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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Some parts of this story may include descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult men.  If this offends you, you are not of age to read this or is prohibited then please stop right now and find a story more suited to you.

Warming The Cold One - 8. May the Circle Be Unbroken

After a small dinner, they return to the motel rooms. Toby’s cell phone rings. “Good evening Tobias. Yes, the council has adopted the change to the charter. I must speak with Tala before I can give you any answers.”

Toby put Rolf on hold when he got Tala's attention. “It is Rolf.”

“They passed the amendment?”

“Yes; he needs to speak with you though. He is on hold for you.”

Tala picked up the phone to greet his caller. “Good evening Master Reid. How can I help you tonight?”

“Master Tala, this is an official call. You are requested to attend a meeting with the council as soon as plausible. You will be asked for your selection for the seat currently vacant of the Circle of Five.”

“I was told that this position was for the senior council.”

“I can explain more when you arrive, but the council has rolled back the senior council amendment to the charter. Before said senior council was created, there existed the Circle of Five. It is a member of each family and is operated a bit differently than the senior council. The Circle cannot be questioned.”

“I understand. I will inform my candidate of the change and arrive when I can. Can I assume that this meeting would be in the morning?”

“If you are able, the council can still meet tonight. We are not afraid of the dark.” Rolf tried not to chuckle at his last statement. “But we can wait, if you need.”

“Then hold for a second while I check to see if I can gather the troops for tonight.” Tala put Rolf back on hold. “Björn, are you ready? I can postpone if you need more time.”

“I am ready. As long as I have the blessing of my family, I am ready for anything.” Björn smiled at his wife. “Shall we?”

Tala picked up the phone. “Master Reid, we will arrive in about thirty minutes. It is time we completed the circle again.”


“He what?” The Himalayan wolf on the phone was quite angry. “How did he find someone so fast? Never mind that we need a plan to solve this complication. Do we know who he is selecting?”

“No Master, he didn't give the name to Master Reid during the conversation.”

“We know he isn't pack with that American upstart. The council never granted him a pack license before it adjourned. Can we use that? I am unfamiliar with the rules of selection when it comes to the Circle. I never dreamed I would have to think about it.”

“I will raise the objection when we meet tonight. Is there anything else we can use?”

“Work on your paws. Use anything that you think will work but not get us in trouble.”

Vukasin hung up the phone and straightened his tie before exiting his small office and heading to the council chambers.


“I call this emergency meeting to order. We are gathered here tonight to select the members of the Circle of Five. The first four members have been selected by their families and we are left with the nomination for the American clan member. Master Tala, as leader of the American clan, whom do you wish to bring forth as your selection.”

“Members of the council, I wish to nominate Björn Chase. He is my blood 4th cousin, twice removed, as well as my loyal pack member.”

The council rose to their feet. Master Vukasin took the first verbal jab at Tala. “How can you have a pack without a license? Didn't your alpha teach you any of the laws?”

“Toby gave me copies of all the council bylaws to read over.” Tala holds up a copy of the council charter.

Toby spoke up to be heard over the clamor. “I have here a copy of an official pack permit signed by two clan leaders. As we all know, that is all that is required when the council is adjourned.”

“We know that you would sign anything for your son's mate, but what other fool would sign for this brand-new wolf to get a pack license?”

Tala smiled and spoke directly to Vukasin. “Why, I did naturally. I have the power and the right as given to me by the council. One can only assume that was how the first packs were started.”

“I object!” This time is was a Saharan pack representative. “I will not let you stand that and make a joke of the council. I demand that the document be certified as invalid.”

“That is enough! This is not a general council meeting. Only the senior councilmen shall bring forth objections.” Master Raul shouted. “Master Tala is correct. We did give him the power as a clan leader. I will accept the document. From what I hear, the Saharans' object.”

Master Ulrik answered. “Unlike my clan brother, I see the validity of the document. I will accept it. What say the Himalayans'?”

“We do not accept the document.”

Rolf speaks up. “As the final vote, I will accept the document on behalf of the Celts. The document is declared valid with a vote of 3-1. Now back to the main topic of this meeting. Björn Chase, please step forward.” Björn took his place in the center of the council chamber. “I have only one question for you. Do you take this position of your own free will?”

“Yes, it was my choice and my choice alone to take this position. I received excellent advice from my dear wife, but it is I alone that decided.”

Rolf sat down and allowed the next member question Björn. The next to speak was Raul. “Mr. Chase, what do you know of how this council works?”

“I have in my past career work in constitutional law. This is very similar to that. We have laws based on the council charter and the council must enforce them. I understand that instead of assisting in the welfare of my client, I am tasked with the furtherance of an entire race.”

“Well said. Thank you, Mr. Chase”

Master Ulrik stood next. “Mr. Chase, isn't it true that you have been without pack for fifteen years? Isn't also true that that you refused to accept the leadership that your pack's beta asserted when you took control of said pack?”

“It is true for both questions. The new alpha and I did not agree on politics, so I chose to leave and forcibly break away from the only pack of wolves I knew. I was also at that time nineteen years old. I wanted to make it on my own like every other teenager. I took many loans and got the best education I could. I was so successful that I have already repaid all my outstanding debts. I owe it all to my inability to sleep. I never really got over the chaos in my mind.”

“I am sorry you felt you needed to do that to succeed. I never realized you were so young when you left your only family.”

A young wolf hands a packet of papers to Vukasin. He reads them and then stands to ask questions of Björn. “Mr. Chase, my assistant has brought me a copy of your file. It states that your markings are a smudge at best and that your transformation is too weak to materialize on regular occasions. How do you expect to be an effective leader when you are hardly a wolf?”

“I beg your pardon Master Vukasin.” Tala interrupted politely. “But I do believe your records are quite inaccurate. When I inspected his marks, they were very clear and sharp. As for his transformation, I would assume that a 70% purebred American wolf would be a remarkable sight. I have seen the wolf of a 45% Himalayan like you to be very austere.”

Vukasin did his best not to lash out at the comment Tala made. “Then let him prove it,” he growled.

Björn looked over at Tala with a petrified look. Tala returned a reassuring smile and nods. Björn removed his shirt so the council could see his highly defined American clan markings. He waited a few minutes for any council member that wanted to inspect his shoulder before he removed his pants and started to transform. A very powerful Great Plains wolf soon stood before them. He walked around the chamber for a few minutes and then changed back to his human form. He very quietly spoke. “Are you placated Master Vukasin?”

“Yes.” Vukasin sat down.

Rolf stood once more. “I declare on behalf of the rest of the Circle, that our fifth member will be Master Björn Chase. This meeting is once again adjourned and the Circle will be meeting within the week to discuss the rest of the transition items that must be addressed.”


“Björn, are you okay?” Tala looked over to the wolf sitting in the next across from him. “Is something wrong?”

“No, I am just worried that I'm not good enough for what I agreed to.” Björn looked over to Tala with a worried face. “What if...”

“No what ifs! You are going to be great and that is that.”

Björn sighed. “I know that I can do, it's just I don't know if I can really do it.”

Tala shook his head and went back to reading his book. The plane they were on was headed to Portland, Oregon so they could find a suitable builder for the houses that needed to be built. Toby had taken his private jet home and the rest had flown commercial. In a matter of a few days, Tala had gone from finding a new pack member to having to build him a house inside of his yet to be built compound.

“Lisbeth, have you thought about what kind of house you want yet?”

“No but I do have a few questions to ask before I really get down to deciding.” Lisbeth turned to look at Jay. “Should I really do this? Is it really worth the pain?”

“Is it worth the pain you would cause him if you did not accept the offer? Could you live with yourself knowing he would have to watch you? He wants kids and a family, but it might not turn out well. He would lose himself if he lost you.”

“No, it is not worth his continued pain. I will not let him be in pain.” Lisbeth's resolve strengthened. “Who has to do it?”

“You know that answer already. Until then though, come sit next to be for a second.” Jay patted the seat next to him. She walked over and sat down. “Close your eyes and focus on the woods. I know that you are very small part lycan so I will have to draw the spirit out a bit before he can use it to change you. In those woods, I want you to find a white oak. Focus all your energy on finding the one white oak in a pine forest. Very good Lisbeth I can already feel it. Keep focus on finding that tree.”

“Master Tala,” the pilot came on over the speakers above their heads. “We are arriving in Portland now. There will be a car waiting to take you to Cathlamet when you are done meeting with the builder.”

Tala picked up the phone to call up to the front. “What do you mean meet with the builder? We have not picked anyone.”

“I am sorry. I thought you knew that the only building company out here was the crew employed by Master Tobias.”

“No, I did not know that and he never said anything about it to me either. Thank you for letting me know.” Tala hung up the phone, turned to Jay, and simply tilted his head.

“Do not look at me! I never was told anything about what my dad had going on outside of the world I chose to live in. Do you think he will charge us?” Jay sat with an amused but puzzled face.

“That is what I am afraid off. Either we get it all for free and next to free or we pay an arm and a leg because there is no one else to do it.” Tala sighed. “I guess we will find out really soon. He is waiting for us by the stairs.”

“What?!? How do you know that?” Jay looked almost angry. “I would know when my father is around.”

“I am right here, remember? I am your alpha and my presence would be a stronger influence.” Tala pinched Jay's mind for a second to prove the point. “I can sense him there. He is the leader of a clan you know as well my ability to hear wolf spirits.”


“Greetings Master Tobias,” Tala and all the other bowed to him as they reached the ground from disembarking the small jet.

“What have I told you about bowing to me Tala? I will excuse Björn this time, but he is never to bow down to me either.” Toby tried to keep a serious face as long as he could but within ten seconds was smiling. “I guess you have heard that I own all the building companies in the area?”

Tala glanced over at his mate for a second before turning back to Toby. “Yes, the pilot let me in on that fact.”

“Good, we can go over the plans in the car as we head to your new clan lands.” Jay pointed towards a large SUV parked alongside the tarmac of the small airport. “We have a lot to discuss on more topics then I realized. I see that Jay has been grooming this fine young woman for her husband to turn. I will assess how you are doing and what you will need still need for that to happen.”

They all got into the car and were headed east toward the ferry across the Columbia River. “First, the land you now own is just north of Cathlamet and east of Rosberg. It lays between Hwy 4 and Hwy 506 and is very rough and mountainous. I am sure a few rocks will not stop the four of you for long. The forestry service put in some roads so you can get around in SUVs and ATVs. Second, I have some plans here I had drawn up a few years ago and never started to build. They include a central meeting house and office space and then a well separated housing plan so that over time you could have up to three packs on the land at once. My lands are just north of you so I can help as much as you need.”

“Thank you Toby. These plans look wonderful.” Tala turned to Jay. “Do you like them?”

“Yes, my father always did wonderful work. I am just still a bit overwhelmed.” Jay turned to Toby. “This just happening so fast. It is weird not hearing you in the back of my head.”

“It is fast for me too. Normally an alpha will be able to sense and hear his pack. The moment you mated with Tala I lost you in my mind. I did not let you see me cry that day, but I missed you the moment you left my mind.” Toby gave Jay a hug as best he could wearing a seatbelt. “That being said, how are you doing Tala? Has the link settled down with Björn?”

“It has. We are both happy that it was not as bad as we thought it might be.”

“Excellent news to hear. Now to the new topic at hand. Björn, Jay has been working to draw your wife's wolf spirit out. I can feel it starting to rise already and at this point we need to make a choice. If Jay draws it out much more, it is possible that she could mate with your wolf. It makes things harder if that happens but will create a bond so strong that no one can break it.” Toby turns to look at Lisbeth. “We could have Tala turn you when you are ready and then your wolves could mate without that bond. The second option is the safer option when building up packs. If the wolf doing the full mating bite is an alpha, then a pack could be split off and allegiance can change.”

Lisbeth took a second to think before turning to Tala. “Will you turn me then Tala? Not today but in the next few days?”

“Yes Lisbeth, I would be honored to turn you. From what I know of wolf spirits so far, you might not want to do any more of the things Jay had you doing earlier.”

“Very correct Tala.” Toby turned to Lisbeth. “Just let your wolf sleep for a while and all will be well.”

“Toby, how long was that drive,” Tala questioned. “My butt is killing me!”

Toby laughed. “That my friend was two and a half hours of fine Oregon nature.”

Jay turned to ward Toby. “Is it possible to get an airstrip put in?”

“Yes, I think might be possible. I have one a few miles north of my main camp and it was easy to have approved. It takes just as long from Beaverton as it does Napavine, so we flew you in there.”

“Wow!” Tala looked out the window to take in the size of what was now his land to manage. “All of this is our land. I do not even know where to start.”

“Funny you should say that.” Toby laughed and opened the plans he had in his hand. “Over here is the largest of the forestry roads and goes up to a small clearing about a mile up there. The next smaller road is about 2 miles north and ends in a clearing as well but much smaller. The first thing would be to make a road between them and put your main camp in the large clearing. We will make a road that goes up a ways and then put the main house there. Off of the small clearing we can put in driveways to other houses.”

“Björn, do you want your house here,” Tala points to a place near the main camp, “or do you want it near the other clearing?”

“Honey?” Björn looks over to his wife. “Your choice.”

“It looks like the clearings are spread further then the beginnings of the roads on the highway. Is it possible to have it in between the two?”

“I think that can be arranged very easily. Do you want it to be more of a main home feeling or kind of a vacation home feeling? I have some sample house layouts if you need some ideas.”

Lisbeth took the pages of sample houses and flipped through them for a few minutes. “I like this one here. Three floors with a rustic feel and lots of closet space.”

Björn looked at the page Lisbeth had on top and whistled. “I see why you like it. I love it too. Is it possible to have it tucked up into the hills a bit?”

“That plan would work really well for that. You can have earth on three sides and treat it as a split entry. It would keep the mud down to a minimum during the rainy seasons.” Toby turned to Tala and Jay. “Any ideas gentlemen?”

“I was thinking something a bit more in depth for our house.” Jay looked at Tala and he nodded. “More along the lines for your main house. Full underground floor and storage, network relays, panic room and second entrance for the rainy season.”

“I fully agree. As we create the road system, we will bury fiber optic lines, power, water, sewer and gas. In the main building will be a second set of servers that mirror the main ones in your house as well as connect to the Lycan backbone servers.”

“What kind of bandwidth can we get out here?” Tala looked out over the large rural space. “We are in the middle of nowhere.”

“Let me take care of that. The council systems are only 10Mbit and I can get you set up with closer to 10Gbit. We will use VOIP with backup systems that can default to copper phone line in an emergency.”

“How long will it take to get everything going?” Tala turned back to Toby. “I mean we have a lot to do if we are going to be building my clan back up.”

“I can have Björn's house done in eight weeks or less and your main house about two weeks after that just because of the digging out of the basement areas.”

“That is pretty damn fast “Lisbeth exclaimed. “Are you sure?”

Toby chuckled. “Yes, I am sure. The road team will start the day after tomorrow and the digging teams will be out as soon as they can get to the spots for the foundations.”

“So Toby, until then, are you willing to put us up?” Jay turned to Tala. “Our clan needs a place to rally together and find us some more family.”

A few hours later, the small group is sitting in Toby's formal living room having tea. “Master Tobias, I have a message from the research building.”

“Give it to me then.” Toby opens the sealed envelope and reads the short memo inside. “Excellent news boys! My team has found a group of wolves that are part American.”

“That is wonderful news. Where are they at?” Tala jumps up from his chair. “When are we leaving?”

“Settle down Tala! I understand you are eager to meet them.” Toby picked up his phone. “We need to file a flight plan to Boise either tonight or in the morning. I understand and I will meet you with two other passengers in a few hours.”

Toby hung up the phone and turned to Björn. “I offer you my home to settle in for a while. My assistants will see you in the morning and give you a quick lesson in the old ways. I luckily still had some old information on the previous Circle I am sure you would want to review.”

“I accept Toby, I am sure Lisbeth and I will be comfortable while you are flying here and there collecting up scattered packs.” Björn laughed at the looks he got from Tala and Jay. “We need all the family we can. Are you going to add them to your main pack or are you going to make them a different pack?”

“That is a good question.” Jay turns to his father. “What is your advice?”

“I would say to do both. If there are enough wolves that it can be done, it might be a good way to balance out the numbers so that they can have lots of room to grow. It will all depend on how things are there before the final decision can be made.”

Jay thought for a second before asking his next question. “Who are they aligned under now? I mean you wouldn't have had to do research if they were in your clan.”

Before Toby could answer, Tala spoke up. “I already know who they are aligned under. They are a Celtic protected pack. I think it this might not be an easy trip. Before Jake left his pack to start his own, he was a part of the pack we are going to visit. His father is a very popular Beta in the Boise pack. Claiming his pack will start a war between Jake and I again.”

All the people in the room looked at Tala and blanched. Jay was the first to speak. “Are you sure?”

Tala sighed. “Yes, I am sure. Based on what you know about Jake, which by the way I can read in your mind and the stuff I know about him from our interactions on set, I am one hundred percent positive that it is his former pack. The war is a guess. He is not one to stand down while I steal his family.”

“I agree that this will be a tender situation. Nevertheless, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, “The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.” I think we can use this to do just that. Now, we should be heading out to the plane soon. Good luck Björn and we will talk with you soon.”

Copyright © 2019-2023 garfwiz; All Rights Reserved.
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