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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Out Of The Closet - 16. Chapter 16: The Hard Truth

The boys prepare to go to college and deal with how that will effect their relationship.

July 5 2020

I woke up to bright sunlight coming through the window. The previous night, Cody and I had slept together again. Cody was still asleep, and my left arm was resting on his warm chest. I had a boner from sleeping next to Cody nude. The alarm clock on the nightstand read 11 AM. Wow, we slept in pretty late. I had a little time to kill before I have to get to work. I became tempted to jerk off, despite the fact that we had sex last night. I quietly pushed the sheets off my legs and folded up my knees and grabbed some tissues. I tried being as quiet as possible as I masturbated. I moaned at the climax when I came into the tissues.

“Oliver,” Cody groaned, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his gorgeous green eyes.

“GAH!" I was startled and fell off the bed, landing with a thud on the carpeted floor. “What the--? How much did you see??” My cheeks burned red with embarrassment.

“I woke up to you moaning and I saw you there with your dick out,” Cody blushed. “I’m sorry for startling you. You’re really hot though.”

“Thanks,” I blushed, standing up. I used the tissues to clean myself up. “I’mma go shower. Want to come with?”

“Oliver... what has gotten into you?” Cody teased.

“You saw me jerk off so now I have to get back at you for that,” I giggled.

“Oh, I see how it is,” Cody ran a few fingers through my tousled dark hair before pushing the sheets off. My cheeks turned pink when I saw Cody’s cock. “Stop staring and go, pretty boy,” Cody teased.

I led my boyfriend into the private bathroom, and turned on the water in the bathtub before pulling the thing to activate the shower (seriously… what the heck is that thing called?). The two of us made out for the first couple minutes while warm water washed over us. Cody’s hands held my waist, and I had my hands on Cody’s shoulders. Our tongues danced with each other during the kiss. Cody blushed a little, still feeling awkward that he was fully naked and vulnerable with me in the shower.

I grabbed my bottle of body wash. I was going to clean myself but was tempted to clean Cody. My hands went over Cody’s chest and abs, spreading the soap. “Turn around”. Cody smiled and let me get his back as well. His back had a little sunburn and a few freckles on it. Cody then shampooed my hair. Both of us were really soapy after a couple minutes, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“You look ridiculous!” Cody laughed, getting more soap on his hands to clean his arms and legs, as I did the same before rinsing off. Afterwards, they stepped out into the now steamy bathroom and I grabbed a towel to dry off. Thankfully my bathroom was right inside my bedroom, so we didn’t have to risk Toby seeing us in the hall. “I enjoyed that,” Cody said, pulling on a clean pair of boxers. “So, uh, about the upcoming fall. What’s gonna happen to us…”

“Cody, you know I can’t talk about that,” I sighed. “Not before work when I need to be focused. Can we talk about it later?”

“Ollie, you’ve said ‘later’ every time I bring it up…” I shrugged my shoulders as I pulled on a pair of purple and gray plaid boxers. “Fine, whatever.” Cody rolled his eyes.

I blushed, grabbing some fresh clothes from the drawers. I hated making Cody mad. After getting dressed, we had an awkward lunch downstairs and then Cody left. Toby entered the kitchen to eat lunch as well, in just a pair of athletic shorts.

“There you are,” Toby flipped the bangs out of his face. “You were up until like 3AM last night.”

“How’d you know…?” I took a bite of my sandwich.

“You and Cody weren’t exactly quiet last night...”

My cheeks went pink and I spat out my food, nearly choking. “Toby!” My older twin lightly chuckled in response.

July 13 2020, Ravenwood, Colorado, University of Eastern Colorado Athletics Building

I stepped into the gym for my basketball fitness check. I was about fifteen minutes early, and there were a few other boys there as well, waiting. I set down my backpack and changed my shoes into his new basketball high top sneakers. I had on a sleeveless jersey and some knee length Nike Elite shorts. “Hi, Coach Isaacs,” I shook the coach’s hand. My stomach was full of butterflies, nervous and excited for the opportunity.

“Hey, Jeong,” the middle-aged man smiled. “The others are warming up.”

I took a seat on the floor to stretch. “Hi,” a blond boy smiled. “I’m Liam... Liam Henderson. You?” He was a couple inches taller than me. I quickly realized I was one of the shortest boys here.

“Oliver Jeong,” I blushed, stuttering. “Sorry, I’m a bit nervous,” I said while stretching.

“Me too, dude,” Liam smiled. “By the way, this is my buddy, Nick Vasquez.”

“Yo,” Nick waved. He was a Hispanic male slightly shorter than me. I was glad I met some new people I’d be going to school, and possibly be on a team with. A total of ten boys were at this fitness check, many of whom were older than me. Liam, and Nick, like me, were freshmen.

First up, we had gotten our weight checked on a scale. I actually put on a few pounds since my baseball season began. I stopped growing in January, but I’ve put on muscle from weight lifting at home, so now I weigh around 175 pounds.

This fitness check was brutal. A lot of running, shooting, passing, pushups, and situps. My shirt was fully soaked in sweat afterwards. I sat next to his new friends in the hall, hoping my smell wasn’t too off-putting.

“Bro, I feel like I wanna puke...” Nick groaned.

“Yeah cause you ate a stack of pancakes for breakfast,” Liam teased. “You did pretty good, though.”

“Oliver, you okay?” Nick lightly punched my shoulder as I drank some gatorade to rehydrate.

“Mhm...” I hummed.

“Jeong...” Coach Isaacs called me to his office.

“Wish me luck guys,” Oliver smiled nervously. “Hiya, coach,” I waved.

“Oliver Jeong. What’s your major?” Coach Isaacs asked as I took a seat in the office.

“Um, Web Development, sir...” I responded before Coach Isaacs filled out that item in a form.

“And date of birth?”

“April 6, 2002,” I nodded.

“Alright, son,” he smirked. “You made a spot on the team. Practice starts first day of school. Stay in shape until then. You passed this fitness check. Try to keep your weight about the same. It’s in a good spot right now. You’ll need to sign this form. But, now, you need to sign at the bottom here. This is an agreement that you need to maintain a 2.8 GPA or higher during your semesters here or you won’t get any playing time until that is improved. And if you fail any class during a semester, you’ll be dropped from the program. Am I clear?”

“Yes, coach,” I saluted. Hopefully that doesn’t bite me in the ass soon. A 2.8 GPA is crazy high. That’s more Bs than Cs!! I barely kept that GPA all of high school! I’m gonna have to really work hard to keep a good GPA ughhhh! I hate school…

“Anyways, I know you have your orientation to get to, so good luck with that. And I hope you adjust well to UEC.”

“Thank you, so much, sir,” I shook his hand before signing.

I left the office smiling nervously. Liam was called up next, and Nick a bit later. They both had made the team, and I added them as contacts in my pear phone to keep in touch the rest of summer. After a nice cool shower, I spent the afternoon touring the campus with my parents and my bro, visiting the dorms, and exploring different buildings like the student center, the tech building where my web design classes would be, and the library. We also toured Toby’s school on the other side of town. It was much smaller than UEC, only a few hundred students, but the campus was nice. It was a private fine arts school so I guess they have a lot more money than my public rural state university.

July 17 2020, Aragon, Colorado

Toby and I were next door at Logan’s house for his 18th birthday party during a hot afternoon. We had our gifts for our best friend in a couple of gift bags for him. To stay cool in the near-100-degree-heat, I was wearing an old high school basketball jersey as a shirt. Toby also had a tank top on. We were with Logan in the basement den playing video games with Logan’s younger brother Gabe, who was fourteen and would be starting high school the next month. “Dude, this is so hard...” I complained after losing again to Gabe at Super Smash Ultimate.

“Dude, you actually really suck at this,” Gabe scoffed with a voice crack. He had grown his hair out in a shoulder-length shaggy emo-bangs style that was probably more popular seven years ago. “I’m not doing much, and, like, you keep dying.”

“You hear that bro? You suck,” Toby grabbed the Switch controller from Gabe. “Excuses excuses...”

I playfully tackled Toby while on the sectional sofa and wrestled with him. “Logan! Your weird friends are fighting,” Gabe rolled his eyes. Logan was upstairs getting some nachos with Matt.

“Dude, come on, we’re just having fun,” I teased.

“Stop harassing my friends, Gabriel,” Logan returned with some cheesy nachos with Matt. Logan was in a t-shirt and athletic shorts for his birthday.

“Is Cody coming?” I asked while Toby rolled out of my chokehold. Toby was able to push me back with a light kick on my chest. I rolled back, laughing.

“Yeah, he’ll be over in a half hour,” Logan smiled.

After a bit of time, Cody showed up and played a few matches before the pizzas arrived for dinner. After dinner, Cody, Gabe, and I played some basketball on my driveway until distant thunder could be heard as the sun was setting. A dark storm cloud was approaching. “We should probably head inside,” I suggested. Gabe ran home.

“Wait... Oliver...” Cody put a hand on my shoulder. “Um, there’s something we should probably talk about.”

“Um, sure,” I set the basketball down in the garage and grabbed my shirt to pull on over my head. “What’s up babe?” I asked, knowing full well we were going to have the talk that I’ve been dreading for MONTHS.

“So, we’re uh, going to different colleges and such. And, I was thinking, it may be hard to do long distance.” Cody explained as we walked back to Logan’s house.

“Oh, um, yeah,” I blushed as the wind picked up, kicking dust into the air. A few tumbleweeds rolled by on the street. We both ran into the house before heavy rain came down with golf ball sized hail. “Geez, that’s one hell of a thunderstorm!” I yelped, shutting the door.

“Guys, we’re gonna do gifts,” Matt said, leading us back to the basement where Logan, Toby, and Gabe were waiting. Thanks, Matt, for saving me from that talk with Cody!

July 18 2020

I was outside cleaning the yard from the severe thunderstorms last night. Several tree limbs had fallen from the old juniper tree in the front yard, and me, being muscular, was expected to pick up. The weather was hot, windy, and dry as I picked up some tree limbs for firewood in the fireplace. I finished and wiped the sweat from my face with his arm and put his hands on his hips.

“Hey, Oliver,” Cody smiled as he walked up.

“Hey, baby,” I kissed my boyfriend.

“I, um, want to talk to you if you have a minute.”

Oh great here we go... “Sure,” I smiled and walked over to the porch, pulling out my earbuds. I sat on the steps where a cold glass of lemonade waited for me. Thanks, mom!

“Um, so, we go our separate ways in a month from now,” Cody sat down next to me. “And, I’m... really gonna miss you,” Cody wiped some tears from his lime green eyes.

“Me too,” I sighed and rested his arms on his knees. “W--what are we gonna do? I feel like a dumb bunny for not really thinking about long distance.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk about...” Cody sniffled. “Do you want to try and have a long-distance relationship?”

“I don’t know if I can...” I replied. “You’re my first boyfriend. I don’t have experience in that.”

“O-okay...” Cody nodded. “I love you so much, Oliver...” Cody made out with me, brushing his hand on my bare chest.

“I love you too...” I smiled and sniffled. “But I think when we go our separate ways, it would be best if we are friends. It would hurt too much if we tried dating. I...I lost my virginity to you... you’re too special to me.”

“I agree. But, Oliver,” Cody put his hands around me face. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you. Not even when I am a dead ghost.” I nodded. “I would ask you to marry me right now if I could. But we’re only 18.”

“Cody. Promise me you won’t abandon me.”

“I would never. We may go our separate ways, but I’ll always love you, okay?”

“Mhm...” tears dripped down my cheek, landing on Cody’s leg. “Are we going to try seeing other people?”

“If you want. We can try” Cody kissed my cheek. “I know I’ll have you for a month and then at some point in the future when we’re both mature adults.”

“I want this summer to last forever. Change is stupid...” I pouted.

“I know, baby... but it’s a part of life.” Cody held my hand and we interlocked pinky fingers. “We’ll only be six hours apart. And we’ll have Discord calls with Logan and Toby...”

I rested my head on Cody’s shoulder, barely able to control my sobbing. UGH… leaving Cody is gonna be so hard.

August 1, 2020

“You wouldn’t believe the email I got today!” Logan said at the front desk of the video game store. I was stocking the shelves and looked over at him. “The dorm people verified our setup with Chase and Mason!” Logan said excitedly.

“That’s great that we get to live together and go to the same university,” I said. “It’s at least one thing that won’t be changing too much.” I pulled out my phone to check my texts. I blushed. “We both agree Mason is pretty cute, right?”

“Ooh... yeah...” Logan smiled. “He’s bisexual too. So he’s into boys. He’s sooo cute! Those glasses... But... Cody...”

“Ughhhh.... It’s so complicated. Dating a roommate would be awkward” I whined. “Cody and I agreed to separate though, and try seeing other people while in college. What about you and Matt?”

“Yeah, Matt and I broke up too. Sucks cause he was my first boyfriend. But we agreed we couldn’t do long distance.”

“I was a mess for the rest of the day after my painful conversation with Cody. It’s gonna be so hard without him. We had a.. umm...” I blushed. “Physical connection the last few months.”

“WAIT YOU AND CODY DID THE THING AND DIDN’T TELL ME?!” Logan’s jaw dropped. “Some friend you are... leaving out all the juicy details.”

“I didn’t realize my sex life was such an interesting topic to you...” I laughed.

The topic suddenly shut off when a woman and her preteen son entered the store, and I was thankful for that.

August 20 2020

It was my last day working at the video game store. In 4 days, I would be moving into my dorm. Fall was coming soon, and with it a new chapter in life. When the store closed at 8PM, Logan and I walked over to the store where Cody worked to grab some dinner. Cody’s family owned the store and it’s a general store that sells food and agricultural supplies.

“Hey, guys,” Cody waved from the checkout counter.

“You’re still at work?!” Logan asked.

“Yup. Until closing at 10 PM.” Cody nodded. “It’s not a big deal I can sleep in tomorrow a bit. We aren’t leaving until noon and I have all my stuff packed up.”

I quietly walked over to the fridges where the sandwiches were. I got a chicken salad for myself and a ham and swiss for Logan. I also grabbed Cody’s favorite... a roast beef and cheddar. I also grabbed a few cans of sparkling water to drink with the food.

“Three sandwiches?” Cody asked.

“One’s for you, Cody...” I winked as I paid for his and Cody’s while Logan paid for his own food.

“Thanks, Ollie...” Cody smiled, leaving me desperately trying to ignore the thoughts racing in my mind about how much I’d miss Cody.

After dinner, Logan and I hung out. I showered while Logan sat in a comfy bean bag chair. I came back into my room barefoot with a black t-shirt and blue gym shorts on. A minty taste lingered in my mouth from brushing my teeth. I had the house to myself as my parents were moving Toby into his dorm, as his semester started a week before mine.

“Ugh,” I flopped onto the full-sized bed in my room.

“Long day?” Logan stood up and patted my back. I nodded. “It’s ok,” Logan sat down and shoved his hands in the pockets of his cargo shorts. He sat down on the bed. It was a comforting, friendly silence for a bit.

“Are you nervous?” Logan sensed my emotions.

“Yeah...” I wiped a tear from my eyes. “And I’ll be away from Cody... Ugh... I don’t like change.”

“Me neither. We’ll still have our weekly game nights though. We still have, like, twenty levels to go in Pirate101...” Logan said. “We’ll make it work, dude. I promise.”

“Um, okay. At least until basketball season starts,” I smirked,

“You’re excited to play for college?” Logan asked.

“Yeah. It’s such an awesome opportunity!” I smiled brightly. “I mean it would be awesome to get to play professionally, but, even I’m not stupid enough to think that would be possible. But it would be fun to just get to play for school.”

“Oliver, you’re not stupid...” Logan said. “You should at least try. You’re so talented. You’d be stupid not to try. But having a plan in case that fails would be smart too.”

“Um, how was Toby after splitting off with Morgan?” Logan asked after a few more minutes of silence. She’s about due with the baby in a month.

“Um, she was mad that he’s leaving instead of pausing his life to take care of her and a baby.” Logan groaned. This whole baby thing is just wild. I can’t believe I’m going to be an uncle. That’s a worry for another day though. I can’t imagine what Morgan’s going through though.

I glanced at the clock. It was 11 PM. “I should probably get to sleep.”

Logan agreed and left my room to return to his house next door. He opened the front door and Cody was there. “Oh, hey, Logan. I just came to say goodbye to Oliver. Is he home?”

“Yeah. Up in his room. He was just about to get to sleep.”

Cody walked up the stairs in the dark house. The light was on behind the closed door to my room. He gently opened it. “GAH!” I yelped.

“I’m so sorry!” Cody blushed and took a few steps back. “Logan let me in.”

“It's okay. Come in.” I said. Cody re-entered the room and I had pulled the sheets up to cover myself.

“I just came to say goodbye one last time. And wish you good luck with college basketball.”

“Thanks,” I smiled, still blushing a bit from being surprised by my boyfriend. “You can, uh, spend the night if you want. I have the place to myself, so we can do anything.” At that, Cody gladly undressed and got into bed with me. “We’re technically not broken up yet until tomorrow,” I said. Cody and I began making out. “You taste like strawberry pocky,” I giggled.

Cody laughed. “You taste like minty toothpaste!”

The making out continued, and one thing led to another, until Cody found himself ejaculating inside my throat one last time.

Copyright © 2024 RichardWrites; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Hard to pick the emoji. Sad because they're breaking up, at least temporarily, like/love because I'm attached to the characters. I decided on fingers crossed, that things will turn out ok for them. They'll have some fun at college and in 4 years get back together. I'm not too hopeful on that. More than likely Oliver and Logan will end up together.

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