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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,013 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 9. Chapter 9

Hello everyone. Here is the next installment. Happy reading!
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

Tom was walking with me up to my family’s quarters after Dad split off to head for the offices. Taking Jessica with him, much to my relief. We walked in silence, but I could tell Tom had questions. Which started once we were safely ensconced in my bedroom.

“Is that why we had to head over to Endeavor?” Tom asked.

“Pretty much. Caitlin Comm’d me last night and filled me in on his issues. I figured he could come out with us tomorrow night instead of Byran.” Tom studied my face before giving a nod of approval. And that was that. Rachel will have all kinds of questions. I am sure.

“Did you have fun with the Chief Engineer?” I asked. Changing the topic.

“It was great. Thanks for arranging it.”

“My pleasure. Besides. I had to go anyway. As a favor to my sister, I didn’t see any reason she couldn’t provide for your desire to learn as payment for disturbing our mining.” Tom smiled a nod and rambled off all the things he did in engineering.

Thirty minutes later, I was headed to the offices to check in with everyone. We have no special projects going on, so it should be straightforward. Walking through as I said hello to everyone heading to my own cubicle. I heard Jessica and Mom. Popping my head in as I reached for Jessica’s head. My fingers light touching her hair. She jumped as Mom gave me a dirty look.

“Brat.” Jessica said as she wrapped her arms around me.

“You wouldn’t have me any other way. Besides. Soon you can sit in my seat at the meetings.” I said as Mom shook her head no.

“That’s your seat and she will get her own seat, Marc.” She said as Jessica nodded in agreement. I sighed and tossed Jessica over my shoulder.

“Negotiation time. We’ll be right back.” I said to Mom as Jess pounded my back, demanding I put her down. “Do you want the chocolate or not?”

She stopped and huffed. “Fine. Please put me down.”

I walked into my cubicle and dropped her down on her feet with a kiss on the top of her head. I opened my carry bag and pulled out my tablet and another box.

“Welcome back, kiddo. See me before you leave. I have another one for you to take with you.”

She popped open the box and her face lit up. “You went to Aris? Can you take me before I leave?”

I smiled as I checked my Link schedule. My lips puckered, and she huffed. “Sorry Jess. I might be able to get back there before you leave and pick you up something, but I don’t have time to take you this week.”

“That’s fine.” She said as she offered me a chocolate. Which I took and promptly made it disappear.

“You can use my cubicle when I am not here. Just don’t adjust my screens too much.” She smiled as she dropped onto my lap.

“Thanks Marc. Think you could come out and pick me up next month?” She asked as I tapped out some commands, making my system come to life.

All six screens were lit up with various information and spreadsheets as well as a running ticker of the latest events. I tapped a few more commands, and another schedule popped up. She leaned in as I looked at it. Jessica’s shoulders slumped as she scanned my schedule. “Guess not.”

“We will see. I might be able to. Regardless. After your twelfth Birthingday, I can take you out in the shuttle to teach you how to fly. Check with Grandma Armstrong and see if she can come out and pick you up. I can shift my training schedule and go, too.”


“Mmm hmm. If she can fit it in. Might even see if we can get your Shuttle Flight permit testing done on the way back.”

“Thanks Marc.” She said as she hugged me before she grabbed the box and offered me another chocolate.

“Last one kiddo. You eat the rest, but not all today. Mom will get mad at us.” She chuckled.

“Fine. I wouldn’t tell her.”

“She’s Mom. She’ll know. Besides, they only had the six count boxes. They were out of the twelve counts. I’ll see if I can get you one before you leave so you can share with your friends back at Silva Academy.” I said, as I tapped out a few more keys.

The merchant site on Aris opened. I scanned down the list and tapped the screen for the Aris Fine Chocolate Purveyors. Jessica bounced on my lap as I navigated the offerings and found what I was looking for.

I pointed, “That one?” Jessica leaned in and read the description.

“Yes. Please.” She replied happily, and I tapped the order button and changed the count to three as I tapped in the information. In seconds, it was ordered and would be delivered on tomorrow’s cargo run. I should have it at lunch time.

“There you go. Two for you to take with you and one for me. Make sure you are at our quarters to get it before Dad intercepts it and gives them to Mom.” I said conspiratorially, which made her giggle as she hugged me.


Marc Alexander

After wiping my forehead and taking a swig off my drink bottle, I stepped over to the changing area. Laughter surrounded us as we just finished another game of Laser Tag. We were peeling off our web vests and helmets when my eyes caught Midshipman Janek Wojact’s. He smiled. Another smile that reached his eyes and showed me how happy he was at this moment. I leaned across the bench and dropped a kiss on the tip of his nose. The rose-colored blush raised up his cheeks as he glanced around. Obviously satisfied that none of my friends cared. He leaned in and kissed my cheek as I bent to take off the shin guards.

Rachel hooted as the final scores posted. Causing all of us to look up at the Leader Board. We had jumped into the number 1 spot. Janek let out a celebratory yell with the rest of us as we checked the individual scores. I just barely beat out Janek and Hugo. It was funny when you put Hugo next to me. I tower over him, but he is fast. His hand-to-hand abilities and his shooting skills are above mine. Hugo moves like a cat. Fast, surefooted, and silent. The only reason I beat him was because he tripped over somebody that fell when they were stunned. That’s how the game works. You get hit with the targeting laser and you receive a stun. It’s designed to simulate actual combat. Getting hit in the leg is non lethal. You’ll get stunned enough to drop you to your knees. Taking a killing shot will cause you to be dropped to the ground. Immobilized for 15 seconds. No actual harm. Just some painful jolts. But. Like what happened to Hugo. You can trip over people. Sometimes that causes injuries. Hugo just missed several shots because of it and allowed me to get ahead of him. In the end. It’s an educational game and fun, too. Enough so that we have a reputation as a group that works well together. You can take 7 people for each team. 6 teams to a session. Everyone enters from a different side of the hexagonal room. Which is multi leveled and large. Usually, it takes 20 to 30 minutes to complete the missions. Leader Board’s highest current player’s team chooses the mission.

After our third game. Which meant we were there 3 hours as we had to wait for the teams in front of us. We headed over to one of our haunts for food. Pizza was on the list today. As Janek requested it, Rachel and Hugo agreed. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and separated from the group to walk around the upper-level viewing platform.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it? You seemed to like it once you loosened up and my friends like you.” He was well received by the group. Rachel, Val, Tom, Hugo and Bobby welcomed him with open arms when we arrived. Hugo received a hug from me as he introduced himself as my brother by another mother. Of course, Rachel was her usual self, asking all sorts of questions that started making Janek uncomfortable. I was going to intervene when Hugo broke in for the rescue. Switching the conversation to Janek’s abilities and what to expect inside the Hex. As we call it.

“I liked them too. That was fun. Thanks for bringing me.” Janek said as he leaned into my side as we held hands. He was the most relaxed I had ever seen him around me.

“Thank you for coming and meeting my friends.” I whispered.

I was happy he was here. It felt like the beginning of a nice friendship, and I wouldn’t be bothered if we didn’t add any benefits. Janek has some confidence issues that I will try to help him with, too. Fears that have risen from his earlier life. Shaken out of my thoughts as he just slowed our steps as I shifted my eyes to see what caught his attention. I slowed us even more, as I turned us towards the floor to ceiling armorplas viewports that would provide an uninterrupted view out over the departure lane on this side of the station. He smiled over at me before he went back to looking at the 3 Frigates passing in formation. Probably heading out on anti-pirate patrols. We stopped, and I shifted to a position behind him. Resting my head on his shoulder as my hands rested on his stomach. He let his head nuzzle into mine as we watched them maneuver for their course.

“We pull out again tomorrow afternoon. I’ll see you for training Monday?” Janek’s tone was soft, mixed with sadness and concern.

Shifting my head, I kissed his neck. “Yes. You’ll be back on Wednesday evening? Do you have duty?” I asked as he lifted his Link to check.

I felt the disappointment course through his body as he nodded. “We pull back out Thursday afternoon and will be back Sunday morning. I’ll be off then… for the day.” He said, hopefully. I could almost see the warring battle inside him on whether he should have asked me.

“OK.” I replied, “I can make sure I am here Sunday to meet the ship. I’ll see if I can work something out for Thursday with you, too.” His head nuzzled into me in happiness again as my lips grazed his neck. I felt the shiver as they touched him. The feeling of contentment.

“That figures.” We heard from behind us.

The voice was familiar and Janek tensed. Which made me rather unhappy, my protective streak kicked in and the Alexander's genes took over as my anger flared. Lifting my head and turning towards the voice.

“Problem?” My low, commanding tone said I really didn’t like being disturbed. My eyes were hard. Gone was the kindness I was showing the Middies from Endeavor.

Thorp had shifted on his feet as I uncoiled myself from Janek Wojact. His hands went up in the air in mock surrender. “I was just joking around. Rumors have it you’re giving him special treatment.”

“But. Janek is getting special treatment.” I started in a sarcastic tone, “The same treatment any boyfriend gives to another. Which is,” I trailed off as I shifted again. This time into a stance that said I was ready to pounce on my prey. Moving directly between Janek and Thorp. “Frankly. Not up for discussion beyond Janek and myself. Have I made myself understood?” There are times I even scare myself with the icy tones I could produce. When my eyes flashed in anger and my expression hardened. Most people decide, maybe the better part of valor is to retreat. Which Thorp appeared to be smart enough to at least choose. That was his best option now.

Thorp backed off a few steps before he spoke. “My apologies, Sa Alexander.” He said before he turned and departed the area.

I turned to Janek to find him looking at me nervously. “He was just joking around.”

“And I was not.” The warmth of my tone put him at ease as I continued. Moving close, taking him in my arms, “Our relationship is not open for discussion amongst anyone but us.” I finished by brushing my lips against his as he smiled.

“OK.” Was all he said as he turned to look over his shoulder. A soft exhale before he returned to look at me. “I guess we missed the Cruiser that followed the Destroyers out.” He said with a shrug.

Waiting for me to suggest what we could do next. I moved back and took his hand in mine as I walked towards the center passageway that would take us into one of the parks with green areas. We have several areas onboard the station that have plants, trees, grass. More for aesthetic purposes than for cleaning the air. There weren’t many people as we sat down under a tree on the grass. Side by side, our shoulders and stretched legs touching as our arms supported us in the upright position. Since our bodies touched. We didn’t bother to talk. Janek leaned into me at one point and kissed my cheek. Smiling my approval, he moved closer to me.

The scent of the grass and the sounds of laughter surrounded us as I lowered back to lie flat, and he followed my example. Making me roll to my side, to lay my head on his chest. Lips on the top of my head showed he just kissed me as his arm rubbed my back. Stretching around and twisting my head. I waited for him to turn slightly. Which he did and our lips met. Softly, slowly, our lips moved together. He separated first. His light green eyes, with flecks of gold, studied me.

“I have to go back to the ship soon.” He whispered sadly. Sounding almost like he thought it would be the last time he would see me.

“I’ll walk you back when you are ready.” My own emotions were working themselves out. I’m not in love, but I think we are more than friends. Loneliness is not exactly what I will feel when he leaves. Mainly because I am a solitary person. Which, as my grandmother would say, is probably one reason I enjoy mining so much. His lips searched for mine again. They were gentle as they said, thank you, for the offer to walk him back.

Janek made a contented sound as his lips left mine. “You should probably take me home now.” He whispered. Watching his face, I could see he didn’t really want to leave as he shifted to stand. I rose with him.

“OK.” I replied as I lifted my hand and took his as he smiled before leaning into me.

Our return was slow, with measured steps as we wandered down the bright passageways. Neither of us wanted to say goodbye. If I could. I would have asked him to stay the night. Unfortunately, I don’t have a private room. A hotel room would work for privacy, except I’m not sixteen yet. Sixteen is the magic number. The point where I can not only take my Captain’s Boards and command a ship but enter into contracts. Like booking hotel rooms and purchasing vessels. Both, very high on my list of things to do. My grin increased as I figured out the answer to that problem.


* * *

Sounds of people moving back and forth with the occasional cargo handling gravlifter passing by prevented people from hearing us.

“I’ll see you Monday and Thursday. Then on Sunday.” I said as we held each other in front of the Lock to Endeavor. Sighing, his smile betrayed the sadness. Janek Wojact was so emotional.

“Thank you for the nice evening, Marc.” Janek replied. “Hopefully we can do it again.” I looked into his eyes, seeing the worry before I leaned in and brushed his lips again.

“Of course, we can do it again and anything else you would like to do.” I whispered. His body relaxed against me. “I’ll be here early tomorrow to join you for breakfast. Then we’ll head out for training.”

“And next week?”

“We’ll figure that out as we go along. One day at a time.” I replied, to which he nodded.

“Then I wish you a good night, Marc. Until we meet again.”

“Same to you Janek. Until we meet again.” I said before I leaned in and kissed him one last time before releasing him. He waved on his way up the ramp as he entered the Lock with that goofy grin on his face. Which I am sure I matched.

“He seems happier. More centered.” Said Caitlin from behind me.

I turned to hug her. “He is. I think. Lots of issues from his past to deal with. I’m working with him slowly.” The mischievous grin formed, “Thanks for turning me on to him.”

She gave me a partial roll of her eyes as she tilted her head to one side, examining me. “What do you need help with?”

“A hotel room. I’ll send you a credit voucher. You book it for the three of us. Just forget to show up,” which caused my sister to laugh.

“I guess. Let me know when.”

“Sunday?” I asked hopefully. She looked at me again carefully.

It was soft, but I still heard the sigh. “Fine. Send me the information and I’ll take care of it, but he needs to be back by 0600 hours Monday morning.”

“That’s fine. Thank you, Caitlin.” I said as I hugged her again, then departing, before she thought better of it.

Thanks for reading! Comments are always welcome and appreciated!😀
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks for reading!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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A fast note. As I am still in moderation and edit requires the chapter returning to the moderation to be approved.

That said: I am posting today instead of Saturday due to complications of schedule. AKA. I can't drive and post at the same time... sorry I don't own a Tesla.

Happy reading and enjoy!

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Well now...Marc used the B word as in boyfriend....

Janek's brother still worries me....

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2 hours ago, drsawzall said:

Well now...Marc used the B word as in boyfriend....

Janek's brother still worries me....

Two interesting 'B' words. Boyfriend and brother. Wait! Don't forget Brat! 😇

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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Janek lacks confidence and that is simply not something that can be fixed nor overcome quickly.  Glad they were in a group that worked well together in winning the game and all seemed to get along well.  

Janek and Marc are both going to have to realize there are going to be comments.  Janek has a position that find him under Marc for some training and because of who Marc is, both is going to cause comments.  

Well, we can look forward to Sunday night, but I still want to know how Bryan is going to react.

Marc is lucky to have a friend like Tom.  

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Their relationship is advancing. Marc has arranged for a hotel room Sunday, He and Janet can have real sex. Marc might be moving to consider him more than friends with benefits.

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13 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Well, we can look forward to Sunday night, but I still want to know how Bryan is going to react.

Marc is lucky to have a friend like Tom.  

Thanks for the comment!

Everyone needs a Tom in their life. Someone to talk to that listens and asks questions that help you think about the answer. 

Byran... Well. Is Byran.

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1 hour ago, akascrubber said:

Their relationship is advancing. Marc has arranged for a hotel room Sunday, He and Janet can have real sex. Marc might be moving to consider him more than friends with benefits.

Anything is possible at this point, I think. 

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