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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Take me to Your Leader - 10. Take Me Chapter 10

On Wednesday afternoon, I received the call that I was expecting, directly from the Minister herself. “How soon can you get to the UN? Can you be there within the next day or two?” she asked me, and I chuckled at this comment, “You forget minister that I have friends waiting above to assist me with my travels,” I responded, and I heard her gasp. “Of course, it is going to take a bit to get used to someone being able to pop in and out like you did the other day. Send me a text message when you are ready sometime tomorrow UN HQ time, we have you scheduled to speak either tomorrow at 2 pm or the following day at the same time,” the Minister said to me.

After the call, I checked my world time and with it being nearly 5 pm in Sydney, it was almost 2 am in New York, so I had just 12 -hours before I needed to travel there, which would be at 5 am tomorrow, which made me groan a little at it being so early in the morning. “I heard that,” Hugh said to me as he approached. “Hey mate, how was your day? Mine was good until I received a call from our friendly Minister,” I said to my friend.

“It was good thanks, mate. So, what’s the issue or news you received from our friendly Minister?” Hugh replied, “When arranging this meeting at you know where, I neglected to check the time difference between here and there, which I have just worked out. I have to be there in just under twelve hours,” I said to Hugh, who looked at his watch. “Oh! That will be 5 am, not a good way to start the day,” Hugh responded.

“Thankfully, I only have one tutorial in the late afternoon to attend tomorrow, so I will be back well before then and may have time for a quick sleep,” I replied. After a very early dinner that evening, I retired to bed early and set my alarm for 4 am, so I had plenty of time to get to my destination, I had also sent a message to the Star Cruiser, requesting a Teleport from my UNSW College Room in Sydney to the UN - Security Council Room in New York, which would include a brief stop at the Star Cruiser.

Very early the following morning, I was showered, dressed in my best business suit and ready to go by 4 am, having risen well before my alarm went off, and I was teleported to the Space Cruiser, soon after I sent a message to the Minister, who responded with a suggestion that I arrive at the Australian UN Ambassador’s office first and gave me the coordinates. I sent a quick text message to the Minister when I was ready to travel to the UN, and when I arrived, I was in a large office space, with just the Minister and the UN Ambassador present.

“Your Excellency, welcome to the Australian Office of the UN, I am Ambassador to the UN Lance Daykin,” the gentleman said to me, and we shook hands, “Thank you, Ambassador. Minister, nice to see you again,” I said as I gave her a nod of my head in recognition, “And you too Ambassador Terb Sua. I have spoken to Ambassador Daykin for the past half an hour about what to expect with your arrival, and the suggested plan for you speaking to the UN Security Council, as we had discussed last week,” the Minister said to me as I handed her a small box, which she cautiously opened.

“This is beautiful, Australian Opal I presume?” the Minister said as she looked at the small broach. “Yes it is Ma’am, and it is a special gift for you that has a second purpose, if you touch the opal twice with any finger, you will send a signal to me via my watch,” I said to the Minister, as I showed her the watch on my wrist. The minister took the opal broach out of the box and pinned it to her jacket, next to her Australian Flag Lapel Pin.

“The opal comes from my home state of South Australia, I had my friends craft it into a broach with a signal device included, which will not be picked up by any security scanning device, and it does not have a microphone or speaker, or a tracking device, just a signal,” I said pointing in an upward direction to indicate Space, and both indicated that they understood what I meant, with a nod of their heads. “Ambassador, your appointment with the Security Council is in fifteen minutes,” a voice said over the intercom.

“Very well, thank you, Natalie,” the Ambassador responded after walking to her desk and pressing a button on the intercom to reply. A few moments later, the Ambassador and Minister stepped out of the office, while I stayed out of sight behind the door as it was opened to the outer office. “Natalie, I am locking this door, as I have some sensitive material inside, so no one is to enter my office. Understood?” I heard the Ambassador say, “Yes Ma’am,” I heard the response from the secretary, as the door closed and locked.

A little while later in the Security Council Chamber, which has a long curved horseshoe-shaped conference table, where the Security Council Members are seated, with two rows of advisers seats behind them, also on two sides against the walls, are three rows of seating for additional UN Members to seat, and at the back is nine rows of front gallery seating and additional gallery seating at the very back. The Australian Ambassador sat in one of the vacant seats at the end of the main table and the Minister sat directly behind her, and they listened for ten minutes about the current topic of discussion, before there was a change of topic.

“Ambassador to Australia, you gave us notice that you wish to speak to the Security Council on an urgent matter, and I see that you have your Foreign Minister Present today,” the President of the Security Council stated. “Yes, your Excellency. With your permission, I wish to call on the Australian Foreign Minister to brief you on the matter of importance,” the Ambassador responded.

“Good Afternoon members of the UN Security Council, I am here to inform you that I am aware of a situation that would have, I say again… that would have put Earth at great risk… but thanks to some very unexpected assistance Earth is no longer at risk… I am talking about a large meteor that would have skirted very close to Earth… a lot closer than ever before. I recently became aware of a young and very intelligent Australian Citizen who had been one of many from before, who had been chosen to monitor and report back to the Amixorpian Empire in our neighbouring solar system…

Yes, you heard right, we do have neighbours in space, Alpha Centauri B is home to a civilisation like our own but they are hundreds of years ahead of us in technology, and that is why apart from internal translating services, all other recording and transmitting devices have been jammed and all doors locked to protect our next guest… May I present to you our Earth representative to the Amixorpian Empire – Ambassador Terb Sua,” the Minister announced, as she pressed her broach twice, and seconds later, I was standing in the Security Council Chamber, right next to the Ambassador and Minister.

Gasps of shock could be heard all over the chamber, due to my sudden and unexplained appearance as the Security Council President called to order. “What is this? Who are you?” the Council President demanded and I gave him a deep bow. “You Excellency, my name is Terb Sua, which is my Amixorpian name, I will not reveal my Earth name, to protect my family and friends back home in Australia. I am currently a University student and represent Earth to the Amoxorpian People. It is true, that we have neighbours in space, and because of this, the large meteor heading towards Earth has been detected early, and people of Astronomy and Space Science will detect it, in less than one week.

The Amoxorpian people have the technology and space crafts available to reduce the size of this large meteor and also to push it away from the Earth’s path. I am telling you this now, as ordered by the Amixorpian Council, to reduce the panic by the people of Earth, and let you know not to worry, as we have the situation in hand. The meteor is still a few weeks away from reaching Earth’s neighbourhood, but in the meantime, in just one week, the people of Science on Earth will detect this meteor, and in just over a week, they will notice the meteor begin to reduce in size and also move off its original course staying well clear of Earth and her moon.

There will be a short period of a solar eclipse as a meteor passes between the Sun and Earth, but there will be no interference with weather patterns or communications services provided by the many satellites that circle Earth. I wish to inform you and Earth’s Space Agencies, that we have the situation at hand, and that they do not need to take any action, and it is advised and recommended that nothing be said of this to the general population of Earth to avoid any panic and public disorder from happening.

The Amixorpian People are only revealing themselves to you, the United Nations Security Council, so too keep peace and reasonable stability on Earth, and let you know that they will not interfere with international political differences between each country, nor will they provide any advanced technology to the people on Earth, as they wish to keep the progress of advancement at its current rate.

I thank you for allowing me to speak to you today, and I wish you a good day,” I said to the people in the Security Council Chamber, as I tapped my watch and I suddenly disappeared out of their sight and reappeared back on the space cruiser, and a little while later I was back in my room at University, having already informed the Minister that I would be returning directly back to Australia after my speech, as I had classes to attend. Sometime after I arrived back at my University Campus room, as the dawn was breaking over Sydney, I received a text message to say to check my Secure Email.

“Ambassador Terb Sua Well, that went down like a stack of bricks. The UN Security Council has decided to alert all Space Agencies with deep space telescopes to be on the alert for any close to Earth approaching meteors. The general public and some UN staff that were present decided to use social media to inform family and friends that a meteor is heading towards Earth and now the media has got wind of it.

The Secretary General of the UN is also not too pleased about hearing about it second-hand and is demanding a meeting with me and the Ambassador first thing in the morning NY time, but we have decided to make a sudden and unannounced trip home, for both of our safety, and we are about to board a commercial flight to Montreal very shortly, before continuing to Calgary and Vancouver, with a stopover there for eight hours, before flying to Tokyo for another stopover, then home to Sydney, having to decide to get out of US airspace a quickly as possible. I will need to speak to you soon after we arrive back in Australia. Regards Susan Henderson.”

I managed to get a few hours of sleep before waking up to the sound of knocking on my door, and a text message on my phone. “Wake up sleepyhead, time to rise and shine,” the message read from Hugh and I groaned as I staggered to the door to let him in, before returning to bed. “Oh no you don’t mister, you need to tell me what happened, before getting dressed and ready for another day of studies,” Hugh said to me, stopping me from pulling the covers up over me and groaning again I climbed out of bed and headed to my bedroom to pee and wash my face to wake me up some more.

Hugh was sitting at my desk and he was looking at his iPad which he had brought with him when I exited the bathroom. “Oh oh! This doesn’t look good,” Hugh commented, before showing me the screen of his tablet. “United Nations in Uproar, as unconfirmed reports reveal that Aliens do exist and that one visited the UN Security Council late today, to inform the UN of an approaching meteor that will not affect Earth or its Moon because the Aliens will be pushing it off course before it gets to close.

It was revealed by some of those who were in attendance via social media, that the Australian Ambassador introduced the Australian Foreign Minister, who in turn introduced this Alien representative known as Terb Sua, who revealed in less than a week telescopes on Earth will get their first glimpse of the possible threat, which the Alien representative, announced will be pushed off course so it passes well clear of Earth and the Moon. It is revealed that the Secretary-General had requested a meeting with the Australian Foreign Minister and the Ambassador, but both had flown out of the US soon after the meeting where they presumably headed back to Australia.” I read the online article.

“I hope they don’t get into too much trouble with this back home when they eventually arrive,” I commented, “Why eventually?” Hugh asked me, “They are taking a more scenic route home, to avoid US airspace, so they are not forced to return to the UN to answer questions, although that may not happen anyway with their diplomatic status,” I replied to Hugh. The ‘Alien Incident’ at the UN was big news worldwide for the next few days, and when the first reports came in that there was indeed a meteor heading for Earth, the news went crazy all over again, as I received a text from the Minister, to inform me that she was back in Sydney.

That evening after dinner, Hugh informed me that we had both been invited for dinner at his Aunt Joyce Tibbert’s home the following evening, I groaned at this news, and Hugh chuckled at my response. The following day, as I arrived back at my room, Hugh was there waiting for me. “Change of location for dinner tonight. I’m not sure if you have heard the news or not, but the PM has demoted Susan Henderson… she is no longer the Foreign Minister or Minister of anything, she has been sent to the back bench after what happened at the UN,” Hugh whispered to me, as I unlocked my door and walked in with Hugh following me in, shutting the door behind him.

“Wow, that serious eh! I am sorry that happened to her. When did you find out?” I responded, “Aunt Joyce notified me soon after it happened, so they will be spending more time in Sydney at her electorate office instead of in Canberra all the time,” Hugh replied. “So, what is happening about tonight then?” I asked, “Dinner is now at my new digs. I moved in today, and my two staff members, who have worked for the family for many years moved in a few days ago. Aunt Joyce will collect Ms Henderson and bring her to the back door of my place, after making sure that no one is following her, so grab some clothes for an overnight stay, and we will head off to the house,” Hugh said to me.

“Why all the hush-hush about her location?” I asked, “Because she is no longer entitled to a protective detail from the AFP, so she needs to be a little sneaky when out and about on her own, on her own time,” Hugh replied. “Oh! You would think that she would be able to have some protection since she is the former Foreign Minister,” I stated sounding surprised. “Yes, so I thought too, that is why my place is perfect since it is still in Gran’s name, and 6officially I don’t think anyone knows of my family link to her Chief of Staff.

Mum and Dad had the security upgraded on the property as well, so I need to let you know all of that when we get to the house,” Hugh informed me as I quickly packed a small back of clothes for a few days at Hugh’s place, and we caught a taxi to the Equestrian Centre on the corner of Cook and Lang Roads, which at first confused me at first, as we crossed over Lang Road and I saw a large park in front of us, and also the Robertson Street Gates, then I knew exactly where we were and I smiled and chuckled.

“Very sneaky my friend, sneaky indeed,” I commented as we continued to walk down Cook Rd until we reached Oxley Lane, as we looked around and saw no one around we quickly raced the sixty metres down the laneway, and entered the door lock code, before we slipped into the back yard of the property unseen. “We have made some major decisions since you were last here, which include some major changes to the stables and studio building. We are having spiral stairs installed between the studio upstairs and the stables below. Meanwhile, the staff – Mary and Lance Abbott will be temporarily living in the back bedroom upstairs and will have the bathroom near the stairs as their area. Bedroom 2 at the front will be our private lounge, and your room will be Bedroom 3 opposite,” Hugh informed me.

Copyright Preston Wigglesworth All Rights Reserved Aug 2024
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Ah, so the ego of the Australian Prime Minister was greatly bruised by not being able to break the news theirself.  Typical of a politician, so he takes it out on Susan Henderson.

I wonder if the visitors from our neighboring star system expected that?

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Like any intelligent alien species out there, I would hazard a guess that they all give our planet a wide pass knowing what we are like...and thanks to our visitors, we know that there are some truly bad guys out there...

I would suspect our new friends are or have a highly developed sense of compassion....

Sad Puss In Boots GIF

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23 minutes ago, JohnnyC said:

Power Beam GIF by South Park

Nope, not teleporting to USA, the Ambassador is Australian…


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11 hours ago, quokka said:

Nope, not teleporting to USA, the Ambassador is Australian…


Yes ! Besides it’s an Election Year Here :Full of Chaos 😵‍💫🌮🌭🙀😾

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