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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,284 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 8. Chapter 8

If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

Multiple tones sounded from my wrist before I shut it down and rolled out of the rack. Tapping the control to fold it back up into overhead as I moved over and poured myself a coffee while I punched out a breakfast order on the food dispenser.

“You’re up early.” Tom said from the front seat where he was working on his course work.

“Had to be to take you to Engineering.” I said as I grabbed my food out of the dispenser and moved up to my seat and sat down. Looking over the Mining Laser settings and readings while I placed my cup in its slot and ate. Tom is still looking at me. Waiting for me to explain, asking.

“I don’t understand.”

“I must go to the Endeavor to speak with someone at my sister’s request. So, as a conciliation prize, you get to hang out in Engineering.” I explained.

“Oh. OK.” He smiled as he went back to his course work. Tom was like that. He wouldn’t get into the deep discussions or ask constant questions about why I had to go. He knew it would be important if I pulled out of mining.


* * *


Two hours later, I was looking out the forward viewport of Seven-Two-Eight Alpha as I pulled us around to approach the brilliant white cruiser off in the distance. It floated gracefully in the black, looking just as deadly as it did beautiful.

Endeavor Flight Control, this is Seven-Two-Eight Alpha requesting landing clearance.

“You are cleared for landing. Shuttle Seven-Two-Eight. Early this morning, Sa Alexander.” And I would know Midshipman Thorp’s voice anywhere now.

“Yes indeed. Much to do. Little time to do it in. Is Commander Alexander on the Flight Deck?”

“Affirmative, Sa. She’ll be here by the time you land.”

“Sounds good, Thorp. Thanks. Seven-Two-Eight out.” I said as I dropped to line up with the hangar.

I was tired and unhappy as I dropped us down onto the deck in the spot the Deck Crew guided me to. My Sister was there with an Engineering Officer. I wonder if she knows the information Aunt Gloria sent to me this morning. After shutting down, Tom and I grabbed our gear and stepped off the shuttle at O-Five-Fifty hours. My Sister greeted us and introduced the Chief Engineer who escort Tom down to Engineering. Caitlin guided me through the warrens of passageways, depositing me in the sickbay.

Caitlin told me which bay Wojact was in. My nose told me they used plenty of disinfectant in this all-white world I had entered. Even though the steady hum of the air circulating system was present, it didn’t mean it removed the smell.

My eyes darted up. Reading the bay numbers off the overhead as I walked past the curtained areas. Hearing murmurs of conversations behind some until I found the one I wanted. His light snores told me he was sound asleep in the pod, as they had it in lie flat mode. My eyes made a quick scan of the control panel. From my basic knowledge of Autodoc screens, everything looked fine. Taking Wojact’s hand in mine as I sat in the visitor’s chair. His green eyes blinked open under the harsh lighting as I woke him from his drug-induced sleep. Grabbing the cup off the tray table and handing it to him. Intending to make it easier to drink, I raised the Autodoc pod angle twenty-five degrees. Wojact took a few sips before I set it back on the table for him. Returning him to lie flat mode to ensure his comfort.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. Ready for breakfast?” I asked.

“Do we have training today?” Wojact asked, confused. I shook my head no. His eyes lowered to look at my hand holding his before they returned to mine.

“No, Janek. I came here to talk to you.” Again whispering. “Do you think you can get dressed and eat up in the Wardroom if I have the Doctor release you?” He nodded, causing me to stand and stick my head out of the curtain. “Doctor.” And took a step back, I observed the Doctor entering.

“You’re ready to go now, Janek?” He asked as he tapped out some commands and the Autodoc pod opened.

“Yes. Thank you, Doctor.” He said as he blushed when he realized he was naked in front of us. His eyes darted to the cabinet where his clothes would be as he looked around.

He stood up and grabbed his clothes to dress. My eyes wandered. Smooth skin, dark hair, pert nipples, nice muscular ass and good, overall, muscle tone. Just as cute as I thought he would be. Then I smiled as I thought about my hands traveling across his body. Shaking my head to bring myself out of my thoughts as I stood.

“You may lead us to the Wardroom.”

Motioning him to go ahead. He smiled as he turned to depart. We were quiet as we walked. He looked back over his shoulder at me a few times. Entering the Wardroom, Wojact pondered the reasons I might be here. I nodded, greeting my sister and the few other officers as I followed Midshipman Janek Wojact to his table. His surprise was evident when he found me standing next to him. Even more surprised when I looked over my shoulder at the main table. My eyes darted to six empty seats at one end and back to my sister and back again. My eyes returned to my sister, and she jutted out her chin to motion to those open seats. I nodded in thanks as my hand settled on Janek’s shoulder.

“We can sit over here.” I said, as I gave his shoulder a squeeze and stepped back.

Midshipman Janek Wojact took a second to understand I was waiting for him before he stood to follow me over to the main table. He slipped into the seat as the Wardroom staff arrived to take our orders and poured our drinks of choice.

Janek’s were downcast. His body showed a nervous tension as he fiddled with his silverware. “Why are you here…” He paused for just a heartbeat before he added, “Marc.” I smiled at him before speaking in a calm, reassuring voice.

“To talk with you about your problem. We’ll go out for a shuttle flight after breakfast.” I whispered.

His eyes went wide as he blushed before he looked down at the spot on the table in front of him. “But I have duty. Should have now…”

Raising my hand to stop his train of thought, “Things change. They changed last night when your Executive Officer Comm’d me while I was out mining. You belong to me for a few hours today.” I spoke in a hushed tone just as our food arrived.

Janek looked at my half omelet and small bowl of cut fruit. Then at his full plate of pancakes, hash browns, eggs and sausage. He turned to me.

“Should I be eating less?” Concern crossed his features.

I let out a soft sigh. “No. Sorry about that the other day.” Meaning when he vomited during one of our flights? “I already had breakfast three hours ago.”


Midshipman Janek Wojact

Enjoying the solitude with Marc was a pleasant experience, and I had addressed him as Marc. I’ve done a lot of things in the past day I never thought I would do. From my apparent drunken breakdown and needing Thorp and Uroda to return me to the ship. To my spilling my guts all over the sickbay about my infatuation over Marc Alexander last night. Earlier this morning. My eyes adjusted to the light, and I turned as the autodoc raised my upper body. A hand suspended a cup in the air that my eyes followed back to the blonde headed person. He was here to wake me up for breakfast.

Marc Alexander held my hand and spoke with a soft, caring voice. He saw me nude as I dressed. The tilt of his head, as the edges of his mouth turned up in a grin, as he looked at me from under his brows, showed he was interested. Sitting with me at the main table in the Wardroom for breakfast. Telling me about going with him this morning caused my stomach to flip. Marc did some basic training with me before he piloted the shuttle and took us to the most beautiful place. A set of Ice Rings, I had never been to before.


Marc Alexander

Observing, I nodded to myself as Janek brought the shuttle to life as I worked out where we would be going. I had told my sister we would be back for lunch and to pick up Tom. Janek looked at me to show he was ready. Which I nodded, before he Comm’d for departure clearance. Uroda was in the Flight Control Office today and wished us a pleasant flight before we lifted out of the hangar.

We flew in silence for a while before I took the Helm and positioned us over the Ice Rings of Moria VII’s smallest gas giant. Placing the shuttle in station keeping mode, I locked the controls. Admiring the breathtaking vista of the shimmering ice crystals and swirling colors of the rings for a few moments. I caught the mesmerized look on Janek’s face from the beauty of the spot I had chosen.

“I hear you had too much to drink last night.” Janek looked so cute when he blushed as he nodded.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I whispered as I shifted my seat back and stood, hearing the soft sigh escape his lips.

Janek glanced back at me, and my hand outstretched towards him. I watched as his emotions flashed across his face before he slid his seat back and took my hand as he stood.

“I’m… I like you, Marc.” Janek said with that cute blush deepening on his cheeks. Again. I’ve never actually met anyone that blushes as much as him.

“You’re two years older than me and you don’t know me.”

I took his other hand, so I held both as I twirled us in place. Never letting my eyes leave his. He smiled when my thumbs massaged his hands.

“I know you like to dance. You are considerate and respectful of others. You’re dedicated to your family’s corporation. You’re dedicated to your own interests and education. Both yours and that of others.” He paused as his eyes ran down and back up my body. “And…you’re cute.” He murmured.

He listed off the correct reasons he would like me. Unlike Byran, whom I still don’t understand. I made a small nod to myself, and I stopped rotating us around. Stepped in, my lips next to his, pausing as I watched the indecision in his eyes. Those green eyes under the dark, short dark hair on his head that I wanted to run my fingers through. Deciding to take the choice out of his hands, I closed the distance with a soft brush of our lips. A light kiss that conveyed my desires to him. I hope he receives the message I was sending. That he was liked, and I wanted more from him. When I pulled back, Janek leaned into me, returning my kiss. I smiled as he released my hands and slowly slipping his arms around my waist, nervously, wondering if I would object or not. My body responded warmly to his advance as he cradled my body to his as our lips moved against each other before he stopped and lowered his head onto my collarbone with a contented sigh.

“Can we do this, Marc? Would you date me?” Janek’s lips asked into my neck, below my ear. Just audible enough to be heard.

“Yeah Janek. We can. It will be difficult for you, as we will only see each other when you are at the station, or I am here on your ship. Even that must work around your duties. You know. The watch standing merry-go-round.” I replied just as softly as he did while my arms wrapped around him. Holding him just as gently as he was me.

Lifting his head. “We dock tomorrow. And I will not have duty. Can we get together?”

Subtly twisting my head to brush his lips with mine. “Yes. We could do that. My friends will probably want to have a get together. Wear civilian clothes.”

Janek smiled again as he returned his head to my shoulder. His lips were against my neck. “OK. I’ll Comm you once we arrive for the time.” He said as I nodded my acknowledgment.

We spent the next hour in conversation about what happened last night. His own internal fears of me knowing what has happened to him in the past. Why he thought I wouldn’t talk to him as a friend, much less date him? That led to discussions about his past life at Vol-Stadt Station and his family. It surprised him I had the information we were discussing. I had to explain, the universe to most people is very large. To my family, it is a very small place when we want to know something. Like his family never getting ahead. An older brother that was always in trouble. Constant living under the threat of bullying or worse by classmates, relatives and neighbors alike. Even the sexual abuse he received from his brother's gang of friends. He understood my reasonings behind my friends always and benefits when we can, logic. I even agreed to see him for the next few months, as much as we were able. Which had a profound effect on his demeanor and the spark of happiness that appeared in his eyes.

Afterwards, I flew him down into the ice rings for some light training. Just enough to make sure he focused on doing something constructive, not ruminating on the constant troubled thoughts of last night and his self-doubts.

All too soon, we were heading back to the ANS Endeavor. Uroda was crossing the hangar when we landed. She gave Janek a suspicious look before she smiled at me. “Personal flight time?” Which made Wojact blush, just as she wanted, as she winked at me. I’ve noticed Uroda would make suggestive comments that she intentionally directed at Wojact. Not in an unfriendly way, but to say, I told you so.

“Marc.” His face flushed a bright red that climbed to his ears as he realized what he just said. “Sa Alexander was just giving me some extra help and time to talk.” He said with a defensive tone as we headed for the Wardroom for lunch.

“About time.” She said as she slapped his back. “You’ve been mooning over him since that day in the exam center.” Which made me laugh as he blushed even more, but cracked a smile in her direction.

As was usual, my father was here with the Captain and they were involved in a four-way conversation with Tom and an Engineer. Who appeared to be having the time of his life. I nodded, in greeting, to my sister as we approached the main table, reaching out to take Janek’s hand.

“Is it inappropriate for me to sit at this table with Janek?” I asked Caitlin as we got closer. I felt Janek tense, as he didn’t want to draw attention to himself.

“No. He’s your guest as is Tom.” She said as her eyes glanced at our hands and back. Adding, “Just make sure you plan correctly, Marc. I’m not changing any schedules for you two.”

“Meany.” I whispered.

Giving her my mischievous grin as I moved Janek to the two seats, and we ordered lunch. The sudden, heavy warmth of Janek’s hand settling on my thigh under the table made me smile over at him until he yanked it away when our food arrived. An issue I’ll have to work on with him.

Dad had already finished and would fly back with us after lunch. I didn’t need a post-flight debrief with Janek as I wasn’t officially training him. I also found out I was his first boyfriend. And truth be told. He’ll probably be my first, too. Blow jobs didn’t count in my book, and he agreed with my assessment of Byran. I am sure part of his decision was because he wanted to date me. Janek also admitted to being too nervous to ask me to dance at the party. As he thought I was dating Byran. That was a shame. Had I known of his interest, I would have danced with Janek multiple times. We followed behind Tom and Dad as they boarded the shuttle. I didn’t release Janek’s hand as I stepped into the hatch, and he made to stay outside. A brief tug of my hand and he stepped in, too. Right into my arms for a kiss and hug.

Taking his arm as we separated, I tapped out some commands on his Link, which made my Link chime. I, in turn, sent him a confirmation from my Link so his chimed.

“There. Now you can contact me directly.” I said. Knowing just that small act would slam against his own preconceived notions, I wouldn’t want to talk to him. He smiled in a way that told me he understood what I was doing, beyond letting him have direct contact.

“Thank you, Marc. Until we meet again.”

I nodded. “Until we meet again, Janek Wojact.” With that, he stepped off.

I hopped up into the left seat and checked as Tom sat on the right and had the systems already coming to life. Dad sat behind Tom so he could see me, not just my seat back. He waited until we were off the ship.

“Janek Wojact? I thought you were seeing Byran.” Said Dad.

“That was an error on my part. I traded up.” I said so smoothly that even Tom’s raised eyebrows dented the overhead they shot up so fast. While my father chuckled as he shook his head.

Almost thirty minutes later, I dropped onto the deck of the station hangar. Looking forwards across the systems consoles as I shut the systems down, I grabbed Tom’s arm.

“Incoming! Vicious little sister has spotted us.” Tom snorted and patted my shoulder as my father scolded me.

“Marc. Be nice to her.”

“I’m always nice to Jessica, Dad. I just don’t want to have her attached to my hip while she is home.” I replied as I finished my final steps to secure the shuttle. Tom was outside hugging Jessica and Dad was exiting now. I sighed as I rose from my seat.

Jessica’s arms locked around me in a bear hug when I stepped off the shuttle. Lowering down, I grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up while spinning her around.

“Why hello there, stranger? How long are you going to be here?” As much as wanting to know not only how long, but how many days of her chasing me around, I’ll need to deal with this time.

“Happy Belated Birthingday, Marc, and I should be here for four days.” She said as she hugged my neck tight.

“Thanks Jess. Sorry you missed it this year.”

I shifted her to my hip and retrieved my gear from the shuttle as Tom waited for us, and we followed Dad up to the quarters. Carrying her all the way as she told us about her time at the Academy. Already planning how to distract her with the chocolates I bought over on Aris, as my grin widened.

Please let me know your thoughts on the chapter in the comments. Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks for reading!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Excellent--Marc took the initiative and now he and Janek are now an item. The had an extended honest talk and kissed and hugged . No sex play yet---Jacek agrees with the concept of friends with benefts. They will get together again when their schedules connect. Their comms are linked.  Janek is very pleased, Marc thinks he might be his first actual boyfriend. Bryan is history to Marc.

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11 hours ago, akascrubber said:

Excellent--Marc took the initiative and now he and Janek are now an item. The had an extended honest talk and kissed and hugged. No sex play yet---Jacek agrees with the concept of friends with benefits. They will get together again when their schedules connect. Their comms are linked.  Janek is very pleased, Marc thinks he might be his first actual boyfriend. Bryan is history to Marc.

Thanks for the synapsis. . . I actually had to read the chapter quick as I thought I posted the wrong one. 😅

Edit: I shouldn't post after midnight. The mind is working, the fingers are not. *Synopsis*

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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Janek needs to become comfortable with standing up for himself and not being a wallflower...his past is known, troubling as it is, is Marc aware of the latest conversation Janek had with his brother?

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17 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Janek needs to become comfortable with standing up for himself and not being a wallflower...his past is known, troubling as it is, is Marc aware of the latest conversation Janek had with his brother?

Thanks for the comment! 

The universe to most people is very large. To my family, it is a very small place when we want to know something.

One never knows what is known and what is not.  🙊

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Ah, well Janek got drunk, threw up, and told everyone he liked Marc; not nearly as serious as I was afraid this was.  

Do wonder how Bryan will take this, I would think not well, but we will see.

Tom seems to be very easy going, almost too easy going.


Edited by centexhairysub
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18 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

Ah, well Janek got drunk, threw up, and told everyone he licked Marc; not nearly as serious as I was afraid this was.  

Do wonder how Bryan will take this, I would think not well, but we will see.

Tom seems to be very easy going, almost too easy going.


I was busy editing, and my eyes are a little crossed. I didn't remember Janek licking Marc in this chapter and had to look at my final draft. Scratching my head as I looked back through the versions. Then I realized it as a typo. That's when I figured it was time to call it a night. 🙃

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On 9/2/2024 at 7:15 AM, Al Norris said:

I see that everyone is more centered on the Benefits than the Friends part! :rofl:

Well yeah!😇

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