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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Bored House Husbands - 2. Chapter 2

Frank held John’s hand gently, and led him into the bathroom, where he started the water flowing in the stall shower. When he felt the temperature was just right, they stepped inside. Immediately, they embraced and started kissing. With some reticence they started to fondle each other, but as their excitement grew, their reticence disappeared.

John dropped to his knees. “I’ve been dreaming about this for weeks now,” he confessed.

“Me too, me too,” Frank echoed. “I want to taste you right now, but let’s not linger too long in the shower. I want to ravish you in bed,” he said, with a smile on his face. After just a few strokes, they switched positions, and Frank gobbled up John’s prick.

“You taste as good as I knew you would,” Frank said. He stood up, and started to soap John all over. He paid particular attention to John’s cock and ass.

“I can’t wait to taste your ass hole.” He fell to his knees and started bathing John’s ass with his tongue.

“Not here, not now,” John begged. “Let’s get as clean as possible and take it to the bedroom.”

When they were more than clean, in fact, sterile, they dried themselves, and fell into Frank’s bed. Frank had John lie on his back, and he proceeded to give him a trip around the world. It was a short trip this time. He was too anxious to taste cock and ass, and he did just that. First he bathed John’s asshole, and was able to insert his tongue in about a quarter of an inch. John’s body was bucking with pleasure, making Frank’s efforts difficult. When he switched to sucking John’s cock, John calmed down considerably, but he kept raising his butt to force his cock deeper into Frank’s mouth.

It was obvious to Frank that John’s balls were shrinking and beginning to harden. He stopped sucking and said, “Please, John, cum in my mouth. We’ll fuck next time.”

“Yes, yes, my love. Just do it.” Frank resumed sucking John’s cock. He ran his tongue up and down the shaft while his lips pumped the beautiful prick. John’s entire body began to shiver, and he began to moan loudly, as he shot a tremendous load into Frank’s mouth. Frank tried to swallow all of it, but some of John’s jism ran down his chin. Quickly he scooted up, and began to kiss John, who happily ate his own cum.

They lay still for a while, kissing and fondling and proclaiming their love for one another. At last John fell over Frank and did not waste any time with world-wide trips. He sucked Frank’s cock, and it was more than delicious. After a few strokes, he turned Frank over and began to bathe his asshole. John enjoyed rimming even more than Frank had, and he lingered so long that Frank had to beg him to suck him to a glorious conclusion. Frank turned over, and John did indeed suck him until he screamed with joy.

Again they shared all of Frank’s cum, and while cuddling together, they confessed to each other that neither of their wives had ever given them oral sex. “Thank God, we were brave enough to confess our love to each other,” John said, as they fell fast asleep.

They were awakened by the babies’ cries. They went into the nursery to find the two boys embraced and hugging each other. They were also badly in need of a diaper change.

“Like grandfather, like father, like son,” Frank commented, with a sound of laughter, and a little bit of irony, in his tone of voice.

They got the boys cleaned up and freshly diapered, gave them a bottle of milk (it was too early for a dinner of baby food), and finally they washed themselves. As they were washing their cocks, standing side by side, Frank whispered in John’s ear, “I can’t wait for you to fuck me.”

“Same here.”

“Should we call your father before or after dinner?” John asked.

“After, I think. They should be home from work by then for sure.”

They never bothered to dress. They took care of the babies, and got them ready for the night, still completely naked. They were both enjoying their new found freedom.

After the boys were put down, Frank prepared two frozen dinners. They ate silently, but they kept reaching for each other’s hands and smiling. When the kitchen was all cleaned up, John said, “I think you should call your father now. After the call, we’ll either feel like joyously fucking our brains out, or not fucking at all. But you gotta do this, Frank. It’s the absolute right thing to do. He’s got to know that you have forgiven him, and still love him. More than that, tell him that you want him to have a relationship with you and your family.”

“Do you really think we can ever have a relationship together?”

“Without a doubt. Now call him.”

Frank fumbled with the numbers, but finally managed to complete the call. He heard the ringing at the other end. He marveled that it was a local call, not even long distance. His father was that close all these years. He wondered why he had not done this sooner, at least when he was out of his mother’s clutches.

After three rings, the phone was answered. A deep, masculine voice said, “Hello.” The voice sounded young, and Frank sensed that it was not his father.

He wanted to ask if it was Michael, but he resisted, and asked cautiously instead, “Is this Joseph Petri?”

“No, this is Mike. I can get him for you. Who’s calling please?”

“Mike, I’m glad it’s you. Please sit down, or hold on to something. This is going to come as a shock. I’m his son, Frank. Do you think he would want to speak to me?”

There was a long silence, long enough that Frank was prompted to ask, “Are you there, Mike?” Frank could hear Mike crying.

“Frankie,” he said (that’s what his father always called him), “your father cries for you all the time. He constantly tells me how much he misses you and your sister, how much he would like to hold you in his arms again, even if you are all grown up. Yes, Frankie, he does want to see you, more than you know.”

Now Frank began to cry, and John joined him.

“Do you think I could speak to him now, please?”

“I’m going to have to prepare him for the shock, so please hold on. This may take a little time.”

It didn’t take any time at all. In just a few seconds, Joe was screaming into the phone, “Frankie, Frankie, my boy, is that really you?” That’s all Joe could manage, because he started to cry, and couldn’t stop himself. Frank let him cry it out because he was pretty weepy himself. Finally Joe got hold of himself.

“I’m so happy to hear from you son, but how come, and why now? I was so ashamed of what I did, that I was afraid to contact you. Anyway, your mother got a permanent restraining order against me, claiming that I had threatened her and you kids.”

“First of all,” Frank said, “please don’t be ashamed of what you did, especially if you did it for love of Mike. I know that mom made you miserable, and if Mike has brought joy into your life, I love him already.

“As for why now, I owe it to the urging of the best friend a guy ever had. John is the kind of rare friend everyone should have, Dad. I can tell him anything, and he will not judge me. I poured out my heart to him, and I told him about you, and how you left your family to be with another man. He thought it was a beautiful thing, and he urged me to contact you.”

“He sounds just like my Mike,” Joe said. Frank took advantage of the hint.

“He is, Dad, in every way.”

“Please fill me in on your life, Son, before I bust, and most important, where do you live?”

When Frank gave his father his address, Joe let out a stifled screech. “Please,” he said, “Mike and I can be there in less than half an hour. Can we come right over? If I don’t see you, hold you, and hug you soon, I’ll go crazy.”

“Sure, Dad, Come right over. Both our wives are away, and John is spending the night with me.” If that wasn’t telling his father something, nothing was. He also gave his dad his telephone number, just in case.

“Well, honey, fucking will have to wait. My dad and his partner are on their way,” Frank informed John.

“Don’t sweat the small stuff, honey. Your dad is more important. You and I will fuck, suck and more during the day when the ladies are at work. For now, we better get dressed.”

About five minutes later, Frank got a call from his Dad. “Mike is driving, so start talking, I want to hear all about your life, and especially John’s part in it.”

Frank not only told his dad about his family, and how he came to be a househusband, but he filled him in on John as well, and the incredible coincidence and miracle, that they lived next door to each other, and could share so much of their lives. Without revealing in so many words that he and John were lovers, he made it perfectly clear, and Joe was sure of it.

Frank and John were barely finished dressing, when Frank spotted a car pulling in to his driveway. Mike’s GPS had been accurate all the way. The older men ran to the front door, which Frank opened before they reached it. Father and son fell into each other’s arms weeping and sobbing. They even kissed each other on the lips, but with closed mouths. While the reunion was going on, John and Mike introduced each other, and shook hands.

“That’s not good enough,” Mike said. “I understand that you’re the one who made all this possible. He enveloped John in a bear hug, and planted a slobbery kiss on his lips.

When things settled down, Joe asked to see his grandson, even at the risk of waking the boy. Frank led them all to the nursery. He put on a hall light, which enabled Joe to see the two babies in the crib. Once again, they were lying side by side instead of head to foot, as when they had been put down.

“The one on the left is my little Joey,” Frank said. “The one on the right is John’s. His name is Joey also.”

“It appears to me that these two little ones love each other, and they look enough alike to be brothers. In fact, Frankie, you and John could pass for brothers also.”

The little boys were born on the same day, and John and I share a birthday also. Maybe we were twins separated at birth,” he laughed.

“I can’t wait to come around when he’s awake, and smother him with kisses,” Joe said.

“Penny is away on business all this week, and even if she wasn’t she’s never home during the day, so feel free to drop in any time, and if you want to meet Penny, please come by this Sunday.”

“Sure I will. Tell me, does your sister, Cindi, live nearby?”

“Sorry Dad. She’s married and lives in L.A. I’ll give her your number and urge her to call you, but I can’t promise you, or speak for her.”

“That’s OK, Frankie. I understand.”

“Now it’s your turn Dad. You know all about us, and our lives. We want to hear how you met Mike, and what brought you together.”

“That’s no problem. I can make it quick. I’m seven years older than Mike. We met when he began to work at my fire station. We hit it off as friends right away. I hated to go home to a nagging wife, so Mike and I started to have a beer or two after work. It helped me face what waited for me at home. One evening, instead of going home, Mike invited me up to his place. He said he would make us a light supper. I was happy to have another reason to delay going home.

“After that, I don’t exactly know what happened. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, we were in bed together, and showing one another just how much in love we were.”

“The truth is,” Mike interjected, “even though I had been previously married for a few years, I’ve been gay all my life, and I systematically seduced your old man. I just didn’t expect it to be so easy.”

Frank and John laughed, but Joe got a serious look on his face. “OK,” he said. “It’s obvious to me that you two are making it together. I’ll bet Mike senses it also.” Mike nodded. “We want to hear all about it.”

Frank and John both turned beet red. This was all so new to them. They hadn’t had a chance yet, to be, or not to be, honest with the world.

“Very well,” John said. “I’ll try to explain. It’ll be easier for me. Even though I grew up without a father, as I understand it, it’s difficult for fathers and sons to talk about sex. It wasn’t so much the unusual amount of time we spent together, it was the quality of those hours. Little by little we began to reveal our most secret thoughts to each other. Nothing was too sacred, and we knew instinctively, that what we told each other, was like telling it to ourselves.

“Just this morning, after Frank located you on Google, he began to cry. I put my arms around him to comfort him. Our cheeks touched, and I could feel the tears on his face. Somehow the damn burst and we kissed each other. That did it. When the kids slept, and they played in the play pen, we had sex for the first time. It made us love each other even more. When we realized that we were making love, not having sex, we had no shame and no regrets.”

“Have you thought about your wives?” Joe asked.

“It’s too new and too overwhelming. I don’t think either one of us has thought that far ahead.”

“I have a question,” Mike interjected. “Was today the first time either of you ever had sex with a man?”

“No!” Frank and John answered simultaneously.

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

they confessed to each other that neither of their wives had ever given them oral sex - Now hold on just a minute...neither of them? 

“Frankie,” he said (that’s what his father always called him), “your father cries for you all the time. He constantly tells me how much he misses you and your sister, how much he would like to hold you in his arms again, even if you are all grown up. Yes, Frankie, he does want to see you, more than you know.” - These doggone eye allergies...

Anyway, your mother got a permanent restraining order against me, claiming that I had threatened her and you kids. - Now hold on just a minute...why? Just because he ran off with another person?

“He sounds just like my Mike,” Joe said. Frank took advantage of the hint./“He is, Dad, in every way.” - A-hem, emphasis on the 'every way.'

I systematically seduced your old man. I just didn’t expect it to be so easy. - 🤣

I’ll try to explain. It’ll be easier for me. Even though I grew up without a father, as I understand it, it’s difficult for fathers and sons to talk about sex. - Good thing the babies were asleep. I can only imagine what their first words would be otherwise. 🤣

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2 minutes ago, BentedWreath said:

they confessed to each other that neither of their wives had ever given them oral sex - Now hold on just a minute...neither of them? 

“Frankie,” he said (that’s what his father always called him), “your father cries for you all the time. He constantly tells me how much he misses you and your sister, how much he would like to hold you in his arms again, even if you are all grown up. Yes, Frankie, he does want to see you, more than you know.” - These doggone eye allergies...

Anyway, your mother got a permanent restraining order against me, claiming that I had threatened her and you kids. - Now hold on just a minute...why? Just because he ran off with another person?

“He sounds just like my Mike,” Joe said. Frank took advantage of the hint./“He is, Dad, in every way.” - A-hem, emphasis on the 'every way.'

I systematically seduced your old man. I just didn’t expect it to be so easy. - 🤣

I’ll try to explain. It’ll be easier for me. Even though I grew up without a father, as I understand it, it’s difficult for fathers and sons to talk about sex. - Good thing the babies were asleep. I can only imagine what their first words would be otherwise. 🤣

Eric Andre GIF

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“It appears to me that these two little ones love each other, and they look enough alike to be brothers. In fact, Frankie, you and John could pass for brothers also.” I think you missed the chance to title this story Frankie and Johnny after the song

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