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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Silent Heartbeats - 15. Chapter 15: Carter is in deep waters. Will he survive?

Hey, my amazing people! 🌟 I just want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for joining me on this wild ride. Your support means the world to me, and I couldn't do this without you! 🙌
Now, buckle up, because things are about to get real dramatic. Trust me, you're going to want to hold on tight! 😱🔥
And don't forget to drop those comments below. I love hearing your thoughts, theories, and reactions! Let’s get interactive! 💬
Enjoy the chapter, and let's dive in! 📖💕

Jeremy stood silently in the doorway to his sons’ room, leaning against the frame as he watched Oliver and Andrew playing with their toys. The room was filled with the cheerful sounds of the twins’ laughter and the soft clatter of building blocks tumbling to the floor. But despite the joyful scene before him, there was a deep sadness in Jeremy’s eyes. The memory of how he had shouted at Andrew that day, in a moment of frustration and grief, lingered heavily on his conscience. He had never spoken to any of his sons like that, and the thought of hurting Andrew was like a knife twisting in his heart.

As the boys continued to play, Jeremy noticed Andrew glancing up and catching sight of him. The boy’s laughter faded, and he froze, the happiness in his eyes dimming into something more guarded. Jeremy’s heart ached at the sight. Andrew had always been so excited to see him, running up with open arms and a beaming smile. But now, the little boy just stood there, uncertain and hesitant.

Jeremy took a deep breath and stepped into the room, moving closer to Andrew.

“Hey, buddy,” he said softly, trying to keep his voice gentle. “You don’t have to be scared of me.” He dropped to his knees, bringing himself to Andrew’s level, and opened his arms wide. “Come here, Andrew. Come closer to me.”

For a moment, Andrew hesitated, looking at Jeremy with wide eyes, as if he were a stranger. The uncertainty in his son’s gaze sent a pang of guilt through Jeremy’s chest. He knew he had to make things right. Slowly, Andrew took a few tentative steps toward him, stopping just a foot away, still staring at him with a mix of confusion and fear.

“I’m so sorry, Andrew,” Jeremy said, his voice filled with remorse. “I didn’t mean to shout at you that day. I was feeling very upset, but that’s no excuse. I should never have taken it out on you.”

He reached up and gently held his own ears, a gesture of apology he knew Andrew would understand.

“Can you forgive me, buddy? I promise I will never do that to you again. I love you so much, and I’m willing to do anything for you to make it right.”

Andrew continued to look at him, his young face still filled with uncertainty. Jeremy forced a small, hopeful smile, trying to ease his son’s worry.

“I’ll get you anything you want,” he added, his voice lightening as he tried to coax a smile from Andrew. “Anything at all. What do you say?”

Andrew’s face slowly brightened, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

“I want lots and lots of chocolates!” he shouted, his voice filled with a burst of childish enthusiasm.

Jeremy laughed, relief flooding through him as he cupped Andrew’s cheeks in his hands. He pressed a gentle kiss to his son’s forehead.

“You got it, buddy. I’ll get you all the chocolates in the world.”

Andrew giggled, and Jeremy lifted him into his arms, spinning him around in the air. Oliver, seeing his brother’s joy, quickly joined in, running over and jumping up to grab Jeremy’s leg.

“Me too, Daddy!” Oliver called out, his voice filled with laughter.

The room was soon filled with the sound of their playful shouts and laughter, Jeremy chasing the boys around, playing games and making silly faces. For the first time in what felt like forever, Jeremy felt a genuine smile spread across his face. The weight on his chest seemed to lighten, just a little, as he lost himself in the simple joy of playing with his sons.

But the moment was abruptly interrupted when the door to the room flew open. Jeff came rushing inside, his face anxious and his eyes wide with worry. He looked directly at Jeremy, urgency in his voice.

“Jeremy, has Carter called you at all?”

Jeremy’s smile faded instantly, replaced by a frown. He turned away, focusing on Oliver and Andrew again.

“I don’t want to talk about that boy, Jeff,” he said dismissively. “And I definitely don’t want to see him.”

Jeff shook his head, frustration etched into every line of his face.

“You don’t understand, Jeremy. I went to his house, and the door was wide open. Inside, there were broken things everywhere, and some blood. It looked like there was a struggle, or maybe… maybe he did something to himself. I don’t know, but it’s bad.”

Jeremy sighed deeply, still not looking at Jeff. “It’s none of our business, Jeff,” he replied flatly. “Whatever’s going on with him, it’s his problem. We have our own lives to live.”

Jeff’s expression grew incredulous, and his voice rose with urgency.

“Are you even hearing yourself, Jeremy? How can you say that? How can you just ignore this?”

Jeremy remained silent, his jaw clenched. He didn’t want to get involved. The farther he was from Carter, the better.

Before he could say anything more, a small voice broke the tension.

“What’s wrong with Carter?” Oliver asked, looking up at the adults with wide, worried eyes.

Both men turned to look at the little boy, who seemed genuinely concerned.

“Is Carter in trouble?” Oliver continued, tugging on Jeremy’s shirt. “Daddy, we need to help Carter.”

Jeremy looked down at his son, and seeing the worry etched on Oliver’s young face made his heart ache. He forced a slight smile and gently squeezed Oliver’s hand.

“It’s nothing, buddy,” he reassured him, though his voice was strained. “I’m sure Carter is fine. Don’t worry about it, okay?”

But even as he said the words, doubt gnawed at Jeremy’s gut. He could see the unease in his son’s eyes, and it mirrored the uncertainty he felt inside. He wanted to believe Carter was okay, but the worry in Jeff’s voice and the image of Carter’s ransacked house kept flashing through his mind.

Trying to push the thoughts away, Jeremy held both his sons’ hands.

“Come on, let’s go out and have some fun,” he said, trying to sound cheerful. He looked up at Jeff and shook his head, silently telling him to drop the subject, at least for now. He couldn’t deal with any more right now.

As Jeremy led his sons out of the room, Jeff stood there, looking helpless and scared. He watched them leave, his mind racing with worry. He didn’t know what to do, but he couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. Not when something might have happened to Carter.


Carter's body floated just beneath the water’s surface, limp and lifeless. The water, still pouring in from above, swirled around him, soaking his clothes and hair, mingling with the last vestiges of his strength. His chest felt tight, his lungs burning from the lack of air.

Suddenly, Carter's body surged upward, breaking through the water’s surface with a violent gasp. He inhaled sharply, coughing and spluttering as he tried to shout for help, but his voice was weak and strangled. Tears streamed down his cheeks, mixing with the water that had filled the drum, creating a blur of salt and fear. The echoes of his cries bounced off the metal walls, reminding him just how alone he was in this terrifying, enclosed space. His chest heaved, each breath a desperate struggle against the water that continued to rise, creeping up toward his nose.

Just as the water threatened to overwhelm him again, pouring into his nostrils and filling his throat with a sickening, suffocating sensation, it suddenly stopped. Carter coughed, trying to catch his breath, his heart pounding in his ears. He watched, bewildered, as the water level began to drop rapidly, draining away somewhere below him. Panic was replaced by confusion, and he glanced around in the darkness, trying to understand what was happening.

Then, with a loud creak, the top of the drum opened, and a harsh light flooded in, blinding him for a moment. Carter squinted against the sudden brightness, his body trembling with cold and fear. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to make sense of his surroundings, his muscles tense with a mix of dread and relief.

Looking up, Carter saw Lopez peering down at him, an evil grin spreading across his face. His dark eyes glinted with malice, his expression one of twisted satisfaction. The sight of Lopez sent a shiver down Carter’s spine, his mouth trembling as he realized just how precarious his situation was. He was trapped, at Lopez’s mercy, with no way out.

Before he could process what was happening, a ladder was shoved into the drum, clattering against the metal with a loud clang. Two men, their faces obscured by the shadows, descended swiftly, splashing into the remaining water. Without a word, they grabbed Carter’s legs, untying the bindings that had kept him immobilized. He tried to resist, his body weak and exhausted, but their grip was firm and unyielding.

The men hauled him out of the drum with rough, uncaring hands, lifting him like a ragdoll. Carter's limbs flailed helplessly as they dragged him up the ladder and threw him to the ground at Lopez’s feet. He landed with a painful thud, his body collapsing in a wet heap on the cold, hard floor.

Gasping for air, Carter lay there, his body trembling uncontrollably. He could feel the cold seep into his bones, the ache in his muscles growing with each passing second. His eyes darted upward, meeting Lopez’s gaze, and he saw nothing but cruel delight in those dark, unforgiving eyes.

Lopez smirked down at Carter, a twisted satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. “You look like you’ve just seen death," he teased, his voice dripping with mockery”

Carter’s mouth trembled, his body still weak from his ordeal in the water drum. His voice was barely more than a whisper as he asked, “Why are you doing this, Lopez?”

Lopez threw back his head and laughed, a cold, hollow sound that echoed through the dimly lit space. He spread his arms wide as if embracing the darkness around them.

“Revenge, Carter. For what you did to my brother.” He stepped closer, his expression darkening with malice as he loomed over Carter. “But you didn’t think I was going to let you die that easily, did you?”

Carter's eyes widened in fear as Lopez leaned in, his face inches away.

“Letting you die in that drum would have been merciful,” Lopez hissed between clenched teeth. “No, I’m going to give you a slow and painful death, something that’ll make you beg for it to end.”

Carter sobbed, his tears mingling with the cold sweat on his face. “It was a misunderstanding,” he pleaded, his voice quaking. “I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn’t even know Elias was in that car.”

“Liar!” Lopez shouted, his voice thundering in the confined space. “You planned everything, and now my brother is gone. He was the only family I had left.” His voice dropped to a venomous whisper as he continued, “But now we’re equal, Carter. Your father isn’t here to show you the light in the darkness anymore. And soon, you’ll be joining him.”

Carter’s breath hitched, his heart pounding in his chest.

“Please, Lopez, let me go. We’ve both lost so much already, and…”

Lopez cut him off with a furious yell. “Because of you!” His voice was raw with emotion, his face twisted in anger and grief. “But don’t worry, Carter. That’s going to be sorted out very soon.”

He laughed again, a dark, chilling sound that sent a shiver down Carter’s spine.

“You know,” Lopez sneered, “you look even worse than your old man did when he was begging for your life the time he got kidnapped.”

Carter’s face went pale, his mouth shaking as he stuttered, “Y-you… you were the one who kidnapped me back then?”

Lopez’s grin widened into a sadistic smile. “Who did you think it was, you fool? You were so stupidly in love with Elias. He knew all about it.” He laughed maniacally, his eyes wild with a twisted joy. “Your old man had to sacrifice almost everything he had. It was planned all along.”

Carter’s eyes filled with tears of rage and despair.

“You’re evil!” he cried, his voice breaking.

Lopez’s expression darkened, and he grabbed Carter’s jaw, pulling him up with a rough jerk.

“You have no idea,” he growled, applying pressure to Carter’s face, causing him to wince in pain. “But don’t worry, I’m going to show you. We’re going to take you to a place where you’ll scream your lungs out, but no one will come to help you.”

Before Carter could utter another word, a sharp blow landed on the back of his head, and his vision went black. His body crumpled to the floor, unconscious and defenseless.

Lopez turned to his men, a cruel smile playing on his lips. “Get him in the car,” he ordered. “Once we’re out of the city, we’ll lock him in the boot. We need to get to the place where I’m going to end this, once and for all.”

The men nodded and swiftly hoisted Carter’s limp body, carrying him towards the exit. As they moved, Lopez’s laughter echoed behind them, a chilling reminder of the nightmare that had only just begun.


Jeremy’s sleek Porsche SUV came to a halt at the red traffic light, its engine purring softly in the warm afternoon. Inside the car, his two sons, Andrew and Oliver, were lost in their own world, enjoying the chocolates and playing with the new toys Jeremy had just bought for them. A genuine smile spread across Jeremy’s face as he watched them. The sound of their laughter and the sight of their happiness filled him with a deep sense of relief.

He had patched things up with his boys. The guilt of shouting at Andrew had weighed heavily on him, but now, seeing his sons so carefree and joyful, he felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Still smiling, Jeremy shifted his gaze away from the boys and glanced out the window. His smile slowly faded as he became lost in thought, Jeff’s frantic words echoing in his mind.

‘I went to his house, Jeremy. The door was wide open, things were broken, and there was blood. Carter might have hurt himself, or worse...’ Jeff’s voice had been filled with so much worry, and despite Jeremy's attempts to dismiss it, the fear in Jeff's eyes had been impossible to ignore.

Jeremy sighed heavily and rubbed his face, trying to shake off the unsettling thoughts. He didn’t want to think about Carter right now. He had his own life to live, his own family to care for. But what if Jeff was right? What if Carter really was in trouble?

As he sat there, his eyes wandered to a car that had just parked on the side of the road next to him. It was a slightly dirty old sedan, nothing out of the ordinary, but something about it caught Jeremy’s attention. There were two men in the back seat who looked oddly out of place, their expressions tense and guarded. Another man was in the driver’s seat, glancing around nervously. Between the two men in the back, Jeremy could see someone slumped over, but the figure was obscured by the tinted glass and a dark scarf that covered most of their face.

The traffic lights turned green, and as the cars started moving, a sudden gust of wind blew through the open window of the sedan. The scarf that had been partially covering the figure in the back seat fluttered away, revealing a face that sent Jeremy’s heart pounding in his chest.


He looked unconscious, his head lolling to one side, his face pale and still. Jeremy’s breath caught in his throat, his mind reeling with shock and fear. How could this be happening? Why was Carter in that car? And who were those men with him?

The sedan began to move, turning onto a side street and picking up speed. Jeremy’s eyes widened as he watched the car disappear around the corner.

“Stop the car!” Jeremy shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice filled with urgency. “Turn around, follow that car!”

The driver of the Porsche, startled by Jeremy’s sudden outburst, slammed on the brakes. But with cars already lined up behind them, horns blaring impatiently, there was no way to reverse. Jeremy craned his neck, trying to keep the sedan in sight as it sped further away.

Without a second thought, Jeremy threw open the car door and jumped out.

“Look after the boys!” he barked at the driver, barely waiting for a response before taking off in the direction the sedan had gone.

His feet moved on autopilot, driven by a surge of adrenaline. He sprinted down the sidewalk, his lungs burning and his heart racing with fear. “Carter!” he shouted, his voice breaking with desperation.


Ahead of him, the sedan continued to accelerate, weaving through traffic as it made its way out of the city. Lopez, who was behind the wheel, paid no attention to the chaos unfolding behind him. His focus was solely on the road ahead, a satisfied grin spreading across his face as he realized they were finally on the road leading out of town.

Jeremy ran as fast as his legs would carry him, but the sedan was moving too quickly, the distance between them growing with every passing second. His muscles screamed in protest, his lungs felt like they were on fire, but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t stop.

Finally, the car disappeared from view, and Jeremy’s strength gave out. He stumbled to a halt, leaning forward and bracing his hands on his knees as he gasped for breath. His heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing with a hundred different thoughts.

Carter was in trouble. Real trouble. And Jeremy had no idea how to save him.


Jeremy hurriedly entered his mansion, holding the twins’ hands tightly in his own. He moved swiftly, his mind racing, his heart still pounding from the sprint. As he stepped into the grand living room, his voice boomed, filled with urgency and desperation, “Jeff! Jeff!” His shout echoed throughout the large space, bouncing off the high ceilings and marble floors, startling everyone in the vicinity.

From various parts of the house, members of the household came rushing out, alarmed by the intensity in Jeremy’s voice. They exchanged worried glances, wondering if Jeremy had reverted to his erratic behavior. Jeff, hearing his name called with such urgency, quickly appeared from around the corner. When Jeremy saw him, he immediately rushed over, his face pale with worry.

“Did you see anything at Carter’s house?” Jeremy asked breathlessly, his eyes searching Jeff’s for answers.

Jeff frowned, clearly puzzled by Jeremy’s sudden shift in demeanor. “Only what I told you earlier,” he replied. “Why are you asking now? What’s going on?”

Jeremy took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts.

“I think Carter might be in trouble,” he explained, his voice laced with fear. “I saw him in a car with three men. I couldn’t see them clearly, but Carter... he looked unconscious. I got really worried.”

Jeff gasped, his hand instinctively covering his mouth.

“Where did you see him?” he asked urgently.

“I tried to follow the car,” Jeremy sighed, shaking his head in frustration. “But it was too fast. I lost them.” A heavy silence fell over the room as everyone absorbed the weight of his words.

Breaking the silence, Jeremy turned to Jeff, his tone resolute.

“I need you to take care of the twins. I have to go out and find him.” Without waiting for a response, Jeremy pulled off his jacket and threw it onto a nearby chair. His crisp, pure white shirt clung to his frame as he began to roll up his sleeves, preparing himself for whatever lay ahead.

Just then, Laura rushed towards him, her face a mask of concern and anger. She grabbed his arm, pulling him back with a firm grip.

“Jeremy, what do you think you’re doing?” she demanded, her voice sharp.

“Carter is in trouble, Mom,” Jeremy replied, his eyes pleading with her to understand. “I need to help him.”

At the mention of Carter’s name, Laura’s expression hardened.

“Carter, Carter, Carter!” she shouted, her frustration boiling over. “I am tired of hearing that name! So what if he’s in trouble? Hasn’t he caused this family enough pain already? You don’t need to get involved, and I forbid you from stepping one foot out of this house!”

Jeremy’s face darkened with a frown. “I owe it to him, Mom,” he said quietly but firmly. “Despite everything, I owe him this much.”

Laura’s eyes flared with anger. “You don’t owe him anything!” she snapped.

“Maybe not,” Jeremy conceded, his voice steady. “But if I don’t do something, I know my boys will be upset with me if they find out something happened to Carter. Worse, they might never forgive me.”

Laura shook her head vehemently. “It’s either Carter or me,” she declared, her voice breaking slightly.

Jeremy met her gaze, his own eyes hardening with determination.

“I’m doing what’s right,” he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. “And if that doesn’t sit well with you, then I don’t see how I can help you.”

Laura stared at him, her eyes growing glassy with unshed tears. The reality of her son’s decision hit her hard, but she knew there was no changing his mind.

Jeff, sensing the tension in the room, stepped forward.

“I’m going with you,” he said firmly.

Jeremy shook his head.

“No, Jeff. I need you to go to Carter’s house. Find out how we can contact his family or see if there’s any clue about who might have done this. I’ve already called the police, and they’re going to help look for him.”

Jeff nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. As he turned to leave, Elena approached Jeremy. She reached up, cupping his face gently with her hands, a soft smile on her lips.

“Go help Carter,” she said encouragingly. “I’m glad you’re making this decision.”

Jeremy gave her a grateful nod, then turned and hurried upstairs to change. There was no time to waste.


The sedan screeched to a halt on the side of the desolate road, dust swirling up around the tires as it settled. Lopez stepped out, his every movement deliberate and filled with a dark intensity. He took a deep drag from the cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth, exhaling a plume of smoke into the cool night air. His eyes, cold and calculating, darted to his two thugs.

“Get the boy out of the boot,” he ordered, his voice calm yet commanding. “We need to move him to the hideout.”

The two men exchanged quick glances and hurried around to the back of the car, their footsteps crunching on the gravel. One of them fumbled with the keys, his hands slightly shaking as he unlocked the boot. As soon as the latch clicked open, they both yanked it up in unison.

Their eyes widened in horror.

The boot was empty.

Cold sweat began to bead on their foreheads, their mouths trembling as they stared at the gaping, vacant space where Carter was supposed to be. They stood frozen for a split second, as if their brains couldn't quite process what they were seeing.

“The boy's not here!” they shouted simultaneously, their voices rising in panicked disbelief.

Lopez's eyes widened in shock, and his heart lurched in his chest. He stormed over, shoving the two men aside to peer into the boot himself. His face twisted in a mask of rage and bewilderment as he saw it was empty.

“What the hell do you mean, he's not here?” Lopez screamed, his voice echoing in the quiet night. “Where is he?”

The two men, both pale and shaking, looked at each other before stammering, “We... we don’t know! He was in the boot the last time we checked. We swear!”

"You idiots!" Lopez roared, his voice cracking with fury.

“How could you let this happen? How did he get out?”

The men exchanged helpless looks, their fear palpable. “We don't know,” one of them mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. “He was tied up, and the boot was locked...”

Lopez's face contorted with rage, and he let out a guttural scream, “Carter!”

The name ripped through the air like a curse, his fury boiling over.

“Find him!” he bellowed at the two men. “Find him now, or I swear I’ll make you wish you were never born!”

The two men didn’t need to be told twice. They sprinted off in opposite directions, desperately searching for any sign of Carter, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Lopez stood by the car, his body shaking with rage. He threw his cigarette to the ground, grinding it under his heel as he clenched his fists.

“I will find you, Carter,” he muttered under his breath, his voice low and dangerous. “And when I do, you’ll wish I’d let you drown in that drum.”

He let out another scream, his voice full of frustration and hatred, echoing into the empty road ahead.


Carter sprinted down the desolate road, his breaths coming out in harsh, ragged gasps that burned his throat. His body was covered in dirt, his clothes clinging to him, soaked with sweat and grime. His feet were raw and blistered, each step feeling like he was running on fire, but he couldn't stop. He glanced back over his shoulder, eyes wide with terror, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest.

He had escaped Lopez by some miracle, a twist of fate that he couldn't even begin to understand. As he ran, flashbacks of the dark, cramped boot flooded his mind. He remembered the suffocating darkness, the panic that clawed at his throat as he cried out, tears streaming down his face.

“Please, God, help me,” he had whispered into the void, feeling the tight ropes cutting into his skin, his wrists raw and bleeding.

Carter had fought against his restraints, his hands fumbling desperately, pulling and twisting with all his might. Suddenly, as if by some divine intervention, he felt the binds loosen. His heart had leapt in his chest, a glimmer of hope piercing through the despair. He frantically worked at the ropes, his fingers moving with frantic speed until he was free.

He had tried to open the boot, his hands scrabbling against the metal, but it was shut tight. Desperation flooded him, and he closed his eyes, sending up a silent prayer.

“Please, please let me out,” he had begged, and then, as if answering his plea, the car hit a bump. The boot had jolted, opening just a crack. Carter's eyes flew open, his heart racing.

He pushed with all his might, muscles straining, and the boot opened a bit more. He held it, trying to keep it from flying up completely, waiting for his chance. When the car finally slowed, he seized the moment, slipping out and dropping onto the hard, unforgiving road. Pain shot through him as he hit the ground, his body rolling and skidding against the rough surface.

But he was free. He had rolled into the dirt, coming to a stop, his body aching, bruised, and scraped. He had looked back just in time to see the boot snap shut again as the car hit another bump, miraculously concealing his escape.

Now, here he was, running down an endless road, surrounded by trees and tall grass. His legs felt like they were about to give out, his lungs screaming for air, but he didn't dare stop. He didn't know where he was, couldn't see anyone or anything. The world around him was just a blur of green and brown, the sound of his own ragged breathing echoing in his ears.

Carter ran for what felt like hours, his body moving on pure adrenaline, his mind a haze of fear and exhaustion. Suddenly, a sound broke through the fog—a car engine, distant but unmistakable. His body went limp, his mind freezing in a sudden rush of panic. He had no idea where the sound was coming from, but he knew in his gut that Lopez had found him.

Terror surged through him, and without thinking, he veered off the road, crashing through the underbrush. He didn't notice as the necklace he always wore slipped from his neck, falling on the side of the road. He was too focused on escaping, on getting as far away as possible.

He tore through the trees, branches scraping against his skin, stumbling over roots and rocks. His heart was racing, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps as he pushed himself harder, faster. Finally, he ducked behind a thick tree, pressing his back against the rough bark, trying to quiet his breathing, to make himself as small and invisible as possible.

Carter's breath hitched as he heard the car engine grow louder, the low rumble growing closer and closer to where he was hiding. His heart pounded in his chest like a drum, each beat echoing in his ears, drowning out everything else. Suddenly, a sharp popping sound pierced the air—he knew instantly it was a gunshot. Panic gripped him, his muscles tensing as he listened to the car come to an abrupt stop.

He forced himself to stay calm, though his body shook with fear. His hands trembled as he clasped them together, his nails digging painfully into his palms. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he blinked them away, straining to keep his focus. He heard the car door creak open, the sound like a death knell in the eerie silence.

Footsteps crunched on the gravel, slow and deliberate, getting closer and closer. Carter’s breath quickened, his chest heaving as he struggled to keep his breathing quiet. He closed his eyes, his lips moving in a silent prayer, pleading not to be found.

Please, please, God, don't let them find me,” he whispered in his mind, each word a desperate plea.

He risked a glance around the tree, moving slowly, cautiously. All he could see were boots—black, heavy, and menacing, just like Lopez's. Fear snaked through him, cold and paralyzing, as he realized how close they were. He pressed himself harder against the tree, every muscle in his body coiled with tension.

When he saw Lopez facing the other way, Carter knew it was now or never. He moved slowly, inching away from the tree, each step calculated and silent. His heart thundered in his chest, every instinct screaming at him to run. When he felt he was far enough, he took a deep breath and bolted, sprinting deeper into the jungle. He didn't dare look back; he just kept running, driven by pure, unadulterated fear.

Meanwhile, Jeremy stood by his car, glaring at his two flat tires. Frustration bubbled inside him, and he kicked one of the tires hard, his foot throbbing with the impact.

“Great,” he muttered under his breath, “Just great. Now I'm lost in the middle of nowhere, and the police are nowhere to be seen.”

He pulled out his phone, hoping to call for help, but his stomach sank when he saw there was no service. Groaning in frustration, he began to pace around, lifting his phone in the air, trying to find even the faintest signal.

“Come on, come on,” he muttered, his patience wearing thin.

As he moved, something shiny caught his eye, glinting in the sunlight filtering through the trees. He frowned, moving closer, curiosity piqued. Leaning down, he saw a necklace lying in the dirt. He picked it up, the chain cold against his fingers. Recognition flashed through him as he stared at the familiar piece of jewelry.

“Carter,” he breathed, his mind racing as he remembered seeing the necklace on Carter before.

Jeremy’s heart skipped a beat, and he stood up quickly, shouting Carter's name into the dense forest.

“Carter! Carter!” His voice echoed around him, bouncing off the trees, but there was no response.

He called out again and again, his voice growing hoarse, but only the sound of rustling leaves answered him.

Meanwhile, Carter heard his name being called in the distance. His entire body tensed, and his mind screamed at him to run. The voice was familiar, but panic had him in its grip. He bolted, sprinting through the jungle as if the hounds of hell were at his heels.

He didn't know where he was going; he just knew he had to get as far away as possible. Every step felt like it was taking him deeper into the unknown, but he didn’t care. He needed to escape, to find safety, to disappear from Lopez and his men. So, he ran, his breath coming in sharp, ragged gasps, pushing himself harder and faster with every step.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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“It’s either Carter or me,”

What a melodramatic, self-centered bitch! Btw, Jeremy just wants to help Carter, not marry him (yet 😉)!

Well, this chapter shows how conflicted emotions and mess in head can be easily cleared when the person who is the trigger for such emotions is in trouble. Faced with possibility to see Carter being hurt, or even loose him, Jeremy gets in action! Let's see what will happen... 

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I wish I could say a lot of good things about Jeremy for looking for and trying to help Carter, but let's be honest, he is only there because he doesn't want to upset his children not for any altruistic or other good reason, but at least he is there. But to be fair, he is better than Laura, she would prefer Carter to die. Terrified, Carter is running for his life knowing that if he is caught he will suffer a torturous death at Lopez's hands, I'm hoping he succeeds or is found by Jeremy in time, but what will the future hold for him? Will it be a happy future or one where he is continually running from Lopez? I fear that Carter has more suffering ahead of him before he finds happiness.

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52 minutes ago, Mancunian said:

I'm hoping he succeeds or is found by Jeremy in time, but what will the future hold for him? Will it be a happy future or one where he is continually running from Lopez? I fear that Carter has more suffering ahead of him before he finds happiness.

Yes, one part of Carter's unfortunate life might be continually running from Lopez but there is the other part too - facing Jeremy's mood swings, anger outbursts, loves me/loves me not mind changes, easy jumping to conclusions...it is tiring, frustrating and Carter has to set boundaries somewhere in order to stay sane! 

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