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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Sparkling Water - 1. Chapter 1

Nilus was hiding from his bodyguard.

He had a few hours before he needed to be at the arena for costuming. In his opinion, it was far too much effort for a guest performance. But, he'd found a parking lot near the arena that turned out to be food truck heaven. Several different street vendors were gathered in a circle around wooden bench tables. As much as the overly freckled singer wanted to try something from each one of the stalls, he opted for the shortest line and ordered himself a box of loaded nachos.

Without any of his performance ensemble and makeup, he knew he was unrecognizable. A plain gray hoodie and faded blue cargos were enough to cover his lithe self from top to bottom. His silver hair was in disarray, and the bags beneath his eyes were haggard, so he was partially relieved that the hood also kept all of that under wraps. When his nachos were ready, he rushed over to one of the empty bench tables and dove right in.

"This is the absolute best!" The words were followed by the unmistakable crunch of the tortilla chips.


Though the tone of the voice was calm and even, the singer immediately tensed up, whipping his head around until Nil's brown eyes met with blue. "Max, mah man!" Nil greeted him with a shaky grin.

"You could have sent anyone on an errand to do this," the bodyguard admonished, his pale blue eyes focused so intently on Nil that the singer felt his genetic instincts rising. He had his contractual responsibility as a guest performer to fulfill, but damn if a part of him didn't want to give Max a primal chase.

"Sure, and have Dione judge me with her big-ass eyeballs for not sticking to my diet? So much easier to grab some grub on my own."

"Without even me?"

Nilus sent him a guilty glance. "Yeah, but only due to indigestion seeing you so tense guarding my behind all the time," he admitted while opening his arms wide as his voice drifted into sing-song. "Just look at how chill everyone is."

Nil saw Max tensing up immediately, having spotted something behind the singer that put him on edge. "Time to go," he warned before lifting the artist into his arms bridal style and rushing back to his tinted car.

"God damn it, Max," Nilus hissed, feeling embarrassed at being carried off. "Doing these kinds of dramatic things is what'll get us more attention, not my singing a little line or two in public-" He trailed off when he peered over Max's shoulder and saw a few young ladies dragging one another by their elbows while pointing at his bodyguard's back with mouths agape. Crap! Had he accidentally enchanted them?

"You were saying?"

"I got it, I got it," Nilus grumbled as he was shoved into the passenger side, the door closing him in. "Time to head back. What a waste of nachos."

Nil kept his arms crossed and a surly expression on his face as they drove back. He'd only had three bites of those amazing loaded nachos before they were left behind, completely wasted. One of the many things Nilus highly disliked was wasting food. He usually went out of his way to only order what he could handle, leaving nothing behind except whenever they toured in China.

The sudden sound of loud ringing coming from the speakers of the car startled the singer. When he glanced at the screen, he realized that Max was calling his flipping understudy. Had that guy been following Nilus, too?

"Lei, you shadowed us well," Max said aloud. "Nilus left a box of nachos behind at the southwest table. Please bring that back with you."

After a moment of silence, the man on the other end of the line finally responded. "Will there be anything else?"

"That is all."

"On it, sir," Lei said before ending the call.

The smile that formed on Nilus's face was both smug and spoiled. But he couldn't help it. "Thanks," he told Max. "I knew you cared more about me than that jerk."

"You might want to keep those delusions to yourself," Max refuted, though the smile that tugged on the edge of his lips spoke otherwise.

"Nope," Nil countered. "Can't dampen my mood. Actions speak louder than words."

"Oh?" the bodyguard taunted. "If only you applied some of those idioms yourself."

"Did you just call me a loud-ass?" Nilus gasped.

"No, but it's nice to know you're self-aware enough to wonder about that."

"If I didn't have a song to perform right now, I'd prove you wrong."

"You mean you can't prove me wrong by doing both?"

As soon as they parked, Nilus stormed right out of the car. "The nerve," he muttered to himself as he walked through the backlot of the arena towards his dressing room.

Nil opened a bottle of sparkling water and downed it. Within seconds, his white hair and eyebrows became a dark green with bright blue tips. All that aquatic kin needed to amplify their gifts was humidity. But he was too flustered to worry about going a bit over-the-top in his performance by drinking twenty-four ounces of water.

He wondered if Max had been defending that Lei guy the whole time as he sat down in his makeup chair and was immediately attacked with foundation and powder by Dione. Nil had already gotten used to the tall woman rushing over out of seemingly nowhere and fussing over him. She was what Nilus described as a "Managerial Maniac," booking his appearances as well as taking over his nutrition and costuming. But she was his cousin and could handle all of those roles and more. No mere human could.

"Di, he practically said my words speak louder than my actions!"


"Mm-hmm. Don't talk when I'm doing your lips," Dione scolded as she painted half of his upper lip with a dark teal color and used white on the bottom. She flicked his forehead when he began to pout and took advantage of his indignant face to add a touch of highlighter powder to the edges of his lower eyelids. "It's always the ones we can't enchant that we want to chase the most."

Nilus's expression fell to confusion, and Dione shook her head.

"Nil, don't tell me you don't even realize how badly you want Max." When the singer's mouth fell open, she let out a snort of amusement while dusting the tip of his nose with a brush. "Had I known that shocking you was the key to keeping your face still, I'd have done so from the beginning."

"I can't enchant Max?" Nilus questioned aloud. "Of course, I can't." He affirmed as he slapped his forehead, transferring glitter and powder onto his fingertips, prompting Dione to complain about having to cover up his freckles again. "That club-bouncer pose he always does off-stage instead of dancing makes so much sense now."

Dione nodded indulgently. "Yes, and the fact that you want to enchant him means…" she urged while spraying his white hair with water to keep the colors vibrant.

"That means I want him to…" Nilus stammered as he tried to sort through his thoughts and feelings. The bulky bodyguard had kept him safe for the last five years. Max humored him and teased him. Sometimes, he riled him up for no reason. "I want him to…" The image of Max's face came to mind. Despite his large size, the massive guy looked like a mixed human. Medium-toned skin, dark hair, and pale blue eyes. Nilus had never bothered asking Max what his lineage was. Did the bodyguard's hair change when exposed to his family's element like his locks did? "Does this mean I want him to be a fan of my music-OW!?"

Dione had tugged him hard by the hairstyle she'd been perfecting. "Nil, you better figure your feelings out before someone else snatches Max from right under your nose."

"Damn, Di," Nilus whined as he held his stinging head, his fingertips tracing a side braid. He understood where she was coming from. In her own way, she was worried about him. But Nil wasn't ready to face whatever feelings he may or may not have hidden away. Not when he knew Max couldn't even be enchanted.

"Let's get this show started, then."

When Nilus was dressed in his full dramatically-themed performance gear, he stood on the side of the stage until he was announced. The band was made up of handpicked kin, and they were already waiting for him. On the other side of the stage, also hidden behind the curtains, stood Max in his intimidating club-bouncer pose. The sight brought a goofy grin to the singer's face, breaking his persona. For a moment, he saw concern flicker on Max's face, but then it was time. When he walked onto the stage with a dancer's grace, he allowed himself to drift into the zone.

"Upper right. Center left. Not alone, and not bereft."

A mist licked the bottom of the stage as Nilus danced. The musicians behind him and the crowd repeated his chant as he urged them with hand signals. Then, the guitarists began playing the music he composed half a year ago, guided by the rhythm set by the drummer. As the sounds blasted through the speakers, the audience roared. He waited until everyone settled down a bit before he continued to sing.

"The rising heat has the coral beat, makes me feel unhinged right down to my feet," Nilus's voice rolled over the crowd like waves. "Creatures far and wide, lost from tide to tide. Will we still abide; will we let them die?"

By that point, Nilus knew that he had the attentive ears of everyone in attendance. Everyone except Dione, his musician kin, and Max. While the audience members swayed and sang along, Nil's bodyguard remained as still as stone. That irked the singer to his core. Determined to make Max feel something with his music, Nilus put his all into his singing. His brown eyes began to glow an iridescent green-purple.

"This ain't a new paradigm! Where do they get off fucking with someone else's time?" He saw Max twitch when he sent him a sideways glance. "Why ain't it declared a crime to make them all extinct just to pocket one more dime?"

Nilus held his microphone out to the crowd. They didn't hesitate to sing back to him. A rueful smile formed on his face at the sound.

"Just look at how chill everyone is!"

"Just look at how riled everyone is!" Nilus joined them, all voices singing in unison. "If we're more than one, we can fight this! Deep in an oceanic abyss!"

The singer gave a dance step as he moved aside for one of his guitarist kin to rock his solo. Nil's gaze met Max's for a moment. He sent him a wink on impulse and had to stop himself from laughing when the bodyguard pointedly began to look out at the crowd instead.

"Won't you join me?" Nilus sang while looking directly at Max with his iridescent eyes. "And swim in my sea?"

For a moment, Max seemed as if he'd walk right onto the stage before he caught himself and shook his head. This pleased Nil to no end. His enchantment had never been strong enough to persuade the massive man to do anything. He could hardly believe what he'd just seen. When the guitar solo was over, Nilus continued to sing, urging the audience to join him every now and then. Max's reactions were small but significant to him. They fueled him up and spurred him into giving his best performance yet.

Nil instilled a sadness into his voice, a hint of his real feelings as he sang the closing lines. "...a new paradigm," a small gasp. "Is that a crime?"

A beat of silence was followed by a raucous applause. Nilus took a bow, gave the musicians their accolades, and walked right over to his stiff bodyguard. The singer's eyes were still iridescent, his voice charged with enchantment.

"Are my words still bigger than my actions?"

The larger man stomped onto a cable on the ground. Nilus thought he heard a spark somewhere when Max's eyes began to glow, as well, a startling lightning blue. Nil wondered if the other man felt threatened. He'd never seen that variation of his eyes before.

"I don't particularly enjoy being taunted," Max responded with a charged voice of his own, his dark hair shifting into a shimmering silver hue. "So, settle down."

Nilus felt himself recede so fast that it was surprising. His eyes shifted back to brown, and he didn't even have to look to know that his hair had gone white again. While there was enchantment in Max's voice, the sensation was different, more compelling than persuading. Was Max part aquatic kin? Nil couldn't help but imagine what that kind of enchantment would do if the bodyguard ever decided to sing for a living.

"Wh-what kin are you?" the singer questioned, his turmoil bleeding into his voice.

A smug expression formed on Max's face as he placed his hands on his hips and leaned down to whisper into Nilus's ear. "Electric."

No wonder Nilus couldn't so much as persuade Max to dance! Electric kin were all but immune to aquatic enchantments. If Nil had been born terrestrial kin, it'd have been a different outcome. "Guess I'll never be able to make you a fan of my music, then," the singer mumbled.

"I never said I wasn't one."

"Are you?" Nil asked. "I've never seen you singing or playing any of my songs."

"Why listen to recordings when I'm privy to all the live performances?"

Nilus felt something filling him up from deep in his gut, a quivering that reminded him of a bubbling stream. "I've been trying to enchant you for months!" He confessed.

Max nodded, his face displaying amusement. "I'm aware."

"I don't care if I never get you to dance to my music," Nil continued. "If you'll just agree to go out with me!"

"How brave of you," the bodyguard responded. "If I agree, dare I ask where you'd like to go on this first outing?"

The biggest smile formed on Nil's face. "Food truck heaven!"

Copyright © 2024 Secret Author; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 7/25/2024 at 6:37 AM, chris191070 said:

I just love the enchantments. Nilus and Max have a happy ending and will have a great first date.


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On 7/25/2024 at 7:17 AM, Mancunian said:

All the time Nilus is trying to enchant Max but with no results. It appears that Max hides his attraction well and was attracted to Nilus all along so no enchantment is needed, or is it that Nilus is enchanted by Max? 

🤣 Exactly. Just who was crushing on who here?

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On 7/25/2024 at 8:27 AM, akascrubber said:

Nilus and Max finaly connect after 5 years. Max reveals his nature and attraction for the singer. Now, they going to eat at a food truck heaven. Both are going to get what they want, I believe. What a happy story. Thanks.

Yes they will. Glad you liked it!

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On 7/25/2024 at 9:18 AM, CassieQ said:

This is very cute and sweet.  I found the tidbits about enchantments and kin very interesting as these are not concepts I am familiar with.  Fascinating!

I made all that up just to not call the water ones sirens, which is what they basically are.  😂 If it were a longer story I may have given each element their own name, but "kin" is the umbrella term for them all here.

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On 7/25/2024 at 10:19 AM, kbois said:

No clue who wrote this but it's a fun story with just enough elements of the not-so-ordinary world. 

Nice work!

Thank you! 🥰 

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On 7/25/2024 at 11:07 AM, BentedWreath said:

Did the water and ocean theme remind anyone else of Umibozu? There's also the Raiju thunder beast. But that could just be me and my obsession with Japanese yokai. I liked the shifting hair colors and glowing eyes. I'm also interested in Lei, despite how brief that interaction was. 

Dagnabbit. Where were you when I was struggling to call them something other than sirens? 🤣 And, just between us, Lei ends up picking up more shifts, often having to keep an eye on these two lovebirds himself.

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On 7/25/2024 at 11:32 AM, Bill W said:

An easy and enjoyable read with a little humor and a little mystery involved.  it turns out the Max was more than just a bodyguard, he was a fan as well, but now there is the possibility of a deeper relationship as well.  I enjoyed this story, but I've no idea who the author might be.  

Glad you liked it! 🥰

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On 7/25/2024 at 12:54 PM, Lee Wilson said:

I initially thought of @Mikiesboy's story N'than, N'than being a different species and all. But either the first comment above is a trick to throw us the trail, or it's really not him.  Since I have no other idea, I'll go with Mikiesboy.

I think I remember N'than! Makes me want to enlist @Mikiesboy's help with another shortish story I'm working on eventually named Suspicious Seaweed.

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On 7/25/2024 at 12:55 PM, BentedWreath said:

I haven't read nearly enough from everyone to make a good guess yet. But, I don't mind playing detective with all of these great suggestions. 

I only guessed less than half right on my real list. You did great.

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On 7/25/2024 at 12:58 PM, Mikiesboy said:

That's nice of you and flattering.  But it wasn't me. Pinkie swear.  LOL

It could have been you. You're creative, too.

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On 7/25/2024 at 12:59 PM, Lee Wilson said:

Same here. I could pick one of the authors I HAVE read a lot of, but then I'm pretty sure I'd be wrong. None seem to fit the genre.

Actually, considering the fantasy genre and terrible summary I thought my story was more obvious for others to guess. I wasn't laying low on the first few days on purpose, but that was enough for everyone to forget I existed. 🤣

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On 7/25/2024 at 1:26 PM, drsawzall said:

Well...I haven't a frigging clue but loved the story and I could see this being a few chapters longer....

Glad you enjoyed it! I loved yours ,too! 🥰

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On 7/25/2024 at 3:59 PM, Lee Wilson said:

Not big on non-human stories, but what made it interesting, the interaction between the characters.

Your murder mystery one was ambitious. I loved it. 

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On 7/25/2024 at 7:04 PM, centexhairysub said:

Hmmm, well you know that water and electricity really don't mix.  LOL

Nils and Max seem truly interesting, I could see this being a much longer story.

Well written, pacing and flow was excellent, and the characters were more than interesting.  

My very first reaction was kbois but I think not after thinking about it, well we will have to see.  

*whispering* The lamps totally did explode when they got it on. 😉

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On 7/25/2024 at 8:34 PM, W_L said:

Fun and engaging, all the various kins and the talk of enchantment with a contemporary background is nice modern fantasy.

Modern fantasy...where were you when I needed to figure out the genre of this story? 😂 

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On 7/26/2024 at 10:34 AM, Albert1434 said:

This was a very interesting story! With good description and good dialogue which had left me wanting more!😁

Glad you liked it. 🥰

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On 7/26/2024 at 1:14 PM, Headstall said:

Charming and different. I loved the concept, and could see it being fuel for another story. Whoever you are, you entertained me, and I thank you. :worship:  Cheers!

I could write tons of fantasy stories and still not finish off the plot bunnies hopping around in my head.🤣

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On 7/26/2024 at 2:06 PM, VBlew said:

Love the short story, interesting kind of “kin” different kinds of elemental characteristics and accompanying abilities.  Love the flirting.

not a clue to the author and I’ve read a lot of you all’s work.

That's because I wasn't around when the first few stories were posted. 🤣 By the time I got here, some 2-4 other stories had similar-ish writing styles and then it was a grab for all.

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On 7/27/2024 at 3:28 AM, lucretiaseeks said:

This is sweet and intriguing. I find myself curious about the kin and enchantments.  It’s not a genre I ordinarily read, so now I wonder, ”Why not?!”

Depends on your mood, I imagine. That, and I don't think many people could relate to a skinny siren obsessed with nachos. 🤣🤣🤣

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11 minutes ago, Thirdly said:

Your murder mystery one was ambitious. I loved it. 


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On 7/27/2024 at 8:37 PM, astone2292 said:

Kbois was my knee-jerk reaction as well!! 

This was a fun read. The lingering want for another that has been stretched over time... Oooh I simply love it! Brilliant work, Secret Author!

@kbois is more experienced and prolific than me. But if anything of mine brought her to mind, I'm not complaining. Not one bit. 🤣

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On 8/4/2024 at 3:43 PM, Alexmugs said:

I have no clue who wrote this but I enjoyed the tale. It was a fun and sweet story. My fingers are crossed for Nilus and Max. 

Oh, those two are fine. Can't keep their hands off each other. Just ask Lei, who's stuck guarding them both now.

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Such a sweet story and I think it was the perfect start to the contest with its fun characters and romance. But the main hero here is definitely the worldbuilding! I love the idea of kins drawing their powers by getting in contact with their elements. The moment where Nilus drinks the water and changes his appearance… gorgeous! I wish we could see the enchantments of the other elements. And I really liked the title. At first glance, I thought it was about Nilus but on second thought, I realised that it cleverly hinted at both main characters. Thank you for sharing this enchanting story.

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6 hours ago, Ieshwar said:

Such a sweet story and I think it was the perfect start to the contest with its fun characters and romance. But the main hero here is definitely the worldbuilding! I love the idea of kins drawing their powers by getting in contact with their elements. The moment where Nilus drinks the water and changes his appearance… gorgeous! I wish we could see the enchantments of the other elements. And I really liked the title. At first glance, I thought it was about Nilus but on second thought, I realised that it cleverly hinted at both main characters. Thank you for sharing this enchanting story.

🤣 You found me out. Nilus could have easily recharged with any bottle of water, but the irony that he chose sparkling water was a hidden joke. I might revisit this world at some point to show what happened to Lei. But Nil and Max are doing fine.

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This was the first story I think I've read where I was literally, what the fuck is happening. And not in a bad way. I just had never read anything remotely like this story. The imagery of performers, very sexy  who lure unsuspecting humans into loving them through their voice. To me, a fresh take on the whole siren myths of the ancient world. All I can say, lure me away.

PS: I would have bet so much that @Ieshwar wrote this. 

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