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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,442 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 22. Chapter 22

And here it is. The final chapter of book 1!
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

Janek Wojact

ANS Renown


Marc has only been gone a day and I miss him already. He is right in that we are not mates, but I love him. More importantly, he showed to me he knows I love him as much as he loves me. I sighed as I stepped into the training room for our next day of classes. Thorp gave me an understanding pat on the shoulder as I found my seat. The rest of our day was a combination of classroom training and flight training. Rory and myself with six of the other pilots, will be transferring to ANS Chimera in two weeks.



Rock Prospector Mini Miner

Low Point Station


“The Scrubbers need to be changed, Marc. That’s why the foul odor. It should have been done last week.” Tom said as he dropped into the seat next to me, highlighting the maintenance list on his tablet before handing it to me.

I read the listing as I waited for the systems check I started to complete before I handed it back to him. With a sigh, I ran my hand through my hair.

“OK. Change them out. I’ll order a fresh air flush.”

He nodded and headed back to the Engineering area of the Prospector Mini I had rented for 48 hours. Tapping out a new message for the rental office. A request for reimbursement against the last user as well as my costs for the atmosphere flush and consumables. Sighing, I sat back when my hand wiped down my face. Clanks sounded throughout the ship as the station plugged into it. The telltale ear popping told me the air exchange was underway. A glance at the screens told me the rest. As soon as Tom finished changing out the cartridges for the air scrubber, we were fully replenished and ready to get underway.

“You want a drink?”

“No. I am good. Thanks.”

Tom maneuvered into the seat next to me with his drink and snack. Offering me a snack bar. I shook my head no with a frown before I lifted us off the deck.

“Low Point Station Control. Shuttle Nine-P-Twenty-Two Heavy, requesting departure clearance to belt Six tac Four. Marc Alexander commanding.”

“You are cleared for departure, Marc. Have fun. Control out.”

“Thanks Lidia. See you in a few days. Nine-P-Twenty-Two out.”

Lifting off the pad, I moved us into the flight line and headed for the doors as Tom pointed to a new shuttle passing us. I set appraising eyes on it before I turned back to business.

“Someday.” I said.

“But not today.” Tom replied.

We both smiled at our remarks as I took us through the barrier and into the departure lane, heading for our Jump lane designation. It was fourteen minutes later when I hopped us to the outer marker in the asteroid belt Six tac Four. Tom had already called for the latest probe data, which I was combing for the proper rock for us. Tom kept watch as he warmed up the Mining Laser and double checked the drop containers. Finally, finding what I wanted before maneuvering us through the belt to our chosen rock.

We lucked out again and had one of my family’s mining vessels within the ten kilometer tractor beam range and just passed ours off to them at ninety-five percent. Which saved me one step in the sale of our ore, but would net the same amount in credits. If all goes well, it should be around fifty kilocreds. I was on Watch so I grabbed my tablet and was working out my presentation to the Board tomorrow night as I sent out the formal request for time to Grandpa. Meaning I would have five minutes under new business to make my case. Since I sent out the information packet yesterday and have already had responses, I don’t think I will need that long. And this is just a test case. If it doesn’t work out, then we can change everything back, but I think it will.



Low Point Station

Alexander’s Board Room


We entered the bowl, as I liked to call it. The room was round, with the main table in the center. Around that rose multiple levels of seating that provided for staff and invited guests that had business. I was seated at the main table with the rest of our family. Several other family members, not on the Board, sat on the first level with our senior staff. My tablet scrolled as Jessica nudged me and pointed to an item on the list she held with raised eyebrows.

“I did say I would be busy the next few weeks.” As I waved Hugo in and pointed to a seat directly behind me that was reserved for my staff. Jessica’s head swung around and back at me.

“You have staff?” She asked as Hugo wrapped his arms around me and we kissed.

“Hello little brother. Your growth spurt is really kicking in.”

He nodded as he replied. “Indeed, big brother.” As I patted his arm and he moved back to his seat.

“We’ll go eat after this.” I added over my shoulder with a smirk. Hugo rubbed his stomach as he smiled back at me as I turned back to Jessica.

“Hugo is part of one of my projects I am discussing tonight.” Which garnished another set of raised eyebrows as more people entered and seated themselves at the table while several, including Aunt Gloria, Uncle Fran, Caitlin, Captain Tyler and Laura Bedinski of the Armed Freighter Kilmeny, joined us virtually on a secure channel. I was busy reading messages when Jessica nudged me again.

“Cousin Laura is here too?” I nodded as I looked around. Both sets of grandparents, my parents, Jessica and a few cousins, plus the senior department heads, sat with us at the center table. Twenty-seven people in all at a table that could hold forty.

“Her and the Captain are muted for the moment. They will join us when I speak.” I said before I leaned to Dad to whisper a question to which he nodded. Mom looked over and tapped her tablet and gave me four fingers. I checked the list and saw that it changed again, and I was fourth, right after the senior military reports. Giving my mom a nod, I turned to look at my grandparents. Eyebrows raised as Grandpa Alexander motioned to Dad, who leaned in.

“Apparently, your Aunt Gloria had a discussion. The military is extremely interested in your idea and wants to push it first in their time slot.” He whispered.

Tapped out a general message and sent it to my people as a heads up to the change of plans. Shaking my head as I forwarded my latest information to Laura and her husband, which Hugo provided about an hour ago.

My finger tapped Jessica’s tablet and then made a swipe and scrolled down to the spot and tapped again. Once she saw what I did, she smiled at me before she went back to reading the correct file.

“Ask me and I’ll help when I can.” I whispered to her. It’s only her second Board Meeting. I’ve been going for two years.

Gramps brought the meeting to order and started down the list. I sat back and listened to the reports and what my family had to say about various issues before Grandpa Alexander looked towards me.

“Marc. I believe you have a project you want to discuss.” He said in his gravelly tone.

“I do. Thank you, Grandpa.” I said as I tapped a few keys and Captain Bedinski, and my cousin Laura were unmuted. “For this I have asked Tyler and Laura, as well as Hugo, to join us. Uncle Fran and Aunt Gloria will also be weighing in with Admiral Tenisoo.” I said as I received nods from each person as I named them and brought the information to life on the holotable in the center of our table.

“Laura and Tyler brought to my attention a distinct issue with our patrolling armed freighters. They are lacking the ability to actually look for issues, pirates, and general claim jumping by not having the means to extend their search and information gathering pattern radius.” I tapped a few keys, and a route popped up with two overlaying circles with different colored borders. “The route to Cannes Orbital is visible here. There was an incident out in that direction a few months ago. I was aboard ANS Dagger when they asked for a sweep of the belts on our way through. We still missed the pirate vessel, as they had our timing down.” I stopped and tapped a few more keys, and a series of markers in a distinctly plotted course appeared.

“What we believe is that by the addition of our latest generation of scanning gear, signals interception equipment and the addition of a set of probe launchers with Hugo onboard to run the intelligence gathering, we can provide a constantly moving surveillance platform. With the addition of these modifications to our three other Armed Freighters we can increase our intelligence knowledge of what is going on in our sectors. But. That only solves half of the problem. The other half is having eyes that can move and fight back if needed. The addition of four of our nimbus class fighters would increase the range from the yellow band to the green band. Had they been aboard Kilmeny, there is a good possibility they would have spotted and handled the pirate threat without Kilmeny displaying her own weaponry. Which I believe should only be used as a last resort.

Multiple people posed questions. The ones I didn’t answer, I directed to the person who would. Mom was beaming with pride as Dad patted my shoulder. Assuming I was going to be more active in the Board Meetings going forwards. Uncle Fran understood I was just trying to correct what I perceived to be a problem, as I had with the Deep Rock training program. And in a way, I was. I wanted to put the team and equipment aboard Kilmeny as proof of concept. I chose the team based on my needs, not just for this project, but something else I needed to follow up on. With Hugo now in his final growth spurt, he should be just as tall as I am and since he was older, I could ask him to be away for a few months as we worked out the bugs and built the necessary training program for regular crew. Which will work out perfectly for what I had in mind.

The rest of the meeting was a blur to me as I worked out some ideas over a secure Link with Laura, Travis, Hugo and members of the Naval side of things. Uncle Fran and Aunt Gloria chimed in a few times with ideas as we completed the schedule and my kidnapping of the fighters and crews I needed. Hugo chuckled behind me as Travis looked at me with raised eyebrows a few times as Laura whispered into his ear. Kilmeny was making her last delivery, then was heading out to Utopia for the upgrades in two days. She’ll be in the Repair Dock for almost two weeks before I join them for the kidnapping caper.


* * *


“That was long,” Said Jessica as I lifted her and carried her out with Hugo at my side. “You’re growing fast Hugo. Are you going to be taller than Marc?”

“No. About the same height, maybe just a little shorter.” He said as I pulled him to my side, making him smile over at me. “I guess we can’t do the big brother, little brother routine anymore?”

I shrugged, “I don’t see why not. You aren’t taller than me yet.” As I lowered Jessica to the ground and kissed the top of her head. “I’m going down to the cafeteria with Hugo to talk about business and he needs to eat. I’ll see you in the morning, kiddo.” She took that for what it was. A valid reason she couldn’t come with us. Jessica hugged us tight before she took off to catch up with Mom and Dad.

“Does Janek know?” Hugo asked, as he tightened his grip around my lower back.

“No. I don’t think he knows about you either, but he should be receptive to the idea. Once he gets past the shock.” We turned the corner and headed for a Lift bank as we continued to talk.

I chuckled as I watched Hugo wolf down his second plate of food while I had a light snack. He looked over at me and smiled.

“I seem to remember you doing the same thing last year during your growth spurt.” And I did. Five, six times a day for two months. I smiled at the memory.

“True. Can you stay the night tonight?”

“Need to be held?”

“Yes, and no. I want to hold you, like we used to do.” That comment made him smile sweetly at me with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t think so, but maybe.”

Hugo nodded as he reached across the table and took my hand. “One last time, Marc, before I leave?” He asked before he pulled my hand up and kissed it.

“OK.” I said softly. “Love you too, Hugo.” He squeezed my hand tight as he continued to eat.


ANS Kilmeny

Utopia Repair Dock


The Bridge was cramped with techs and equipment. Multiple voices could be heard at once as Captain Travis Bedinski worked through the reports on the progress of the upgrades. His crew was running long shifts, alternating between installing the systems, preventive maintenance on other systems, and learning the new systems. He sighed when Hugo presented him with another report and message from Marc. He sat back to read as Laura was questioning Hugo on an issue.

“Ninety Nine point nine percent is good enough.” Travis heard Hugo say as he finished the report.

“Does Marc truly believe this can be done in three days?” He asked to the Bridge in general.

“Yes. He understands the issues we are having and needs us to continue forwards. We’ll work out the bugs underway. He is on a schedule.”

“Yet, we don’t know that schedule.” Laura said as she looked at Travis, who shrugged.

“Marc needs us at a certain place at a certain time. He chose the mission and the crew for their specific attributes and abilities. He understands our issues and will address them at some point. I agree, this is a massive undertaking. It should have been built from the bottom up, but that is the next stage. At least a few years off, in case you were wondering. Kilmeny is just proof of concept.” Said Hugo as a crew member handed him another tablet to read. He smiled and tapped a few times before he handed it back.

“The orders are being issued now. Chimera will be getting them within the hour and Marc is en-route with ANS Endeavor. Carrying more members of your new crew.


* * *


Hugo leaned against me as I stood looking up through the armorplas viewports at the ship floating there, pointing out several items and explaining them to me. I just nodded. He has finished his growth spurt and was just a half inch shorter than me. We still looked like brothers, though. It didn’t take long for him to adjust to his new body size, unlike me, who was tripping over my own feet. Literally, for a week of awkwardness.

“Will it do what I need it to?” I asked. He shrugged.

“It’s not purpose-built, which is what you really need for this. A battlecruiser hull with freighter siding’s, military grade systems, and a crack crew would be better, but this is what we have.”

“True. We’ll make do. Is she ready to depart to pick up the rest of the crew?”

“I believe they are just waiting for you now. There’s a list of questions they would like to get through today before we pull out.” He said as he stepped away and motioned for the Lock. I nodded and followed him aboard.

Still, they did have a long list of questions. But I declared, good enough is good enough, never expecting a purpose-built ship. I cut hours off the meeting by axing line item after line item that I wasn’t concerned about, and most issues could be worked out underway.


* * *


We have been underway for two days and, as I thought, the extra yard dogs I brought turned out to be just what was needed to cross item after item off the list from three days ago. I stood on the Bridge as Officer of the Deck as I brought us into formation with Chimera to pick up Rory and Janek as well as the last four members of the crew. Senior Lieutenant Astray and Ensign Biggs were meeting the shuttle and two fighters with Hugo and the Captain. I watched as the crew performed their duties, giving them permission to land. Once I knew they were in the hangar, I ordered the first of our course changes as I headed for the first of several Jumps we would make over the next two days.




Rory and I do not know why we were reassigned. Neither did Commander Joan Barber. She sent off a message requesting we stay, but that was denied. In the end, the Commander didn’t have much information to give us. She never heard of ANS Kilmeny and she mentioned our orders were a little lacking on assignment information. Which she found strange. Everyone in the off-duty flight group gathered to see us off.

When we landed on Kilmeny, which was a freighter of some type, I found Lt. Astray, Biggs and Hugo standing amongst the reception committee. Our shuttle was unloading all our gear and the other people that had come over. Hugo moved first with a big smile on his face, as he was as tall as me now.

“Welcome aboard Janek.” He said as he hugged me tight and kissed my cheek, making me blush before he greeted Rory.

“You grew?!”

“Yeah. You missed my growth spurt, but Marc kept me fed.”

“I haven’t been able to contact him in a few days.”

Hugo nodded. “He is off on a project. Should only be a few more days.” He said as he guided us over to the rest of the group to introduce us. I heard the shuttle lift off and depart. Feeling the ship power up as they cleared the threshold and we turned to a new course. Leaving us with our last view of Chimera out through the threshold before the hangar doors closed.



ANS Chimera


Several people were on the Bridge wing as the shuttle departed Kilmeny to return to the Carrier. Captain stood next to the CAG Commander Barber. Several comments were made as the ship started moving the minute the shuttle cleared the threshold of the hangar.

“Whoever or whatever they are, they're in a hurry.” Said the Captain as they watched the Kilmeny peel off at a high acceleration.

“That’s not military grade, but still very good acceleration for a freighter.” Said Barber.

“Rumor has it an Alexander is involved with whatever this is.” Said the Captain as she turned to step back onto the Bridge.



ANS Kilmeny


After several hours of integration and onboarding training, the Lieutenant led us up to lunch in the Wardroom. Our new uniforms were not much off from being pirates. It looked as if some of the crew actually wore earrings and carried swords. We had just entered the second Jump since we came aboard. The other ship’s officers had already eaten, and we all sat at predetermined spots at the main table. Just us, The Captain and Executive Officer, his wife Laura, Hugo and one open spot. They were explaining how this ship was set up and that once the current watch came off duty, we would start our mission briefing in earnest.

It wasn’t long before the hatch opened and I heard the person enter before the arms slipped around me in a hug and he kissed the top of my head. He proceeded to do the same to Hugo and Rory Thorp saying, no showing people your birth mark. Which caused me and Thorp to laugh hysterically as he turned to the Lieutenant and Biggs.




“If you two feel left out, I can hug and kiss you too?” Marc said as they declined while he rounded the table and hugged his cousins before he sat. “Welcome aboard our Ghost Fleet proof of concept. I am sure you will be busy the next few days as you acclimatize yourselves to the new ship and its mission as a merchant vessel. The first of which will be in two days. I currently have us Jumping hard to keep us on schedule.” I said before I took a sip of my juice as I watched the incredulous looks, I was getting. I returned my feral grin as I lowered my glass to the table.

“For clarification. I rather do like having my various streams of information. The Ghost Fleet is going to be providing my family with a rather enormous increase in intelligence. Which is how this project was pushed through so fast and I yanked all of you out of your duty stations to come here. I needed people I know can do the job to the best of their ability and correctly the first time.”

The Wardroom staff had served our lunch before I signaled to them. They closed the pass through and door to the Wardroom Galley before I began to speak again. Something that was not lost on anyone at the table.

“Your duties here extend beyond just flying fighters. Captain and Laura Bedinski will be teaching you merchant ship management and command as well as how to conduct Intelligence gathering missions.” I paused to take another bite of my sandwich before continuing.

“This is the equivalent of a combat command, and it is also a need to know posting. You are, for all intents and purposes, members of a merchant ship’s crew. Hence the new uniforms. This ship is the proof of concept and I believe will lead to the construction of purpose-built ships. Of which we will need Officers to command.” I looked towards Senior Lieutenant Astray and gave him my lopsided smile. He nodded back at me.

“It is my hope that you’ll be able to take command of the first of the new builds, with one of these other Officers as the Executive Officer. That being said. The next year is going to be very busy for each of you. Make sure you all make good use of your time with Hugo.” I said, as my eyes shifted to Janek. “I can’t leave him here forever, but in the next three months, I can guarantee his presence.” He slowly nodded to me as I watched the emotions flow across his face. Hugo reacted too, as he realized what I just told Janek.

I had a few other comments before we finished with our lunches and I signaled all clear to the Wardroom staff before table service started again. It was thirty minutes later when we finished and I took Janek’s hand, leading him off to my cabin. He settled into my arms as I held him.

“So this is the end of us.”

“There is no end Jan. Just no more dating. I am aware of Hugo’s attraction to you and you to him. Now is your chance to find out if he is the one or not, without fear of me being upset.” I felt his lips turn up in a smile before the soft kiss on my neck.

“You are very observant.”

“I am. Neither of you can hide anything from me. It warms my heart that two people I love may be mates. As I said. I expect to be invited to the ceremony, if that is the case.”

“Is this special treatment?” I smiled broadly.

“Indeed. I made massive waves to bring the two of you together, but nobody knows that except us.”

“Under the Ghost Fleet’s guise.”

I hummed my agreement as my head turned and I kissed the top of his head. “My love for you both is eternal. You should have someone deserving of your love. Hugo is someone I would very much approve of you dating. Not. That you need my approval.” I felt him tighten his grip on me as we shifted to a full-on kiss before we separated.


* * *


I had just returned to Low Point Station with ANS Kilmeny after being aboard for eight days. What I wanted to accomplish was a test of a theory and proof of concept. Reports and other materials arrived before I did thankfully and I almost made my escape after a very emotional goodbye with Janek and Hugo. It was actually an emotional night as they stayed in my cabin with me. I held them both as we slept before we parted ways this morning. Their relationship is just beginning, but they both understand I love them, regardless. Janek and Hugo are capable of giving each other the one thing I cannot. The possibility of being the others mate. They deserve the love each is capable of giving the other and they make a good team. My Link chimed as I sighed at the tone. A quick flip of my wrist, a glance, and a smirk as I changed direction and headed for the conference room in the family office. Gravtrunk and all.

Jessica was smirking as I entered the office, greeting everyone as she offered me a chocolate. Kissing the top of her head, I immediately made one disappear as she walked with me to the conference room.

“I’ll take your gear to your office.” She paused her steps before she whispered, "You probably should have jumped on a miner."

“Thanks Jess.” I said as I pulled my tablet out and entered the conference room with a groan, as I saw who was there before the hatch shut behind me.

The End of Book 1 of The Westward Confederation Series.

Thanks for reading!
Book 2 drops soon.
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Marc identified a major need and briefed his idea to the board. Subsequently, a major investment and upgrade was made in creating a more powerful intelligence gathering ship with letal firepower camoflaged to be just a merchant ship. The enemy can be found and destroyed. This is test case to see if the concept is successful and able to hurt the enemy. Marc shoud be proud.

Meanwhile Marc connected Hugo with Janek and is giving them the possibility of being mates, He is a concerned matchmaker.

I am very impressed with this story and the people involved and am looking forward to your future books. Thank You!

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25 minutes ago, akascrubber said:

Marc identified a major need and briefed his idea to the board. Subsequently, a major investment and upgrade was made in creating a more powerful intelligence gathering ship with letal firepower camoflaged to be just a merchant ship. The enemy can be found and destroyed. This is test case to see if the concept is successful and able to hurt the enemy. Marc shoud be proud.

Meanwhile Marc connected Hugo with Janek and is giving them the possibility of being mates, He is a concerned matchmaker.

I am very impressed with this story and the people involved and am looking forward to your future books. Thank You!

Just don't wave goodbye to them yet. They'll be back @akascrubber! I have been adding other scenes into the other books as Hugo, Janeck and few others will be making appearances.

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Fantastic ending to this book. Now on to Janek and Hugo as possible mates… I’m guessing they didn’t have a dream like Marc did, or they would know something more. Interesting shifting a merchant ship to an intelligence gathering ship.

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Good end and good setup for more stories.  I have greatly enjoyed this story, and look for more stories from your fertile imagination. 

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37 minutes ago, VBlew said:

Fantastic ending to this book. Now on to Janek and Hugo as possible mates… I’m guessing they didn’t have a dream like Marc did, or they would know something more. Interesting shifting a merchant ship to an intelligence gathering ship.

Thanks for the comment @VBlew! Fated mates are 1 in 1000. So, no they have to find there mate the old-fashioned way. Date everyone until you find them.

Merchant ships for intelligence and warfare are as old as boats have plied the water ways. Armed Freighters are usually called Q-Ship's. Very big in WW I and WW II. Also Kilmeny was written about in a poem by Alfred Noyes.

Two for One drops Friday

Dances with Whales drops tomorrow.

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39 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

Good end and good setup for more stories.  I have greatly enjoyed this story, and look for more stories from your fertile imagination. 

Thanks for the comment @ReaderPaul!  Yes, it did and additions to the others. Two for One drops Friday and Dances with Whales drops tomorrow.

That should keep everyone reading over the weekend. 😀

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A delightful chapter that tied a few things up and put a few more in motion for the second book.  

Really enjoy how well Marc seems to plan out everything, and he is much more observant than anyone his age has a right to be, no matter the training, there is just something truly special about him.  

Looking forward to the next book...

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1 minute ago, centexhairysub said:

Really enjoy how well Marc seems to plan out everything, and he is much more observant than anyone his age has a right to be, no matter the training, there is just something truly special about him.  

Thanks @centexhairysub for the observation! And there is the line that sets the stage for events in the future.

Since nobody mentioned it, I will. The dates between the prologue and chapter 1 differs by 200 years. The last paragraph in the prologue is one of several clues to what is coming in the future.

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Something I just noticed -- Kilmeny could be pronounced as "kill many".  @P. E. Knapp -- how do you feel about how to pronounce the name?

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2 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

Something I just noticed -- Kilmeny could be pronounced as "kill many".  @P. E. Knapp -- how do you feel about how to pronounce the name?

Yes, exactly! @ReaderPaul That is how it is pronounced. For the purposes of this story, that was why that specific name was chosen from all of the Q-Ships I had information on from WW I and WW II. If you google Armed freighters and Q-Ships it will show the link to the writer who also wrote about the Trawler (Kilmeny) in WW I that was armed with heavy machine guns.

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While the prologue has no stanyear date, how are we to determine whether the prologue takes place 200 years past, or set in the future???

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18 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

While the prologue has no stanyear date, how are we to determine whether the prologue takes place 200 years past, or set in the future???

Thanks for the comment @drsawzall

In the Prologue it was written out. Second paragraph, fourth sentence.  four thousand, five hundred and forty-one stanyears ago.

I figured people would miss it. It was a choice I made for the first book. Probably not going to continue it in the rest of the books. Too much writing hassle.

The prologue is set 200 years in the future. As of this correction...lol

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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This series is fun!  Just wanted to throw that in without digging into details. Now more please!

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On 8/29/2024 at 9:44 PM, Gyrefalcon said:

This series is fun!  Just wanted to throw that in without digging into details. Now more please!

Thanks for the comment @Gyrefalcon!   The second book is live now. Enjoy!

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