vehicle through, there are signs of people climbing over the fence, which caused some damage that needed fixing.

Gran and Gramps provided equipment and supplies to install electric fencing along the top half of the boundary fence, to deter any trespassers, (with warning signs posted along the fence line).

With two plain wires half a metre apart, it should deter people from climbing over. Working together they had the job finished in two and a half days, with Rebecca accidentally touching the wires after activated, and she felt it working well, which brought some laughter amongst the crew.

fail naruto shippuden GIF

However the more protected a house or 'estate' looks, the more determined criminals will be to get in.

Oscar's younger sister Amara and little brother Deacon will yet again be sad and disappointed to not be allowed to spend time with the big brother they love and miss. As a Uni 'counsellor' Oscar must recognize and know the emotional harm he is causing them. Screw his 'Mum' and invite them to come and visit at least for Christmas and birthdays; and if not at Manakoora, then at Gran and Gramps place in Yanchep! Grow up Oscar! 

Edited by Anton_Cloche
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