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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,323 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 15. Chapter 15

And the next installment of book 1. Enjoy!
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

It didn’t take long after we departed Aris to swing through our mining claims to check security and production. Something that didn’t go unnoticed as several mining vessels blinked their running lights to show welcome as I Conn’d the Destroyer through the Asteroid Belts at the request of the Armed Freighter, Kilmeny. They spotted an unusual vessel and wanted us to check it out. Not as fun as helming, but still enjoyable. Even with the detour, we made it back to Low Point Station in seven hours by using several Micro-Jumps. I was surprised to find Janek and Hugo standing among the crowd in the viewing gallery next to my Mom and Grandpa Alexander. Dad, I found out later, was on his way back and was delayed as they assisted at another pirate incursion into our space. Something that is becoming more common.



Low Point Station


Hugo took me up to the viewing gallery as he had the access and knew Marc was arriving. We watched as ANS Dagger made her last turn in towards the hanger and crossed the threshold. A whispered comment from Hugo also prompted Marc’s grandfather to bring up the Bridge view so we could see and hear as Marc commanded the ship into its moorings. He smiled directly at me at one point, even when his sister and her friends stood next to him. They waved but didn’t say a word as the crew communicated with each other during the arrival. It wasn’t until Marc turned to the Captain to report the Locks and Docking clamps had been deployed and Helm was finished with the Mains that any of the kids spoke. Which made him shush them before he moved them off the Bridge. Which caused his mother to laugh and tell us a story about Marc when he was five and was trying to get Grandpa Armstrong’s attention from the Bridge of a ship entering the Docks. The entire bridge shushed him into embarrassment.

I was going to wait down on the Dock with Hugo, but Marc’s Mother motioned for us to follow as she and her father boarded the ship. Minutes later, I found myself on the Bridge of one of our most advanced Destroyers and Marc was standing by the command chair listening to the Captain as he spoke to the circle of officers. Just as Hugo and I approached, there was a chorus of laughter as they all shook hands with Marc before a commander turned and pushed him in our direction. Smiles clear as the wide-eyed Marc adjusted to our presence and opened his arms. Hugo placed his hand on my lower back and pushed me forward as he stepped into Marc’s open arms. He hugs both of us at once. A quick kiss on Hugo’s head, before his lips moved to mine.

“Two of my favorite people came to greet me on arrival. How much more loved can I be?” He whispered between us. Hugo chuckled as he leaned up and kissed Marc’s cheek before he pulled back out of the hug.

“I think you’ll get that loving from Janek tonight.” Hugo said as he moved to talk to the Executive Officer. Which made Marc smile as he pulled me tight in both arms.

“Hello Janek. How have you been?” His eyes filled with mischief, as if he already knew what has been going on. It wasn’t long before Marc turned to me and motioning for Hugo.

“I’ve missed you. Aside from that, Hugo took me, Rory and Shana down to the Marine Training area one day and then out with him, Bobby, Valerie, and a few others to the club and food afterwards another night. How was the trip?” I asked. He smiled back at Hugo, then kissed my cheek as we walked. In minutes we had his gravtrunk and were heading off the ship.

“Not bad, if you discount the meetings I had to attend. It was nice to see Labridore IV again. I have a few Holovid’s to show you.”



Low Point Station


Janek walked me to my family’s quarters where I changed and then we headed over to the big dining room for dinner. Which ended up being a loaded affair as Jessica was literally bouncing around the table with joy as she found out her Link had been upgraded to one like mine that would allow her to have her first stage of access to the Alexander Industrials systems. Including the codes to open the service passageway doors. It comes with a price. For the first six months, all of her access needs to be approved by one of us when she tries to use it. Annoying, but necessary to keep her from using it constantly, like I tried to do. I checked my Link and Janek sent me the information for our hotel room. Which caused me to smile over at him. I managed to liberate us from the stories of Jessica and her gang to head over to our room.

“Jessica is excited.”

“She is and will be until after her party next week. Would you escort me to that?” I asked.

“Would we sit at the main table?” I nodded, and he continued. “OK.” Then he paused before that mischievous grin started and his eyes twinkled.

“Let’s take a bath tonight, Marc.” Janek said into my ear as we embraced in our room. I smiled into his neck before I pulled away and walked us to the head.

We were out of the fresher after rinsing off the bath crystals and headed for bed in thirty minutes.


* * *


Five weeks have passed. Janek and I spent as much time together as we could manage around his schedule and mine. He was surprised when I offered to help him study for his exams. That took me explaining everything I have been studying for the past two years and the list of exams I will take next year with my Captain’s Boards. His shocked look turned to being distressed at how I can do almost anything I want. Where he must work exceptionally hard to achieve the same results.

“ANS Endeavor is my transport to the Guild Meetings. Would you escort me to the Formal Ball on Friday night?” I asked as Janek, and I walked through the outer atrium. His eyes sparkled as his smile lit up.

“Marc, I would be honored. Will we have time on the station for ourselves?” he asked. I smiled back at him.

“I’ll make time for you, Jan, but I know you can stay in my hotel room at night and have dinner with me every night. This is the only meeting I really like. Meaning, I have many sessions I want to attend and my family wants me to attend.” I paused as he looked disappointed. “That being said. I’ll need your schedule so that I can mesh it with mine to find time for us.” His smile formed again as he lifted his Link to tap out some commands.

“I’ll send it now.” Janek said just before my Link chimed. Leaning in, I kissed the side of his head before I pulled up his schedule.

“I’ll…” I started as I tried to remember my schedule. “I’ll have to look at this later on my tablet. I need to pull up my latest schedule for comparison.” A flicker of disappointment flashed across his face as his shoulders slumped. “My schedule is ever changing as my parents work it out. It’s a list of my, must attend, sessions. My, I would like to attend and what they would like me to attend as well. It takes a compromise from them and me to get a list we are all happy with. It doesn’t help that last-minute sessions are opened for registration that turn out to be something we would like.” Once I finished, Janek nodded in understanding.

The next morning, I returned Janek to the ship as I went to pack and handle last-minute items before I joined my parents for lunch to work out the, quote, last edition of my schedule. Hours later, we joined everyone else on the ship for dinner and departure. We’ll be docking at O-Five Hundred hours tomorrow morning at Vestas Station. Not as nice as Bergheim Station, but that is where it is being held this year and I don’t get to make those decisions.

“I have some time tomorrow. After lunch at about Fourteen Hundred hours. If you would like to join me as I tour the exhibition hall?” Janek’s fork stopped halfway to his mouth as he smiled at me.

“Yes. I could do that. I’ll bring my formal wear to the room, and we can go from there?” I leaned in and kissed the tip of his nose.

“That would be perfect.”

We continued to eat as I was drawn into other conversations with my family and our guests. Which also meant I would be entertaining tonight, too. With luck, I could slip out to my cabin to join Janek in my bed.

“If you can slip away. I should be back at our cabin shortly after Twenty-one hundred hours.

“I’ll be there…waiting.” His eyes twinkled with that goofy smile of his. I lowered my head and looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

“I’ll try to be earlier.” He tilted his head with the slightest nod of approval.




The chimes sounded as I rolled. Reaching out to slap it off. Hitting Janek’s hand instead as he did it.

“I was already awake. You didn’t have to hit me.” He said as he rubbed his hand.

Rolling again, I shifted on top of him. “Sorry.” His hands guided my head to his for our morning kiss. He continued to hold me as I pulled away.

“Good morning, Jan.”

“Morning baby. Do you need to pack?” I nodded on his chest before I rolled off and stood.

“Yeah. I need to meet my family and shift over to the station. Drop my gear in our hotel room and meet everyone for breakfast before the conference doors open at O-Seven-Thirty hours.” I said, looking for my other boot.

“It’s under the bed.” Janek sighed as he stood too. “I have duty today. I’ll get off after lunch tomorrow. Same plan?”

I leaned in and kissed his head. “Yes please. If you get off sooner, let me know. I can try to duck out from lunch or something.” That made his eyes twinkle again.

“Should I be…waiting in our room again?” His eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint. My lips spread with the smile that was forming at the thought of him laying naked on the bed waiting for me again. On his side, head propped up on one arm. One leg held up, bent at the knee, giving me the full view of his beautiful cock, balls and his waiting hole. I moaned at the thought as I pulled him tight in an embrace.

“That would be a bad idea. We would never make the Formal Ball and I have to be at that.”

“Maybe I could persuade you that my idea is better than yours?” Janek countered.

“That’s the problem. You could.” My lips said before they connected with his. Slowly, passionately, we kissed before my Link signaled, I had a message. Taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly, I looked at it. My eyes rolled as I pecked Janek’s lips again before I spun to continue packing my gear.

“Love you.” Janek whispered as he rubbed my back.

I stood and looked at my stuff. Nodding to myself before I turned and grabbed him in my arms again. Surprising him. “Janek Wojact. I, Marc Alexander, love you too.” Pausing to peck his lips again. “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby.”

“Oh, yes... You most certainly will, Sa Alexander.” I wasn’t sure if it was his facial expression or the sultry tone that made me chuckle before he kissed me. I released a slow sigh before I pulled away and grabbed my gear to leave.

“Make sure you remember to dress before you leave this cabin, Jan.” I said, as I smacked his butt playfully in passing. As a reminder, “That cute ass belongs to me for a few more weeks. Love you.” I added as I tapped the hatch controls. “Until we meet again, Janek Wojact.”

“Until we meet again Marc Alexander. Love you more.” And the hatch closed behind me. The sadness that my comment caused hit me just as hard as I am sure it hit Janek. Seventeen days and he leaves for his new command. I need to work out some issues before then. Hugo gave me the idea and helped to make it happen. His parents work for the Campbell side of the family in our human research department. Or better known as our private intelligence gathering arm. I forced a smile, burying the sadness deep within me as I shook off the unhappy thoughts when I approached the hangar bay to meet with everyone else before we departed the ship.




The first breath of air as I stepped out of the Lock hit me like a ton of rocks. My nose wrinkled and my throat went scratchy at the acidic, burned, lubricant smell this station always had. Just another reason I didn’t like it here. After passing through Customs, with my parents, we headed for the hotel. I would like to say the smell went away as I moved away from the Docks, but it didn’t. Funny how some people wore breathers. Which, I am sure, pissed off the locals. Personally, I would have taken it as a hint that your air stinks, but that was just me.

I was a little happier in the hotel, as they obviously took steps to purify the air better. The room and the food at breakfast weren’t bad either. We still had a few sessions today before lunch and dinner, but the official conference didn’t start until tomorrow morning.




Yesterday was a mix of reconnecting with people I knew and learning the layout of the exhibit hall and the session rooms, as I only attended three sessions. They had 4 restaurants that could handle us for lunch. Still a little low by my standards, but not like I had a choice. Surprisingly, I ran into Byran here. He tried again to apologize, but I brushed him off. I had a date for the Formal Ball and we wouldn’t be hiding. Lunch was soon approaching and happily enough, my schedule didn’t change for this afternoon. I could still meet Janek and then attend my Thirty-minute session at Sixteen Hundred hours before returning to my room to change for the Formal Ball.

I was following my parents to the restaurant we had chosen for today when a uniform caught my eye. Or more precisely, several uniforms. Just as my Link chimed.

“I’m free. Where can we meet?” I stopped walking and looked around for the uniforms and started for them. They didn’t see me as I worked through the crowd, but Uroda was tall and next to her was Janek. Thorp and several others of the Middies followed them.

“You look sexy in that uniform, sailor.” I teased, unable to hide my desire as I stepped alongside him. Taking his hand into mine as I changed directions. Janek moved with me as the others went on. Oblivious to my snatch and grab in this crowd as they were too busy looking at the sights. His giggle told me he noticed that, too.

“I need to tell them.”

“Send Uroda a message.” I said as I entered the restaurant with him at my side.

“Where did you go Marc?” asked my father before he noticed Janek.

“I picked up a stray. Thought I better feed him.” Which made my father shake his head as Janek greeted my parents.

“That’s fine.” Mom said to be as she turned. “Hello Janek. Glad to see you could join us.”

“Thank you, Sa’s Alexander.”

“They don’t bite.” I whispered before I kissed the side of his head. “Did you drop off your gear in the room?” He nodded as we looked around the restaurant, looking for our table. I pointed, and he moved to follow my parents.

His Link chimed, and he glanced at it. Then showed it to me. I smiled and sent a response via my Link to Uroda. Which she replied too.

“They’ll meet us after lunch.” Janek nodded as he looked at the menu.

“Can we share again?” He asked, pointing out several dishes he liked. I scooted closer as I set my menu down and looked at his. I pointed to a few things, and he pointed to a few. We ordered small portions of 6 different dishes to sample, and he requested two extra plates too.

Our drinks arrived first, then our appetizers. Again. Small portions of four different ones with extra plates. Several people at our table looked on in amusement as we fed each other and rated the dishes. My Mother whispered several comments to my father, which he smiled at. By the end I was stuffed and happy as we bid farewell to my parents, heading to the exhibition hall. Around one thousand two hundred people attended the conference, and an additional two to three hundred people showed up just for the day, making it crowded. It took a few minutes to find the spot where I told Uroda to meet us before Janek spotted them. I gave them all a sharp nod as I led the group off. I could hear the comments behind us as I dropped Janek’s hand and slipped my arm around his lower back. Not all the Middies knew we were dating, it seems.

I kissed Janek after I told him I would be back at the room in Forty-Five minutes as they walked me to my next session of the day. One I was very interested in attending as it dealt with mining drones. Upon entering the room, I had to log in with the staff before I turned to greet the people I knew. Mostly all many decades older than myself. Before I sat with members of my family’s corporation.




Moving fast through the passageways as I approached my hotel room and tapped the hatch control with my Link. It slid open to allow me to view the sight of Janek laying naked on our bed. Hands behind his head, legs spread. I stepped in and waited for the hatch to close before I approached the bed.

“Janek… You are being naughty.”

“That’s because I know how horny you are.”

I slipped my boots off and then my shipsuit. Followed by my underwear as I watched his dick rise to full mast. Just as mine has, before I inched across the bed to let my tongue swipe at one of his pert nipples as my hand rubbed circles on his chest.

“This is not fair. We need to get ready, and you know I will do anything you want for a chance to taste your body.” I said, as I lowered my nose into his armpit and sniffed.

“I want it. You want it. The faster and harder you give it to me…the faster we change for the Formal.” That sultry voice had my dick leaking as his arm shifted and he handed me the lube.

After twenty minutes, we headed for the fresher. The problem was. Once is not enough. He figured that out as I pushed him against the wall before I thrusted into him again. Then it was his turn as he wrapped his arms around my chest. Thrusting forcefully into me.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks for reading!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Recommended Comments

Chapter Comments

Marc and Jan keep having great sex anytime they can find and they are happy bunnies. Their time for sepration is approaching and they are making the wonderful use of the time they have.

Marc is considering something to do with Jan's parents to help him out. We will see what happens

Jan and Marc might have a painful separation. They will both grow from their relationship. Marc is strengthening jan.

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It will be interesting to see how Marc might/may help Janek's parents, will that help possibly intentionally/intentionally help Janek's brother Dickwad the Sticky Fingered???

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10 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

It will be interesting to see how Marc might/may help Janek's parents, will that help possibly intentionally/intentionally help Janek's brother Dickwad the Sticky Fingered???

Thanks for the comment @drsawzall!

Marc loves to help other people! I'm sure he will have no problems finding ways to help them. 😈

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1 hour ago, akascrubber said:

Marc and Jan keep having great sex anytime they can find and they are happy bunnies. Their time for sepration is approaching and they are making the wonderful use of the time they have.

Marc is considering something to do with Jan's parents to help him out. We will see what happens

Jan and Marc might have a painful separation. They will both grow from their relationship. Marc is strengthening jan.

Thanks for the comment @akascrubber!

The two are growing. Each in their own way and Marc loves to help people. Some more than others.

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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10 minutes ago, P. E. Knapp said:

Thanks for the comment @drsawzall!

Marc loves to help other people! I'm sure he will have no problems finding ways to help them. 😈

Including sending dildo breath to the far reaches of the Butkake galaxy???

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Looks like they’re going to be late for the formal…. Fun chapter, but sad that they are going to be separated they really are getting along so well, and Marc is helping Janek prepare for his exams.

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43 minutes ago, VBlew said:

Looks like they’re going to be late for the formal…. Fun chapter, but sad that they are going to be separated they really are getting along so well, and Marc is helping Janek prepare for his exams.

Thanks for the comment @VBlew!

Just another form of dancing before the Formal Ball.

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2 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Well, does it seem to anyone else that these two seem to be wearing each other out trying to connect as much as they can before their separation. 

Thanks for the comment @centexhairysub!

Well. They are young, after all. 😀

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Great Chapter.  One thing I am not totally certain about -- the meaning of the word  Sa.  Sometimes it seems to mean the equivalent of Sir; sometimes it seems to have additional meaning.  Could you explain it, @P. E. Knapp?

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13 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

Great Chapter.  One thing I am not totally certain about -- the meaning of the word  Sa.  Sometimes it seems to mean the equivalent of Sir; sometimes it seems to have additional meaning.  Could you explain it, @P. E. Knapp?

@ReaderPaulYou are the first person to ask! I love it. Dual meanings either Sir or Ma'am, or Mr. and Mrs.

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On 8/14/2024 at 6:12 PM, P. E. Knapp said:

@ReaderPaulYou are the first person to ask! I love it. Dual meanings either Sir or Ma'am, or Mr. and Mrs.

That's what I thought. It is a multipurpose honorific.

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8 minutes ago, Al Norris said:

That's what I thought. It is a multipurpose honorific.

I needed a term that would cover everything. Thanks for the comment @Al Norris!

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