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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature content, explicit male-to-male sex.

How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life - 8. Chapter 8

The guys do some interesting shopping before coming back to the dorm.
Mature Audiences.

When we got back to Alan’s Durango after our walkabout at Quarai, I suggested we take a different road back, which Alan was happy to do. We drove north along some secondary highways that paralleled the east foothills of the Manzano Mountains. Alan was surprised when I told him “manzano” is the Spanish word for apple.

“I can see right now that you’re a very good tour guide.”

I felt myself beaming in his praise. I chuckled. “As long as we stay in New Mexico.”

He smiled. “Every guide has his area, right?”

In due time we passed through the quaint old Mexican village called Tijeras that sits in a canyon through which I-40 goes west to Albuquerque, Arizona, and California and east to Texas, Oklahoma, and North Carolina. Once we got on the interstate, we only traveled about 5 miles until we came to a little rise in the road followed by a long slope down into the Rio Grande Valley and the metropolis of Albuquerque.

“Wow!” Alan remarked, “this is a great view of the whole city.”

“You should see it at night with all the city lights stretched out below,” I said.

“Maybe you’ll show it to me later.”

“Of course,” I grinned. It was very exciting to be making plans for the future with Alan.

Quickly he guided the car onto the first Albuquerque exit, marked “Tramway Road and Central Avenue.” I had expected he would have stayed on the interstate highway to get to campus faster.

“We need to pick up a few things,” he mumbled as an explanation.

Shopping for Supplies

Our first stop was a windowless concrete block building painted lavender that turned out to be an adult bookstore and video arcade. Having never been in one of these places before, I was quite nervous going inside, but I wasn’t about to wimp out in front of Alan. The interior was a veritable treasure-trove of pornographic videotapes, DVDs, and magazines with eye-catching photos of nude chicks and dudes (or just dudes) on the covers. Holy shit, I thought. Alan ignored all that and took me up to the counter where a slightly grungy-looking middle-aged guy was surfing on his computer.

Looking over his reading glasses at us, he clearly looked us over before he licked his lips and mumbled, “Help you?”

Alan answered, “My buddy needs a dildo.”

Instantly I felt blood rush to my face like water over Niagara. Shit! What was this guy going to think of me?

The sales clerk glanced at me as a sort of smirk appeared at the corners of his mouth. His lips parted in a grin that showed stained and crooked teeth. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. I’m thinking 6 or 7 inches long and not too thin nor too thick.”

Jeez! Could this get any more embarrassing?

The man turned around to inspect a rack of merchandise behind him. When I looked at the rack for the first time, I realized it was crowded with fake dicks. Black, flesh-colored, red, even one bright neon blue. Some came with balls and some without. One was, like, 18” long and had heads on each end! What the hell?

After a moment, the clerk selected a pinkish model that looked smaller than Alan’s cock to me. He plopped it down on the counter and said, “This one is 6 and a half inches long with a girth of 5”. That about right?”

“What do you think?” It was Alan’s voice and it was a moment before I realized he was talking to me.

Fuck! I blushed even harder. It was finally dawning on me that he was getting this for me, for my ass. Shit! I looked back at the grotesque object, trying to imagine how that would feel up my shitter.

As I was trying to formulate my thoughts, Alan got tired of waiting. “We’ll take it,” he told the clerk. Alan dug some twenties out of his jeans and laid them on the counter. In just a moment the clerk handed him a few bucks in change, plopped the fake schlong into a plain brown bag along with a receipt and handed it to Alan, who immediately handed it to me as he pocketed his change.

“Dildos cannot be returned,” the clerk muttered.

Alan nodded and sort of pushed me out the door into the small parking lot.

As we walked back to the car, Alan chuckled and said, “Now, that was fun.”

“Fun?!” I cried. “Do you realize how embarrassed I am?”

“I do. That’s why it was so much fun.”

“Jeez,” I moaned feeling quite sorry for myself as I gripped the unreal cock in my hand. Damn, it did feel rather sexy, though.

We climbed into the SUV. As he started the engine, Alan turned toward me and said, “You know, Cal, it doesn’t matter what that guy thinks about us. It’s not like he’s never sold somebody a dildo before. And, besides, we’ll never see him again. So, who cares what he thinks?”

I sat for a minute, mulling over Alan’s words. That made sense. I looked back at him and smiled weakly. “You’re right. It just caught me unprepared.”

A few minutes later, we stopped at Walmart, where Alan bought a couple of bags of chips with some dips and salsa along with a couple of liters of Coke. Then he pushed the cart to the Health and Beauty section with me trailing along behind like a confused puppy. My embarrassment was renewed as Alan tossed 4 enemas into the cart followed by a tube of K-Y jelly and a box of Magnums. That made it pretty obvious what his agenda was. I was horribly embarrassed and thoroughly excited. In fact, my erection strained against the front of my Levi’s as we moved to the checkout stands. Thank God, he chose the self-checkout so I didn’t have to endure the scrutiny of a bored checker.

Our final stop before going back to campus was a wonderful, family-owned barbecue joint called Powdrell’s, where we got a couple of big take-out dinners.

I was pretty sure this was going to be a night to remember!


Alan and I enjoyed our scrumptious barbecue in the Third Floor Lounge, accompanied by my laptop playing my romantic music station on Pandora. It still seemed a little weird to have so much space all to ourselves, but the sense of privacy was amazing.

The BBQ was spectacular and we chowed down as soon as we could. We’d worked up a powerful hunger during our long hike through the rocks and dust that were just memories of the ancient Native American settlement.

While I swayed a bit to Adele’s “Someone Like You,” we talked about our sight-seeing trip to Quarai and about some other pueblo areas in the state. We agreed we might take another road trip in the region this week if time and weather permitted. I felt my dick give a little throb when we talked about traveling together. When I told Alan about the Gila Cliff Dwellings in southwestern New Mexico, he was very curious about them. I noted it was about 250 miles from Albuquerque, so we would need to make it an over-night trip if we went there.

“I’m sure they have a nice campground,” I volunteered.

He grinned. “Ever been fucked in a tent before?”

I giggled and blushed. “Alan,” I whined, “I’ve never been fucked anywhere before.”

Chuckling, he whispered, “We’ll change that real soon.”

My blush deepened, but my heartbeat quickened immediately just as the melodious bass of Lou Rawls began belting out “You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine.”

Cocking his head to listen to the lyrics, Alan smiled. “Listen to Lou Rawls, Cal,” he said smoothly. “He’s telling you the truth!”

I wasn’t totally sure what Alan meant, so probably looked a little confused.

Alan reached out to clasp my hand while his tone took on a surprising seriousness. “What we are developing this week is going to be a kind of friendship that you will never experience again. Not quite the same anyhow. So live and learn! And enjoy every moment.”

I nodded and smiled at my beautiful man. “I will.”

“Shall we walk off our dinner a bit?” he asked.

“Yeah, that sounds good,” I said.

We deposited our trash in the garbage can and walked to my room. I dropped off the laptop and grabbed a light jacket. We went to Alan’s room for a jacket and then went outside to the deep purple skies following the setting sun. We cut through some parking lots until we reached Central Avenue, where we turned east on the old route 66 to walk through the chic urban shopping zone known as Nob Hill. We passed some posh restaurants and clothing stores, a bank branch, a vintage clothing store, the old Lobo theater, a great Irish pub, a contemporary condo building, and even a Korean Barbecue joint. Not many people were out with the University on spring break and people beginning to be fearful about being around strangers. We passed a few people alone or in very small groups and I saw the first couple of people I had seen wearing masks.

When we reached the Cold Stone Creamery, Alan asked, “Fancy an ice cream?”

“Sure,” I said and we strolled into the little building. One couple sat at a corner table enjoying their cones while a teenaged girl lounged behind the counter. She served us with little enthusiasm, but we were soon back outside with our double dips. Alan’s was Rocky Road and mine was Peanut Butter Cup. We sat on a short wall as we ate and watched the almost deserted street.

“It seems really quiet, doesn’t it?” I inquired.

“Yep. Sort of strange. Nearly as quiet as Quarai. It’s almost like we‘re the only people in the world,” Alan said.

After we finished off the ice cream, we walked a few blocks further, before crossing Central Avenue and walking back on the other side of the street. The whole walk was very relaxed, one could say “romantic” even, although we never touched or made goo-goo eyes at each other. Still, I felt myself relaxing into a friendship with this mysterious and god-like man. Even with all the unknowns and a vague sense of vulnerability, I still felt safe with him. I couldn’t imagine him hurting me even if I were to give him more control of me, of my body.

Back at the dorm, Alan handed me one of the enema kits he had bought at Walmart. When I realized what he was giving me, my heart skipped.

“You know what to do with that, right?”

“Uhm, yeah. I guess so,” I muttered.

“Good. I’ll meet you in the showers in half an hour. Okay?”

“Yes.” He stared intensely at me and didn’t move. “Sir,” I added.

He smiled and gestured towards the showers.

Cal continues gaining exciting new experiences with sex.
Copyright © 2024 KKirk; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope you are enjoying the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine.  Thanks for reading.  Your comments are very welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com .  Kenneth Kirk
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

"My blush deepened, but my heartbeat quickened immediately just as the melodious bass of Lou Rawls began belting out “You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine.” 

Cocking his head to listen to the lyrics, Alan smiled. “Listen to Lou Rawls, Cal,” he said smoothly. “He’s telling you the truth!” 

I wasn’t totally sure what Alan meant, so probably looked a little confused. 

Alan reached out to clasp my hand while his tone took on a surprising seriousness. “What we are developing this week is going to be a kind of friendship that you will never experience again. Not quite the same anyhow. So live and learn! And enjoy every moment.”

Seemingly, the hitherto heterosexual Alan is developing feelings he was adamant he would not or his ego is even larger than I thought. Only time will tell.

"Looking over his reading glasses at us, he clearly looked us over before he licked his lips and mumbled, “Help you?” 

Alan answered, “My buddy needs a dildo.” 

Instantly I felt blood rush to my face like water over Niagara. Shit! What was this guy going to think of me? 

The sales clerk glanced at me as a sort of smirk appeared at the corners of his mouth. His lips parted in a grin that showed stained and crooked teeth. “Yeah?” 

LOL. Clearly the sex shop worker is not winning customers through his sparkling conversational skills or attention to his personal appearance. 



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Alan is a self centered abuser of the worst sort. I have a 2x4 I’d like his backside to meet….

  • Haha 2
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