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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature content, explicit male-to-male sex.

How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life - 9. Chapter 9

Sex and an interesting conversation in Room 315.
Mature Audiences

Learning Lots

Awkwardly, I performed my tasks with the enema in the common bathroom. It wasn’t particularly unpleasant, but wasn’t really fun either. I laughed as I realized I was going through this ugly and somewhat gross time to prepare for something I hoped would be exciting, maybe even beautiful. I knew the next few hours might be life changing for me, an intensification of the life-changing experiences of the past 24 hours. After refilling the squeeze-bottle with warm water from the lavatory a couple of times and rinsing my guts, I could tell the water I expelled was clear. I deemed my first douche a success and tossed the carton and instruction sheet into the trash bin.

I had been relaxing under the warm water for several minutes before Alan showed up. From the moment he entered the big shower room, he exuded a firm dominant attitude that I immediately detected. He took the showerhead beside me without acknowledging my presence. When he had wet his body and relaxed for a minute, he handed me his bottle of body wash and turned his back to me. I set to work scrubbing and massaging his body, much as I had yesterday.

Like yesterday, when I had washed all of him, he returned the favor with less caressing and more scrubbing, but still gently cleaning me. He spent extra time on my butt, working a finger inside me to open me a bit. It felt awesome as did the second finger and the push/pull motions he was making with them. Eventually, he inserted a third finger and began pulling out from the center with all his fingers, forcing my sphincter to open wider than before. I found this just a bit uncomfortable more because I anticipated pain than from any actual pain I felt. After what seemed like 10 minutes to me, he finally withdrew and moved back under his shower to rinse off.

In a rather emotionless voice, he said, “My room. Five minutes.” He shut off his shower and walked away. I rinsed as he toweled himself off, but by the time I got to the anteroom where my towel hung, he was just heading out the door into the hallway.

I quickly brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and donned my scarlet Aussie Bum briefs to present myself at his door, which was ajar when I arrived. I rapped lightly.

“Enter,” he said in a commanding voice.

He was sitting against the headboard of his bed, his big cock lounging across his balls and nuzzling the sheets between his hairy thighs. He looked gorgeous and spotless, his almost-black hair shining as it clumped into curls atop his head. His amber eyes looked brightly at me, but he didn’t smile, though his lips parted slightly when I entered.

“Close the door,” he said matter-of-factly.

“Yes, sir,” I muttered as I complied.

He pointed at the foot of his bed, between his luscious legs. “Suck me.”

My heartrate increased in an instant as I looked at the big cock he was now holding up from his body, getting it positioned for my mouth. I felt a rush of blood into my dick as I looked at him splayed out below me, offering himself to me.

I crawled onto the bed brushing against his soccer-honed leg muscles and feeling the drag of his heavy leg hair across my own more modestly covered legs. Soon my knees were inside his and I could grasp his cock as he released it to me. It felt hot to the touch and was semi-hard already. I thought how incredible a man’s cock is. Any cock, all cocks are incredible works of art, magical in how they grow and stiffen with no externally visible reason; how quickly they transform from sleeping illusions to fiery visions, from snakes to steel poles, just as Alan’s fuckstick was doing right in my hand. I leaned down and planted a tender kiss on this part of him that would soon create a new man in me, change me forever, and perhaps delight me as never before. In anticipation, my dick released a drop of precum into my Aussie Bums. The underwear was becoming uncomfortable as my dick became longer. I adjusted my dick off to the side and turned my attention to Alan.

Soon I took him all the way to the root but, as his lifeblood strengthened it, within a few moments it had engorged to the point that I could not take its length without opening my throat. I tried but gagged. After several gagging attempts, Alan pushed on the base of his cock so that it flattened out almost parallel to his legs. To stay on it, I had to back up and drop my head lower which forced my head to tilt back and miraculously opened my throat enough that I could then move forward and take him to the root.

“Yes,” he groaned as I kissed his pubes. I swallowed a few times to Alan’s great joy, judging from his gasps and groans. He let me continue to exercise my throat in this way for several minutes before finally stopping me.

“Stand and strip,” he said in a soft but firm voice.

I did, dropping the red briefs on the floor to release my overly-constrained dick, all to my great relief.
Alan moved off his bed to stand beside me. “On your back; head off the edge of the mattress.”

It took me a moment to translate his words into a position and then execute the movements required to get myself into that position. As I lowered my head over the edge of the bed and opened my mouth wide, he stepped in front of me to place his cockhead against my lips. Half a second passed with his dewy glans kissing my lips before it began moving between my lips, opening my mouth as it crossed my tongue seeking entrance to my throat.

I still had to work hard to open my throat when the massive cock drove in, to give him a welcoming squeeze when he was deep inside, and to manage my breathing when I could. Alan moved at a modest pace while I worked to synchronize all my internal movements to the position of the amazing cock. When he deemed me ready, he increased the speed and force of his thrusts, which I found very sexy. In that way we enjoyed a rigorous BJ for a while until his cock swelled inside me like it was about to explode.

Moments later it did explode, sending several large blasts straight into my stomach. Before his fourth blast, Alan pulled back enough that the head of his cock lay on my tongue as the final several cumblasts occurred. I was quite grateful to get to taste this part of his orgasm.

He rested a few seconds before he withdrew his cock from me. He took my shoulders and lifted me up until my weight shifted enough to allow me to easily sit upright with my back toward him.

Coming Up with a Plan

Through his rapid breathing, he said, “Fix us bourbon and sevens.”

For a moment I wondered what his reaction might be if I told him to do it himself, but I didn’t want to create a scene in the middle of a very exciting encounter. Besides, I didn’t feel mistreated, just receiving instructions that were helping me learn how to do this sex thing.

I got off the bed, retrieved glasses, opened his tiny fridge, grabbed a handful of ice, plunked a couple of ice cubes in each glass, poured in shots of bourbon, and filled the glasses with 7-Up. While I was doing that, he sat down on the bed and resumed his original position against the headboard. As I handed him his drink, I noticed his face was slightly flushed and that his cock was still long and thick but not as rigid as before. It was also a bit red from the friction and wet from our juices. Mine was rock-hard and throbbing.

“Sit,” he said.

I sat towards the end of the bed in the area between the edge of the mattress and his outstretched feet.

“You did well, Cal,” he said quietly.

“Thank you, Sir. It was a pleasure,” I commented truthfully.

As we sipped our drinks, he spoke in a surprisingly kind voice. “Tell me, Cal, do you like the way our time together is progressing?”

“Oh.” I was surprised by the question so I thought about my answer for a moment. “Well, Alan, it’s all been a little strange to me, I guess. I mean, yesterday morning I knew I was attracted to guys but didn’t think I’d be doing anything sexual for a long time – years – yet.” I sipped my drink for a little courage. “So my head is sort of spinning with all the new experiences and feelings I’ve had since you knocked on my door yesterday.”

“What kind of feelings do you mean?”

I grinned. “Well, ever since I first saw you in September, I have always felt a ping of excitement when I get a glimpse of your handsome face or spectacular body.”

“Thank you!” he smiled widely and nodded his head charmingly.

“I guess I just thought you were a distant beautiful person I would never meet. Or if I ever did meet you it would be extremely casual and we would never hang out.” I paused as I tried to identify my internal feelings. “So, meeting you and getting to be with you most of the time since then has been a sort of dream come true.” This was making some sense to me. “In fact, I’ve almost felt like I am living inside a dream right now and pretty soon I’ll wake up and you and I will be strangers and none of this would have happened.”

“I can see that,” Alan nodded thoughtfully. “I thought I was the only guy on the floor Saturday afternoon, so I certainly didn’t imagine getting into a training or mentoring arrangement with a guy I had not even met before.”

“COVID seems to be changing a lot of things, doesn’t it?” I asked.

Alan nodded. “I’m having a lot more fun this week than I expected to.”

I nodded. “Me, too.”

“I’m glad.” He took a final sip of his drink. He set his drink on the nightstand and then looked at me with a serious expression. “I think we need to chat about the next step in your sexual development, Cal.”

“Okay,” I said before finishing my drink, too.

“You have really taken to sucking dick. You give a better blowjob already than most gay guys and certainly better than any woman except maybe a hooker.”

This expression of praise made me feel really good inside. “It’s important to me that I be able to be a really good sex partner for, uhm, any guy I am with.”

“Your dedication shows. I’m convinced that you get the majority of your pleasure from bringing a guy to orgasm. Two gay guys together, well, I suppose they suck each other and fuck each other, too. I’m not sure. But for a gay guy and a straight guy together, well it’s different. Like we’ve talked about before.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I understand that we have different attractions. I’m attracted to guys like you and you, I guess, are attracted to cheerleaders and girls in bikinis.”

He chuckled. “Yes. Well, sometimes. It depends on the girl in the bikini, too.” He chuckled again. He looked seriously at me again. “So, uhm, what do you feel when you look at a gorgeous girl? Someone like a Miss America or a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader or a beautiful actress?”

I had to process that question in order to get to my answer.

While I thought, Alan turned to put his feet on the floor, stood up, picked up his drink glass, and reached a hand out toward me. “Think about it while I freshen our drinks.” I handed him my glass and he set about making two more bourbon and sevens.

When he handed me my drink, he resumed his position in bed with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out behind me.

“I do recognize a beautiful woman and can see how sexy she might be,” I said. “I see perky breasts and tight asses and great faces. I sometimes enjoy looking at a pretty girl maybe enjoying a pretty dress or some nice jewelry. So, I’m kinda attracted in a way. But I don’t feel hot in my belly. My cock doesn’t twitch, and I don’t want to kiss her or touch her boobs.”

He nodded. “You gave a very good answer there. I understand what you’re staying and how you feel when you see a sexy girl.” He took a drink. “It’s almost the same way I feel about sexy or handsome guys. I notice them. I can appreciate looking at a handsome face. I look at the guy’s body. If he has good muscles, I like that. I even notice a guy’s crotch or his ass and think ‘nice butt’ or whatever.”

I nodded. “But you don’t get a boner when you see a guy with a hot ass?”

He laughed. “I should just say, ‘hell no!’ but that would be a bit of a lie. Truth is, I have been with guys before and I know how to enjoy a nice ass on a willing guy. There are times where I feel a bit of excitement when I see that and I think how nice it would be to slide my cock into his ass. However, I don’t think I have ever seen a guy’s crotch and thought, ‘oh I want to suck that one.’ You get it?”

“I think so. Maybe.”

“Okay. Let’s be specific. Now that we’ve met, I have seen you dressed in jeans and just in your briefs and naked. I think you are a very handsome guy. I love your blond hair and blue eyes. Your features are very good – nose, lips, ears, teeth. You have a very nice body with great pecs and arms and flat, tight abs. Your crotch shows well in your jeans and especially in your Andrew Christian undies. And your ass is plump and firm, just the way I like them.”

My heart was beating rapidly as I listened to his assessment of my physical attributes. I felt amazed, flattered, proud, turned-on, and a trifle embarrassed. Until now, I had not thought he paid my looks much attention.

“The interesting thing is that I am not grossed out by the idea of being naked with you or having your quite masculine body against me. I sort of like touching you and do get turned on when you wash my legs, belly, pecs, back, and especially my cock, balls, and ass. I love it when you put your mouth on my cock. It feels so-o-o good!”

“I’m really glad, Alan.”

“The truth is, I can’t wait to step up behind you and slide my hard cock between your sweet cheeks.” He sipped his drink. “But, you need to be ready for that first. I do not want to hurt you. I do not want you to have a bad first experience. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you actually enjoy going down on me. Am I right?”

I grinned. “Hell, yeah! There is nothing I like better than blowing you.” I paused for effect. “Except for taking your cum. That’s heavenly!”

“Well, the one inevitably leads to the other,” he chuckled. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, Cal. And I want that to continue. I’d like it to continue with some fabulous fucking, too.”

I nodded. I wanted that, too. “Of course.”

“To that end, I think tonight we will try out the toy we got at the adult bookstore. It’s thinner and shorter than my cock so it’ll be a little easier for your first time or two. If we’re careful, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble with it. Then tomorrow or the next night, maybe we’ll move up to the real thing. What do you think?”

For a moment I considered the proposition. “Actually, I am a little afraid of trying to get your big cock in my ass. So I like the idea of working up to it.”

“Great. I also wanted you to douche first because I’ve been told it’s much easier to take dick if you’re cleaned out in there. More room for the dick, I guess. So, are you ready to see how this goes?”

My pulse quickened and my dick throbbed at that.

“You bet I am!”

In the next chapter, Cal takes the next step in learning about Greek-style sex. Will he like the toy? Stay tuned!
Copyright © 2024 KKirk; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope you are enjoying the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine.  Thanks for reading.  Your comments are very welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com .  Kenneth Kirk
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Calvin "donned his scarlet Aussie Bum briefs". He has better taste in underwear than in men, although Alan improved marginally in this chapter. He opened up a little more and conceded some intimacy with Calvin has been surprisingly pleasant.


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