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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature content, explicit male-to-male sex.

How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life - Prologue. Prologue

Mature Audiences.

I think you might need a little background before we get into my story. I’ll try to be brief and focused, so we can quickly get on to the good stuff.

My name is Calvin Christensen and I am a life-long resident of Las Cruces, NM, which is the home of New Mexico State University, a good engineering school, but too close to family, if you get me. So, I opted to attend the University of New Mexico in the big city of Albuquerque. I know some of you wouldn’t consider that a big city, but with about 600,000 people it is huge compared to the 100,000 or so who call Cruces home. My family is comfortable, but not wealthy.

At the time of the Coronavirus pandemic, I had just celebrated my 19th birthday and was living in a dorm room with Bert (more about him later) and majoring in biology. It was the spring of my freshman year and I was happy to be 225 miles from home, living at UNM.

My dad (Marvin) turned 44 recently and is a lawyer with his own small firm. They do family law stuff like divorces, pre-nups, child custody agreements, wills, and not much else. He’s got a partner, Geoff Overmeyer, who is about 6 years younger than Dad and quite a handsome man. And they have a much younger lawyer working for them. Her name is Francine Cordero and she’s only a few years out of law school. I’ve never had much to do with his firm, but my sister does some clerical work sometimes.

Mom (Birgitta) is a stay-at-home mother, but she’s also a romance novelist with something like 20 books to her credit. I can’t believe my conservative mom spends so much time thinking up those trashy “ripped bodice” story lines. I would wonder if she has experienced any of the stuff she puts in her books but I don’t want to think about Mom that way. I’ll admit it was great to have her at home all the time when I was growing up.

My sister Caroline (Carrie, for short), is 16 going on 35, which turns my dad into a complete moron sometimes when he starts trying to keep her from “growing up too fast.” Being a little older and knowing boys like I do, I sympathize with the old man and I’m just glad Carrie isn’t my responsibility.

The youngest in the family is my brother Cole, who is about to turn 13 and is really obnoxious about becoming a teenager. I’m sure I was not at all like that. But he’s cool and I think will grow up to be a real heartbreaker.

And the last member of the family is Grandma Grace, Mom’s 75-year-old mother. Grandma is pretty cool, I have to admit. It doesn’t matter what trouble I ever got into, she was always saying, “Forget it, Birgitta! He’s a great kid. We all make the occasional mistake. Why, I remember the time you…” She would fill in the blank with some ominous-sounding suggestion that would prompt Mom to deny it loudly and change the subject, getting me effectively off the hook for my transgression. Grandma would smile and wink at me and I would know she was my best protector. Grandma has lived with us for about 10 years now, ever since Grandpa met his maker on the seventh hole at Miramar when his putt went into the sand trap for the second time and he got so mad he stroked out. Yeah, I know it’s funny … now. But we weren’t laughing much then. Grandma is in pretty good health except for some arthritis pains and some breathing issues thanks to a lifetime of asthma.

So, that’s my family. I still have a few friends from when I was living in Las Cruces going to school there. My best friend from about 5th grade on was Joseph Escondido, who always had my back and was the best … You know, Joseph has no impact on this story, except for one incident, so I think I will just go directly to that incident and save you some time.

I have known since I was about 7-years-old that I like to look at guys who are cute, handsome, or wearing revealing clothes. I’ve known since I was about 9 or 10 that I was who the other guys were referring to when they were ridiculing some other kid for being a faggot. But I kept that as my big secret, never telling anyone including Joseph. So, I came to the university as an 18-year-old complete virgin having never touched another human being of any gender in a sexual way, unless you consider a 1-second connection between my shoulder and the back of Joseph’s hand when we were beating off together (along with Mike Drake and Ricardo Velasquez) to a porn video belonging to Mike’s brother. Just as his orgasm hit, Joe threw his hand back, making the connection with my shoulder. But for me, I wasn’t interested in girls and I was so fearful of the repercussions of letting my interest in guys be known by anyone that I desperately hid my lusts from everyone, rather successfully apparently.

So, now we come to the advent of the Coronavirus in the late winter of 2020.

I hope you will enjoy the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine. Thanks for reading. Your comments are welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com . Kenneth Kirk
Copyright © 2024 KKirk; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope you are enjoying the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine.  Thanks for reading.  Your comments are very welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com .  Kenneth Kirk
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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A typical average family with some hidden secrets , a great start to this story 

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Thanks for the early encouragement, folks.  We've just gotten started with a lot more to come!  Stay tuned.

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It’s a nice, neat start.  I’m already in love with grandma!👵 

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