Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Take me to Your Leader - 7. Take Me Chapter 7
On arrival onboard the Space Cruiser, I gave the Chancellor a deep Box before facing Hugh. “Welcome to the Space Cruiser and outer space, may I introduce Nailuj Tei, who is the Space Training Chancellor. Sir this is my good friend and also University Advisor and Mentor, Mr Hugh Bartlett - Ghuh Sua,” I said to Hugh then to the Chancellor. “Welcome to your first time in space Ghuh Sua, we hope that you enjoy your experience. Terb Sua, when we arrive at the Capital City, please show Ghuh Sua to his accommodations, which are beside yours,” the Chancellor said to me, “As you wish your Excellency,” I responded giving a short bow and indicated to Hugh to follow me, who had been silent the whole time, as we headed to the forward lounge so that Hugh could watch us travelling through space.
When I pressed the button for the window to clear, so we had a full view of outside, Hugh jumped back and clung onto me in shock, as I noticed his breathing quicken, and I waited for him to calm down a little before speaking, “Yes, it is true, we are really in space. See that red dot we are approaching? That is Mars,” I said to Hugh, who stared at the planet, as we approached and passed it. “It won’t be long before we see and pass the next planet,” I added. “That would be Jupiter,” Hugh said, as I led him to some lounge chairs and we sat down.
As we approached and circled Saturn, I smiled. “You will like it here, we are staying at the Space Training Centre in the Capital City of Tethys, where I have been spending my holidays learning all about Amixorpian culture, language and history, as well as learning to be a space pilot which is so much different than learning to fly back home on Earth,” I said to Hugh, as we felt a slight bump as we landed on Tethys. “When do you graduate from your flight training?” Hugh asked me, “Next month, although my instructor has mentioned that I am a very capable pilot already, although he doesn’t know about the additional training that I am getting up here, and where I am already a qualified pilot,” I responded smiling.
I led Hugh off the space cruiser, and we walked down the numerous hallways until we reached the section where I had been staying. I stopped and frowned when I saw a note written in Amixorpian, which informed me that I now have new permanent quarters, now that I have completed my training. Taking the note down, I looked at the instructions on how to find my new quarters, which were in a different part of the city, and it took us nearly fifteen minutes to walk there. Entering the same code for my old place, the door opened, and inside I found a comfortable living space, as I placed my back on the ground just inside the door, before walking to the quarters next door, and just pressed the enter button to open the door.
“This is where you will be staying while here, I am right next door if you need anything, I will let you get settled in, and then I can give you a tour of the city,” I said to Hugh, before returning to my quarters, where I found all of my belongings that I had left here before, all put away neatly, and in the study area, was the Electronic Information Board, and my other gadgets. Once I had unpacked, I did a more detailed look around my quarters to get familiar with them, as it was about twice the size of the space where I was living when I was doing my training, before stepping out and seeing Hugh standing there confused with a worried look on his face.
“Lost already?” I asked him which made him jump a little, and he nodded his head before quickly shortening the distance between us, “I’m, still in shock I guess, it all seems so unreal,” Hugh said to me, “It can be a bit daunting at first, but you get used to it after a while, come on, let me show you around the place,” I replied, as Hugh looked up and frowned. “We have a semi-clear dome that covers the whole city, that protects us from the outside atmosphere of the planet, so there is no need to worry about not being able to breathe, as long as you stay within the city,” I informed my friend.
I didn’t get to see much of the city while I was on Tethys before, because of how busy I was kept with my training, so this time I was able to relax and enjoy the sights a lot more, as I showed Hugh around the city stopping at a café first so that we could get something to eat for dinner and afterwards we had a short walk around the city before returning to our accommodation where we decided to retire early as we had quite a full day behind us. The following morning after breakfast, Otrebor arrived as we were leaving the building.
“Good morning to you both,” he said in English, “Good Morning…” Hugh replied, “My name is Otrebor, I am your mentor and guide during your six-day stay here with us on Tethys, the District Governor Sivart Kai has asked me if you would like to take a tour of our second and newest settlement called Huygens, located on the Moon Titan. If it is ok with you to pilot the shuttle, we have permission to use one to travel to the Town of Huygens,” we were informed by Otrebor. “Yes, that is fine by me, do you have the authorisation documents?” I responded.
“Already sent to your device,” Otrebor answered. “Well, it looks like we are going on a field trip,” I said to Hugh as I faced him. “Is it safe to travel between moons in the shuttle?” Hugh asked me in a worried tone and Otrebor chuckled at this. “Your friend was top of the class for Space Flight training, you have nothing to worry about,” he said to Hugh, who looked at me and smiled, and I just shrugged my shoulders.
“Do I have a co-pilot assigned to me for this trip?” I asked Otrebor, “Yes sir, Pilot Mit Orus,” came the reply and I smiled, as my co-pilot was a classmate of mine, and we got along very well during training. “Good, I presume that he is at the Terminal preparing the shuttle now?” I asked, “Yes sir he is. Enjoy your flight, and I will see you on your return,” Otrebor replied before he headed off in a different direction. “Ok, I just have to return to my quarters to change into a flight suit before we can be on our way and we better pack some clothes to take with us,” I said to Hugh.
Have you been to the Moon Titan before?” Hugh asked me as we walked back to our quarters, “I have during my training period, and back then the first settlement on Titan was fairly new,” I replied. “What is the name of the first settlement?” Hugh asked me and I chuckled when I heard this, “You won’t believe it, but it was named after a certain famous television series and movies on Earth… It is called Enterprise,” I answered smiling, and Hugh burst out laughing.
“Wow, you look very smart in your flight suit,” Hugh said when I stepped out of my bedroom, while Hugh remained in the lounge area while I changed. “It is a pilot uniform, issued to me when I graduated, and I have only worn it once since then, so this is mostly the first time that I have worn it for an official flight,” I replied. “Well you look very handsome in it, if I may say so,” Hugh said to me, blushing a little. “Thank you, mate, that is nice of you to say,” I responded, noticing Hugh blush a little as I looked at what he was wearing and frowned, before grabbing him by the arm and dragging him into my bedroom.
Picking out a formal suit, I held it up against Hugh and smiled. “Here, put this on, just in case we have some formal stuff we need to deal with,” I said to him as I placed it on the bed and walked out of the room. A few minutes later, Hugh stepped into the living room and I gave him a wolf whistle which made him blush badly, and I laughed out loud at his reaction. “Stop it will you,” Hugh complained, and I just smiled.
A few minutes later we entered the Shuttle terminal, where I saw Mit Orus standing next to a shuttle talking to the terminal crew member and we headed in that direction. “Sir, the shuttle is ready to go, and we are cleared to take off once we are ready,” he said to me when we arrived and he snapped to attention. “None of that Sir business thank you, we are academy colleagues so we are equal as far as I am concerned,” I said to Mit. “Not according to your uniform,” Mit replied.
I looked at my shoulder to see what he meant and I was shocked to see that instead of having the rank of Flight Officer, I had two ranks higher, that of a Squadron Leader insignia on my shoulders. “What the… How did that happen” I asked, “Well, you were top of the class, so you get a promotion up from us lowly pilots,” Mit replied, “Lowly crew you are not, but I will have to speak to someone about that at another time, let’s get on board and into the air… I mean into space,” I said in response.
As we boarded the shuttle, Mit went directly to the cockpit to begin the start-up procedures, while guiding Hugh to a passenger seat at the front of the shuttle, and instructing him to get comfortable and strap in, before I too headed to the cockpit. “Hello, VIP Passenger, our journey today from Tethys to Titan will be 3 hours and 20 minutes, so relax and enjoy the journey,” I said in the internal PA system via my communications mic, and I saw Mit smile as I said this, as he finished the final checks.
Once we were out of the terminal and in space heading for Titan, I left Mit at the controls and headed back to the passenger cabin, stopping at the galley first to grab a snack and drink for our only passenger. “Hey, how are you liking the trip so far? It is a little slower than on the Space Cruiser, so that is why it will be just over three hours until we get there,” I said to Hugh when I arrived at his seat and handed over the goodies.
“Thanks for this, just what I need,” Hugh said to me as he accepted the items from me. “By the way, the bathroom is at the rear of the shuttle, and help yourself to any more snacks or drinks in the galley up front. I will send Flight Officer Mit back to keep you company in about an hour, and I will come back before we arrive at our destination,” I said to Hugh before I headed back to the cockpit.
The flight between the two moons went smoothly, and Mit spent nearly an hour with Hugh, which I didn’t mind at all, so when we arrived at Titan, I circled the Space Terminal once before entering the bay and landing, before it was pressurised and the all clear was given. As I unlocked and opened the main passenger door, and the steps automatically unfolded to allow us access off the shuttle, I was stunned to see a full parade on deck, and looking at the most senior people at the front of the parade, I was surprised to see the Grand Duke Sucram Opi, Lord Chancellor Revilo Leri and Count Sivart Kai the District Governor, amongst them, as I began to step down.
For some reason, I was being given a full military parade, and I had no idea what was going on, as Hugh and Mit followed close behind me. “Any idea what this is all about Mit?” I asked my co-pilot quietly, “I do, but I cannot tell you at this moment, just wait and see, you will know soon enough,” Mit responded, and I heard Hugh chuckle. “Sorry buddy, I only know the basics of what this is about to happen, and I too have to say nothing,” Hugh added.
“It’s a conspiracy against me,” I whispered back, “Just like this is a conspiracy for me, being in space on a moon of one of the planets of our solar system, isn’t that so Brett?” Hugh said to me chuckling and I just groaned in response to this cheeky comment. “Mr Brett Hamilton, known to us as Terb Sua, on behalf of the High Council and the people of Amixorp on the Outer Domain, we formally request that you accept the official position of Ambassador of Earth to the Outer Domain, with the rank and all privileges attached to the position. What say you?” the Grand Duke announced to me formally and loudly so all gathered could hear.
I took a deep bow and straightened before responding, “Your Grace, it is with much humility that I accept this position, in the hope that our two peoples may work together for advancement in the understanding of the outer planets of our solar system, and developing a relationship that will protect our two people’s worlds from any forms of threats that may harm or destroy our futures,” I responded.
I was pleased that I had recalled everything that I had learnt about diplomacy during my training, without any preparation for a formal speech or response to what had been asked of me. I had already thought seriously about all the training that I had already gained since I first arrived on Tethys many months ago, and decided that it was an opportunity for myself, as well as for the benefit of everyone on Earth that I continue doing this work.
“That is very good to hear. It is my privilege to officially appoint you the title of - Lord Hamilton Viscount of Amixorp, Ambassador to Earth and also the newest member of the Outer Domains Council,” the Grand Duke announced, which was a lot more than I had expected, as the District Governor stepped forward, holding a large formal robe, and he whispered to me to make a half turn, as he placed the robe over my shoulders and secured the latch at the front, before standing back.
Once all the formalities were over, I was asked to attend a meeting right away, as something urgent was currently happening, that needed addressing right away. Once seated in the large conference room, with the Grand Duke, Lord Chancellor, and four members of the Outer Domain Council who had travelled to Titan for my promotion ceremony, we were informed of the current urgent matter of a threatening asteroid, that was at risk of hitting the Earth’s moon, which could have devastating effects for Earth.
What I didn’t know was that the Amixorpian Outer Domain has several other spacecraft that I was not aware of until now, which include a Battle Carrier, capable of carrying four squadrons of Space Fighters, as well as several small Space Passenger Shuttles, like the one I flew to Titan, which can carry 24 passengers and two larger Space Passenger Shuttles that can carry eighty passengers. The plan was to send the Battle Carrier out with all four squadrons of space fighters, to attempt to push the asteroid out of the way of the moon and pass by harmlessly.
If pushing it didn’t work, then the squadrons would use their armaments to blast away pieces of the asteroid so that it causes less damage if it can't be pushed away a second time, once it has been reduced in size. The only issue would be that once we start this monstrous undertaking, authorities on Earth would become aware of our existence, and I as the Ambassador would be required to do plenty of Diplomatic work. We had five Earth weeks to get the job done of reducing the risk for the Moon and Earth, and just two weeks before Earth became aware of the possible asteroid collision risk, so we would have to get prepared and started on this massive task.
Also during the meeting, I was informed that the Amixorpian Domain had intercepted many Interstellar Radio Messages sent from Earth since 1974, to make contact with any intelligent living beings in space. I was told that in the past, the Amixorian race has come across several other races, and some were not at all nice, and it would be preferred to keep them well away from this solar system. I was in full agreement with this decision, and I agreed to put this matter to the relevant authorities on Earth to stop sending the messages out.
One last matter was mentioned to me, and that was my safety when on Earth. It was suggested that Hugh be given some training and the position of Protector and military rank of Captain, responsible for my safety while on Earth, which I agreed with, and I would inform Hugh of this once the meeting was over. “I what… You got to be kidding me. I am to be your personal security?” Hugh asked me when I informed me a short time later, and I just smiled and nodded my head.
“Now that you are aware of all of this, the Outer Domain, the settlements and all of the advanced technology, it was decided by the council that you have an official position, and as my Protector, you will be close to me at all times… Is that going to be ok with you?” I asked, and Hugh sighed and I could see that he was thinking about this new development before he sighed again and looked at me.
“It would be an honour to be your protector… My Lord,” Hugh said before he gave me a short bow, and I chuckled at this. “No need to go over dramatic with that stuff, it is only needed when on official duties, with other high-ranking officials about,” I said to my friend, just as the Grand Duke himself appeared, and I could see that Hugh was not sure what to do.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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