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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,171 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 16. Chapter 16

Hello everyone,
I am trying my luck at setting a chapter to post on Thursday as I am heading out this afternoon and will not be back until Saturday.
That being said. Here is the next installment for your reading pleasure.
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

After standing on my tippy toes, I spotted the table with the two empty seats. Guiding Janek through the sea of seated people towards my family.

“You’re late.”

“Yes, Mom.” I replied as we sat. “We know.” Cousin Elio was openly laughing at my indifference and Janek's embarrassment. I smirked at him with a slight shake of my head, and he stopped.

My hand was still in Janek’s. I could feel the nerves. Well. Not much I could do about that. I had warned him not to do it. I leaned over and nudged his head with my nose. Causing the reaction I had hoped for. He turned to me. My lips caressed his before I whispered. “We are fine. You wanted it. I wanted it. I love you.”

It didn’t take long before dinner was served, along with the usual speeches. After that. I dragged Janek to the dance floor. Much to his amusement. Four dances later, we were heading back to the table for a late dessert. I stayed for another two hours, spending most of that time on the dance floor instead of networking like I should have.


* * *


Entering the room, I pushed Janek against the wall. My mouth attacked his. His hands tried to undo my formal cape and jacket. It didn’t work, and he grunted into my mouth.

“Patience Jan. It doesn’t come off easily.” I said as I stepped back and one handed, I released the clasp that caused my cape to fall. Another few snaps and my jacket came off. Followed by the rest of my clothing.

“Are you just going to watch?”

Suddenly, he realized what I meant and removed his clothing as I hung mine up in the closet. Turning to take his jacket and hang it. He bent over to pull off a boot and my hand slipped into his underwear. Finger running down his crack. He stumbled and leaned against the wall.

“I thought you said patience.”

“I did. When I didn’t want you to rip my outfit off.” I said in all seriousness. My tone changed when I looked down at his ass again. “Your ass, on the other hand. Called to me and I had to pet it.”

Janek snorted as leaned into me. I held him as he pulled his other boot off and continued to undress. My hands caressed his body. Feeling the muscle definition. Feeling the heat. That made his dick harden, as mine already was.

“You know I want to take you right now.” I whispered as he turned, taking me in his arms. Our dicks crushed between us.

“I want you to. Then I want you.” He said between kisses as he moved us back to the bed. Our room had already been prepared by the room service after our last visit a few hours ago.

I landed on the bed and he came down next to me as I rolled. Arm reaching out to the nightstand drawer. Fumbling around to find the bottle of lube, before my hand closed around it and I rolled back on top of Janek.



“We leave tomorrow. After lunch.” My hand running through his hair. The other rubbing his back.

“You know where I am going already?”

I sighed softly. “Yeah, Jan. You’re going where you belong. Ensign Wojact.” He shifted and lifted off me to lie on his side with his head propped up. His other hand took one of mine and held it on my chest. His thumb making small circles against the back of it. “We still might, be able to, see each other occasionally.”

I saw the tear. Reaching out, I wiped it off his cheek. “Don’t Jan. Always remember I love you. Even when we are just friends.” He crashed into me. My shoulder felt the warm wetness that accumulated on it as I held him tight. Rubbing his back. I whispered.

Renown is a good cruiser. A good crew. You will do well there, baby. I get to High Sec occasionally with my Father…”

“It’s going to hurt saying goodbye to you, Marc.”

“There is no goodbye Jan. We just will not date anymore. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you. I wasn’t kidding when I said I would sleep with you if we were both available.”

“Yeah, I know, but it still hurts when I think about it.”

Twisting my head, I kissed him. “I know Jan. I’ll feel it too. I love you. Not the way I would love a mate, but love nonetheless.” He nodded against me.

“One more time before breakfast, baby?” He smiled against my body before he rolled over and lifted his legs. “I’ll take that as a yes.” His eyes twinkled with the goofy smile again.

* * *

This morning I was in my training class with the marines. Normally I wear my heavy armor for my armor training sessions, but today I was using the powered armor. I’m still getting used to it and the Sergeant insists I spend more time working with it in order to master the movements. Which means a gentle touch or you can crash. Literally. Hugo was here with me last time and had to grab me multiple times to keep me from falling. Combine that with my sword and sidearm, which are specially produced for the powered armor units to work with the armored gauntlets. Fun actually. Even more when the personal security is active on the weapons. Meaning, they only work if I use them. Anyone else gets a nasty shock off the sword hilt and the sidearm will not fire for them. A set of tones through the powered armor’s helmet told me my Link was sounding the emergency signal as I held my hand up for a halt. The three marines with me froze in place as I used the powered armor’s system to access my Link. The growl I released must have broadcast via the Sergeants’ override of my suit. Because they were following me as I took off running.



B-2 Deck

Side passageway


“I suggest you return to wherever you came from.” I said, as I stood between Marc’s boyfriend and three other people. One of which was pointing his finger at Janek and yelling at him.

“Or what?” Asked the shorter one. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t place him.

I motioned Janek back as I moved us both back a few steps. I could hear the commotion behind us as a suit broadcasted yells to clear the passageway could be heard. The smirk climbed the sides of my mouth as I spoke next. “I believe my big brother is coming. I don’t think he is going to like you.” I said calmy with confidence.

“What the hell are you doing here Jonasz?” asked Janek.

“I came to see you graduate and talk about how you are going to help me.” The shorter one said. Jonasz Wojact. Now I know who this is, and Marc will not be happy. I thought with a smile.

The sounds of heavy foot falls distracted the three of them, but not as much as the blast door closing down at the other end of the passageway. Seconds later, the 7 foot tall armored form arrived behind us and stomped forwards with two other powered armor marines. I grinned.

“Hi big brother.” He stopped and bent down to hug me.

“Hey little brother. Why don’t you and Janek go for a walk? I want to talk to Janek’s brother and his friends.” We both heard Marc’s suit enhanced voice say.

I nodded as I pushed Janek back as the red scanning beam on his helmet came to life and scanned the door controls next to us. Just as we stepped back to the other marines, the blast door between us and Marc slammed closed with multiple station security personnel arriving to join us. I heard Marc’s voice over their Comm Link’s telling them what he wanted. Janek was watching the door before he turned to me.

“Will he kill him?” He asked. He didn’t seem like he would be too upset if Marc did.

“I don’t think so. I think Marc is going to explain the realities of life outside Vol-Stadt Station to them. They will probably be in medical for a few days, if he doesn’t just boot them off the station. Or both.”




I sighed as I came storming around the corner. Hugo had delayed them enough as he was going to when we found they had arrived at the station. I was only one deck away and my overrides provided fast movement to this location. I closed the blast doors to keep them confined while I spoke. And Janek’s brother is nothing but a big mouthed bully. He hasn’t stopped running his mouth since I closed us in. My left hand raised in the universal sign to stop, and one of his buddies tried to grab my sword. I didn’t even move to stop him before the electrical security charge blasted him across the passageway as efficiently as any pool stick sinks the eight ball into the corner pocket. I turned my head and looked at him.

My voice boomed in the enclosed passageway. “Obviously, that shocking experience was caused by your parents not teaching you not to touch other people’s belongings.” My sarcastic tone was just inviting them to try something else, as the other idiot produced an expandable baton. He took a swing at my head and my arm shifted before swinging in an arc. He bounced off the other side of the passageway and laid crumpled on the deck. “Obviously, brains are not required on Vol-Stadt Station. I don’t think even the marines here on this station would attack a person in powered armor without some form of heavy weapons.”

Jonasz Wojact’s face was turning a very interesting shade of white as his breathing was becoming labored. At least he shut up.

“You know. I happen to like your brother. Love him, in fact. I think it’s time you decided to be nicer to him.”

“And what if I don’t? Are you going to kill me?” He gasped. I looked towards the control panel on the wall and ordered the atmosphere reduction halted.

“If I wanted you killed. You would be a piece of freeze-dried meat floating outside the station after a long walk in a short airlock. As far as your little buddies are concerned. They will leave this station shortly after I open the blast doors. As for you.” I turned my head again and the red beam scanned the panel, giving it orders. I could tell when I turned back that the pressure just equalized and he was breathing normally again after his hands went to his ears. That must have hurt, and I smiled. “I think you are going to turn over a new leaf towards your brother. Treat him with the kindness and respect he deserves.” I said as I reached out and grabbed the front of his shipsuit, lifted and slammed him into the wall at a height where he would be face to face with me. My face plate opened as I moved face to face with him. Just to be sure he could see my ice-cold eyes as they bored into his.

“Let me make myself understood. I have no use for Vol-Stadt Station or you. If I need to come there to have another talk with you. I will come with battle fleets. When I am done. There will be nothing but freeze-dried body parts and cooled molten metallic remnants of said station.” I released my grip, and he dropped to the floor, leaving a blood trail on the bulkhead from where his head smashed into it.

“Welcome to Low Point Station. My Station. Enjoy your stay.” I said as I turned and locked the red beam on the controls and opened the blast doors as the station security personnel ran in to take the three of them into custody.

I stepped out, nodding to Hugo, and then turned to Janek. “I don’t think he will bother you again, baby.” I said as I moved in to hug him. He stood on his toes to place a kiss against my lips.

“Did you hurt him?” He asked softly. I tilted my head in the realization that on some level, he loved his brother.

“Not as much as he deserved, but enough to get my point across.” I said with a mischievous smile.


* * *


The stands were full. People in uniform and civilian dress. Flags fluttered behind the raised speaking platform. Before it sat uniformed personnel. Probably about two hundred in total. All were graduating today. To include the twenty-four Midshippeople that would get their ensign designations today. My Grandfather Alexander and my father sat on the speaking platform. For the first time, I sat with them. I was in a full formal dress for this. Shoulder cape included with what medals I could wear as well as my sword. A smaller version of the one I wear on my armor.

I spotted my three Middies. Janek’s jaw dropped as Uroda and Thorp teased him before he fired comments back. Considering Uroda’s concealed laugh, it must have been good. But, I hadn’t finished with my surprises today. Aside from moving Janek Wojact’s parents to the front row in the VIP area and his brother sat next to them. Appearing to be the caring angelic brother he should be. I made sure Gunnery Sergeant Uroda and Lt. Commander Thorp were here as well. At one point, I got Janek’s attention. Pointing to him and then to my eyes before pointing off to my left. I watched as he searched for what I was pointing at and knew once he had found it. His eyes locked mine and I could see the tears form before his hand shot up to wipe them off. Uroda looked at him and then at me before she whispered a question to him. Janek said something and pointed. Her wide eyes turned back to me, to be followed by a sharp nod.

I didn’t yawn during the speeches. I even sat up straight. Mom would be happy. I waited until the Admiral called on me before I stood and walked forward to the lectern. Thanking the Admiral, I turned and motioned as I spoke. “Commander. Gunnery Sergeant. The Ensign insignias, if you would please.”

I waited as they marched out and stood next to me. One side of my mouth lifted in my lopsided grin as I looked down to my three Middies. It had the desired effect.

“I am Marc Alexander. Great grandson of Joshua Alexander. One of the founding members of Alexander Industrials. Having assisted a few of the Midshipperson’s graduating today. I believe I speak with confidence in saying I feel all of you will perform your future duties in the high standards set by my great grandfather all those years ago. I congratulate you on your successful completion of your current training cycle. That being said. I have something for the Midshippersons.”

I turned and took the first insignia that Lt. Commander Thorp handed to me from the tray that Gunnery Sergeant Uroda held before I nodded to the Admiral. Who called the name of the first of our twenty-four Midshippersons up. One by one, I congratulated them and pinned their new insignia on them. Thorp was the first of my trio.

“Special treatment?” Thorp whispered, and I winked at him while we shook.

Uroda was next. Her eyes told it all as she stood before me, and I pinned the Insignia to her uniform. “You’re still a true prince of the Confederation.” Again, I winked at her while we shook hands.

Then there was Janek Wojact. Once I looked into his eyes, I saw all the emotion getting ready to boil over. I congratulated him as I pinned his insignia on. Then I shook his hand, whispering.

“I’ll see you at the reception.”

Janek had all he could do to hold it together as my head twisted to see Uroda ready to come for him if needed. I stepped back and made a motion with my hand that he should follow Uroda. He gave me a stiff nod as he turned and departed.

It took me another 20 minutes to get through the rest of the Middies before I could return to my seat after shaking hands and thanking my helpers. Another 5 minutes and the ceremony ends. They released the newest Ensigns and Spacers to the reception. Standing, I shook hands with the attending Officers and hug my family before I took off to find Janek. The crowd is large. The volume of conversations is high because of the music playing in the background. As is something I can do, I move up onto the raised platform at the front of the hall. Using the extra height to search the crowd. I spot the trio standing with their families when Uroda spots me and waves me over. Stepping down off the platform, I headed off to join Janek. Uroda warned him and he turned as I approached. Those beautiful eyes bright.

“Marc.” Janek started as I opened my arms, and he crashed into me.

“Hello my Ensign.” Was all I said before his lips crushed mine. Kissing me with a passion I’ve never felt from him before. He pulled away. His forehead leaned against mine.

“Thank you… Seems so inadequate for everything you’ve done for me.” He whispered, looking into my eyes. I just shrugged.

“Maybe. I love you.” It was part statement. Part question. He sighed as his eyes studied me.

“I think you do.” He said. And I agreed.

“Once we are finished here, would you like to come to my room?” The smile spread across his face.

“OK. I leave…”

“I know. We’ll talk about that later.” He nodded sadly.

“Thanks for making sure my parents sat in the front.”

“I have some power I can flaunt once in a while. You know. Being a prince and all.” His eyes twinkled with the small laugh he gave me.

“OK. Enough special treatment for Wojact.” A hand dropped on his shoulder. “Time to share Janek.” Said Thorp from behind us. Causing us to break apart and join the rest of the celebrants again.

2 hours of mingling. After many more thanks and handshakes, I felt completely exhausted. Janek seemed to notice as he slipped an arm around my waist.

“I just need to walk my parents back to their hotel room. Jonasz left already. Then we can disappear. Will you walk with us, baby?” I agreed as I leaned into him more. Letting him guide us. First to his parents’ hotel for long goodbyes and then to my hotel.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks for reading!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Jan and Marc enjoyed their last times together. Marc roughed up Jan's abusive  brother and friends and sent them on their way pledging severe retribution if Jan was hurt again.

It seemed fitting that Marc pinned the midshipmen recognizing their promotion in the future at the official ceremony. He was so tender to Jan. They do love each other. Marc intends to see him if their paths cross in the future. Marc told Jan is slated to seve on a good ship in a distant area.

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I still don't trust Jackwad the brother....Good on everyone graduating and let's see if Marc's plans bear fruit....

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On 8/11/2024 at 8:37 PM, drsawzall said:

I still don't trust Jackwad the brother....

Lol. We shall see. 😈

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On 8/10/2024 at 11:11 PM, centexhairysub said:

They both enjoyed their time with each other, they learned something about each other, but perhaps more importantly, about themselves.  

Their paths may cross again, and let's hope it does enjoyably, but time for them to start the next phase of their lives.  

As has been stated before by Marc. To some people the universe is very large, but to me it can be a very small place. I think Marc will endeavor to travel up to High Sec once in a while.

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On 8/10/2024 at 6:09 PM, akascrubber said:

Jan and Marc enjoyed their last times together. Marc roughed up Jan's abusive  brother and friends and sent them on their way pledging severe retribution if Jan was hurt again.

It seemed fitting that Marc pinned the midshipmen recognizing their promotion in the future at the official ceremony. He was so tender to Jan. They do love each other. Marc intends to see him if their paths cross in the future. Marc told Jan is slated to seve on a good ship in a distant area.

I'm just thinking Marc was just getting their attention. They probably won't like it very much the next time he sees them. 

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Great Chapter again.  The brother has the message for now -- but how long will he retain it?  I predict it will be retained for some time.

Looking forward to the further adventures of Marc and as many others from this story as we may see in future chapters and stories.

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37 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

Great Chapter again.  The brother has the message for now -- but how long will he retain it?  I predict it will be retained for some time.

Looking forward to the further adventures of Marc and as many others from this story as we may see in future chapters and stories.

Thanks @ReaderPaul! Yeah. Many more adventures of the gang. Offshoots are in the works. Single short stories with some of the characters. Where Marc is just a cameo.

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