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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 5,044 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 14. Chapter 14

Let's go for a short ride and check out some of the neighborhood!
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

Pulling out of orbit from the asteroid, Utopia Research and Production Facility. This was a visit with Aunt Gloria and Uncle Fran. As always, they have many projects in the works that interested me. The new drones coming into production are a leap ahead of anything else within 6 regions. Unfortunately. We don’t have a week or two to hang out here. I watched as we followed our escort out through the security perimeter, making no less than seventeen course changes. Any drift outside the navigation beacons would activate the system’s defenses. Once we pick up Jessica, our next stop is Joshua Seventy-Seven Station. Almost as large as Low Point Station, but not as big as a transport hub. It is a large manufacturing facility, though. There are also multiple planetary resource facilities in the sector, but we don’t need to visit them as their representative could meet us at the station. The best part about this trip is I can stand watches on the Bridge. More time underway. I swap, Conning Officer and Junior Officer of the Deck, constantly. I’ve commanded the ship into and out of the station. Plot and order us through multiple jumps. Over all, aside from the meetings, it’s been a good trip.


Labridore IV

Parking Orbit

Labridore High Port


Conning the ship into our assigned parking position, I had a front-row seat for our arrival in the Confederations Capital. Ships of every shape, size, and design plied the space around the planet and its halo of very large stations in orbit. In thirty minutes, I would board the shuttle to go over and pick up Jessica. In the meantime. I had multiple messages on my Link, according to the number of vibrations I received during the maneuver into the parking orbit. Stepping down to the main cabin, I conferred with Grandma before I headed to the shuttle.

I walked off the shuttle onto Labridore High Port and headed for customs. My first breath brought back memories of my time here. Every station, base or world has their own unique smell. Here it was, the usual metallic tang of the station mixed with the odors of a green world full of life. Mostly because of the super sized park areas they have on this station.

Jessica and her classmates are coming up from Labridore Low Port shortly, and then I will lead them back to our shuttle. It took a lot of finagling, but I got Grandma Edna Alexander to take me on tour and pick up Jessica for her return home. Mom and Dad were here last week for her graduation and let her stay for the extra few days with her friends for a three-day conference on life options. I did it. It was both enlightening in topics I didn’t know, but also boring as I already had my life planned. Forwards into life. Forwards to my Captain’s license. I do not know what Jessica wants to do except work in the corporation some place. I shrugged as I walked over to the massive armorplas viewports to look out over Labridore IV. That view is one I haven’t seen in over two stanyears. In a way, I miss it and the freedom I had here, within the confines of the Silva Academy’s regulations, but freedom from my family and the corporation. I sighed as I looked over at the arrivals board. Jess should be here in a few minutes.

I walked over to the arrivals gate. She is expected to exit soon. I watched the screen showing the disembarkation and spotted her wrangling her friends together. I stood to the side and stepped behind another possible parent waiting for their child. Just tall enough I could see over their shoulder, but large enough I was completely hidden. I heard Ralph first as they stepped through the hatchway into the concourse. I checked to make sure they were together as I moved up behind them. Elsie spotted me first and tapped Jessica’s shoulder. Her eyes went wide as she spotted me and I spread my arms.

“Marc. You came.” Jessica said as she crashed into my arms.

“Hey kiddo.” I said as I kissed the top of her head. “Group hug gang.” I said to the rest, and they moved into my opened arms with Jess crushed against me. “OK. Let’s get your gravtrunks and get going. I’ve got ANS Dagger double parked.” Jessica smacks my chest.

“No, you don’t. Stop teasing us.” I gave her a side glance.

“Yes, I do. I’m on a tour with Grandma Alexander. We’re not going straight home.”

“You decided to take me too?” She asked. I nodded as I guided everyone over to the baggage claim.

“Yes. You wanted me to pick you up and to take you to Aris? I combined all my needs into one trip and asked Grandma. She talked it over with Mom and Dad. And here I am. We’ll stop at Seventy-Seven. Then off to Icicle and Burning Rock. Probably stop in Vandermain Station, then down the Pipe to Baldries and Moira Sectors for a few stops before Low Point Station.” Jessica waited with everyone as their gravtrunks started coming out. “We also need to have a talk about your new duties and direction.”

She eyed me. “Mom already had that talk with me. Who is going to watch after us with you working?”

“You’ll be having it again with me and Grandma. I brought Tom and Rachel. He’s hanging out in Engineering. She’s on the Bridge with the Electronics Officer.” Jess got excited until I continued, “They’ll take you out to the shops if we have time.”

“What do you mean, if we have time?” Jess asked in a pout.

“Just that. Some stops are only an hour or so. You won’t be leaving the ship for those.”


“You can file any complaints with Grandma. In the meantime.” I reached down and grabbed her. Tossing her across my shoulder before I grabbed her gravtrunk’s handle and started herding everyone off towards the hanger with our shuttle in it.

“Put me down, brat.”

“Do you want chocolate or not?”

“Fine. Please put me down, brat.” I did and kissed the top of her head as her friends laughed.

It was a long way across the station. I took us through the center line park and the gang were wide eyed at all the people and plants. This was a botanical garden that displayed thousands of Labridore IV’s native plant life, many of them are flowering. A pastel of colors in different shapes, sizes and fragrances.

Twenty minutes later, I was sitting in the passenger compartment of the shuttle with Jessica and her gang as we approached ANS Dagger. Osvaldo was bouncing in his seat asking questions, which I answered to the best of my ability. After landing, we shifted everyone to the main cabin as I headed for the Bridge. Grandma wanted a few words with them before we departed.

I stepped through the hatch and headed straight for Captain Kit Foster. I looked at him and thought I had an older version of Rory Thorp. The red hair and freckled skin, but he was quiet and thoughtful type. He was a full Captain. Not a Commander, brevetted to Captain. He was also the person who allowed me to command the ship into and now out of this sector. He nodded as I approached and pointed to the Holotable. Which I stepped over to. My command station was active, and I promptly reviewed the latest, as well as the current Standing Orders. I nodded to myself as I turned back to the Captain.

“Permission to resume the Conn Captain?”

“Granted, Sa Alexander. Get us underway.” He said as he turned his head while I nodded. “Jackson. Get us departure clearance and a lane assignment for Sa Alexander, please.”

It took ten minutes to get the information we needed and for the Navigator and Helm to bring us around and out of our assigned mooring. I heard the voices enter the Bridge as I ordered the first of our turns and course changes. Grandma was explaining what was going on and the four of them were seeing where they had been living for the past months for the first time.

I turned to face them after a few minutes. “Better wave goodbye now.” I said, as I turned forward. “Helm. Left Seventy-Two point Eight-Two degrees, Twelve point Seventy-Seven down on the bow. Bring us into the departure lane at twenty percent on the Mains.”

“Aye Sa. Left Seventy-Two point Eight-Two, down Twelve point Seventy-Seven, Twenty percent into the lane.” I watched as the planet and station moved out of the view. “Steady on course and speed.”

“Very well.” I said as I checked the plot. Another ten minutes and we maneuvered again to head for the out going Jump area. That was obviously boring as they left. Probably to move into their assigned rooms for the trip.


Jessica Alexander

Final Approach

Joshua Seventy-Seven Station


“This is big Jess. Your family owns it?” Asked Ralph. It was funny as he lived here and had only been off station twice before going to Silva Academy. Marc made a sound as he turned away from his station and walked over to the Holotable, motioning us forward as he tapped some commands and a small display popped up in the table’s corner in a side-by-side comparison of our two stations.

“Stay here and whisper. We are on final.” Marc said as he returned to his forward position.

Marc was Junior Officer of the Deck and was watching as the Conning Officer brought us in. He gave orders as we approached. Systems being shut down as they were no longer needed.

Low Point Station is bigger than here as great grandpa built it first. It has the highest transshipment rate among all stations there. We have more industrial activities here, though, but not by much. It’s more a manufacturing of our high-tech equipment than the larger shipyards and such.” I said as I got a nod from Marc and pulled up the list of activities at both stations. Elsie let out a low whistle.

“That’s why my parents are thinking of coming up here. Dad is working in the nano-electronics division of cyber circuits.” Said Elsie. I didn’t know what she was talking about, but Marc did.

“Probably they offered him a promotion for the new division opening up.” He said as he slipped back next to us again. Which Elsie nodded in response as we crossed the threshold as Marc gave more orders to secure systems as we maneuvered next to the Dock. Marc opened the view of the viewing gallery and pointed to the forward view. Ralph waved at his parents.

“You’re packed? I’ll be down in twenty minutes.” Marc asked.

“Yes Marc. Thank you for the ride.” Said Ralph as he hugged all of us and we headed down to our quarters where Grandma was waiting with her staff.

I opened the hatch, and we stepped in as Grandma raised her head. “Marc said he would be down in Twenty minutes.” I said.

“That’s fine. I’ll walk down with you and Ralph to meet his parents.” Grandma thought for a moment. “You can sit next to Marc in the meeting. Then he can take you on a fast tour as I finish up with some projects. We only want to be here 4 hours and then head over to Icicle and Burning Rock. I’ll probably let Marc take the three of you out on the ice, but we aren’t staying long at either location.”


Marc Alexander

Joshua Seventy-Seven Station

Board Room


I stifled a yawn as I got elbowed in the side. Jessica sat between me and Grandma as she studied her tablet. Trying to keep up with the events they were speaking about. Giving me a smirk as she glanced in my direction, which I returned. I looked around at the assembled guests. Like all of our meeting rooms, this one was bowl-shaped. We sat in the middle at the main table with the heads of departments. The next level of seating around us was full of staff. This was only for us, hence no spectators were permitted. Normally accommodating three-hundred, the room was occupied by only seventy. Each department head had five minutes to give us the highlights of their reports. Thankfully, there were only six. Grandma may or may not ask questions and then on to the next. Luckily for me, we only had to sit here for a little over One-Hundred minutes.

Stretching as I stood before grabbing my tablet and packing it away, making sure Jess did, too. I turned to Grandma. “I’ll run her around on the express tour. Meet you back at the ship for lunch or here at Twelve-Thirty hours?”

“Back on the ship. We need to get moving if you want to catch sunset over on Icicle.

I nodded as I led Jessica out and around the corner to a secure hatch. “Tap your Link to the control and see if it opens.” She did, it didn’t until I did. Jessica frowned. “OK. They didn’t set you up yet. Mom will probably do that when we return.” I finished as I led her inside.

“What’s this?”

“Service passageways. I’m taking you on the quicky tour. First stop is PPOne or Power Plant Number One,” I replied as we entered the lift. In seconds, we shot up six decks and stepped out into another drab looking passageway. I pointed at the small blue arrow with a yellow tip and she nodded, understanding it meant the direction to Power as we approached another hatch.

“Your tablet is off. Right?” She nodded questioningly. “It’s possible for stray power fluctuations to cause magnetic pulses in here. Might erase your tablet if it’s powered up.”

“Oh. Thanks Marc.” I kissed the top of her head before I tapped my Link to the hatch control and it opened. The security staff nodded to us as I entered and opened another door into a control room with two people sitting at control stations as a third was issuing directives to the crew inside the power room itself. I nodded as I pushed Jess in front of me over to the viewport. Inside were four one meter in diameter cylinders that stood three meters above us and 6 meters below us. I watched Jessica’s expression as she watched the white ribbons flash from bottom to top inside the blue glow being produced by each cylinder. I pointed to the structures lining the walls. “Each one of the twelve power plants and the distribution system is capable of running the lighting, life support, and temperature control for the entire station individually. Four to six are needed to run everything at full power. And the rest are for battle conditions and general back up. Low Point Station has twenty power plants because of our heavier offensive and defensive system down there.”

“OK.” she said, mystified.

“Don’t forget. There’s going to be a test later.” She thought about it until she realized one of the techs was laughing at her.

“You brat. There’s no test.” I chuckled as I dropped an arm cross her shoulders and led her out. “Where to next?” She asked as I pointed to another hatch and held my Link out as we approached.

“Ewww.” she said as her nose scrunched. I lifted an eyebrow as I looked in. Two techs were changing air scrubber elements.

“Maintenance period for this one, it seems. One of One-hundred air scrubbers. Any twenty of which can handle the station’s needs under normal circumstances.” I said as I let the hatch close and headed for another. I pointed to the wavy line. “What do you think it is?” I asked as we reached another hatch.


I tapped the control, and the hatch opened. “You are correct. Water reclamation. That pee break we had earlier is what you’re drinking tonight.” She smacked me as I laughed. “Once you are in the system, you can pull up the damage control station map. It shows the location of all of this I am talking about.”

“How come you know it so well?” Jessica asked as we boarded another Lift.

“One of my side trainings on station management and I also took station damage control. It made Mom and Dad happy. You should take it too.” She held my hand on her shoulder.

“Thanks. I may as I am going to take a few management courses Mom already suggested.” I nodded. Those would be the personnel management and business management courses. The lift shifted direction, and Jess smiled. “I like this Lift.”

“I do too. I bypassed the Brown and Black Reclamation units. Like Water, there are a large number. What you crapped out a lunch, you can eat for dinner?” Jess rolled her eyes at my humor.


* * *  

We had popped into the Station’s Traffic Control Center for a few minutes to visit as I showed Jessica around. She had an idea as we have cousins that work here. Then it was down to the military side of things. Including a look into one of the defense turrets and one of the missile launching rooms. I brought my tablet out and showed Jessica how they were arranged around the station, allowing multiple turrets to be able to hit the same target with overlapping fields of fire. And last but not least, we stepped into one of the shield capacitor rooms. Even Jess made a comment about feeling the energy in the air. Last stop was the Station Command Center. Where the military has their controlled space and monitors, the entire region we operate in. Jessica was a little surprised that we were tracking ships multiple sectors away.

“Well. Are you going to remember all that?” I asked.

“No. I don’t even remember half. What about you? You seemed like you wanted to go to sleep in the meeting.” I snickered.

“If only I could get out of them that easily. You could cover for me. I’ll keep you supplied with chocolates from Aris.” I smiled down at her as she rolled her eyes.

“Like Mom would ever let you get away with that. Once you get your Miner, you might be able to.” Jess offered.

“Possibly. Let’s get back to the ship. Sooner we board, sooner we can get underway.” I said as I headed us back to the military docks. Walking through various areas of the station. The cargo storage areas, break and make area. Where the cargoes are separated and recombined with like cargoes going to the same place. The ship maintenance facilities. I did my best to work out a basic look at the back room workings of the station that Jessica has never seen before.


* * *

Three hours later we had pulled into low orbit around Icicle and I already had everyone in the cold weather skinsuits. Cold as in several hundred degrees below freezing. I stepped into the shuttle and moved to the front as Tom and Rachel sat with the kids, with grandma and her staff. I had two other pilots with me as we cycled up the systems. Dropping done into the atmosphere, I smiled at the chop before I leveled out. Zeroing in on the landing beacon, we slipped into the enclosed landing area. Waiting for the outer doors to close before Grandma and her staff stepped off. We waited another five minutes before I lifted off the pad and exited the hanger, heading to the horizon. This was all instrument flying because everything was white or blue. No depth perception as I dropped us down to a slower speed of less than Two-Hundred meters per second. I watched ahead of us and my copilot was pointing out various points as our third sent them forwards to us.

“OK. I think I found the spot. Watch your eyes as I bring us into position.” Said as I turned us and began backing into position as the rear doors opened and the ramp lowered, allowing everyone to stand and watch. The third pilot had gone back and deployed the one meter high catch-all netting in case anyone slipped if the winds became too much. The A.I. said I was in position as I locked the controls, leaving my copilot on the flight deck as I went aft to join them. Rachel was already pointing as the system primary hit the right angle. Finally, it started.

I smiled as the valley of ice stalagmites suddenly flared, a rainbow of colors crossing towards us like a wall of water rolling across the valley bottom. I heard many gasps come across the helmet Comms system. Jessica turned and vaulted into my arms when it ended.

“Thanks Marc. That was the best. I had my helmet holovid going too. Nobody is going to believe me otherwise.” I patted her back as the show ended as fast as it began as the system primary moved out of position.

“Glad you liked it, kiddo. Back to work for us, though.” I said as I turned and headed for the flight deck to resume my seat. Flying us past a few of the outer outposts to run a heavy scan over them, which I sent to the primary facility. By the time we finished that, I was moving us back towards the primary base. Grandma would be finished getting the latest updates on the minerals being extracted here and talks with the senior staff.


* * *

Late, but alright. Working the controls as Jessica and her friends waited. The outer armorplas shutters opened on the forward observation deck. Which sounded bigger than it was, but good enough that while I was gone, everyone could watch the show as we were on the dark side of Burning Rock. Tom and Rachel both hugged me before I went to suit up and join Grandma before turning back to the view. Rivers of lava snaking their way to the lava lakes. Explosive discharges from the spouts, as we call them. Sometimes causing a fountain of lava to reach several hundreds of meters into the atmosphere.

It didn’t take us long to reach the research and extraction facility. But it was uncomfortable wearing the hot suit type of armor. We looked like silver creatures as we moved around. The base itself was actually a research vessel and would move as necessary to avoid the hot spots that were ever shifting on the surface. Actual extraction was done remotely with hardened drones.

“You can receive the reports on this trip.” Grandma said as we settled in after meeting everyone.

I sighed as she smirked at me while I fired up my tablet to receive the information. Looking up with raised eyebrow, “OK. Research first, then production.” I had several nods before a grizzly old man talked. I followed along with the notes and asked a few questions. Grandma asked more before we got into production. I listened a little more carefully, as I had an interest in planetary resource recovery. In this case, we were pulling rare minerals out of the gases spewed by the lava fountains and rivers. A very technical operation, which is why we have researchers here too. Constantly refining the process. After forty minutes and several more questions. A few of which I asked that piqued Grandma’s curiosity and earned me a smile. We were on our way back to ANS Dagger.

“Write those questions down and send a brief to Francis, Marc. He might have some ideas floating around that would mesh with what is going on here.”

“OK, Grams. I’ll work it up in the morning.” She nodded, as she was tired too. It was after O-Two-Hundred hours by our time, as Burning Rock was four hours ahead of us.


* * *

Jessica and I walked the passageways of Vandermain Station after our meeting as she spoke. “Why?”

“Why what, kiddo?” I asked.

“How come we make these tours?”

I smiled her at forthrightness. “Because you get to see and talk to the people behind the reports. Read their expressions and body movements. Makes them real.” I thought about that and shrugged, “If that makes sense.”

“Like, being able to tell if they are lying to us.”

“I guess. In a way. I think it’s more to show we are interested in the information we are seeking and like my report I let you read. We may introduce new ideas as we have thoughts in person during our conversations.”

Jessica smiled, “Which meant you had to write a report on it.” I chuckled and gave her a side hug as we walked.

“Not my first. I am sure it will not be my last. Remember, we have over One-Hundred Thousand employees. It’s good to show our faces once in a while to make them believe we care about them.”

“But we do. Don’t we? We have some of the most advanced training programs available and we even pay people to take training courses.” She asked, confused.

“Yes. And No. We do that because it is hard to find the people we need. It’s better to train them ourselves. It appears to be working and providing us with a very dedicated workforce.” I checked my Link for the time. “Let’s head back to the ship. Tom and Rachel should have the gang back by now.”

“OK. Will you have time to take us to the market on Aris?

I smiled down at her pleading eyes. “Maybe. If not, Tom knows how to get to it.” She side hugged me as we turned another corner and headed for the Docks.


* * *

Once again, I had the Conn and was plotting us a course with the Navigator into orbit and our reserved mooring area. I smiled as I heard the gang arrive with Grandma and she seated them at the back of the Bridge. Satisfied with what the Third Lieutenant worked out; I had her load it into the navigation system as I turned back towards the helm station. Tapping out a few commands at my station, I watched as the Helms persons made the required corrections for our new course.

“Helm. Slow to Thirty Percent on the Mains.”

“Aye Sa. Helm answers Thirty percent.”

“Very well.” I said as I looked out over the bow at the station over to one side and the mooring area off to our port side. Here we would end up. I felt the person move up next to me as I lifted an arm, and she slipped under.

“What should I get you? Your drink powder and a couple of six-pack samplers?” Jessica asked.

“Yes, please. I’ll send you a list and credit voucher when I finish here.”

She hugged me tight and moved back to her friends. Much happier now that I am going to pay for her chocolates. As I had discussed with Rachel and Tom where to find the shop we wanted, it should be easy going for them today. I am being pulled into another meeting. Much to my dismay. I had already planned for my next excursion with the Mining Shuttle after I have some time with Janek.

I followed Grandma as we dropped into Mining Control and visited for twenty minutes before we followed a manager down to the conference room. Sitting down as I listened to the conversations I settle into my half here, half elsewhere mentality. Asking a question, every once in a while, to make it look like I am taking part. It didn’t fool Grandma, but I knew it wouldn’t.

Escape was on my mind when Grandma finally brought the meeting to an end. She had also signaled the staff and had them take our tablets back to the shuttle, as she wanted to walk with me.

“We could have brought Endeavor for this.” She said as we left the conference room and headed for the main passageways that would allow us to enter the base itself.

“As I told Dad. I needed the deck time on the Destroyer. And with Janek here, I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere near the amount of work done. Besides. Rachel and Tom needed long-term training, and I think the Cruiser would have been a step too much for them.” It would have been for Rachel. Tom has been taking the courses for Cruisers too. In the end, I’m sorry I didn’t invite Hugo too, but he volunteered to stay behind and keep an eye on Janek for me. Just in case there are family problems.

“Have I ever told you I am proud of how you handle people and look out for them?” She asked.

I smiled, “Always Grandma. Thank you for telling me again. But?”

She chuckled. “You’re not interested in running the corporation. I get that. How large of a Mining company do you think you could build?” Now she had my attention. This is not a direction I ever thought we would take in conversations.

“Substantial. I am looking at a Command ship and a full twelve Miners with two Haulers.” She waited as she could tell I was running the numbers through my head. “Figure within fifteen stanyears. I’m looking into Ice mining at the moment. That will start next year. I should rent a Mauler in about 4 months. I need two more shuttle runs for a Prospector Mini rental.” I dropped off, and she gave a nod of understanding, knowing that I was finished.

“I’m assuming that you are planning this with your usual zeal?”

“Yes indeed.” Which made her chuckle again.

“Then I think we should grab a tea, then let the others know it’s time to return.” Which made me smile as Grams likes the one tea vendor in the market and always stops there when she is here. We returned to the shuttle and headed back to the ship.

Please leave your thoughts on the chapter in the comments below.
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Marc seems to have his life all planned out.  What’s going to happen when he meets this mysterious dream mate? Will that change his plan??

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34 minutes ago, VBlew said:

Marc seems to have his life all planned out.  What’s going to happen when he meets this mysterious dream mate? Will that change his plan??\


Edited by P. E. Knapp
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36 minutes ago, VBlew said:

Marc seems to have his life all planned out.  What’s going to happen when he meets this mysterious dream mate? Will that change his plan??

Let's try that again! Disregard the other comment as I had the contrast set to black background and white lettering to read easier. It doesn't work for replying to comments. 🤣

Thanks for the comment @VBlew!

Any mate he finally chooses would complement him and slip right into his plans, but Marc has changed plans for people he cares about as he did to pick up Jessica.

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Well, does Grandma run the corporation?  Is she the head?  I need more details on this.  This family does seem to care about their workers; but that only makes good business sense.  Sad that too few corporations on Earth at this time do the same thing.

I guess maybe Grandma and the rest of the family are starting to realize that Marc truly has different plans for his future.  While he may work hand in hand with the corporation, he has no desire to run it.  That doesn't mean that he couldn't if some tragedy occurred but it just isn't what he wants for himself.  

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So Marc has told his grandma he does not want to run the corporation and 100,000 people.He wants to run his own large mining company. He is training and taking actions to be ready. He is driven.

This sets up as others have said the possibility that things--like a finding his true mate or death of a family member or even military conflict might change his plans. He has dreams like few can expact to be made real.  He is a responsible person. He will step up well to challenges as they arise.

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5 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Well, does Grandma run the corporation?  Is she the head?  I need more details on this.  This family does seem to care about their workers; but that only makes good business sense.  Sad that too few corporations on Earth at this time do the same thing.

I guess maybe Grandma and the rest of the family are starting to realize that Marc truly has different plans for his future.  While he may work hand in hand with the corporation, he has no desire to run it.  That doesn't mean that he couldn't if some tragedy occurred but it just isn't what he wants for himself.  

Thanks for the comment @centexhairysub!

Yes, it is sad. I once worked for a company, European. Spent 14 years there before the merger closed us down. Haven't found a company like that since.

Anyway, Grandma Edna Alexander. She is the mouthpiece of the Corporation, which is run by the family using the Board of Directors role. Mostly, they have managers in place that are given broad strokes by the Board and they have to implement it.

Yeah, she understands Marc enough to understand he doesn't want the reigns, but your right. He could and would if needed. 

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9 minutes ago, akascrubber said:

This sets up as others have said the possibility that things--like a finding his true mate or death of a family member or even military conflict might change his plans. He has dreams like few can expact to be made real.  He is a responsible person. He will step up well to challenges as they arise.

Thanks for the comment @akascrubber!

Or it could be all of the above, in the future. 😇 

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