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To Quiet the Little Voice - 3. Setting things right

Prompt 236 I have to have a talk with your mother.

Rob suddenly finds his life a mess. Cleanup is easier than telling mom.

Prompt 236




“I have to have a talk with your mother”. Carl shook his head distractedly.




“I really wish you wouldn't. She is mad enough at me as it is. If she finds out I took this to you instead of talking to her about it, I will not see the outside of the house till Christmas!”




Rob shuddered and sank down onto the sofa behind him. Carl was a good friend. He could bring just about anything to him. Problem was, he had started out as mom’s friend before he and Rob had gotten tight. Sometimes it really got in the way. Carl had this really defined sense of right and wrong, and if he thought there was a need tell Rob’s mom something no amount of pleading or threats would stop him.




“Rob, listen to me. Your mom only wants the best for you. I've known her since you were a tadpole for god’s sake. I can’t keep something as big as this one from her. I said I would take you in for the testing and I mean that, but I can’t justify not telling her. I know it’s free at the student health office, and you are over 21, but she is still your mom. You have to tell her or I will.”




“I thought I was doing everything right here. I never figured on finding him in bed with some whore.”




“I know kiddo, but you did. Now we need to deal with all the possibilities it has created. Do I need to ask where you stand with him?”




“Where do you think I stand? He is outta here. I tossed all his clothes out the damned window and he is lucky I didn't toss him and his little twink out the window after them.”




Carl chuckled to himself. He knew it wasn't funny but he really would have enjoyed being a fly on the wall this afternoon.




Rob had been seeing Jason for what seemed like forever. They met on the commons at the university the week before their freshman classes started and hit it off. Now three years later, instead of on campus housing for their senior year they had moved into an apartment together. Coming home early and finding him in bed with that scrawny freshman Steve was more than a shock.




“I really thought things were right. Our own place, mom liked him, we both had good jobs, easy class loads. It looked like we were all set for the best senior year ever. We both have the promise of full time work once our degrees are done. Jason was even talking about the possibility of tying the knot after graduation now it has been made legal here.”




“Well what is done is done. We need to focus on what to do next. You need to go into student health and get tested. We can’t take the chance he caught something during his little trysts and passed it to you. And we HAVE to tell your mother you are going– or better yet we can tell her together at dinner after I take you over there. That way I can back you up. Besides, you know it isn't you she is mad at. She is pissed off Jason did her baby wrong.”




“Do you really have to be so calm, cool and logical all the time?”




“Isn't this why you came to me in the first place? You knew I would push you to do what you know has to be done. First student health, then tell mom, then we can start figuring out what to do about your living arrangements. You can’t afford the place on just your salary, you need to decide if you want to take in a roommate or do you want to sublet it and move back home or maybe back into the senior dorms. Those are pretty much like small apartments. Give you the privacy you want and not as expensive. They have the added advantage of not far to crawl home to after a Friday night party on campus.








“Mom please. There is no reason to be shouting at either Carl or me!”




“No reason? No reason? You sat here and told me my son might have gotten AIDS from a low down cheating bastard, and you went to handle the situation all on your own and didn't even bother telling me, and there is NO REASON for me to be upset?”




“Calm down Rose. The chances are Rob found out before any harm could be done to his health. Testing is just a precaution. It’s very early in the semester. The affair couldn't have been going on for long. Rob said Jason was wearing nothing but the condom as he chased them out of the apartment, so it’s a pretty safe bet Rob didn't end up being exposed to anything.”




Rose sat down heavily at the dining room table and let her head fall to her crossed arms. She knew she needed to get a grip but honestly, how could they expect her to be calm about something like this. She looked up and stared at Carl.




“Can I have a glass of iced tea? Maybe with a little something in it to take the edge off?”




Rob was expecting this, hoping for it really. He knew once the shouting stopped his mom would settle back and sip her way through one drink and not say anything till she finished it. While it meant a longish wait while she slowly finished her drink, it also meant a calmer gentler Rose to deal with.




Twenty minutes later the three sat eating Chinese food from cardboard containers with disposable chopsticks and laughing. The food delivery couldn't have been timed better, showing up as Rose took the last sip of her softly spiked iced tea.




“You didn't really chase them out of the apartment with a broom did you? Without even letting them pull on a pair of britches?”




“Yep. The only thing either of em had on was Jason’s condom!”




Rose laughed so hard she almost choked on her lomein.




“Oh lord! I hate you have to go through all of this, but I would have loved to see that.”




“You should have seen the look on the old couples face! The ones that watch everything while peeking through the curtains. I hope I didn't give him a heart attack when I chased them past their window.”

Copyright © 2013 Kitt; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Omg I can just imagine the look on the old couples face...very well done. I'm actually it only took one glass of iced tea with a little bit of something on the side to calm his mum down. ..


Btw you really don't think Jason is safe do you and I'm pretty sure he won't have to worry about a broom but he should be worries....very worries...haha

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That was very cute.


Serves that cheating scum right for throwing away three years of a relationship on some freshman twink.


Just hope that Rob's ok...

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On 08/21/2013 02:48 AM, Daithi said:
Omg I can just imagine the look on the old couples face...very well done. I'm actually it only took one glass of iced tea with a little bit of something on the side to calm his mum down. ..


Btw you really don't think Jason is safe do you and I'm pretty sure he won't have to worry about a broom but he should be worries....very worries...haha

Oh, Jason may not be safe....but that would be a story for another time. The drink was more to give mom something to do while she sorted things out in her head. That's how my mom handled wickedly emotional situations like that, although her drink of choice was a huge cup of coffee, occasionally with a tad of Sambuca.
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On 08/21/2013 05:07 PM, Lisa said:
That was very cute.


Serves that cheating scum right for throwing away three years of a relationship on some freshman twink.


Just hope that Rob's ok...

Like all of us when someone cheats Rob will manage and eventually be fine. Perhaps we will find out more when/if we peak in to see what sort of trouble Jason gets into.
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Nice to see you gathered them together here where you can showcase them. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that one too. Lol

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On 08/22/2013 12:23 AM, comicfan said:
Nice to see you gathered them together here where you can showcase them. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that one too. Lol
Thanks Wayne. I have to admit, your prompts start that little voice going more than anything in my past ever has.
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