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    Laura S. Fox
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  • 3,131 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Liar vs. Liar - 14. Closer

Chapter Fourteen – Closer

“Is there anything else you’re hiding from us?” Mitch the Voice scrutinized his every move as they got ready for their live performance.

Jamie shrugged. Sure, there was Arthur Kallis, who was also the reason why he’d been jamming with guys like Melinda, but he wasn’t going to say anything about his chance encounter with the A&R guy. His secrets were his own, he decided; from now on he intended to stand his ground when it came to this so-called band of his. These guys couldn’t have made it any clearer that they didn’t appreciate his contribution to the team. If he wanted to move forward, he needed to be extra careful about who he’d be associating with from now on. The Mitches no longer sounded like a good option. But he wasn’t the sort to cut and run, no matter what his temporary sex partner had to say about that.

“I jam with whoever the hell I want, Mitch,” he said, aware that all the other Mitches were listening closely to his exchange with the leader of the band, while pretending that they needed to check their instruments.

“Why did you keep it a secret if you’re so proud of it?” Mitch the Voice continued.

“I didn’t,” Jamie said calmly and looked the guy in the eye without blinking. He kept up the staring contest until Mitch looked away. “Are we ready to make some music or what?”

The band leader didn’t spare him a response and grabbed his mike, paying no attention to Jamie anymore.

They should focus on nothing but making music. Good music. Jamie was no longer sure that was enough for them to keep on going the way they’d been doing for years. Too bad. He enjoyed the cozy feeling of being part of a band. Striking out on his own, and as a drummer, would be costly, and not financially.

He didn’t have to make a decision right now. He would just focus on the music until further notice.


“Hey, Arthur,” he answered as soon as he saw the caller ID. “How’s it going?”

“I should be the one asking you that. Are you still with that band?”

“Yes. I mean, there’s no reason for me to ditch them, right? But I’ve been jamming, like you said. And it’s awesome. I’m learning a lot, so thank you for opening my eyes.”

“You’ll have to do better than that,” Arthur pointed out. “Jamie, you didn’t strike me as the kind of person that never takes risks.”

Even though Arthur was keeping his tone casual and pleasant, Jamie couldn’t help feeling a bit insulted. Even more because it rang true.

“As you said, I need to get better first. What band will want me if I’m not good enough?”

“As long as you’re attached, that can be a deterrent too. Regardless of what you might think, musicians are not that keen on stealing drummers from other bands. You should try being on your own for a bit, see how that works. It might unlock your creativity too.”

“I don’t feel stifled,” Jamie argued while grabbing a water bottle and staring at it without seeing the label.

Arthur let out a heartfelt sigh. “You can’t be in a relationship and play the field at the same time. It’s going to wear you out eventually.”

“Weren’t you the guy telling me I should present myself as the sexually adventurous type?”

“When it comes to music, you have to be serious. Everything else is your persona. You can build it anyway you like, after all. It helps to offer enough spice to get people interested in you, but not the same applies to your music. There’s only one way to do that the right way.”

“And what’s that? I’m always looking to learn,” Jamie added quickly, since he didn’t want to sound snappy and insecure when talking to a high-profile guy like Arthur.

“You have to be humble, work hard, and sacrifice all the useless things that don’t make you a better musician.”

“That’s a little vague,” Jamie argued.

“You know exactly what I mean. I’ve heard Melinda took a shine to you. That’s great. She can introduce you to a lot of awesome people. Just show that you’re open to new experiences. Or don’t. If you dislike the idea of getting picked up and you want to be more proactive, nudge Melinda to get you in front of the right people. You’ll see. But you need to get rid of the guys that keep holding you back.”

“What if I’m the one holding them back?”

“It’s not impossible.”

“Wow, you hurt my feelings,” Jamie joked but squeezed the water bottle in his hand a bit too hard.

“If you guys don’t vibe together, then you don’t. It’s not the end of the world. You need to be honest with yourself. But I have an eye for these things, Jamie. And you have it in you to become an awesome drummer. I know it.”

“Okay, put some salve on that wound, why don’t you?” Jamie grinned even though Arthur couldn’t see him.

“I’m good at that. Keep up the good work, Jamie.”


There was this one idea that kept bouncing around in his head. He had invited Rusty and Matty to see him jamming, but he wanted another person to be there, only he didn’t know how to extend the invitation. Somehow, he doubted that the dress code at the club where he was going to perform with Melinda and other guys was as lax as to have no issue with a full-size rabbit trying to blend in with the rest of the attendees.

It didn’t hurt to try, so he quickly browsed through his contacts.

“My favorite rabbit,” he said cheerfully. “How’s it going? Is your ass still sore?”

“No, it’s in very good shape and ready for another livestream session,” the reply came promptly.

“I love your enthusiasm. But there’s something else I want from you this time.”

“What is it?”

Damn if bunny boy wasn’t an eager little sweet thing.

“I want you to see me play.”


“The drums. That’s what I want to do when I grow up. Become an accomplished musician. Is that expression formal enough for the likes of you?”

“It’s… um, Jamie, do you really mean it? Why do you want me to see you perform?”

“I don’t know,” Jamie said and rubbed the back of his neck. “I feel like we’re friends. But if it’s not up your alley, that’s okay.”

“We’re friends? That’s great to hear,” Cottontail said quietly. “Where is this event you’re talking about? I’ll be there.”

“Are you coming in your bunny suit?”

“You know that’s not possible. The real world doesn’t take kindly to wannabe rabbits.”

“Hmm, I thought you were brave enough to wear your costume everywhere.”

“Not that sort of brave.”

“Okay, so is that exclusive to an imaginary world then? Since the real one can be so cruel to a poor little bunny.”

“You could say that. Although, Jamie,” Cottontail let out a long sigh, “I can tell you that everything I’ve felt with you up till now has felt pretty much real.”

“Good to know. So, will I see you there?”

“I’ll be there. But you won’t see me. Let’s keep the mystery going.”

“Why?” Jamie rubbed his eyebrows with his thumbs.

“Because it works.”

It made sense in a way. After all, bunny boy was sure Jamie wouldn’t give him the time of the day if they met each other for real. As much as he begged to differ, Jamie couldn’t say that Cottontail’s doubts were groundless. Although he didn’t think he’d reject someone on the basis of his not having a pretty face. They’d known each other for a while now, and with all the to and fro as well as jabs, some not even so friendly, he liked this strange guy.

During the performance, he’ll keep his eyes open for anyone who seemed a close enough match to be Cottontail. More clues, he thought and grinned as he pushed his phone back into his pocket.


Jamie wanted him there for his performance. He didn’t know what to think of that except amazing things! He dropped onto the bed with his phone pressed against his chest, feeling the same things millions and millions of people must have felt in their lives when their crushes paid them the slightest attention.

Jamie had given him a lot more already than most crushes did. They had even had sex, but this, this was on a whole different level!

His phone rang again, and he answered without thinking twice. Maybe Jamie wanted to tell him something else, some random thought or say something sweet to him again, like how much he needed his little rabbit friend to attend his live performance.

“Hi,” he chirped happily.

“What’s with you?” his brother growled into his ear, pulling him back to earth on a cutting string.

He sobered up instantly. “You’re the one who called. What’s with you?”

“Your stats are shit. Do you even care about becoming a journalist anymore?”

“Maybe I don’t.”

“What did you say to me?”

“I was just joking,” he backpedaled right away. “I have a lot of studying to do. I just can’t juggle the two as well as you did when you were a student.”

“Hmph. Okay. I’ll handle your little publication while you get up to date with your studying.”

“You don’t have to do that. I can do it very well myself.”

“No, you can’t, and you just said it. What? Do you think I’ll drag your dear Jamie Vayne through the mud?”

“He’s not my dear Jamie Vayne, and if there’s someone who will do that, that will be me. Come on, I’ve worked hard enough on this. Don’t take it away from me.”

“Okay, since you’re begging so nicely. I’ll just keep your fellow students barely interested in the local gossip while you’re indisposed.”

He had a mind to tell his brother that he really didn’t want to relinquish his hold on Xpress, not even for a few days, but he couldn’t find a good reason fast enough to do so.

“Study well, little bro. Make us proud of you.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m on it,” he replied, already feeling pissed that he didn’t have the gumption he needed to stand his ground when it came to his brother’s overbearing ways.

At least this weekend he had something to look forward to. Any unpleasant thoughts regarding his brother disappeared from his mind as he let his mind wander to an imaginary world where he and Jamie could be the best of friends and even more.


“You keep looking around. Did you lose something?” Melinda asked, nudging him playfully and forcing him to take his seat behind his drums. “Or should I say someone?”

“I invited some friends to see me jamming with the best musician in the world,” he quipped.

“Yeah, yeah, butter me up some more. And your friends are over there,” Melinda said, pointing at Rusty and Matty, who were waving at him happily. “Good looking fellas. But those two look like they’re together, so neither of them can be your sweetheart. Now, tell momma, who’s the boy who dared to steal your heart without any promises to give it back?”

“Screw you, darling,” Jamie joked and hugged her briefly before grabbing the sticks and getting ready for action.

“Smitten or not, focus on the music while on stage,” Melinda said and patted him on the back.

“You know I will.” Jamie threw another look around and froze in place when he saw all the Mitches entering single file. His mood turned sour. What the heck were those guys doing here?


If he opted for a disguise, he would draw unnecessary attention to himself. Which meant that the best way to play this was to go as himself. Would Jamie even be able to tell he was Cottontail sans the mask? He secretly wished that would happen, while at the same time, he hoped to keep his anonymity for a little while longer. With his brother handling Xpress and doing better than a half-assed job while at it, he didn’t feel like returning to the helm anytime soon. Maybe there was a chance for him to get to know Jamie as himself and later reveal his identity. He’d have to fake his voice since he hadn’t been careful to play it safely while being in Cottontail’s costume.

With one last deep breath, he made his way into the club. The place was packed, but people were sitting at tables and at the bar, so he was able to squeeze in and order an organic juice while waiting for the performance to start.

Jamie was on stage, and he looked as good as ever. Still, even from that distance, it was easy to see that he was majorly pissed for some reason. What could have happened to put such an expression on his face?

His hands itched for no reason. It usually happened when he became apprehensive, or, as experts would call it, anxious. He disliked that Jamie seemed so upset. He wished he knew the reason, but it wasn’t like he could call him and offer his words of encouragement right now, when the show was about to start.


“You all right?” Melinda asked him during the first break. “Your rhythm was a bit off,” she began dissecting his performance without batting an eye, at the same time keeping it harsh but friendly.

He sighed. “The guys from my band are over there,” he explained. “Let’s say that things have been rocky between us lately. They’re jealous of you,” he added on a playful note.

“Awesome,” Melinda said, grinning back. “Now, I want you to focus because I’m not selling you to these people as my dear golden child if you aren’t trying to give it your best. Got me, partner?”

“Sure, you’re right.” Jamie nodded gratefully. There was no one more grounded when it came to music than Melinda. She clearly knew her thing.

She gave him two thumbs-up and a huge smile before returning to her place. Jamie tuned out even her voice as she announced what they would be playing next to the audience. The Mitches didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered now apart from his focus on the music. Everything else could wait.


Whatever that lady told Jamie, it seemed to have worked. Jamie smiled at her and they seemed on the best of terms. He would be lying to himself if he pretended that it didn’t hurt to see them so close. Jamie was free to fool around with whomever he wanted, and half the gay part of Sunny Hill could attest to that. It was a good wakeup call, he thought as he went back to nursing his juice. The bartender had given him a stink eye for ordering that sort of thing but he had put his order in front of him without asking any questions.

He looked around at the audience as the break was about to end and felt the need to duck involuntarily when he noticed Rusty and Matty who had just sat down at a table in front. It would be bad if he was noticed, so he slouched on his high bar stool. Were there any other surprises out there he needed to be aware of tonight?

When his eyes fell on a familiar face, all the blood drained from his cheeks and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. What was his brother doing here? He didn’t care about music. So that left the only thing the guy cared about.



“Our Jamie is quite the star,” Mitch the Voice drawled while tugging at Melinda’s elbow. The guy seemed to have had one too many drinks already.

Matty and Rusty were sitting on his side of the table, while the Mitches were trying to monopolize Melinda’s attention.

“Oh, yes, he’s first in everything,” Mitch the Fiddle said, while giving him an unpleasant look. “But we’re here tonight to tell you that you can’t have him, Melinda. He’s ours.”

Melinda didn’t seem to care about the Mitches’ intimidation tactics. “Music belongs to the world. Don’t you guys know that?” she asked and laughed it off, surreptitiously shaking off the Voice’s touch.

“Music, yes, obviously, but not Jamie. By the way, my man, how about you go to the bar to get me another beer? It looks like it’s easier to catch the wind here than the eye of a waiter.”

Rusty grabbed Jamie’s wrist before he had a chance to get up and most likely pour his own drink on Mitch’s head. “I’ll go,” he said casually. “I was going anyway. Anyone else in need of a refill?”

Jamie gave Rusty a short grateful look before his friend sauntered toward the bar.


It was too late to dodge. Shit, he thought to himself, as he turned away from Rusty effing Parker who was busy asking the bartender something. Shit, shit, shit. He needed to make no sudden moves. As long as he kept his head down, something he was an expert at, Rusty wouldn’t notice him.

Carefully, he turned more and more away until he could easily slide off the bar stool. One more inch, and he’d be able to run toward freedom.

“Hey, you with the organic juice,” the bartender called out to him at that very unfortunate instant.

He didn’t think twice and jumped from the stool, dashing toward the exit. The light was bad enough, he hoped, while the bartender’s startled shouts followed him. Hadn’t he paid? What the hell did that guy want with him?


Jamie Vayne is capable of many things, as we well know. He can play the field, he can play your considerate confidante… but what he cannot do is keep his temper in check. After a mediocre performance last night at a club whose name we won’t advertise here, Jamie Vayne got into a fight with four people who were dastardly enough to criticize his ability to play the drums.

The petty man that lives inside this breaker of hearts, this faker of emotions, and among other things, a wannabe musician, just couldn’t take it. We think the poor victims of his tantrums should get a restraining order and teach this hypocrite a lesson.

We warned you, Sunny Hill. Don’t believe the hype. Jamie Vayne is far from being the guy he pretends to be. So don’t fall for this joker. The joke will be, eventually, on you.


First of all, please accept my apologies for skipping last week... I was so slumped with many different things that it slipped my mind, but I hope this new chapter makes up for my lapse of judgement. I hope you're still entertained by Jamie's and Cottontail's story. I think it's going to be quite the winding type of narrative... as it should be to rise up to the worth of Xpress, lol. These guys will tend to be more complicated than others.
Anyways, thank you for reading!

In case you'd like to support me while writing this new adventure, you can do so on my Patreon!

Since we’re in the middle of the spooky season, I’m also writing a story to match it for my patrons! You can read its prolog here (you don’t have to become a patron to read it), and even the first two chapters if you join my Patreon as a free member!

Copyright © 2024 Laura S. Fox; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Interesting that Cottontail when to watch Jamie perform as himself. Has he revealed himself by running away like that.

Jamie has a spot of bother with the Mitchs, because he wants to play with Melinda.

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So Rusty knows Cottontail, who didn't want to be recognised. That seems to bring us back to a certain roommate.

I hope the fight with the Mitch bitches will finally free Jamie to be his own musician and experience other bands. And who is Cottontail's overbearing brother?

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Posted (edited)

So was it a bar brawl and was Cottontail spotted and his cover blown?  

Another captivating chapter, Laura!


Edited by spyke
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