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Poetry posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Around the Bend - NaPoWriMo 2022 - 2. Chapter 2 - #8-14


April stole March’s lion

And stuffed it into a cage

Where it snarls and gnashes its teeth

Roaring with rage

Desperate for escape

So it can lie down with the lamb.


Prompt: More Poems of the Months Write a poem to or about a specific month. Maybe write a month poem each month over the coming year.



The bird spreads its wings against the windstorm,

Staring defiantly into its eye,

Daring it to sever the tether suspending it in midair

Like a kite



The Wind Prompt: Write a poem about or involving the wind. Go a bit cosmic or absurd. Tangle time up, or give wind a voice.



A Melting Pot of Metaphors


The couch potato got cold feet

When confronted by the night owl with a heart of gold.

“A late bloomer never gets the worm,” he hooted.

“I’m not out to pasture yet,” replied the spud.

“Does the Pope shit in the woods?” snarked the owl.

“That’s a bear, you idiot. You’re tangling your webs!”

“Whatever. Just get your lazy ass off the couch

And chase the rainbow.”

“You mean make the coffee?”




Extended Metaphor Prompt: Third Round Let your poem develop one central extended metaphor.



Steh auf!

Wenn die Zeit zu kurz ist.

Steh auf!

Wenn der Wind dich umhaut.

Steh auf!

Um den Regen anzuschreien.

Steh auf!

Um durch den Sturm zu rennen.

Steh auf!

Um am Ende des Regenbogens zu tanzen.


Get up!

When time is too short.

Get up!

When the wind knocks you down.

Get up!

To shout at the rain.

Get up!

To run through the storm.

Get up!

To dance at the end of the rainbow.


Inspired by “Steh’ auf, wenn du am Boden bist” by Die Toten Hosen




Du besuchst mich in meinen Träumen

Ich streichle dein schwarzes Fell

Schnurr, schnurr

Und ich fühle ein bisschen Ruhe


You visit me in my dreams

I stroke your black fur

Purr, purr

And I feel a little peace.



Sometimes we don’t realize

The impact someone had in our lives

Until they’re gone.


Dedicated to K.






Robin peeks through glass

Tapping a rhythmic greeting

Visit from heaven

Well, I didn't meet the challenge of National Poetry Writing Month this year. It's the first time since 2015. My heart just wasn't in it this year since all my attention and energy went into caring for Joker. I said good-bye to him on April 20th. I also lost someone who was very influential and had a huge impact on my childhood just a couple of days before I lost Joker. So needless to say, it's been a rough month. With Aditus' help and encouragement, I found my voice again, so I am offering another selection of seven poems to finish off National Poetry Month. I do plan on finishing this collection, but it just won't be in time to meet the 30 poems in one month challenge. A huge thank you to Aditus for his beta and editing, especially with the German. I've been learning German for over a year and a half now, and he encouraged me to try some poetry. It's been a fun exercise to play around with a language I am still learning. Thank you to all for reading.
Copyright © 2022 Valkyrie; All Rights Reserved.
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Poetry posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Thank you :hug: :kiss:  I'm glad you liked the metaphor poem.  I love it when my kitties visit in my dreams.  Thanks for reading and commenting!  :hug: 

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#8 is my favorite, I admire your guts to write poems in German, it's difficult to get the feeling right in a language  you're still learning, but you did it with ease. :hug:

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5 minutes ago, Aditus said:

#8 is my favorite, I admire your guts to write poems in German, it's difficult to get the feeling right in a language  you're still learning, but you did it with ease. :hug:

Vielen Dank (thank you very much) :hug: It wasn't easy, but it was definitely fun.  Thank you for traveling the road with me.  :hug: 

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I absolutely love #8 and #9. The steh auf was a definite hit. You have my deepest sympathies for the losses April brought to you. Your sorrow reverberates in them, and I can only offer my digital hugs.

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1 hour ago, Parker Owens said:

I absolutely love #8 and #9. The steh auf was a definite hit. You have my deepest sympathies for the losses April brought to you. Your sorrow reverberates in them, and I can only offer my digital hugs.

Thank you so much :hug: I'm glad you liked them.  

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I too offer my condolences for the loss of loved ones.  Your poems are lovely and thoughtful.  I did enjoy the humour of A Melting Pot of Metaphors.

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3 hours ago, raven1 said:

I too offer my condolences for the loss of loved ones.  Your poems are lovely and thoughtful.  I did enjoy the humour of A Melting Pot of Metaphors.

Thank you :hug: I'm glad you liked the metaphor poem.  I had fun with that one :)  

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Sadly, powerful poetry is often wrought from the angst of loss and sorrow.

Beautiful words, artfully knit.

Blessing to you with prayers the souls so soon lost fly FREE🕊

Enjoyed molto!

Stop Motion Love GIF by Mochimochiland

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  • Site Administrator
4 hours ago, RafaelDe said:

Sadly, powerful poetry is often wrought from the angst of loss and sorrow.

Beautiful words, artfully knit.

Blessing to you with prayers the souls so soon lost fly FREE🕊

Enjoyed molto!

Stop Motion Love GIF by Mochimochiland

Thank you so much :hug:  

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