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Gone From Daylight was created by <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/21-comicality/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="21" href="<___base_url___>/profile/21-comicality/" rel="">@Comicality</a> <br>

The Seducer: A Gone From Daylight Inspired Story - 18. William Harker’s Journal: Entry 18

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Sunday, September 30, 1989

I awoke, this morning, still bathing in the warm afterglow of my evening with the two great men Dr. V and his old friend Ambrosio! It was an unforgettable night and I felt like I’d been adopted into an intimate club that had consisted only of Dr. V and Ambrosio before they accepted me into the mix.

So, it was with awful shock that I got the news this evening. From a seething and despondent Dr. Valahi, I was told that Ambrosio had gone missing shortly after leaving the party!

A peculiar thought entered my mind that might have been considered funny if the situation hadn’t been so confounding to Dr. V. I thought, ‘how could anyone as big as Ambrosio go missing?’ I shook off the thought and instead tried to apply logic.

“Have they checked all the roadsides and parking lots here abouts? His car might have broken down or he might have gotten into an accident.” Why I thought this simple answer might be anything useful to Dr. V is beyond me. I was sure he’d already thought about such things.

“There are already searches underway. The car in which he was being driven was nowhere to be found. The nearby river has been checked and the gulches about have been searched. He has simply disappeared.” Dr. V said absently as he seemed to be concentrating on his own thoughts.

I found it remarkable that so much had been done already in such a short amount of time! While I slept and while I wiled away my time today, this search had been going on and I knew nothing about any of this.

I could sense Dr. V’s intensity of feeling, somehow. This had affected him greatly and I wished that I’d had some words of comfort for him that could be convincing. I actually came up to him and wanted to put a hand on his shoulder in comfort, but something told me not to. Some impression I got that the contact wasn’t wanted. It was almost a mental ‘shove’ away. So, all I could do was offer what words of encouragement I could.

“I’m sure he’ll be found alright. Perhaps, he just got lost and is hold up in a motel nearby.” I offered.

“Alas, no. Ambrosio does not get ‘lost’. He is beyond such things. I fear I know what has happened…and that is why I must go. Remain here until I return. You may need to miss class come tomorrow. I may not be back in time to drive you in. I will make things up to Dr. Ortman later.” Dr. V, pretty much, commanded. I felt only the desire to obey that command. I had no intention of leaving Dr. V at a time like this. I…care for him too much to do anything else.

Just then he turned on me and froze me with the most intense stare I’d ever seen from a man before!

“Whatever you do! Do NOT let anyone in! Should you hear anyone, you need to secure yourself…in here.” Dr. V pulled at a book on a middle shelf of his library and part of the bookcase swept aside revealing a dim passageway down somewhere below!

“This red book, ‘The Opening’…that activates the secret door. Inside, that leaver will close it! Remember this!” Dr. V insisted gravely.

His intensity did more than scare me a little!

“Wha-what…who do you suspect might want to get in here tonight?” I asked nervously.

“I am not certain, but I do not think Ambrosio’s disappearance was an accident! He does not have accidents. He is a very important man and that, often, places a target on one’s back. I have to assume the worst which means there may be miscreants about seeking more mischief. Trust me and do as I say! I will return as soon as I may.” Dr. V explained, but his explanation didn’t make me feel any better about the situation.

Part of me wanted to insist he get me back to the dorm and away from all this, but the other parts shut that part down. I wanted to help Dr. V and the only way I could do that, in a way he’d accept, was by doing as he said and remain available.

“Please…let me know if there is anything I can do. I’ll, of course, stay here as you say and be here if you need me.” I promised.

This seemed to soften Dr. V’s disposition which gave me a sense of relief.

“Remain safe. That is the greatest help you can be to me right now. I shall resolve this mystery and return when I have done so…and thank you William.” Dr. V smiled that tight lipped smile of his and then rushed out the door leaving only silence behind him.

Naturally, I haven’t slept at all tonight. To be on the safe side, I opened the secret door, closed it with the leaver, heard something lock in the door, and then went down the stairs. Interestingly, the secret passage wasn’t anything like ones you might think of. It wasn’t dusty with cobwebs and it wasn’t like being behind walls looking at wooden studs all along the way. The passage was clean, carpeted, with painted walls but dimly lit. There was enough light to see to walk down the stairs and down the passage at the bottom of the stairs, but not to read by or anything.

At the end of the passage, I ended up in a well furnished, dare I say, cosy room. It was dark as I came in, but lamps lit as I walked in. The room was octagonal shaped with the walls being more book shelves with many more volumes even than upstairs! Dr. V sure loves his books!

There was a wing chair under a Tiffany lamp that sat in front of one of those fake fireplaces with lights that look like flames. I suppose a real fireplace would give away that someone was down here. The room also had, in a dark alcove, a king sized bed! A full tea service was across from the bed and next to the ‘fireplace’. It had the ability to dispense boiled water for tea or instant coffee. Under the service was a cabinet that I found had packaged foods like energy bars, cookies, cakes and other foods that didn’t perish easily. There was enough to keep someone for a long time!

Obviously, this was a place meant to be stayed in for an extended period of time if need be. I found it more than a little odd that a mere professor of history should need a full on Panic Room in his residence, but then…there was much about Dr. V that didn’t add up.

I am in this room now as I jot this stuff down. I admit to being sleepy and, yet I dare not sleep! Hidden or not, I have to be ready for anything! I’m figuratively and somewhat literally down the ‘rabbit hole’ now! I can’t imagine what could happen next!

All that keeps echoing through my mind is Dr. V’s admonition to ‘Stay Safe’!

Safe from what? Do I really want to know?

Oh…how I wish I could, just, go home!

© 1998-2022 Comicality; All Rights Reserved; Copyright © 2020 MrM; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Gone From Daylight was created by <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/21-comicality/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="21" href="<___base_url___>/profile/21-comicality/" rel="">@Comicality</a> <br>
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What happens to Ambrosio, William Harker & Dr V? I’m sure Dr V is waiting to bring William into the night, but as he said “How does someone as big as Ambrosio go missing???

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5 hours ago, cjc1959au said:

What happens to Ambrosio, William Harker & Dr V? I’m sure Dr V is waiting to bring William into the night, but as he said “How does someone as big as Ambrosio go missing???

The mystery is brewing, True Believer! Daaaaark things are afoot and our dear Mr. Harker has just gotten a taste of them! Even now, William is recounting more experiences that are bringing clues to light as to what, exactly, is going on here!

What indeed? Stay tuned! Muwahahahahaha! 🧛🏻‍♂️

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