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Harry Potter and the Destiny of Prophecies - 7. Chapter 7

“My, my, Mister Potter, it is good to see you again.” Mister Olivander said as Harry entered the store. The two Aurors had positioned themselves in front of the door, preventing anyone else from entering, and giving Harry privacy for this most intimate of purchases. “I’ve been expecting you for a few years now.”

“You have?” Harry asked, surprised.

“Yes, yes,” Olivander replied with a kind smile. “Can’t expect you to duel the dark lord with a wand that locks up every time you cast at each other, now can we?”

“No, I guess not.” Harry said with a small smile, moving until he stood next to the counter instead of just inside the door. “I’m sorry about the wand being broken…”

“Nonsense, boy.” Olivander said, waving his hands. “I’ve been working for two years on a wand just for you ever since Dumbledore, Merlin bless his soul, told me about your duel with You-Know-Who.”

“You have?” Harry asked again, in surprise. He hadn’t stopped being surprised since he entered the store.

“Yes, I have.” Olivander confirmed. “Dumbledore and I talked at great length about you and the things you have done, and that gave me an idea of what kind of wand is really fit for one such as you. Here it is!”

As he finished speaking, the old wand maker held up a long purple box. He lifted the lid for Harry, and there, sitting on a cushion of silk, was a very long and thick wand that Harry could only gasp at. He reached inside the box and pulled it out. Immediately a humming sound filled the store, and as he gave it a wave, a warm silver glow filled the room. When he lowered the wand, his smile matched that of the old wandmaker’s.

“Twenty inches long.” Olivander said, in what could only be called a reverential voice. “The heartwood of an oak tree on the exterior provides the strength you will need, with the supple heartwood of willow providing flexibility inside, all surrounding the shaved long tooth of a Hungarian Horntail dragon, soaked for a year in the tears of a certain Phoenix and soaked for another year in the blood of a lion to give courage and healing to its bearer.”

“It’s amazing.” Harry breathed, still staring at the long, thick wand he now held. He could feel a connection to it forming already, so different than his old wand, and so much stronger. “How much is it?”

“I will only be charging for the cost of making it, no more.” Olivander said in a tone brooking no arguments. “Even then, it is the most expensive wand I have ever made. I am afraid I must ask for 1,200 galleons.”

“Done.” Harry said, taking the quill he saw on the counter and signing the invoice that the old man was clutching. “Thank you, sir, for a most excellent wand.”

“My pleasure.” Olivander said, beaming. “A word of advice. This is a new wand. Your old one had six years to get use to you. New wands must be made accustomed to their owner, and if you need to use it facing You-Know-Who it must be familiar with you or things could go badly. Use it as much as you can, for everything that you can. Do not turn on a light, do not pick up a garment to throw in the hamper with your hands. Use the wand. Use it for everything you can and it will not fail you.”

“Thank you for the advice.” Harry said, feeling a genuine smile on is face. The weakness he had felt on the trip from Hogwarts was gone as he exited the store.

“Where to now, Harry?” Tonks asked.

“I need to find a jeweler.” Harry said. Dawlsey scowled.

“I’m done here.” He said flatly. “We only had to guard him until he had a new wand.”

“I’ve taken the next three days off from Hogwarts.” Tonks told him firmly. “I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Later, then.” The man replied before disapparating with a pop. Tonks just smiled before leading Harry off through the busy street to the best jeweler she knew. Then followed an apparition back to Black Manor.

Kreacher had been informed of Harry’s return over the weekend and was expecting them. The old house elf had a fire going in the sitting room and brought tea in for Harry as soon as he sat down, as well as a hearty late breakfast. He hadn’t expected to be hungry, but he was as soon as he saw the food. Still, he had something for Kreacher to do.

“Kreacher.” Harry told the house elf as soon as the food and tea was sitting before him. The house elf immediately bobbed its head. “I want you to go to Narcissa Malfoy. I know you are familiar with her and Malfoy Manor, don’t argue. I want you to tell her my exact words. Tell her that he is planning an attack within the next week and that they must be cautious and prepared. Tell her that I will owl her with more information tomorrow.”

“What about Master Draco, sir?” Kreacher asked, then cringed as if expecting to be punished.

“What about him?” Harry said, through a lump in his throat.

“Does Master have a message for him?” Kreacher asked, and Harry realized the elf already knew that Draco was at Malfoy Manor.

“Yes, tell him I miss him and wish he was home.” Harry said softly, barely noticing Tonks’ nod of approval.

“Kreacher will perform this task with pleasure, Master Potter!” The elf said before disappearing. Harry sat about eating his breakfast while Tonks began interrogating him for all the details. By the time he was done, she was gone, apparently to work on her lessons for the upcoming week. Her mix of Hogwarts Professorship and Auror seemed to be as tiring for her as Harry’s workload was for him. Harry left the empty plates and tea service in the sitting room, knowing that one of the house elves would clean it up, and headed upstairs to the library.

With a few waves of his new wand, the furniture was moved aside and Harry was practicing spells. As he worked, he could feel the power of the Oath Stone in the room, and it made him feel closer to Draco. Kreacher returned sometime around mid-day with a message of thanks from Narcissa, but nothing from Draco. The old elf positively cringed when Harry asked for a message from Draco and started slamming his head against the wall. Harry had used his wand to levitate the elf to the middle of the room until he was convinced that no more punishment was needed. Then Harry let Kreacher drop to the floor from four feet up.

Kreacher actually thanked Harry for the punishment before leaving. That caused three chairs to be blasted into kindling wood. Whoops, when he got angry this new wand amplified his powers.

He ate lunch in the library, and continued practicing every spell he could think of casting. By dinner, the library was a mess and should keep the elves busy. Jeremy would probably be getting a list of furniture to replace since Harry had destroyed everything but the mahogany box covering the Oath Stone and the bust of Sirius sitting on top of it (as well as the books lining the room).

After dinner, he went to the garden out back and started blasting plants in his irritation. His mood continued to worsen as he thought about sleeping another night alone and he was soon cursing Draco for not staying with him that night in the Infirmary.

THIS IS NOT MY FAULT! Harry screamed inside his mind while blasting into ash a rose bush Hermione had planted over the summer.

He was exhausted within a few hours and climbed into bed. He wasn’t in the master bedroom, but rather one of the guest rooms. He just couldn’t face sleeping in their bed. Maybe he should have Kreacher redecorate the room before the Christmas holidays.


Over breakfast on Saturday morning, Harry was mentally reviewing everything that had happened over the last few weeks, trying to analyze what he’d done wrong, and what he could have done differently. By the time the food was finished, he had come to realize there wasn’t much else he could have done without forcing himself on Draco and that was unacceptable.

Right after buying the wand, he had gone to the jeweler and bought something for Draco. He had been thinking he’d go to Malfoy Manor today and convince Draco to come back to him, but the lack of response to the message he sent through Kreacher made him change his mind. No, he decided to himself, if Draco was to come back he’d have to come back on his own.

Instead, Harry would owl Jeremy with instructions to separate anything from the accounts that would belong to Draco and to prepare paperwork to send it back to him. If Draco wanted an annulment, then Harry would get the process started and leave Draco with the choice of either accepting or denying the end of their relationship. Pippy, one of the other house elves, had just removed his plate and Harry was standing to move into his study when Kreacher appeared announcing guests at the door. Harry followed him to the main entrance, wondering who would be visiting him today, and received a surprise.

Three surprises, actually.

“Get inside, boy.” Lucius Malfoy said, pushing a very sullen looking Draco with his cane. Draco lurched inside, refusing to even look at Harry, who was standing there with his mouth open. Lucius followed him inside, with Narcissa right behind him. Lucius prodded Draco again with his cane as Narcissa took Harry’s arm in a very commanding grip. The older couple headed for the sitting room, and Lucius ordered Kreacher to bring tea for four and then not to disturb them for anything short of Voldemort appearing at the door. The house elf bowed down low, and rushed to comply. Lucius pointed with his cane and Draco sullenly sat on the couch while Narcissa sat Harry down next to him, so close they were touching. Harry’s entire right side, the side touching Draco tingled, but he could not bring himself to look at the blond boy he loved. Instead, he sat there staring at the older couple. Narcissa sat in an chair while Lucius stood in front of the fireplace, the very image of an aristocrat, tapping his cane into his open palm. Once the tea was set down and the nervous house elf had shut the doors behind him, Lucius somehow fixed both boys with a steely glare.

“This foolishness has gone on long enough.” Lucius said, his voice dripping with anger, and reminding Harry very much of past encounters with this man. “I will not have your relationship made a laughing stock of the wizarding community the way the papers have done this morning. Draco has told us his perspective of what has occurred, and I have had a long conversation with Severus by floo to get more information. You are not to blame for your relationship being manipulated by my former master, but you are both to blame for your behaviors that have let it reach this point!”

“I…” Harry started to say, but was cut off by the elder Malfoy.

“I will not hear your excuses.” Lucius said imperiously. “Harry, from what I have heard, you have in no way, shape, or form, been unfaithful to my son. My son is guilty of failing to listen to you, failing to make an effort to learn the truth, of listening to unwise counselors, and of being seduced.”

That made Harry sit up sharply and with an internal groan he looked over to Draco’s arm, where the bracelet should be. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw a flash of gold on his wrist. Lucius saw his look, while Draco tried to ignore it.

“My son has Severus Snape’s timing to thank for stopping things before they went too far.” Lucius said in a tone that was downright angry towards Draco. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry noticed that Draco hung his head at this.

“When?” Harry asked in a small voice, almost afraid to hear answers. “Who?”

“After I came in and thought I saw you kissing Wood.” Draco whispered. Harry looked at him, but the blond was studying his lap and would not look up. “Ron took me back to his room and was trying to comfort me. Somehow it turned into a kiss and then next thing I knew he was all over me. I couldn’t…didn’t want to stop him. The bracelet was burning but I didn’t care because I thought you’d already…you’d already...well then Severus came in and stopped us and dragged us down to the Infirmary where you…well, you know that part.”

“I’ll kill him!” Harry snarled, standing from the couch, pulling his new wand and preparing to apparate to Hogwarts. Ronald Weasley was a dead man.

“Sit down.” Lucius’ voice cut through Harry’s anger and he sat back down with a thump, eyes wide. “That’s better. A Malfoy does not run off in a fit of rage and murder someone with his own wand. When you’ve calmed down, if you still want him dead, there are other methods that we can arrange.”

Lucius’ words calmed him, and he nodded after a moment of thought. He’d always known that his future father-in-law was a man that didn’t shrink from murder, so hearing him say something like that wasn’t a surprise. A little voice inside him shrieked protests at the thought of murdering anyone, much less someone who had been a friend for so long.

That little voice was strangled when Harry glanced at Draco, who wouldn’t even look at him. He doubted he’d ever hear from that little voice again because it was dead.

“You’re right, sir.” Harry said firmly. “We’ll discuss Weasley’s…accident later. Wood I get to kill myself since he serves Voldemort.”

Draco looked up sharply at that, meeting Harry’s eyes for the first time. He paled even more at whatever he saw in Harry’s eyes, but looked away before Harry could make any meaningful contact with him.

“Yes, Wood is a different situation entirely.” The elder Malfoy said with a smile. Narcissa simply reached to pick up a cup of tea, and hid her smile by taking a sip. When the tea cup lowered, her smile was gone.

“Now, about you two and where you stand now.” She said. “Harry, you asked Draco to come back to you, but he left. Do you still want to ask him back?”

“No.” Harry said firmly, and heard Draco gasp while Lucius just raised an eyebrow.

“Explain.” Lucius whispered fiercely.

“I asked him once, and he said no.” Harry said quietly, but firmly.

“I said I didn’t deserve you!” Draco interjected.

“And as long as you believe that, you won’t.” Harry told him fiercely. Finally their eyes met and his next words crossed the space between them like fire. “I don’t want someone that has to worry about whether I will cheat on him because that will only lead me to wonder if he will cheat on me. I don’t want someone who thinks they aren’t my equal. Sure, you can have different strengths, different weaknesses, but those don’t make you lesser than me. I want a partner who will share my life, every damn fucking part of my life! I want someone who stands with me because they love me, and because they know they belong with me. I want someone who knows what they want and will take it and hold onto it, grasping it with both hands and never letting go the way you did these last few weeks! I want the arrogant prick who pisses people off whenever he opens his damn mouth and who makes my life worth living!”

Draco’s lips fiercely meeting his were all the answer Harry needed. A fire erupted inside of his stomach and soon filled every crevice of his body as Draco’s tongue entered his mouth, reclaiming it fiercely. Harry had no idea how long that kiss lasted, but he lost himself in it, and succumbed to the fire burning in his body. He pulled back just long enough to pull out his wand, and with a spell, their clothes disappeared. The fact that other people were in the room was long gone from his mind, nor did he noticed a smiling Lucius and Narcissa leave, with Lucius bending over and nipping at her ear playfully. All he knew was that he was laying on his back now and a throbbing Draco was preparing to reclaim Harry Potter.

That was all that mattered in the world.


Several hours later, a thoroughly satiated Harry carried a very exhausted Draco Malfoy upstairs to their bathroom using a levitating charm. They were both still nude, and very, very sticky, but Harry could care less right now if anyone saw them. Kreacher had their bath prepared and Draco woke up as he was lowered into the almost-too-hot water. Harry joined him a moment later and they slowly cleaned each other’s body in a gentler, softer repeat of the reclaiming that had happened downstairs. Halfway through their bath, Kreacher appeared with a tray of fruits and juices for them, and informed them that the elder Malfoys would be indisposed for at least another hour. Harry smiled at the thought that his display with Draco had caused a similar reaction between the elder Malfoys, but all thoughts of them slipped his mind as Draco began feeding him a chocolate covered strawberry.

It was actually dinner time before all four of them were in a room together again. After the bath, Draco and Harry had fallen asleep in their bed. Poor Kreacher had tried to wake them up three times before Lucius had entered their room and used his wand to sound a loud bang that woke them both up, and had Harry pointing his new wand at the surprised man. Lucius gave an approving nod and informed them that dinner was ready downstairs.

Still tired, the two had dressed in comfortable, but appropriate robes, and headed downstairs. The meal was set in the formal dining room, but the long table had been charmed so that all four could sit comfortably close enough to talk as they ate. While they ate, dinner conversation was light once the younger couple had nodded in response to the question of “Is everything settled between you two?”

Narcissa spent the most time talking about all the arrangements for their wedding.

After dinner, they retired to the sitting room, and Harry had the grace to blush as he sat once more on the couch, this time with his arms wrapped around Draco, and vice versa. Lucius and Narcissa sat in two chairs, the fire spreading its warmth over everyone as Kreacher brought in some after-dinner coffee. When the diminutive elf had left, Lucius turned to them with a very serious expression.

“Harry, I must say that I am quite disappointed in the fact that you lost your temper to the point you were punished by having your wand broken and being suspended for three days. That is a disgrace to your, and our, name. Please see that a similar occurrence does not occur again.”

“Yes, sir.” Harry responded with a nod of his head. “It could have been worse though.”

“Yes, it could have been.” Lucius agreed.

“In more ways than one.” Narcissa added. “You were fortunate that Severus and Nymphadora managed to get your wand in time to break the link.”

“Yes.” Harry agreed.

“Now, I suppose you are calmed down enough to discuss those responsible for this?” Lucius asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, sir.” Harry said, as Draco nodded. “Voldemort is ultimately responsible, him and Wormtail. I already plan to kill both so there’s no difference there. Ron, well, the way I see it his actions impacted Draco most, so that’s Draco’s business. Wood is mine.”

“What do you want to do with young Mr. Wood?” Narcissa asked sweetly.

“Kill him.” Harry said simply.

“Still?” Lucius asked, as Draco pulled away a bit, in shock.

“Absolutely.” Harry said firmly. “He came between Draco and me, and I will never forgive anyone who does that.”

“What if I decide I want to kill the Weasel?” Draco asked him sharply.

“Do it.” Harry answered, and then waited to see if that little voice came back. It didn’t. “He gave up my friendship when he acted against us. You want to kill him, you have my full support and I’ll help.”

“Why do you want to kill Mr. Wood, exactly?” Narcissa asked quietly.

“First, he came between us.” Harry said, motioned to Draco with his free hand. “Second, because he’s been publicly humiliated now. He’s an enemy for life and I wouldn’t be surprised that if he’s allowed to live he’ll try something again. If he’s dead, he’s no longer a threat.

“All valid reasons.” Lucius said, and then he looked at Draco. “What about the Weasley?”

“I want to.” Draco said. “However, I don’t think we should. Unlike Wood, I don’t think he’s anything but a tool in Voldemort’s hands. He isn’t thinking on his own, but letting others guide his thinking. If we keep a close eye on him, we can spot more trouble before it starts and maybe use him as a trap without his knowing.”

“Excellent.” Lucius said with a smile, and clapped his hands. Kreacher appeared at the door, and floating behind him was a bound Oliver Wood. Elf magic was holding him in place, and Harry stood in surprise as the elf levitated him into the room before leaving. The bonds disappeared, but the young man stood frozen as Harry took his wand out and pointed it at him. Lucius looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

“Harry…please.” Oliver Wood begged, starting to move forward until Harry’s wand twitched slightly. “I didn’t want to…but he made me. Please don’t do anything you will regret.”

“Lift your sleeve. You know the one I mean.” Harry said firmly, and watched as Oliver lifted his left sleeve. His clothes were dirty and tattered, but the Mark was clear on his tanned skin.

“He made the mistake of going to one of Nott’s safe houses.” Lucius explained. “Nott heard what had happened and sent him to me.”

“Wood?” Harry said, with a slightly questioning tone.

“Yes, Harry?” Wood replied hopefully.

“Do you know what your mistake was?”

“He had my mum, Harry.” Wood pleaded. “He’d kill her if I didn’t…you have to believe me!”

“Wood,” Harry said calmly, almost smiling as hope appeared in those blasted eyes. “Your mistake is that Voldemort does not mark those he bribes, blackmails, or curses into following him. He only gives his mark to those that follow him of their own free will. Goodbye, Wood. Crucibus!

The white knot of force flew from Harry’s wand and hit Oliver Wood square in the face, breaking his nose and sending him flying against the fireplace. Harry immediately closed with the fallen form of his one-time friend and checked to see if he was alive, breathing a sigh of relief when he confirmed Oliver Wood was dead.

“Not an Unforgivable?” Lucius asked as he also checked to make sure the young man was dead. Draco just looked at Harry with a strange expression.

“No.” Harry said firmly, taking a deep breath as he realized that he really had taken a human life. He was a murderer, and the person he had killed was once a friend. He felt sad for the Oliver Wood he once knew, but there was no sadness in him for this man before him, the man had deserved death. “You know the effect Dark Magic has on people, and Draco told me a long time ago he won’t be married to someone who uses dark magic enough to change them. Besides, this spell can be excused as it is one that I’m licensed to use. I just wish I knew where Wood’s wand is to make it look totally like self-defense.”

“Here it is.” Lucius said, pulling it out of his robe and tossing it so that it fell in a place that was believable for it being in Wood’s grasp when Harry hit him with the spell.

“Draco?” Harry asked, turning to face his fiancé fully.

“Harry, how do you feel?” Draco asked him, his voice giving the full importance of the question.

“Sad.” Harry admitted. “He taught me Quidditch, you know. He was a good mate in school, but he became the enemy. I wish he’d made different choices so that I didn’t have to do this, but that’s neither here nor there.”

“I love you.” Draco said with a sad smile, wrapping Harry in his arms.

Strangely enough, Harry didn’t feel like crying.

He felt horny again.


“So Wood suddenly burst in here, wand drawn, and I reacted.” Harry told the MLE agent. Marshbanks, a little corner of his mind reminded him. “I cast crucibus but my aim was a little off and I hit him in the head. He flew back against the fireplace and cracked his head. I saw he was hurt and tried to determine if I could maybe heal him enough to save him, but he was already dead”

“That confirms the spells from your wand.” Marshbanks said. “You’ve been casting a lot with it since you got it.”

Olivander said I needed to cast a lot with it.” Harry said sadly. He really didn’t need to act to show sadness at Oliver Wood’s death. It was just necessary. “I’ve been using mostly combat spells because that’s what I’m most likely to use if Voldemort thinks I’m weak enough to attack right now.”

“Good thinking.” Marshbanks said with an approving nod of his head. “Well, Mr. Potter, I see no reason to keep your wand any longer. We’ll owl you our final report, but you can rest assured that it will confirm that you acted in self-defense and the death was a tragic accident that couldn’t be prevented. It will verify that neither Mr. nor Mrs. Malfoy had wands in their possession and that young Draco had left his upstairs. It’s a good thing you always keep yours on you.”

“Six years of Voldemort trying to kill you makes for certain habits.” Harry said with a wan smile, ignoring the flinch at the name.

“Yes, yes.” Marshbanks said a little bit rushed. “Well, don’t worry about any trouble from the Ministry. This is a clear cut case with everything we have from Hogwarts and the overwhelming evidence here. Sad story. I can’t imagine what it feels like to be betrayed by a friend.”

“It’s happened to me before.” Harry said, shaking his head. “I just hope we get Voldemort soon enough to stop the madness.”

“Me too.” Marshbanks said, after flinching again. He left at that point, taking the other MLE agents with him, although one crossed to Harry long enough to return his wand before they left. From the living room he could hear the crowd of reporters outside and went upstairs to where Draco and his parents were waiting. They talked briefly and decided the only way to get rid of the reporters was to talk to them. They all changed into more presentable attire than the lounging clothes they’d worn since dinner. When they were all clean and properly dressed, they headed downstairs and opened the front door, immediately blinded by flashes of light. Shouted questions greeted them, but soon quieted down as Harry lifted one hand and stepped outside. Draco stood on his right while the elder Malfoys stood behind them.

“Thank you all for waiting to hear from us before publishing your reports.” Harry said with a sad smile. “I know it’s getting late and you have deadlines to meet, so we will try to be brief. As you already know from the MLE, I was enjoying an evening with my fiancé’s family when we were interrupted by a most unexpected and uninvited guest. In the process of defending my family and myself, our assailant was mortally injured and I was unable to revive him. I will have to live with the consequences of that for the rest of my life. The fact that the assailant was a former friend who chose to support Voldemort makes the matter all the more troubling. We will answer any questions you may have before you need to file your reports.”

“Mr. Potter! Is it true that your relationship with Mr. Malfoy had ended? Why were the Malfoys visiting your home tonight?”

“That’s two questions, but I think we can manage them both.” Harry said with a smile. He lifted his hand so that his bracelet was clearly visible, and Draco grasped it so that his also showed. Cameras started flashing immediately.

“As you can see,” Draco said with a smirk. “Whatever rumors you may have heard of infidelity between us are completely false. We were the victims of a sick and twisted plot hatched by Voldemort and executed by two former friends of Harry’s to end our relationship. While it came close to succeeding, in the end it failed. My family visited Harry and me this evening, with Ministry approval, to provide comfort after this plot was uncovered and to work on preparations for our wedding, which takes place in a few weeks. It is a good thing that Harry never goes anywhere without his wand or you might have been reporting on the death of all four of us instead of one Death Eater.”

“Mr. Malfoy! How does it feel to be a target in an attack by a servant of your former Master?”

“I never really served him willingly.” Lucius said, repeating the familiar refrain. “But I have long expected such an attack. I am just grateful that Harry was there to defend us since my wife and I are no longer allowed the means to do so.”

“How does it feel to be left defenseless by the Ministry?”

“The Ministry has made its decisions to comfort the citizens of our community.” Lucius replied in a kind voice. “If it is necessary for me to die because I am unable to defend myself and my family in order to make people feel safer in their homes, then I will not argue with such a decision. Fortunately, the Ministry has provided Aurors and MLE agents to safeguard our residence. They were even on duty tonight and responded as soon as we called them.”

“How is it that Mr. Wood was able to get in your home, Mr. Potter?”

“Well, I believe that first he received information on our wards and got passwords from someone that I once trusted.” Harry answered. “Whether this friend gave them willingly or was under the Imperius I don’t know, since he has fallen to that curse before. However, Mr. Wood was able to use a broom, he was an excellent flyer being a Quidditch player and all, and entered through our garden. I assure you that we will be working on changing all the wards as soon as possible.”

“Mr. Potter, why didn’t you use the Fidelus charm to hide your residence?”

“My family has a history of picking bad secret keepers. Peter Pettigrew betrayed my parents, leading to their deaths, and the person I would have picked to be secret keeper was the one who helped Mr. Wood. I guess Potters are just too trusting of people sometimes.”

“Pettigrew? I thought Black betrayed your family?”

“No, Sirius was my godfather and was faithful. He thought he’d be the obvious choice for secret keeper so he encouraged my parents to switch to Peter Pettigrew, another friend, and Pettigrew turned out to be a death eater. In fact it was Pettigrew who performed the spell returning Voldemort to his full strength. He had faked his own death and framed my godfather for the whole thing. That was all cleared up with the Ministry last year and I was allowed to inherit the Black properties according to the terms of Sirius’ will.”

“If there are no more questions,” Narcissa said softly, “I’d like to get my son and his fiancé back inside. This whole evening has been terribly draining and we’d like some time to console our newest family member over the stresses he’s had to endure.”

“Good night.” Harry said, giving another wan smile as he turned with the Malfoys.

“So, dad.” Draco said with his trademark smirk as the door shut and they entered the sitting room. “How long do you think it will be before they give you permission for a wand so that you can defend your family? Your family that now includes Harry Potter that is.”

“I’d say two weeks.” Harry said with a smirk of his own. “Who would have thought the public would cry out that Lucius Malfoy must have a wand so he can defend poor Harry Potter?”

The Malfoy family actually managed to fill Black Manor with laughter that night.


Potter Defends Family From Death Eater Attack!

Daily Prophet

Sunday Edition

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement was called to the home of Harry Potter in London tonight to investigate an attack by reported Death Eater Oliver Wood. Mr. Potter, currently serving a three day suspension from Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, was entertaining his fiancé, Draco Malfoy, and his future in-laws Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, when they were attacked by Oliver Wood. Wood was killed accidentally as Harry Potter sought to defend his family from the attacker.

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement, following an extensive investigation including the checking all spells cast with Mr. Potter’s wand, has released preliminary findings indicating that Mr. Potter used only spells he has been licensed to use and that the result was the result of an unavoidable accident during Mr. Potter’s attempt to subdue the attacker. No charges will be filed, and Mr. Potter will face no penalties other than his own consciousness since it is clear he did not mean permanent harm to Mr. Wood.

Mr. Wood was closely involved in a scandal that has been rocking Hogwarts over the last few weeks. Ever since his return from interviews with the muggle government (for more information on that developing story see page 2), Mr. Potter’s relationship with his fiancé was reportedly to be on the rocks amidst rumors of infidelity by Mr. Potter. The partner in this alleged infidelity was reportedly Mr. Woods himself!

The scandal ended several days ago when Mr. Woods attempted to sexually molest Mr. Potter. Reacting in outrage, Mr. Potter caused physical injury to Mr. Wood and immediately turned himself into school authorities while seeking care for Mr. Wood’s injuries. As reported in a statement published earlier, Mr. Potter apologized for his severe overreaction and accepted the punishments given by Hogwart’s Headmistress Minerva McGonagall.

If this had been anyone other than Harry Potter, the fact that Oliver Wood was killed two days later might be extremely suspicious. However, Mr. Potter has shown an amazing ability to forgive and forget past transgression, as readily evidenced by the fact that he is currently engaged to his school-yard rival, Draco Malfoy. After five years where the most that could be said of their relationship is that they did not actually kill each other (although both reportedly caused injuries to the other that often required a trip to the infirmary and earned them many detentions), and an attempt by Mr. Draco Malfoy to assault Mr. Potter, Mr. Potter responded by offering a friendship that eventually turned to love.

If Mr. Potter is able to transform a bitter rivalry to the wizarding world’s greatest love story, it is easy to believe that a former friend such as Oliver Wood would have received kindness at his hands. Our sympathies go out to Mr. Potter in this trying time.

In a brief appearance before reporters, the Malfoy family and Mr. Potter shared their horror at the attack, and the unfortunate results.

When asked about the attack, Mr. Potter replied “In the process of defending my family and myself, our assailant was mortally injured and I was unable to revive him. I will have to live with the consequences of that for the rest of my life. The fact that the assailant was a former friend who chose to support Voldemort makes the matter all the more troubling.”

Former Death Eater, and now supporter of Harry Potter and the Ministry, Lucius Malfoy was also present. However, due to Ministry regulations is not allowed to possess a wand and was thus unable to assist Mr. Potter tonight. When asked about the Ministry regulations, he had this to say: “If it is necessary for me to die because I am unable to defend myself and my family in order to make people feel safer in their homes, then I will not argue with such a decision.”

When asked how Mr. Wood has gotten past his defensive wards, Mr. Potter informed the Daily Prophet that just as his parents were betrayed by Peter Pettigrew (read how the Ministry got it wrong 15 years ago and Sirius Black’s Innocence on page 3), now known to be Voldemort’s right hand man (see how he raised Voldemort from the dead as told in our exclusive Interview with Harry Potter), Harry Potter was betrayed by a close friend. While he refused to name his betrayer, it is suspected that it might have been his one-time childhood friend Ronald Weasley, Head Boy of Hogwarts and member of Gryffindor House (Is Gryffindor the new Dark House? See page five for a comprehensive list of all Gryffindors who have betrayed the light over the last 20 years). Ronald Weasley was said to have been under Imperius when he took down the wards of Hogwarts earlier this year during the attack that captured Harry Potter. How Harry Potter will deal with this new betrayal, and whether Ronald Weasley was under Imperius or was continuing a family tradition (see the Arrest of Percy Weasley as a Death Eater, page 6) of service to Voldemort remains to be seen.

As for Mr. Potter, the Ministry has granted the elder Malfoy’s permission to remain with him until he returns to Hogwarts following the term of his voluntary suspension. Mr. Potter has proven himself to once again be a shining example to the wizarding community, even in his mistakes. Instead of using his money, influence, or abilities to escape punishment for his violation of school rules, he volunteered for a very strict punishment, and when faced with an accidental death stemming from an attack on his family, he immediately summoned law enforcement authorities to deal with the matter without attempting to cover it up or ignore the media. Finally, when faced with another example of betrayal by a close friend, he refused to identify the person and shame their family unnecessarily. Yes, indeed, Harry Potter is an example more of us could follow!

© 1997-2022 J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Press; All Rights Reserved; Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and her fine people. This story belongs to dkstories.
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LOL that's funny, Harry didn't have to name Ron he gave just enough info that the newspaper named and shamed him for Harry. I still think Ron is not much if a friend to Harry. Yes he may have been under spells and hexes each time whether that is the case this time or not, but he puts himself into the position each time to be used. Once even twice may be forgivable but every year since they have been friends is way past the " its not my fault stage". The funny thing is that no matter what happened the weekend Harry was accused of infidelity his bracelet never reacted. But Draco did but yet again who was punished.

I don't want to Ron or even any of the Wesley family for the next little while.

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I’m a little bit lost as to how these engagement bracelets work. When Harry was under the influence of the sensitivity enhancing/lust potion given to him by Cho according to Draco he felt Harry’s temporarily lapse in control/lust towards someone else in his bracelet. He also says when he caught Harry in bed with Wood that his bracelet also reacted then as well, which makes some sense as Harry thinking Wood was Draco was initially aroused by him so even though he wasn’t consciously cheating he was still sexually aroused by someone other than his fiancé. What I don’t get is why Harry’s bracelet didn’t react when Draco only didn’t have sex with Ron because Snape interrupted. I mean Harry triggers Draco’s bracelet while under the influence of potions or when tricked yet Draco conscious intent to cheat somehow doesn’t trigger Harry’s bracelet. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Of course it doesn’t seem very realistic that Draco would have even come close to cheating on him with Ron of all people as I don’t even get why he even found himself confiding in Ron when they didn’t/don’t even like each other. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I fully expected to by now have learned Draco was under the influence of a potion or spell considering how irrational he was yet clearly that’s not the case.

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On 5/10/2020 at 8:54 PM, NimirRaj said:

I’m a little bit lost as to how these engagement bracelets work. When Harry was under the influence of the sensitivity enhancing/lust potion given to him by Cho according to Draco he felt Harry’s temporarily lapse in control/lust towards someone else in his bracelet. He also says when he caught Harry in bed with Wood that his bracelet also reacted then as well, which makes some sense as Harry thinking Wood was Draco was initially aroused by him so even though he wasn’t consciously cheating he was still sexually aroused by someone other than his fiancé. What I don’t get is why Harry’s bracelet didn’t react when Draco only didn’t have sex with Ron because Snape interrupted. I mean Harry triggers Draco’s bracelet while under the influence of potions or when tricked yet Draco conscious intent to cheat somehow doesn’t trigger Harry’s bracelet. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Of course it doesn’t seem very realistic that Draco would have even come close to cheating on him with Ron of all people as I don’t even get why he even found himself confiding in Ron when they didn’t/don’t even like each other. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I fully expected to by now have learned Draco was under the influence of a potion or spell considering how irrational he was yet clearly that’s not the case.

If you read closely, the amount of time that happened from when Draco and Ron observed Wood kissing Harry (even though Draco thought it was Harry kissing Wood), Harry attacked Wood and was shortly hit with a stupify by Hermione, you have to ask: How long was Harry unconscious before Snape discovered Ron and Draco? I surmise that whatever occurred, happened while Harry was still unconscious.

As to why Draco even went to Ron in the first place is easy enough to explain. Who else would you turn to to get answers about the actions of your love, except the one person that supposedly knew Harry the best! When you've been fed a lot of bull that appears to be true (according to the circumstances that seemed to be true) and your own emotional state has devolved into utter betrayal, you are not emotionally equipped to offset sexual advances that (on the surface) would appear to alleviate the emotional stress. It happens, all too often in our real world. Particularly to teens where the hormones are still running rampant!

Some of us already suspected something was afoot when Wood first took up with Ron in the tavern. The accident with Madame Hooch was a "coincidence," Right? The elevation of Wood to that teaching position, just sorta happened, yes? Then the conspiracy really took off as soon as Harry got back to the wizarding world after spending a couple of grueling days in the muggle world.

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“Twenty inches long.” Olivander said, in what could only be called a reverential voice. “The heartwood of an oak tree on the exterior provides the strength you will need, with the supple heartwood of willow providing flexibility inside, all surrounding the shaved long tooth of a Hungarian Horntail dragon, soaked for a year in the tears of a certain Phoenix and soaked for another year in the blood of a lion to give courage and healing to its bearer.”

.......Oh, dkstories, the wordsmith.  How insightful this statement is, in the Harry Potter Universe!


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