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Take me to Your Leader - 5. Take Me Chapter 5

Once they had moved far enough away and were temporarily out of sight, I quickly climbed back up to the bridge, where I sprinted across it and ran the hiking path, about two hundred metres from the bridge, I glanced back over my shoulder and saw the two guys standing at the end of the peninsular holding hands looking out towards the ocean, which made me smile, but when I saw them start to turn around, I quickly dove into some very low shrubs and rocky ground in the area, so there was not much shelter to hide and I nearly fell down a steep crevis as I managed to stop myself rolling towards it.

Once I had calmed down a little, I glanced down at the crevis and decided that it might be a better hiding spot as I crawled towards it and down the steep rocky side and found a partial rocky cave that had been carved into the rock by wind and water erosion over tens of thousands of years. The hiking path was too open for me to try and walk further away from the bridge, so I sat and waited for the two guys to walk past again, which happened about twenty minutes later, “About bloody time,” I grumbled quietly, as I was getting quite cold now.

“Did you say something Hub?” I heard one of the guys say, “No Shawn, I said nothing, but we better head back to the car, it is starting to get a bit too cold to be out here,” Hub replied, and then it suddenly hit me, the second voice was my university mentor – Hugh, “Wow,” I said quietly as their footsteps disappeared the further they went away from my hiding place. Fifteen minutes later, I cautiously walked back along the hiking trail, stopping now and then to listen to make sure that there was no one around, before continuing.

When I reached to Hiking Trail car park, I cut across the back of the Rescue Helicopter base onto the Golf Course, heading towards the Golf Clubrooms, while making a call for a taxi to collect me from the club rooms. When I finally arrived back at the college, I quickly slipped into my room, making as little noise as possible, and after changing and cleaning my teeth, I turned out my light and headed to bed early, even though it was only just after 8 pm, as I was too tired to eat anything for dinner.

I had one day of rest before the start of classes again, and when I woke up at about 9 am the next morning, I heard voices near my door, talking about whether I was back from the mid-semester break or not, and asking if anyone has seen or heard me returning last night. I remained silent, in bed enjoying the quiet time I had to enjoy, and once there was no more noise outside my room for a while, I got up and dressed, entered the bathroom I relieved my bursting bladder but did not flush, just kept the lid closed, and quickly washed my hands in the sink, so to not make any noise before I sat down to do some more reading that I needed to do, making sure to keep the blinds closed, so no one could see that I had returned.

At lunchtime, hunger got the better of me and I sneaked out of my room, using a back door I exited the building with a backpack on my back, with a few clothes stuffed into it, before making my way around to the front of the building and I headed towards the dining room to eat. “There he is, the wanderer had returned, how was your holiday?” Hugh asked when he saw me approaching the table where our group usually sits. “Fine, nothing exciting happened, just did a bit of volunteer work, that is about it,” I responded hoping the lie would be accepted.

“So you are rested and ready for the rest of the semester?” Travis asked me, and I nodded my head as I realised that there were two new people at the table before I frowned at them both and Simeon laughed. “Don’t be like that, we have some new friends, let me introduce to you Harold and Charles. They are here for the rest of the semester, and maybe longer, and they are doing Linguistics courses here and they have the rooms on the other side of you. I nodded my head in recognition of being introduced and didn’t bother to step forward to shake their hands, before heading off to get some lunch.

‘I wonder what the hell they are doing here’ I thought as I walked over to the servery, ‘Mind your language please Terb Sua, we are here to learn the English language, not the foul language,’ a voice in my head responded, and I dropped the empty tray that I was holding, which crashed to the ground, as I turned back towards the group. ‘Yes, that is right, Telepathy. This is why we have been sent, so to teach you, as well as get to know where you are studying at university,’ as I realised that it was Charles speaking as he smiled towards me, while Harold was chatting to the others.

I picked up my tray and moved forward to get my meal, but instead of going back to the table, in the dining hall, I went outside to the outdoor eating area, as I needed to think about this new revelation. “Hey, why didn’t you come and join the rest of the group at our table?” Hugh asked me as he approached about ten minutes later, “Probably like why you wanted some privacy away from the university yesterday evening Hob,” I replied with a wicked grin on my face, as I watched his facial expressions change a few times.

“What the hell… you were there at Cape Banks?” Hugh asked me when he realised that I knew his nickname, that I presumed only his boyfriend called him. I had dinner with a friend of the family at the nearby golf course restaurant, and went for a long walk to work off some of the excellent food they served at the restaurant,” I lied.

“Please don’t say anything to anyone, as I am only out to a few people, and I don’t want any of my family to know at the moment,” Hugh pleaded with me in a loud whisper, “Not a problem mate, the secret is safe with me,” I replied, as I wondered if my two space friends already knew. ‘We won’t say anything either,’ a voice in my head said which made me jump a little. “Are you alright, you just about jumped out of your skin just now?” Hugh asked me, “Yeah I am fine, just had a shiver down my back, nothing to do with you,” I replied.

Hugh stayed and chatted with me while I continued to eat my meal, and once finished, we were soon joined by the others, as we headed to the recreation area, where I looked directly at Charles and Harold. ‘Don’t use telepathy unless I know that I can see you, I jumped in fright when you spoke earlier, and Hugh noticed it,’ I said in my mind, ‘Understood, sorry about that,’ came a response. After about an hour in the recreation room, I said goodnight to everyone and headed for my room, where after having a shower and preparing for bed, I heard a knock on the wall, ‘Goodnight Terb Sua, sleep well,’ I heard Charles say in my head. ‘Good Night to you both as well, Selrach Pedi & Dadorah Sui,’ I replied and turning out my light, I was soon fast asleep.

It took me a few days to get used to having two guys from Amixorp here on Earth and living on campus at the same university as me before they began to teach me all about the finer points of telepathy. I was informed that while on Amirxorp last time, the council had sensed that I had the same telepathic abilities as most on Amixorp, and it had been decided to send two of my newest friends to spend some time with me on Earth and teach me more about it. So now, after we had retired to our separate rooms each evening, I was having telepathic conversations with Charles and Harold, and during the day when we had a little bit of time together alone, I was learning about keeping my facial expressions neutral while speaking telepathically.

After about a week since classes had resumed, we were all having dinner in the college dining room, when I saw Charles glance down at this wrist before smiling and looking up at me. ‘Message from the Chancellor, asking how the Telepathy lessons are progressing and how we are settling into life on Earth,’ Charles said to me, and I saw Harold looking towards Charles. ‘We will have to wait until you are alone before you can respond,’ Harold said in response, and Charles nodded before standing, “Busting for a leak, I will be back in a moment,” he said before leaving the table and dining room.

‘Yes, we have the same anatomy as you, but we don’t believe in circumcision as some people on Earth do,’ Harold said before I could even ask the question, as I heard Charles chucking at this comment, and I frowned for a moment, before remembering to keep a straight face. ‘Well, my parents did, as I am. Circumcised I mean,’ I said telepathically, “Oh wow, can we have a look sometime soon,’ Charles asked me, and the look on my face must have been something, as Harald laughed out loud.

“What was that laugh for?” Hugh asked Harold. I was now very nervous that I had done something to possibly reveal our secret. “Oh nothing, a thought came to mind just now, when I saw the expression on Brett’s face, that reminded me of a good friend of mine back home,” Harold replied before he excused himself and left the table, not allowing anyone to ask any follow-up questions to his answer. “That guy can be really weird sometimes,” Simeon commented, “Yeah, he takes a bit of getting used to I agree, but he seems like a nice chap I guess,” I responded.

For the next nine weeks, I studied hard, with additional lessons on Telepathy and the Amix language, which I was now getting fairly good at, even though I was getting asked to show my privates to Charles and Harold which I was not happy about and I refused to show them. I had been sending emails home to keep my parents and siblings informed that I was doing well at university and even made a few more friends, I also mentioned that I would be doing more volunteer work and keeping up with my studies with the approaching mid-year holidays.

Harold and Charles had informed me that we would be teleporting to Amixorp as soon as it was dark on the last day of 1st semester, and I had suggested an alternative location for this to happen, as I was nearly caught last time. After a bit of online searching plus a few weekend trips to various locations, we decided on Lachlan Reserve, which was just a 500-metre walk away from the park gates on Grand Drive, which was just a 2-kilometre taxi ride from the college campus. Although it can be a very busy place during the day time, there is very little people traffic in the evenings, with a plentiful supply of trees around the park to hide our location when we teleport up.

With just one week remaining of the 1st semester, I was exiting the library when I spotted Hugh sitting under a tree where he didn’t look at all happy, so I changed directions to go and speak to him when I was suddenly grabbed from behind and dragged backwards in the direction of stairs to a lower level of one of the buildings, not far from where Hugh was sitting. Soon realising that it was Harold and Charles who had ambushed me, I started to relax before being dropped on the ground under a small grove of trees, which caught me by surprise. “Hey guys what is with the rough handling, you could have just asked to come with you,” I said to my space friends, who chuckled, “yeah, but we would have had to explain why, and we wanted this to happen now, Charles replied.

“Explain what exactly?” I asked, “Explain that we want to do this,” Harold replied as Charles lifted me off the ground while Harold quickly undid my belt and pulled down my jeans, and boxer briefs down to my knees. “Wow look at that, a very impressive size you have there mate, and it looks so different,” Charles said as he leaned forward to have a closer look at my dick. “Hey cut that out. Let me go this instant. In most places on this planet, that is regarded as sexual assault, which is a crime,” I said angrily, as I was lowered to the ground where I quickly pulled up my boxer briefs and jeans.

“A crime, I have done some reading about that, all about rules and laws. We are sorry,” Harold said to me in response. “Yeah you will be, now get out of my sight, I don’t want to see you guys for some time,” I said as I stood up while securing my belt and started to walk away, where I nearly bumped into Hugh as I walked out of the grove. “What is going on? Who are you getting angry with and why are you doing up your belt?” Hugh asked me as he looked past me, but saw no one around. “Never mind that for now, I was coming over to see you before I was ambushed. Are you ok? You look very upset,” I asked Hugh.

“No. Not really, my so-called boyfriend dumped me via text message, saying he has someone else who is more attentive and understanding than I am,” Hugh replied, as he sniffed back tears. “Oh man, that is not good, I am sorry to hear that mate, do you want to go somewhere and talk about it?” I asked. “Can we just go to a café and enjoy a cup of tea instead?” Hugh asked me, and I smiled and nodded my head, as we changed directions where about ten minutes later, we arrived at a small café just off campus.

Once our orders were made, we found a seat in a corner, well away from everyone else. Hugh explained that he and his ex were planning to go away for six nights and seven days, staying on board a British-style canal boat on the Upper Hawkesbury River, which includes kayak hire. Since I paid for all of it, I’m not sure what to do now, since it is less than a week away from the departure date and I will lose all the money on it if I cancel now.

“Well, as it happens my plans for the holidays have changed too, so how about we both go on the river houseboat holiday, and I will happily pay for half of everything,” I said smiling, “Really? You would do that? Wow, that is awesome,” Hugh replied happily, and he began to give me all the details of the canal boat holiday, which involved an 80-kilometre and 1-hour drive northwest from the campus to the town of Windsor, with Hugh borrowing a family friend's car for the week.

From Windsor, where the canal boat is based, we can cruise downriver to the Sackville Ferry Crossing, which is a distance of 30 km, that would take us two days to cover the distance at the slow steady pace that the canal boat goes and since it has a minimal clearance, it can go a lot further upstream than the houseboats, which can go only as far upstream as the Lower Portland Bridge, which is 15 kilometres downstream from Sackville. We would take three days to return to our departure point, due to us travelling upriver against the current which would be stronger, with it being winter, so we had just two days to spend in the Sackville area, before starting our return journey upstream.

The more Hugh talked about it, the more I was looking forward to the trip, and I had nearly forgotten all about the earlier incident until Hugh asked me. “Mind me asking what happened back near the library, it looked like Harold and Charles racing away from the area as you shouted at them,” Hugh asked. I sighed and thought about what I should say to Hugh, who was more of a friend than the guys from outer space.

“Well it is complicated, and I am not sure what I am permitted to tell you. Let’s just say that in a conversation a few weeks back, the lads stated that where they are from, there are no boys that are circumcised and silly me stated that I was, and they asked to see my dick, which I refused and they have been hassling me ever since,” I said to Hugh who started to look very angry.

“Did you tell them that what they are doing is harassment?” Hugh asked me, “Well they actually ambushed me earlier and pulled down my jeans and boxer briefs to have a good look at my dick, and that is when I got angry and told them to let me go and what they just did is sexual assault,” I explained. “You need to report this to the university, not only sexual assault but also assault of a minor, although I think you may want to keep that last bit quiet still. I will fully support you with this mate, as it is not on what they did and… wait a moment, I remember hearing the last bit that you said to them… what did you mean by your comment - in most places on this planet, that is regarded as sexual assault, which is a crime?” Hugh asked me.

“I was hoping that you didn’t hear that bit. It is going to take a bit of explaining, and it will take some time, so how about we leave that conversation until we are away from the city,” I suggested, and reluctantly Hugh agreed. When I felt my watch vibrate with a message, I ignored it as we continued to discuss plans for the holiday which I was looking forward to now, and when Hugh wasn’t watching I slipped the watch off my wrist and put it in my backpack, as I had no intentions of going away to Amixorp for the two-week-long mid-year holidays.

Copyright Preston Wigglesworth All Rights Reserved Aug 2024
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Posted (edited)

Why in the world was Brett so against showing two guys his private parts?  Had he done so, he could have avoided a lot of hassle.  It it considered a huge privacy issue in Western Australia?  Perhaps because I grew up in a rural area, where few homes had indoor plumbing, guys could pee anywhere where there were no females.  Therefore, I knew at a very young age from that guys had various sizes and shapes. About half the guys in my community were cut and about half uncut.

I think Brett may have made a tactical error in not suppressing his anger and foregoing the chance to learn to teleport at this time.  Plus, he has said more than he should at this time to Hugh.

Edited by ReaderPaul
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Posted (edited)

Don't get me wrong, what they did in pulling down his pants and checking was wrong.  But Brett should also remember that the culture they come from is different than what he is familiar with.  

I don't know how easy it is to teleport, and we do not yet know whether distance is a major factor in teleportation.  Brett has, at least temporarily, missed an opportunity to learn this.

@quokka, Hugh and Brett have both had shocks to the system.  However, something else may be happening.  In an early paragraph, Shawn heard Brett quietly grumbling.  Does Shawn have telepathy genes and heard Brett that way, when Hugh did not?  And did "Harold" and "Charles" teach Brett anything about shielding his throughs so he would not broadcast them?

Edited by ReaderPaul
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Oh dear.  Telepathy and a fascination for Brett's bits.  Obviously a species where personal space is ignored.  Brett is finding the cross cultural  and relational aspect of working for the Amixorpans isn't just rockets and science.   Not sure going AWOL will help and I wonder if Hugh might be recruited too. Thanks @quokka for keeping us guessing.  

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You can run but not hide Brett, and I do not blame you for not going either, but you will be found and will have to account for yours and others actions...will there be repercussions????

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Posted (edited)

On 8/22/2024 at 9:02 AM, damejintymcginty said:

Oh dear.  Telepathy and a fascination for Brett's bits.  Obviously a species where personal space is ignored.  Brett is finding the cross cultural  and relational aspect of working for the Amixorpans isn't just rockets and science.   Not sure going AWOL will help and I wonder if Hugh might be recruited too. Thanks @quokka for keeping us guessing.  

On 8/22/2024 at 12:14 PM, drsawzall said:

You can run but not hide Brett, and I do not blame you for not going either, but you will be found and will have to account for yours and others actions...will there be repercussions????

Evidently Brett cannot effectively shield yet, since Charles and Harold "heard" his conversation with Hugh.  So @drsawzall and @damejintymcginty are correct, as was @Al Norris in his comment above.  Probably, if there is an effective method for telepathic shielding, Harold and Charles (or is is Dlorah and Selrahc) have refrained from teaching Brett on purpose, just so they can eavesdrop on him.  @chris191070 hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head when he said that interesting times are ahead.

Edited by ReaderPaul
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Oh wow @quokka, some interplanetary misappropriate sexual activity? Are 'Harold' and 'Charles' gay? And does the concept of homosexuality even exist where they are from. (Sounds like a lot of alien 'probes' abductees refer to).

Now that Hugh has literally stumbled upon what happened, can Brett risk disclosing any information to Hugh? Will hugh think Brett's lost his mind and report him? Then there's the issue of Brett agreeing not too tell anyone on earth about his connections to really illegal aliens?

              Tv Show Rat GIF by Laff

BTW, is it just me, or does Alf resemble ... You know ...


Edited by Anton_Cloche
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