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Pig-Boy and The Insectorator

   (5 reviews)
Genres: Fantasy

A runaway orphan boy loses himself in a primeval American forest and, on the brink of death, is saved by the animals living there. As he recovers he finds that the animals have saved him for a reason, a reason that makes his life worth living. It seems like a fable that might have taken place in Africa, or India, a hundred years ago, but although this boy was not raised by apes or wolves, his story in contemporary America is even stranger. Be warned, however, that although this tale has many joyous moments, there is sorrow here as well, sorrow for the boy, and for the many who came to love him.

Occasionally this story contains graphic descriptions of brutal practices common in modern animal husbandry, and equally brutal retaliatory attacks on humans by animals. These are never gratuitous and are integral to the story.
Copyright © 2023 Biff Spork; All Rights Reserved.

Story Recommendations (7 members)

  • Action Packed 6
  • Addictive/Pacing 6
  • Characters 7
  • Chills 4
  • Cliffhanger 3
  • Compelling 6
  • Feel-Good 2
  • Humor 3
  • Smoldering 2
  • Tearjerker 5
  • Unique 7
  • World Building 4

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I read this story in one go and didn't stop to comment on each chapter. I was too engrossed and couldn't wait to read what happened next. I don't want to spoil the story for you, but I will say this - get ready with a box of tissues. Many chapters will make you cry, some out of sadness and some out of joy. The story is so captivating, and it's one of the best I've ever read. It moved me to tears, and I was sobbing uncontrollably. It made me shiver, and my heart was beating fast. I assure you that this story will touch your heart too, but you won't regret reading it. This story deserves more than a five-star rating and is highly recommended. Please read it!

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Larry Green

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

I have reached the end of the story and it made me cry but what a great story so well written please keep writing you are one of my favourite authors thanks 

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Not much I can add to what @GanymedeRex and @Summerabbacat have already written.

This is truly a masterpiece.

Fantasy? Perhaps.

A Happy ever after? Not quite, but there was at least hope in the final paragraphs.

I would highly recommend this story!

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

This is a great story worth reading, starting with well crafted characters that the reader can get into. There area wide range of characters in this story.  The concept of animal revenge and the communing with nature were really different for gay literature.   The romance was beautiful and smile provoking.   I really don't care about the animal angle in the story but it was a great mechanism to create something different.  Biff has a real way of giving his stories very unique names as well.  I highly recommend this one!

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· Edited by Summerabbacat

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

A five-star rating for this work understates its quality and importance, just as the emoticons to afford each chapter are insufficient to chronicle the intensity of the emotions invariably evoked. From rage to joy to sorrow to wonder, each chapter entertains and invariably provokes, challenges and/or invites or demands introspection. Parts of the story are not for the faint-hearted and left me feeling overwrought and gutted; however, this is counterbalanced by extraordinary beauty and the joy and hope experienced by the main protagonists and their non-human friends, of which there are plenty.

The story is very well written and one of the most impactful I have ever read anywhere in print. It is described as a 'fantasy' and some of it certainly is, at least insofar as the human mind is capable of understanding. Some of the fantasy may not be as fantastical as it first appears to be though, particularly when one considers some of the more recent changes or events we have been witness to on Planet Earth.

Character development is one of @Biff Spork's many strengths. Not all the characters are likeable, in fact there are several characters who are for the most part vile, but not enough to become a caricature.

An exceptional work from a remarkably gifted and original storyteller who delights in nature and all who inhabit it. Read and be enriched beyond what you thought possible.


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