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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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I love A Rainy Night - 1. Chapter 1




Well, I love a rainy night

I love a rainy night

I love to hear the thunder

Watch the lightning

When it lights up the sky

You know, it makes me feel good

Well, I love a rainy night

It's such a beautiful sight

I love to feel the rain

On my face

Taste the rain on my lips

In the moonlight shadows

Showers washed

All my cares away

I wake up to a sunny day


Songwriters: David Malloy, Even Stevens, Eddie Rabbitt.


Part 1

"Oh boychek," 'Aunt' Sally exclaimed. "If I were a younger man, I'd steal him away so fast it'd make your head spin". Mikey knew while Aunt Sally was harmless, he did note a twinge of yearning as she assessed Eryk Orszulak, The eternal source of Mikey's frustration, from across the smoke-filled bar. It was another Wednesday night at Pete's Bar and Grill, and the darts league was in full swing. Once again, Mikey found himself behind the bar serving thirsty customers when not running back and forth from the beer cooler in the stock room.

That Aunt Sally was in was a bit of a surprise as Wednesday's were not her regular night. Turned out she had been hired to appear at a birthday party and after performing, had time to stop in for a quick drink or two.

Aunt Sally was Darren Hubbard in actuality, a legend on the drag circuit. At six-foot-four inches and somewhere north of two-hundred-and-fifty pounds, the exact weight was a mystery, as one never asked a lady their weight or age. She and her fellow 'girls' usually closed the bar on Sunday nights after their show was over. A Sunday night fixture at Pete's Bar and Grill as long as Mikey could remember, they had taken a shine to young Mikey over the years, and he to them, particularly Aunt Sally, who became a confidant. Becoming a listening post as Mikey vented his frustrations over the lack of his love life.

"You know that boy is crazy over you," whispering in his ear as Eryk approached the bar for another round for his team. "He can't take his eyes off of you, especially when you're dressed like that." Once again, his standard uniform for the bar consisted of pants that left nothing to the imagination and a loose-fitting tee shirt with the sleeves removed. Giving the patrons of the bar tantalizing glimpses of his smooth, lithe, and winsome body.

"Even I can tell from here that boy is packing some serious equipment," Aunt Sally went on, "While he's wearing baggy pants if you watch closely enough, you can see the bulge when he moves just so." Mikey's eyes followed Eryk as they played darts and, noticing the obvious, blushed embarrassingly so.

"So…Mikey, when you gonna tell that boy you're crazy about him?''

"What…are you kidding? I can't just go up to him and ask him out. He's three freaking years older than me."

"Boychek, darling boobala, here's the thing, he's in a gay bar, you're working in a gay bar, the most important question you have to face has been made obvious…talk to the boy, find out what he likes, what kind of job does he do…just make small talk with him till he's comfortable holding a conversation with you."

"Aunt Sally", exclaimed Mikey a bit loudly, if not heatedly. "I can't just go up to him and do that stuff; I'd look like a total idiot thinking he was easy or worse…a slut!"

"Boychek, listen to me and listen closely," hissed Aunt Sally grabbing his chin, "Have you seen or learned nothing all these months working here. It may be snowing outside, but what do you think brings these fellows in on a night like this? Take a good look around this place and tell me what you see, sure everyone is here to have something to drink and hopefully meet someone who is interested in the horizontal mambo."

"Look at how most of the guys act; it is like they left their manners in the barnyard they call home! I know you brush off the crude comments that come your way when you are working, and the most important thing you need to learn is that everyone starts thinking and speaking with their dicks the moment they walk through that door and have their first drinks."

On a roll now, Aunt Sally continued, the hold on Mikey's chin even firmer as she went to make her point, "There's one boy who's unlike the others, and he's freaking crazy over you, and he's the furthest thing from being easy as you call it. That boy is a gentleman. His momma should be proud she raised a boy like that."


"But nothing Mikey, you want to see a slut in action, look over there, isn't that Ralph Johnson's son Tommy? Watch him for a moment, thinking he is God's gift to humankind. Watch the reactions of folks when he turns away to go chase something else."

Groaning as Aunt Sally let go of his chin, mortally embarrassed that his lecture might have been observed, Mikey let go of the breath he had been holding when he saw no one was paying attention.

Aunt Sally was not done yet, to his consternation, thankfully glad his end of the bar was empty, and those nearby seemed more interested in whatever was in the bottom of their bottles and glasses. For once, he was glad his break was over in a minute or two.

"You keep your distance from that boy. Not only is he unwelcome news, but he is trouble of the worst kind. That boy will hurt you, abuse you, and simply walk away." Lowering her voice, "According to a 'friend' at the police department, Tommy was caught with a fourteen-year-old boy in his car at the rear of his father's store with his pants down. Turned out the boy is gay, and the parents settled for a college education."

"That boy," she said pointing his chin towards Eryk, "Is a keeper, he may not look like a movie star, but what he has going for him is priceless." Snickering she added for Mikey's benefit, "You know it doesn't hurt he's packing," she added with a wicked grin.


There were times when the winter never seemed to end; snowstorm after snowstorm blanketed the area. It brought everyone out. Business at the bar had never been better. February had given way to March, and April seemed to be right around the corner. After giving much thought, Mikey decided that Eryk was terminally reticent when it came to dating or sex. He missed or ignored the occasional hint about going out. He decided to keep the conversations focused on safer topics in an effort to wear him down. At least the barrier between the two of them had been broken. Neither was afraid to start a conversation, trouble was Mikey thought, how much longer was Eryk gonna remain obtuse, or was it oblivious?

The only fly in the ointment, as it were, was one Tommy Johnson. Every couple of weeks, he would stop by crudely making his intentions known, what he was going to do to Mikey and, in so many words, make him his bitch. Even Pete, his great uncle, noticed and, on more than one night, shut him off and told him to go home.

Wednesday nights still proved to be the highlight of Mikey's week. As April gave way to the beginning of May, some progress was seen. Eryk appeared a bit less uncomfortable and even initiated and carried on longer conversations and cracked a joke or two. It seemed the warmer weather brought even more customers; darts nights were becoming very popular. There was even some thought given to restoring the old slate top pool table and installing it in the disused dining room, possibly adding another as well.

The middle of May saw the largest crowd Pete's had seen in some time. Beers were flying out from behind the bar, and the action over at the dart boards was heating up. Mikey noticed Eryk was having a rare off night and parked himself at a quiet corner of the bar where he was deep in conversation with his uncle. Taking a moment during a rare lull, he joined them in discussing his new job offer, among other things. Pete had a list of stock needed to refill the coolers, along with replacements for the liquor bottles that were rapidly emptying.

Grabbing the list, Mikey set off to the stockroom to grab what was needed. He didn't see or hear Tommy Johnson follow him or the fist that knocked him over the beer cart, spilling a few cases. Before he knew it, he was on his knees in front of Tommy, one hand holding him by his hair and Tommy's other hand dropping his pants and underwear.

Struggling to get away, Tommy slapped him a couple of times, "You're fucking faggot, suck my dick", He slurred, pulling Mikey's head closer as he struggled. "What fucking part of sucking my dick don't you understand faggot? Open your fucking mouth if you know what's good for you!" followed by a backhand to the side of his head. It was when Mikey noticed Eryk entering the stockroom.

Tommy saw Mikey looking towards the door to the stockroom and turned to see what the distraction was and never had a chance to react to the fist that was directed at his face. It was all over so quickly that by the time Mikey was standing safely held in Eryk's arms, Tommy Johnson was lying unconscious on the night's trash bags. All Mikey could do was wrap himself around Eryk professing his eternal gratitude, wondering how he could ever repay him.

It was then Eryk asked him to go out with him on Friday night. Mikey, standing his toes and after a quick kiss, asked Eryk what took him so long. A bit later, after all the hullabaloo had settled down Mikey could see Eryk needed some fresh air and distance. Walking him to his car, plans were solidified in and amongst some serious snogging.


Standing on his front walk as Eryk drove off, all Mikey could do was wrap his arms around himself. The night was a thousand times better than his wildest dreams. The dinner was first-rate, the food fantastic, and bowling had to be one of the best things he's done in a very long time. Neither of the young men was very good at the game, and it simply added to the night's enjoyment. What was most appreciated was that Eryk was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. A genuine romantic who showed consideration for others. It wasn't that he hadn't dated before, but those dates never went very far in the grand scheme of things. It only convinced him he was looking for love in all the wrong places.

A rocky childhood and a series of unfortunate events, parents who could not escape from the dogma of their church, led to his living with his Uncle Pete. What he wanted was to be loved, needed loved for who he was. Uncle Pete gave him most of what he was seeking, but at eighteen years he also needed someone to stand beside him as an equal partner in his life.

He was done with dating for the most part, willing to wait for that 'special' someone after a couple of aggressive suitors, both male and female, pushed him too far. He wasn't a prude, he reminded himself. He was just as horny as the next person. He just did not want to be treated as an object. For a brief moment tonight up at the old town reservoir, he thought perhaps he made a foolish mistake, was too forward when he decided to set the pace, urging Eryk to 'take' him, to fully seat himself, stunned at his response.

It set his mind ablaze to hear he deserved to have that special moment somewhere better than the back of a car, that he deserved so much more from his lover. For a brief instant feeling chided for his eagerness, only to hear the invitation for a weekend away, that there was still fun the two of them could have before going home. It was everything he could have asked for and more.

He was floating, walking on air as he went into the house. Noticing the living room light was still on, he stopped in to make his good nights to his uncle. "You were right Uncle Pete, that boy is one in a million. We had a great night and he treated me fine".

"Well, it took the two of you lovestruck dingbats long enough to figure this out. I can see he treated you just fine if your untucked shirt and disheveled appearance are any indication," he said with a nod and a wink. "No sense pulling your zipper up if you're headed to bed. Don't forget to brush your teeth, remember I love you more than words can say. Sleep late; we'll go into the bar around 11 tomorrow morning".

For the first time in a long time, Pete was concerned. The doctor asked him to come into his office early next week to discuss the nagging cough. He'd been hacking up crap out of his lungs, and he was worried. Life running a smoke-filled bar wasn't the healthiest of occupations, nor was smoking unfiltered cigarettes the smartest thing either.


"Come on my darling boychek, listen to your Aunt Sally. A girl simply has to know the latest gossip and just what did you do to that dreadful Johnson boy…and better yet, just what were you up to on your date with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome? Tell me, was he into you, or was he in you? Aunt Sally said with a salacious grin.

Mikey knew Aunt Sally only had his best interests at heart. After so many months of pouring out his frustrations, he wasn't surprised to see her at the bar early Sunday afternoon. She and the other 'girls' would start the show just after 7PM, and he knew she was, in her own way, concerned and looking out for his welfare. Well, that and a few niggling details about Eryk's anatomy, deportment, and the details regarding the offending member, actually lack information thereof, was driving her crazy.

She marveled at the description of dinner at Mario's. At the corner booth, the discreet waiter, the different courses, surreptitiously being served a glass of wine, chuckled at the antics in the bowling alley. Not sure how to describe the antics after, or how much specificity to offer, he knew he needed to not string her along, he owed her at least that much.

He and Aunt Sally went some ways back. He first met her when his uncle would take him into the bar when there wasn't anyone to watch him. Mikey knew to be unobtrusive, to hide in plain sight. But Aunt Sally was simply too much of a presence to ignore. Like many drag queens, Aunt Sally had a propensity for glamour. Her makeup skills were legendary. Being a woman of a certain size made it difficult to find the dresses she needed for her shows. In short order, her skills as a seamstress soon had her very much in demand, along with a built-in helper in Mikey.

Uncle Pete now owned the building the bar was in and, at one time, had a restaurant adjacent to the bar and two full-sized apartments on the second floor. The last financial downturn, when interest rates hit north of twenty-one per cent, effectively crippled the restaurant business. When the owners of the building were going into foreclosure Pete bought the building. Aunt Sally proved to be a good tenant, she and Mikey spent much time together.

"Boobala…darling…what on God's green earth made you think that log of his was gonna fit into your fireplace?"

Groaning, Mikey knew he was in for an embarrassing lecture.

"No…don't say anything just yet. Listen to me. Next Wednesday, when that hunk of man is in, we are gonna sit and have a discussion about the gay facts of life."

Whimpering, all Mikey could do was acquiesce, hoping Eryk wouldn't run out of the building thinking his hair or ass was on fire. At the best of times, Aunt Sally was a force of nature and held some pretty strong opinions. At heart, she was a wonderful, loving presence in his life, and he knew she only wanted the best for her cub, Mikey.


Mortified, or was it mortification. Chagrined just didn't cover the embarrassment both Mikey and Eryk felt when they left Aunt Sally's apartment. She held nothing back and covered information the boys had no clue or understanding of. While not referring to anyone's particular size, they learned the importance of preparation if sex between the two boys was to be an enjoyable event. She had them squirming in their seats when discussing the proper care of and cleanliness of the alimentary tract along with the products needed.

Before she was done, there was a lecture on sex and the words used. If one couldn't have an open discussion about sex using the various words and slang, or without embarrassment, or help each other with the necessary prep before doing the 'deed', then they weren't ready or mature enough.


They had some time before either one of them had to be back to the bar, deciding on some pizza. On the way over, Mikey looked at Eryk, trying to suppress a giggle, whispering, "Sphincter breath."

"Cum guzzler."

"Ass ranger".

"Penis breath".

"Butt hole surfer".

"Jock sniffer".

As they both broke down laughing at the ludicrousness of the afternoon very much in love and looking forward to the weekend. Both carrying a small shopping bag with the necessary supplies if they were to progress to the next level.


Friday came before they knew it, and both boys were raring to go. Pete told Mikey he could leave after lunch to beat weekend traffic. They had a long discussion that morning. Mikey wanted to reopen the restaurant and dining room, and Pete agreed to give it some thought, and together, they would work up a business plan the following week. Eryk signed the necessary documentation, locking down his commitment to work for the firm for the agreed minimum number of years. Ecstatic that four years of college would be paid for, provided he maintained at least a 3.0 average. There were riders which would increase his yearly salary if he maintained a higher GPA. He left the office that Friday morning, glad he and his father had the family lawyer review the paperwork.

The old Volvo had been gone over with a fine-tooth comb. He had worked late into the evening before, and by 11AM on Friday, the oil had been changed, and all the other fluids had gone over. The windshield wipers were checked, and the pesky muffler system was replaced and hung properly.


It wasn't that Mikey was preoccupied, but a little of the hour-and-a-half spent in the car on the ride north was remarkable or worth remembering. His sole focus had been the satisfaction of simply being with Eryk. The inconsequential conversations about everything and anything. Knowing that before the night was over, his life would change. He would no longer just be Mikey, he'd be part of someone else, and they him.

Anticipation, curiosity, and a bit of nervous energy coursing through his body were feeding what he craved, creating a warm, knowing glow in his midsection and private parts. The 'log' as Aunt Sally so conveniently told him, simply wasn't gonna fit where he wanted to, leastways without some practice. Several workouts with the slender, battery-operated devices she 'loaned' him gave him the confidence that he was ready for that next step. With a wry grin he recalled the meeting with Aunt Sally and with Uncle Pete before they left earlier.


Eryk was basking in the glow that came being with Mikey. He had been such a fool chiding himself, remembering how unapproachable the boy really was, or so he thought. One thing he now knew for certain was that he was tired of hiding, of not being able to be himself with others. While the circle may be small…it was more than enough. Uncle Pete, that was who he was now and asked to be called by that honorific. Uncle Pete shared with him some of the sordid details of Mikey's past, the abuse and neglect of the boy. The beatings of being locked away in his room for days. The withholding of food, of being kept out of school till the visible bruising didn't show. How shocked he was when he stopped by one morning to drop off some food and clothes; instead of leaving his intended delivery, the food and clothes, he left with those supplies and the boy.


Then there was Aunt Sally, a force of nature in her own right and once past her protective shield of those she cared for, you basked in the love, care, and concerns she had. If anything, Aunt Sally wasn't shy and more than willing to share the innumerable lessons of her life. There wasn't much she hadn't seen or done.

At first, he wanted to crawl into a hole or bury himself under a mountain of blankets and cushions that were on her couch when she proceeded to give both of them the gay facts of life. Describing in the greatest detail the do's and don'ts concerning the mechanics of sex between two men. When she brought out her 'toys' and clearly explained the reasons for their use, that if, in fact, he was going to fit that 'log' of his where Mikey wanted it, that, like with any toy, some reading of the directions was required if they caught her drift.

On the other hand, she chuckled; if Mikey were to return the favor, then one or two of those toys would be helpful as well. Then, there was the lesson regarding lubrication and the importance of cleanliness, using your fingers in foreplay, and making sure your nails were trimmed. Of the various erogenous zones, of all the various ways two boys could have fun.


And finally, tonight, Mikey was going to give himself to him completely, and he to Mikey. In his heart of hearts, he knew he had found what he'd been looking for. Everyone else paled in comparison. It had bothered him that their love for each other was new. They couldn't publicly show it. If Mikey were a girl, he would have given an engagement ring, and it was Aunt Sally who came to the rescue. While Mikey was in the bathroom, he asked for a suggestion on what to do. She asked him to come by tomorrow after work to discuss it further.

The next day sitting at her kitchen table drinking coffee, she produced two thin, slender boxes. Pushing them towards him, telling him to open them. Inside were two delicate silver-looking chains. When held they followed the contours of whatever part of the body they were draped over.

He knew he couldn't afford the fine craftsmanship and the exquisite details, stuttering his thanks for the suggestion, proffering his humblest thanks, saying he simply could not afford something like that, sliding them back across the table towards her. Remembering how Aunt Sally pushed them back saying the only payment she wanted was Mikey's reaction, when he put the chain around his neck. They weren't silver, she told him when he asked about cleaning any tarnish, but platinum. A gift from a bygone lover that sat unused in her dresser as silver-looking jewelry wasn't her thing. She was a girl who loved gold baubles and diamonds.


Eryk managed to get Uncle Pete away when his turn at darts was over. It had to be his worst night since he picked up the game, not surprisingly he had other things on his mind and took all the good-natured ribbing in hand as he shouted the winners their beers and included his partner that night as well. Declining offers for rematches, he went up to Uncle Pete and asked for a moment while Mikey was on the other side of the bar, taking care of a thirsty crowd.

Telling Mikey they were off to the stockroom, Uncle Pete couldn't help but notice how tense Eryk was. "Zippy...what's up?"

Pulling out the two jewelry boxes, "I'm asking your permission for Mikey's hand." Opening the boxes, he showed Uncle Pete the finely tooled necklaces.

Uncle Pete wasn't a fool. He knew by the boxes just where they had come from by the label, the inherent quality of the first-class jewelry in Eryk's hands. It took him back a bit as he felt the weight and responsibility of caring for his beloved nephew lift. What was it the doctor told him last Monday about smoking and working in a smoke-filled barroom. He knew he had to quit, invest in a better smoke-eater, or turn the bar into a non-smoking facility. He was on the verge of COPD. If he didn't, he could count on a year or two rather than ten or more years. More to the point, could he, in good faith, leave the place to Mikey, knowing that even if he did not smoke, it could just as soon kill him as well in the long term?

"You silly idiot," Uncle Pete said through a grin a mile wide, "You have my blessing, gratitude, and thanks." The happiness and joy radiating so deeply touched his heart. Confirming what he had come to know about the boy he'd watched over this past year. How nervous and scared he'd been when he first walked through the door to the bar. How he differentiated himself from his contemporaries, never getting out of control or drunk, proving to be reliable and a stand-up guy, willing to help out and chase empties, dirty glasses, and empty the ashtrays along with taking out the trash, human as well when he stopped that idiot from assaulting Mikey. Neither Eryk nor Mikey knew it, but the asshole's father made a substantial 'contribution' to Mikey's future for not pressing charges. The only sticking point was Pete's insistence that the boy be taken to a rehabilitation facility a few states away.

"You know, Eryk, these aren't inexpensive, at least a half year of your wages, most likely much more. Are you sure you can afford something like this?"

"Um, ah…you see...ah…crap, Aunt Sally found out…"

"She gave them to you, right…and if I don't miss the mark, did she sit you and my nephew down?"

Blowing out a breath he'd been holding, blushing furiously, "She filled in all the things Dad forgot to tell me when he discussed the birds and the bees with me!"

Laughing so hard, Uncle Pete had to take his ever-present glasses off to dry his eyes. "We'd better get back out there before the boy misses us; just one last thing. If you are going to ask my boy and give him the necklace, ya gotta do it right, Zip-Zip."

Pointing a gnarled, nicotine-stained finger at Eryk, the joviality gone from his voice, "Just north of the cabin you are staying at, on the far side of the lake is a restaurant called The Pines. They're known far and wide for serving our kind of clientele. You will greet the maître d at eight o'clock sharp and give him the jewelry boxes. Don't worry…we go back years."

Placing a hand on Eryk's arm, "Everything will be covered. Order what you like when the time is right, nod to the waiter, and he'll bring out the boxes along with your dessert." Tapping his hand to his forehead. "Ya gotta wear slacks, a dress shirt and a tie would be nice, along with a blazer and polished shoes. If ya ain't got it, see Aunt Sally, I'll tell Mikey it's a reward for all the hard work."


Pete had pizza waiting for the boys at the bar admonishing the boys to be careful, good, and have a great time while surreptitiously slipping Eryk some folded bank notes…for just in case. And wouldn't you know it, as they were driving off it began to rain.



Mikey couldn't see why they had to get dressed up to go out to eat, "We look like a pair of clowns if you ask me." Struggling with his tie for the umpteenth time. "It's bad enough we gotta wear shoes, for Christ's sake."

"What do you want me to say, Mikey? I mean, gosh, when are we ever gonna have a chance to do something like this again? Your uncle wants to spoil us, it's thanks for all your hard work and for me looking pretty!"

"Excuse me, ya gotta let me by…I gotta throw up." Grabbing Eryk around the waist, hugging him tight, squeezing a little, "Not so sure about the pretty part, but you have a mug that sort of sticks with ya…takes some time…but it does!!" Barely dodging the playful swat aimed at his head.

Looking down at the boy holding him, wondering how he got so damned lucky, doing his damnedest to stop his eyes from leaking, his voice catching for a second, "How I love you, Mikey, oh how I love you…"

Mikey tilted Eryk's head down and, after gently kissing him, said, "I love you more...pretty boy!"


Eryk was glad he chose to park near the back of the parking lot. The old Volvo looked a bit out of place with all the fancy cars in the lot. Walking up to the door, following a group of well-heeled 'gentlemen' and their companions, helped to defray his nerves. Mikey's eyes were everywhere he noticed. Not that he could blame him; opulent décor did not even begin to describe the setting, the fine paneling, the ornate fireplace casting a comforting glow, the artwork, and the furniture. Soft music in the background and the lighting were just right. It was like walking into the finest establishment of a century ago.

When he approached the maître d' giving him his name, the man broke out into a welcoming smile. Looking at Mikey, "So you're Pete's nephew, we're so glad you are here tonight. Your Uncle is one of my dearest friends. The stories I could tell you about the two of us growing up, thick as thieves we were…ah, but that's best left for the next time," he said with a toothy grin and a wink. Snapping his fingers, an exceptionally dressed waiter approached, "Henri, please escort these young men to booth thirty-nine."

As Henri touched Mikey by the elbow to lead him towards their table, Eryk was able to hand over the two finely wrapped boxes. "Henri knows when the table is cleared from your meal, to give you a moment before he brings the desert with the boxes out, please understand it is our pleasure to have you this night, bon appetite!"

Eryk noticed as he followed Mikey to the table just how stunning the dining room was. Walls with rich wood paneling, sconces on the walls that showed off just the right amount of light, the tables not too close to each other offering some privacy, and then the booths, situated just so, affording a magnificent view of the lake. A string quartet playing in the background only added to the sumptuousness of the night. When the menu came, there were no prices on them, and everything looked delicious.

The wait staff was unobtrusive, plates of appetizers, soups, and food came seamlessly. They talked about Eryk's college and Mikey's dream of reopening the unused dining area of Pete's. Nattering on how it wouldn't be as fancy but how he wanted the food to be first-rate.

Neither boy noticed the string quartet move a few spaces closer, and Mikey was clueless when the desert was brought, and the two boxes placed at the top of their plates. As the quartet started playing Unchanged Melody, Eryk stood and opened his box, knelt in front of Mikey, took a deep breath, "Michael Collins, would you do me the honor of being my partner in life? I pledge to you my honor, commitment, and faithfulness. To walk side by side with you for all of the days we have left. As a token of my undying love, please accept this necklace. While we are unable to marry, please take this sign of my everlasting love."

It took a minute to register what was happening. Mikey saw the necklace Eryk was holding, knowing what it meant, never expecting the big lug of his to be so lovingly devious, could only nod before croaking out, "Yes…a thousand times yes." Shuddering in delight, Eryk placed the necklace around his neck.

As Eryk finished, Mikey placed a hand on his shoulder, the other reaching for the box and quickly opening it. "Eryk Orszulak, just one moment, my love. While I haven't had the time to think of what I would say, know this…" As tears moistened his cheeks, "You have made me the happiest person in the world tonight. I look forward to spending the days we have left walking by your side." Tilting Eryk's head forward, placing the necklace around his neck, he had Eryk stand as he rose to stand with him. Someone in the background, an older gentleman by the sound of his voice, yelled out his and his partner's congratulations and, for goodness sake, kiss!!

It took a few minutes to exit the restaurant, and to a table, congratulations and best wishes were offered. The untouched desert cake was boxed and left with them.



Some things he'd remember for the rest of his life, Mikey thought, as he lay on the bed, Eryk's hands nearly finished with the sensuous massage. The whole evening had been a magical series of moments, even if he had to wear shoes, wryly noting they were the very first thing to come off as soon as they entered the cabin. His lips were so busy that he couldn't quite recall how they both ended up on the bed, naked as the day they were born. Marveling at the sight of his lover, the broad shoulders and chest from years of work, the way his ribcage tapered towards his narrow waist, the faint treasure trail that led to the crown of pubic hair above his rampant erection, glistening from the slippery lube.

How his legs lay over the fine hairs of his thighs, how he felt as Eryk's fingers left the most intimate of places, yearning, missing their absence. Watching with anticipation as he rose up and leaned over to nuzzle his neck, your lips the recipient of hesitant, tender kisses. Drawing back, his eyes seeking final permission for what's to come next.

You feel his back arch, and the mattress gives way as his hands come to rest over your shoulders. You've watched the shiny, moist end of his maleness traverse and close the distance as it nears its destination, somewhat disappointed as it disappears from your sight, but exult that the moment is upon you.

His lips trace a fine, wandering line upwards from your chest, across your neck to the tip of your chin, then lightly kiss you, planting evidence of his love as he finds your nose, eyes, and forehead. You see in his eyes his desire as he draws back, then watch your face as the connection begins.

Forcing yourself to relax, an internal laugh at the dichotomy of it all, as the pressure against you increases. This is the moment, no, the moments you want to cherish, to remember every second, to ingrain permanently the memories of this night. His eyes carefully watch your facial reactions. He's so afraid of causing unnecessary pain. But you know it is part and parcel of the culmination of the act.

Your fingertips find the bony ridge of his hips as you begin to direct the pace of his entry. He's past the first barrier and up against the last, and despite your efforts to relax, there's pain in its reluctance to allow passage. You remember to push out; as he presses forward, he's closer to the goal, a series of slow, deliberate thrusts, pressing forward till your fingers on his hips urge a retreat, then drawing him forward and finally, he's through. Slowly, you draw him into you till he can go no further; you feel the finality of the connection as the distance between the two of you disappears.

Your foreheads touch, and your noses rub together as you lightly trace his sides, his posture rigid, holding in place, seeking permission to go further, to begin to move inside of you. The pain of entry lessens as he flexes his pelvis, gently rocking you. Time seems to move slowly now as he draws back, your body reluctantly missing the fullness of your connection.

Slowly, he moves forward and then pulls back, not wanting to rush the ending. His loving is tender and gentle. The pain recedes as he continues to move inside you. His eyes close in concentration as he feels your body's acceptance. His pace quickens slightly, and the weight of his thrusts gently rocks you. You're lost in a euphoric fog as events spiral out of your control. His rigidness transcribes itself; you feel his contours as it moves within you; the pace is quicker now, and you're both huffing and exhaling your needs. No longer are either of you in control; that ship has sailed, and all too soon, the moment arrives. A series of several quick, jarring thrusts end with the deepest connection, yet you feel several pulses as the strength leaves his body as he expends himself.

You don't want to let go, hugging him closer to you, striving…desperate to do anything to prevent the severing of this connection. It's now that you notice the storms. The ones inside you and the ones outside the cabin differ. Inside, it is as if you have conquered the demons torturing your soul. There are no doubts now that the path you sought, strode willingly down, proved to be the correct decision. That this boy, the man who holds the only opening in your heart, was the right decision to pursue. Those months of cautious planning, holding back despite the frustrations your body threw at you, were worth it. Sometimes, the quickest road to experience was in planning for the long haul. You can only thank your lucky stars that those closest to you offered the wise words of council and patience you needed to hear.



You lay contentedly, savoring the connection made in the previous hours, understanding that the roadblocks you feared in coupling were foolish. That in the giving, the sundering of oneself brought rewards unimaginable to envision. Outside your cocoon of satiated bliss, the world is making itself known. There's a storm coming across the lake. The insistent winds in their milieu bring wafting notes of the world around them awakening. Spring is in the air you remember as different notes of awakening land outside the walls of your cabin.

There are hints of sultry pine, of honeysuckle's emergence. The detritus of the winter months, the shades of grey and the last of the mountainous banks of snow reduced at last to piles of the battle lost, that the cold, hoary winter has given way to new beginnings. Your lover lays before you, his eyes beseeching, imploring that the connection the two of you share are building…be completed.

Eryk lays before you, your hands manipulating the flesh, the body whole under your ministering digits. You quickly find the similarities and the differences. The whole of his being that excites you beyond imagination, how the furthest points of his being bring the satisfaction you seek. You've wandered, explored the flesh, the person before you. The way his body moves as you probe and massage, the way the rest gives as you attend to the body intact.

There's a string of dewdrops puddling at the end of his emergence. Applying it along with your lubrication. Not much else is needed as you seek his permission to complete the journey. All your worries, concerns, and doubts of failure cease to be as you make the connection, enthralled as your lover's body yields. There's no shame you are told that the coupling was brief, or so you thought. The look of adoration tells you your fears are unfounded, and your love is returned a thousandfold.


Outside the storms are abating, the thunder and lightning are distant memories, as a cool wafting breeze caresses the exposed flesh, bringing comfort, helping to lay the exertions of the night to rest as sleep overtakes.

Morning brings the promise of the new day, the tempest of the night previous but a memory. Outside the world awakens, new life makes its presence known, it is heard in the squawking of the newly hatched robins and crows, the chipmunks scampering throughout it all, reminding all of the confirming the joining of two souls of life growing, of life renewed.


Sunday afternoons at Pete's generally were quiet, and this Sunday afternoon wasn't any different. Well, that was if you discounted the presence of Aunt Sally and the 'girls' holding court so much earlier than expected. The show, as it were, was hours away. There wasn't any disguising the intent hell…the 'girls' could never keep a secret, and to Pete's disquiet, they were mostly drinking club soda, well, if truth be told…some of that soda was slightly doctored.

All eyes were on the door each and every time it opened, including those times when someone needing to leave the sanctuary, the quiet non-denominational sacristy of the bar for the hellfire and brimstone that awaited outside. It's been said that all good things come to those who wait, never was that so untrue for those who sat at Pete's that afternoon.

What was the old expression, something about the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife, not to be confused with Aunt Sally deriding an inebriated fellow, who thought he was God's gift, all charm and suaveness, that despite his protestations to the contrary, he wasn't so slick as to send a pound of butter up a bumblebee's ass with a hot knife.

No, they were there for a reason, knowing that their 'boys' were due in. Truth be told, Pete was nearly beside himself in anticipation. The phone call last night did much to settle his nerves. Reminding him of friendships that needed rekindling, days that had sadly gone past. Once as thick as thieves, only to let the passage of time try to dull the memories of those days, leaving one wondering just how something like that happened.

Nerves were frayed, it seemed, the need for a cigarette knowing he couldn't, the inane chatter of the 'girls', did he really need to know about Aqua Velva hairspray or which after bathing powder was best, White Shoulders being the consensus. And to top it all off, he had sunk a small fortune in repairing the smoke eater and as much as he detested spending the money, he hated the fact that he was wearing a sweater. It had to have dropped the ambient temperature at the bar by twenty degrees.

Dusk comes early to the northeast in early spring, just as the streetlights were due to come on; just when the bar was close to antipathy, the door opened, the fading sunlight obscuring the features of the two men, holding hands making their entrance.

Mikey, growing up in the environment simply knew, at least expected the reaction. He had warned Eryk on the way down that the cat was out of the bag, that resistance was futile. Eryk on the other hand was stunned at the reception, it took a moment till he realized he was amongst kindred spirits. Grabbing Mikey round the waist, bringing him forward, planted the mother of all public displays of affection on the poor boys face.

The next ten minutes were pure bedlam as they were passed between the well-wishers.




His parents, dear lord in heaven, how he loved his parents. His mother had known for a long time his inclinations. When she met Mikey for the first time, it was like no one else was in the room. Everyone else could have been furniture for all she cared at that moment. He found himself sitting on the porch with his father with a wry grin on his face. Asked if this was the one, all he could do, so worried as to what might be said was to nod his head, then found himself wrapped in his arms, hearing his father's approval of Mikey. What he heard next floored him.

"Your mother and I aren't getting any younger, you know."

"Dad, it just seems the decision to move is a bit rushed. Why don't you spend a couple of weeks down there and get a true lay of the land before you take the plunge."

"Eryk, there are other factors in this decision, notwithstanding the poor health of your mother's sister, Aunt Barbara." Pausing for a moment, taking a deep breath, "We aren't getting any younger, and I could list all the reasons, but that would take the rest of the afternoon; we're both tired of the snow and cold, and lord only knows…my golf game could stand the change. The house is paid for. Utilities and taxes should be your only financial worries."

"When…how soon will all of this take place? What about the house…I can easily find a place…what about all your stuff and the furniture?" Eryk exclaimed, stunned at the news that his parents were moving to North Carolina to be near his Aunt Barbara and the seacoast. Life hadn't been easy for her since her husband, Melvyn, passed a year ago. Now struggling with a large home and her own health. With no children to call her own, the past year had been a struggle.

"How soon." Eryk stopped himself, knowing he was beginning to repeat himself. What scared him the most was that his parents, his dearly loved and appreciated parents…his safety net, the building blocks, the foundation of his existence, were picking up stakes and leaving town.

"You weren't listening to me," Lifting his chin up with his finger, "We aren't selling the house, and we aren't that far away. We know the both of you will take care of it and come to love it as much as we have."

"What…you what…we what…" Struggling to form a coherent thought, the news that his parents were giving him the house had him flummoxed. Falling into his father's arms, he knew words were unnecessary.


All Mikey could do was chuckle and hold Eryk, the poor boy had been bouncing off the walls with the news of the house. The unflappable, taciturn, even-keeled love of his life simply couldn't contain his excitement. The boy was practically giddy, overcome with the thought of the two of them having a place where they could live together. Truth be told, he was just as excited, it had taken time, some wise council and sage advice, and most of all bucketloads of patience, but it had worked out so much better than he ever envisioned, and someday…if the fates were willing, the sound, the happy sounds filling the house with their joy and laughter, a far cry from the abandoned children they once were…



Aunt Sally simply would not be deterred, "Boobala…you simply don't understand. Listen to me, boychik, your fans await you, like it or not…you're walking down the aisle. What's not to understand?"

Grabbing Mikey by the chin, her voice dropping, "What did I tell you about Stonewall…What you don't realize is we aren't given anything we don't stand up for. For fuck's sake…so the barroom ain't a fucking church, the fucking Declaration of Independence simply states, with no bullshit added, "that all men are created equal"!!!

Oh god, was Aunt Sally pissed, Mikey had never seen her so adamant. A force of nature at the best of times, she was riding the horse of righteous indignation. It wasn't going to be a large wedding, or so she said, but a commitment ceremony. Topping it all off, Aunt Sally spent the fifteen bucks to become a mail-order preacher.

All too soon, Mikey realized both he and Eryk were caught in the tidal wave of planning and events way beyond their control. Suits were pressed, shoes were polished beyond shining, and boutonnieres were brought and held on ice. Eryk's parents were back up from North Carolina, and his father stood for his son; Uncle Pete walked Mikey towards his husband-to-be, and all too soon and after all the well-wishers clasped and patted them on the back, they were sent out the door to the old Volvo, festooned with streams of ribbons and tin cans.


Thanks to raven1 for all of his invaluable assistance in making this story so much better...
Copyright © 2024 drsawzall; All Rights Reserved.
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Once again, my thanks to raven1 who's invaluable assistance made this story so much better!! 
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Posted (edited)

18 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

Call me stupid I guess. In the previous story Pete's Bar and Grill was referred to as a classic dive bar.I didn't know it was a gay bar.Yeah it was mentioned that it was patronized by mostly men but thats most dive bars gay or straight . l looked again at the story were we supposed to know it was a gay bar?And it took me a minute to realize Eryk was Zippy.

Some random thoughts. Most of us  could have used a Aunt Sally in our lives growing up .

"Boobala…darling…what on God's green earth made you think that log of his was gonna fit into your fireplace?" I'll say one thing for GA stories you find out all the cool metaphors

"we are gonna sit and have a discussion about the gay facts of life." I know there have been books written on this topic I think the title would be (If it hasn't already been used) is "The Gay Birds And The Bees (What you parents didn't know to tell you).

"Penis breath". Hard to believe that line was in the movie E.T.

I was glad to see the word Epilogue? There are still some things to be written about like Uncle Pets health. Mikey and Eryk taking over the bar and maybe upgrading it. Mikey's sperm donor and incubator (They should be in prison) making an appearance. And maybe if you go far enough into the future Mikey and Eryk getting legally married.

A very good everyman working class love story. BTW I wonder how Eddie Rabbitt  would feel about his song being a title of a GA story?


I just love your take, I'm still giggling...Remember, not every fireplace can accommodate large logs!!! As Smokey the Bear would tell you, "Only you can prevent log abuse"

In the first instalment, Pete's is described as a Men's Bar

There's another installment in editing...As to more...you just peaked some interesting thoughts!!

Edited by drsawzall
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10 minutes ago, HARRYWALTER said:

A magnificent ending (or is it?)

There is another installment in editing!! Thanks for reading and commenting!!!

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1 hour ago, weinerdog said:

If this one goes up to present day maybe you can mention casually (just in passing "cough, cough") About people being in there bar watching The Celtics win the NBA championship

Well, thank god for the Celtics as I couldn't use the current version of the Patriots...!!!

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This is a fun story to read.  It left me with a big smile on my face.  I love the characters and Aunt Sally's humour left me laughing.  

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13 minutes ago, raven1 said:

This is a fun story to read.  It left me with a big smile on my face.  I love the characters and Aunt Sally's humour left me laughing.  

Thank you very much for your editing, it was invaluable!!! Aunt Sally is one in a million to be sure!!

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Posted (edited)

Beautiful, just beautiful @drsawzall. Eryk (Zippy) and Mikey are fortunate to have such loving parents, including the formidable Aunt Sally.

Although he was not that tall (as far as I know) and his character was not a drag queen until his "performance" at the end of the film, for some reason I had an image of Aunt Sally very much like Robert Preston as Toddy in my favourite film Victor/Victoria. I think it was Aunt Sally's care, protection and love for someone who desperately needed it which made the resemblance "real" for me.

I strongly suspect Aunt Sally's "story" of a long-departed lover having given her the silver/platinum necklaces was just that, a story. She certainly had a heart of gold and woe betide any one who pissed her off or harmed her beloved, Mikey. 

And the title, I Love A Rainy Night. I remember the song well and found it very likeable. It was a top 10 hit in 1981 in Australia, not as popular here as in the USA, but then country music does not have a big market here, although Dolly always does quite well.

I look forward to the next instalment in the Volvo Tales. Volvo, the second best "export" to emerge from Sweden.  

Edited by Summerabbacat
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2 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

Beautiful, just beautiful @drsawzall. Eryk (Zippy) and Mikey are fortunate to have such loving parents, including the formidable Aunt Sally.

Although he was not that tall (as far as I know) and his character was not a drag queen until his "performance" at the end of the film, for some reason I had an image of Aunt Sally very much like Robert Preston as Toddy in my favourite film Victor/Victoria. I think it was Aunt Sally's care, protection and love for someone who desperately needed it which made the resemblance "real" for me.

I strongly suspect Aunt Sally's "story" of a long-departed lover having given her the silver/platinum necklaces was just that, a story. She certainly had a heart of gold and woe betide any one who pissed her off or harmed her beloved, Mikey. 

And the title, I Love A Rainy Night. I remember the song well and found it very likeable. It was a top 10 hit in 1981 in Australia, not as popular here as in the USA, but then country music does not have a big market here, although Dolly always does quite well.

I look forward to the next instalment in the Volvo Tales. Volvo, the second best "export" to emerge from Sweden.  

Thank you for the generous comment, the next installment will be along shortly!!!

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Boobala...darling! I loved it! A most unconventional tale, told very well, and with much insight and emotion. Almost as if you were living it! :)

If we are into a series now, I'm a follower. I like these people. The writing is unique, and very appealing, too.

On with the show! :)



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1 hour ago, Geron Kees said:

Boobala...darling! I loved it! A most unconventional tale, told very well, and with much insight and emotion. Almost as if you were living it! :)

If we are into a series now, I'm a follower. I like these people. The writing is unique, and very appealing, too.

On with the show! :)



Thanks, very glad you found it enjoyable, and your comment is appreciated!!

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He's three freaking years older than me.

Oh noooo, he's ancient!!! 🤣 Poor boy, when you're out of excuses ... 

Amazing story, I've enjoyed reading it.

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7 minutes ago, Cane23 said:

Oh noooo, he's ancient!!! 🤣 Poor boy, when you're out of excuses ... 

Amazing story, I've enjoyed reading it.

Thanks, I truly appreciate your comments, and there's a third installment coming shortly!!!

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Boobala. I don't know where it comes from, but I haven't heard it in a very long time. Your writing for this story is first rate! It flowed well and was so readable. I loved these characters and was interested in their lives from the first paragraph! If something more is coming about these characters, I look forward to finding it! Thanks.

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There is another installment already posted, it is the first one and you can find it here, the third will be posted in a few days...Thank you very much for reading and commenting, it is appreciated!!

1 hour ago, JeffreyL said:

Boobala. I don't know where it comes from, but I haven't heard it in a very long time. Your writing for this story is first rate! It flowed well and was so readable. I loved these characters and was interested in their lives from the first paragraph! If something more is coming about these characters, I look forward to finding it! Thanks.


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