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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,934 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 21. Chapter 21

Hello everyone,
And here is the next chapter.
As I mentioned previously, a new posting is over in the story discussion forum specifically for this story line where I'll answer questions and post thoughts, ideas on future chapters and books.
Hope you enjoy it!
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

It took me an hour as we went over the group’s brief excursion through one of my favorite asteroid belts. In the end, I was happy with them. Probably pushed more because I would have time with one Ensign Janek Wojact for a few days. That made me happy. That made him happy. I was looking forward to tonight. The entire gang was going to join us at the Pizzeria.

Holding hands with Janek surprised those unaware of our relationship. I was satisfied with Thorp taking the time to explain it to them about our relationship. It took only 5 minutes to grab his gear and head to our hotel room. My Dad even splurged and made sure we had a nice suite with Armor Storage cabinets for our Armors.

Janek led me to the fresher and adjusted the water temperature before he pulled me in. His kiss and tight embrace told me how taxing today was for him as he melted into my body. I held him until he indicated he was ready to bathe. We were taking our time, and he was remembering everything he could again before I leaned in to press my lips to his.

We hurried to reach the restaurant as I had invited everyone. The two of us giggling the entire way as we talked. Moving through the restaurant, the entire room stood as we arrived. Waiting for me to sit. Which would be a few minutes as Rachel, Hugo, Tom, Valerie and a few others greeted Janek. Welcoming him back. Stories were told. Plans made for tomorrow night as I tabbed the bill. It was worth the 600 plus credits for pizzas and drinks plus Tiramisu for dessert. The highlight of the night was Janek and me feeding each other.

We all said thanks and goodbyes before going our different directions after dinner. Janek and I headed back to our suite and had some cuddle time on the couch as we watched the ships passing by our viewport. He was looking up at me and smiled as I had reached behind me to lift the box with my medal. I took it out, and he sat up to look at it as I placed it around his neck. He had tears in his eyes as he examined it.

“This is what you received for saving me, and I only said thank you.”

“I got to hold you in my arms after you woke up in medical. That was all I ever wanted, was to hold you again.” The kiss he gave me expressed more than the thanks he felt. It also told me he loved me, too. Just as much, if not more, than I loved him.

“I love you too, Marc, and my parents really want me to keep you.” I laughed lightly.

“Oh Janek. I’ll always love you. Never forget that.” I said as I held him tighter and nuzzled my head into his.

He shifted. Allowing his hand to make its way slowly down my chest. Following it with small kisses. Slowly, he rose and removed the medal. Replacing it in the box before he held out a hand for me.

“Let me take you to bed, Marc. I want to make love together again.” I stood, and he placed his lips on mine for the lightest of kisses before he led me to the bedroom.

* * *

Janek had awakened first. Ordering breakfast for us. As has become our way, he ordered small portions of many items for us to share. Once I arrived at the table, he pampered me. Holding the chair, pouring my coffee and juice. Feeding me. He froze when my hand shot out and grabbed his wrist as he forked another piece of sausage for me.

“Janek.” I whispered. “No Janek. Never think you owe me for saving you. I did what needed to be done. That’s all.” He lowered his head, and I wrapped him in my arms. Holding him tight. As I felt the tears. “Let it all out, baby. I’ve got you. I love you and always will.”

“You make everything seem so easy. You say you love me, but you don’t want to be my mate. You saved me. I’m just…I just feel so inadequate around you. I can’t do anything for you that will compete with everything you have done for me. I can’t even show you how special you are to me.” I understood that to a point. I just don’t know how to make him understand that just holding him makes me happy. Except…

“Maybe you shouldn’t try. Maybe you should sit back and relax. Look at me and see what holding you in my arms does to me. How it makes me feel inside. True, we will not be mates. It doesn’t mean I love you any less than I would a mate.” I whispered as I shifted one arm to rub his back. He slowly moved back and looked into my eyes. I slowed my breathing. Taking slow, deep breaths before exhaling just as slowly. My eyes closed and slowly opened again. I watched as he saw, through his own eyes.

“Marc. Your eyes almost glow.” He whispered in awe.

“Do they do that for anyone else, Janek?” He shook his head no as a broad smile formed on his face. “And you thought you had to compete with me to show me love. When all you needed to do is hold me close and watch my body relax for you because of the way you make me feel.”



I only had a few more hours of training before I could collect Janek and we could head off to meet the gang. Again. Janek loved it when we got together and played games before going to get some late night food with my friends. It only took a few hours before he would give my hand that special squeeze that denotes it was time for us to be alone. Then we woke up this morning. A tangle of sheets and limbs. Wrapped around each other. He even lifted himself to look into my eyes as they opened. His smile told me what he saw before I blinked and shifted my body to kiss him. Tonight is our last night together, as I need to leave in the morning.



I checked the time and smiled as I tapped out a few commands. An additional set of screens came to life on my left side. I nodded to myself in satisfaction as we worked our way through this asteroid belt. The training has gone well, and I am satisfied enough that twelve out of the sixteen are ready for the next step. We will provide the other four with more training before clearing them to do it.


Janek Wojact


Marc is observing us all, as he always does. I almost feel like he is hovering over me. Ready to lend support in one form or another. A maybe he’s right. I have butterflies in my stomach thinking about what will happen today. Today a few of us are starting our Jump training. This comes in two parts. The plotting of the Jump and the Jump itself. Marc is, personally, verifying our plots with the Instructors before we may Jump. He chose the asteroid belt we are using for this, too. He calls it a learning belt because it’s old and has no dust rivers or rogues. The rocks are nicely spaced apart, too. To prove a point. Marc had us fly a course through here as he Jumped all around us. After which he pulled alongside me to check that I was OK. Marc had also made sure I had access to the best specialists to make sure my mind, as well as my body, was OK after everything that had happened. I guess this is my ultimate test. To confirm if I am fully recovered or not. No matter how I feel. I will not disappoint Marc.




I brought the flight to a stationary position as they worked out the Jump plots and the instructors reviewed them, adding comments before they sent them to me for final review. Once I approved them, they could make their first Jump in the asteroids using low speeds. Even explaining the high speeds I used earlier were dangerous and they were not ready for that yet. Watching as they all made a perfect Jump I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled everyone together again. Having them go stationary as I explained what would happen next. They were to make a series of Jumps. Back to back around the belt. I was going to give them the course and the Jump navigation. The group would line up, following the track at the designated speed and begin the Jump cycle at two-second intervals. Meaning they had to move when they came out of Jump to line up for the next and be out of the way of the next pilot in line. At the last Jump they needed to move fast to the waiting area along the sides.

“Bring up your Jump Drives and let’s begin.” I said as we came around the turn in the track. Heading to the open area where they would make their first Jump in a series of six before they returned here. A fast check of the screen on my left told me they were ready as I shifted offsides. “First pilot. Begin Jump in Two, One. Jump.”

I watched as they each entered the area, Two seconds after the other, and Jumped. I turned to the other set of screens and watched as they made their series of Jumps around the belt. Each one requiring a maneuver of some sort as they came out before they could line up for the next Jump in sequence. I nodded to myself as they all made the first Jump and they were working their way through the course to arrive back here. Moving to the side to get out of the way of the fighter behind them. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a start. As the last arrived, I nodded to myself and pulled out.

“Form up. Let’s go home.” I said as I began my course out of the belts. The Comms were quiet as they thought about what I just showed them. The course I had set was like what I did when I rescued Janek. I brought them around, down and back up again. Tapping open the Command Comm’s. “I’m slipping back to talk to Wojact. Take them back to the hanger please, Jerrand.”

“Of course Marc.” Replied Lt. Commander Jerrand Knippel. “We’ll see you both when you get back.”


* * *

We landed last. I had pulled Janek out of the flight. Slowing us as we talked, to arrive back at the station 20 minutes behind everyone else. Taking his hand, I led him to the flight evaluation. Nodding to everyone as we walked in. Sitting with Janek was my cue that I would not step in until Senior Lt. Astray and the Lt. Commander had finished. His hand squeezed mine twice before I felt the lips touch the side of my head.

“I’m fine Marc.” He whispered. Causing me to move closer to him in my seat.

“I know. I just wanted to be close to you if I was needed.” Which made him smile as he leaned against me.

Once the staff had finished with each pilot, Jerrand looked to me.

“Anything else Sa Alexander.” I took a second with pursed lips before I rose.

“Not really. Practice and learning how to plot multiple Jumps at once is really all they need now.” I paused as I walked to the front of the room. “As I said in the beginning, people. Safety. Is the name of the game. Jumping in asteroids is extremely dangerous. I don’t recommend doing it. But. I think you should know how to do it. Should it be needed. By now, you have increased your knowledge of how to read a belt and its contents as well as how to fly and hide in them. Keep practicing in different belts.” I paused in thought and shook my head. “That’s pretty much all I have time to teach the lot of you. Everything else will be taught by your instructors.” Then I let the feral grin spread across my lips. “Always watch your six. You never know when they will want me to run a flight test on one of our new fighters.” Which caused a few laughs. “That being said, people. It has been a pleasure flying with you and may the Stars watch over you, in all your future adventures.” I said as I finished and turned to shake hands with the training officers before I started with the trainees. Wojact thankfully had moved to the end of the line and he received a hug from me before I turned him and led him out of the room. He was spending his last night with me and we had plans.


“You know. I don’t know when we will see each other again.” Janek whispered into my ear as we walked.

“I know. I understand you are being chosen as one of the pilot’s for the new carrier coming online.” He let out a soft sigh as he nodded.

“Yeah. Chimera. They will not be operating around here, though.” And I heard the disappointment in his voice. I understood it too.

“No…No, they don’t.” I replied softly as I guided him to a side passage out of the main passageway. I pulled him into a hug and kissed him. Slowly. Allowing my love to pass from me to him. “Always remember, I love you, Janek Wojact. The deal is still the same. If we are both free, I’ll treat you with all the loving you deserve.” He nodded into my neck as I felt the lips press against me. The slight nip of his teeth on my skin followed by a kiss.

“I love you too, Marc. Until we meet again, my love.” He whispered into my neck.

“Until we meet again, my Janek. Fly safe and have fun.” I said before we separated and I dropped him off at the training center as I headed up to the family office.


* * *

Passing through as I greeted people, I found my office had been used. Once I sat down in my chair, I chuckled as I hit the button to return it to my original settings. That had the effect of getting my knees out of my chest as I rose back to the correct height. As I had told Jess, she could use my office when I was not here until they add one for her and not to move my displays too much. I said nothing about my chair. Just because I knew she would adjust it to her height. I even found a box of chocolates in the drawer with a smily face on it. I opened it and promptly made one disappear as I brought my systems to life.

After twenty minutes of talking with Laura, I told her I would get back to her in a few weeks, as I was busy. Her problem intrigued me as I pulled up different reports and scrolled through them. Just taking the high points as I formed an idea, then sat back in thought. Before I opened my arms and Jessica dropped into my lap as I pointed to the drawer. She grabbed a chocolate and held the box for me. I absently shook my head no as I smiled.

“Think you could take me out in the shuttle again?” She asked as I kissed the top of her head and leaned forward to check her latest simulator training.

“Yeah. We’ll make a quick hop out to ring four for a quicky into the rocks and back. Then I need to get back to work.” I said as I shut everything down and lifted her up over my shoulder as I stood.

“Brat. Put me down.”

“For what purpose?” I said as I waved to Mom as we passed. “See, even Mom smiled.” Which earned me another brat before I put her down and pulled her to my side. “Think you can handle taking us out of the hangar?”

Jess smiled up at me as she hugged me tighter. “Yes. I did well in the simulators.”

“You did. That’s why I asked if you were ready for the real thing. Is Mom taking you out later?” She nodded.

“And Caitlin said she would stop in tomorrow and take me out too. Next week, cousin Laura said she would take me out.”

“Good. The more teachers, the more styles and tricks to piloting you can learn. And I’ll be busy the next few weeks.”

“We have a Board Meeting next week.”

“Yes, we do.” I said with a smirk. “I think you should sit in my chair with my proxy and I’ll go out mining.”

“Like Mom and Dad would let you do that.” And she was right. They would not allow it. Mom will make sure, Dad makes sure I am there.


* * *

What I did when I was being trained, I now did to Jessica. I sat back and observed as she brought the shuttle to life and called for clearance. I plotted the flight course, as I was in a hurry, which she followed out to the dry ring. Meaning it was old. Didn’t have the minerals we needed. No rogues or dust rivers, wide spacing due to previous mining efforts. It was a good place for new pilots to learn asteroid fields.

“What happens now that you and Janek broke up?”

“We didn’t break up, Jess. We are just not seeing each other all the time now as I am busy and he will be moving to a new ship.”

“But you could change that.”

“I don’t work that way, kiddo, and neither should you. It lowers your credibility with our people. We do not differ from everyone else and shouldn’t flaunt our position for personal gain.” Once I finished speaking, she was quiet as she thought that over.

“Is that what everyone means when they keep telling me I have responsibilities now?” She asked.

“Yeah Jess. It doesn’t mean we can’t be kids anymore, just that we have a lot of other things as part of the Corporation ownership that we need to do too. Just like how I still go out mining and nights out with my friends, I also help with training and go to meetings.” She nodded as she thought about it and made the next turn on the course I plotted, taking us out of the asteroid field and back towards the station.

“So like today. This is fun for you. You pushed off a project to take me out flying?”

“Not so much pushed it off as I rescheduled it to make time for you. I have too much going on in the next few weeks to do that for a while, so I figured I better get it in now. Besides, you like using my desk. Nobody knows where you are.” Which made her laugh.

“Thanks Marc. Love you too, big brother.”

“I’m your only brother, Jess. Until I Bond with a mate.” Her head whipped around.

“Are you looking for a mate?”

“I am not at the moment. Just enjoying my life with Janek.” I paused. “Probably a few others before it is time to search.”

“Tell me the dream again?” She asked.

“What Jess? It’s nothing but me and him in the water. Gentle caresses. Loving kisses. He carries me to the beach and we make love.” What I’m not telling her is that I wrap my legs around his waist, pressing our hard cocks together, while he massages my ass with his hands and our tongues battle for dominance.

“But you said you know his scent, and he is taller.” She said and my eyes closed as I took a deep breath and released it with the memory.

“Yeah.” I said as I drifted on the memory. “He smells like cinnamon and cherry blossoms. My head lays perfectly on the front of his shoulder. Just the right height that I can nuzzle the top of my head into his cheek. I need to stretch up to kiss him on the lips.”

I heard her softly sigh. “I don’t have dreams of my mate. Does that mean I don’t have one?” She asked as she turned us towards the incoming traffic lane.

“No. It just means you’re not dreaming about your mate. Not everyone does. Maybe you don’t have a fated mate, and I do. I don’t know. I just know I’ve had the dreams since I went to Silva Academy like you did.” She nodded in agreement as we had had this discussion before.

Sometimes I think she is jealous that I have the dreams, and she doesn’t. Mom explained it to her, too. Someday we will all find our mates and I am sure I will in the next five stanyears. Some dreams I keep to myself and will probably continue to do so until I find my mate. He’ll understand them as he must be having similar dreams as I am sure we are the fabled, fated mates. One out of a thousand couples are. I drifted back to the present as I heard Jessica calling for clearance.

“Marc. Do we have stockholders?”

I snorted. “No Jess. We are wholly owned by the Alexander, Campbell and Armstrong families. We hold the majority at fifty-seven percent.”

“So what does that make us worth?” I shrugged as I reached across and tapped a switch. “Sorry.” She said as I tapped her nose with the end of my finger. “Pay attention to the shuttle, Jess. I’ll answer your questions. Worth? I truly don’t know. Never asked. What’s the latest price on a new station this size?”

Jessica tapped off the last switch as I double checked and nodded. She slid her seat back. “I don’t know. Sixty, maybe Seventy Billion credits.” She said, guessing. Not far off either, I should think as I sat back doing some quick math.

“As a guess. I would say you and I are multibillionaires with our five percent each.” I said as I stood.

“But we don’t have yachts or private stations or big planet side homes.”

“Why would you want it? I prefer drawing a median salary and reinvesting in the corporation, which is why we are so large to begin with.”

“I guess, but you are working in several areas. Why?”

I shrugged as we walked. “I like my mining, so I do a lot of work in the Resources Division, also with Uncle Fran and Aunt Gloria in probes, drones and Intelligence. Grandma Armstrong in Exploration. And then with Dad in the Military arm. All things I like to do.”

“I was thinking of station management with Mom. Maybe getting into Sales with Grandma Alexander. I enjoy hanging out with Aunt Gloria too on her little spy ship.” Which made me laugh.

“It’s a Mimic Class Reconnaissance vessel. One of our best sellers to the CONFED Navy.” I said, as she rolled her eyes at me.

Thanks for reading!
I activated the new topic for this story line in the stories discussion forum. Please feel free to add your questions there and I will try to answer them the best I can.
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks for reading!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

38 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

As I recall thus far in this story, you have talked more of the Armstrong family than the Campbell family.  Will we learn more of the Campbell family as the stories progress?

If you explained this I missed it -- What relationship is Hugo to Marc?  And Hugo's last name?  

How many brothers and sisters does Mark have?  We know Jessica is younger, but how many older siblings does Mark have?  I seem to recall that Marc is said to be the only boy, or am I wrong about that?

Who is the next-in-command of the Alexander corporation if Marc's father is unavailable to attend the meetings for whatever reason?  The Vice-Chairman or whatever the title is?

I am enjoying this story immensely, @P. E. Knapp

Thanks @ReaderPaul for the comments!

Hugo? I have no idea what his last name is... never wrote one in as he didn't have the larger part he had in this book. Possibly we should have a poll for that over in the forum? 

Two sisters. Caitlin (older) and Jessica (younger).


I think this should work. 😀

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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Much to ponder in this chapter, love the way this story is coming together!!!

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39 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Much to ponder in this chapter, love the way this story is coming together!!!

@drsawzall Thanks! It has been a good run for this part of the story. Many more to go.


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"Fare thee well, my sweet Janek. I must away..." Looks like this will be the last time Marc and Janek will be together.

Marc is such a sweetheart to his little sister.

Love the story, @P. E. Knapp.

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6 hours ago, Al Norris said:

"Fare thee well, my sweet Janek. I must away..." Looks like this will be the last time Marc and Janek will be together.

Marc is such a sweetheart to his little sister.

Love the story, @P. E. Knapp.

OK. I haven't had the third cup of coffee this morning and had to reread the chapter as I just didn't remember writing, "Fare thee well, my sweet Janek. I must away..." It was a, *Smacks forehead with palm* moment. 🤣

Marc loves his little sister. Name calling and all.

Thanks for the comment @Al Norris!

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1 hour ago, P. E. Knapp said:

OK. I haven't had the third cup of coffee this morning and had to reread the chapter as I just didn't remember writing, "Fare thee well, my sweet Janek. I must away..." It was a, *Smacks forehead with palm* moment. 🤣

This was a twisted quote, taken from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet... Just so you know! 😁

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@Al Norris -- When do we get Chapter One of "Al's Twists on Quotes, With Sources That Inspired Them," here on GA and C Roland?

Edited by ReaderPaul
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4 hours ago, Al Norris said:

This was a twisted quote, taken from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet... Just so you know! 😁

🤣LOL Yes. Once I had my coffee, I figured that out. I just couldn't remember if I did or didn't use a quote from Shakespeare... Because I might have...🤣

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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