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Silent Heartbeats - 9. Chapter 9: Dexter feels threatened by Carter's presence and closeness to Jeremy.

Halooooo guys, hope everyone is doing okay. Thanks again for your wonderful comments on the previous chapter. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Love, love, love you so much!
Feel the passion...🥰

Jeremy stood in the garden, his smart appearance slightly undone by the casualness of his half-buttoned shirt and designer shoes. One hand rested in his pocket as he watched his twin sons, Oliver and Andrew, gleefully playing in the sprinklers. The sound of their laughter filled the air, and Jeremy couldn't help but smile at their joy. The past few days had been spent at home with them, a much-needed break after Ethan's memorial. Though he hadn’t yet returned to work, he was beginning to feel more like himself, the presence of his children offering a solace he hadn’t realized he needed.

As he kept his eyes on the twins, his phone rang, breaking the serene moment. He answered without looking away from the boys, engaging in a brief conversation while still immersed in the simple pleasure of watching them. The call ended, but Jeremy remained in place, lost in the sight of his sons’ happiness.

A voice from behind suddenly pulled him from his thoughts. "Sir?"

Jeremy turned and found Carter standing there, a slight smile on his face. The sight of him made Jeremy’s heart race unexpectedly, a cold shiver running down his spine. It had been days since they last saw each other, and the memory of that awkward morning lingered between them.

"Carter," Jeremy greeted, his voice steady despite the awkwardness he felt.

Carter stepped closer, holding a folder of documents. “I brought the papers you requested.”

Jeremy nodded, his gaze shifting back to Oliver and Andrew. “Thanks. How have you been?”

“I’m fine, thank you. And the boys? They look like they’re having a lot of fun,” Carter remarked, glancing at the twins with a genuine smile.

Jeremy allowed himself to relax a little. “They are. Oliver has been asking about you, actually. That’s part of why I wanted you to come over.”

Carter’s smile grew, a warmth spreading through his chest as he watched the boys, who were blissfully unaware of the two adults’ presence. The silence between them felt charged with unspoken words, and after a moment, Jeremy broke it.

“I didn’t properly thank you for the other day,” Jeremy began, his tone sincere. “And I’m sorry about the way Dexter reacted. That wasn’t fair to you.”

Carter turned to face Jeremy, their eyes meeting. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m just glad I could help.”

They stood there, locked in each other’s gaze, time seeming to stretch between them. The moment was abruptly interrupted by a sudden spray of water, catching them both off guard. Jeremy and Carter instinctively looked up, wondering if it had started raining, but the sound of giggles drew their attention to the source.

Oliver and Andrew stood a few feet away, holding a hose, spraying water at them with mischievous grins. “Carter, come play with us!” Oliver called out, his voice full of excitement.

Carter laughed, shaking his head slightly. “I’m not really dressed for it,” he replied, gesturing to his clothes, but Oliver wasn’t taking no for an answer. He ran over, grabbing Carter by the hand and pulling him toward the makeshift water park.

Andrew shouted to his father, “Come on, Dad! Play with us!”

Jeremy smiled, not minding the water soaking through his clothes. He watched as Carter allowed himself to be dragged into the game, his initial hesitation fading as he began to splash around with the twins. Jeremy felt his own spirits lift, the sight of his sons’ happiness filling him with a deep, contented warmth.

As the twins sprayed him with water, Jeremy let go of the last remnants of tension that had been clinging to him. He joined in the play, laughter echoing through the garden as they all became drenched.

Jeremy was completely lost in the moment, splashing around with his sons, their laughter mixing with his own. He hadn’t felt this kind of joy in a long time, the burdens he carried momentarily lifted as he played in the water. Oliver and Andrew were thrilled to have their father join them, their innocent joy contagious. Carter, though initially hesitant, found himself caught up in the fun, and before long, he was laughing just as hard as the twins.

A short distance away, Elena stood, watching the scene unfold with a smile that brightened her face. Seeing Jeremy so carefree, so genuinely happy, was a sight she hadn’t witnessed in what felt like forever. It warmed her heart to see him letting go, even if just for a little while. This was the Jeremy she remembered, the one who wasn’t weighed down by grief and responsibility.

Her smile widened as she observed the bond forming between Carter and the twins, the way they seemed to gravitate towards him naturally. The laughter, the playful shouts—it was a balm to her soul, a reminder that happiness could still be found even after so much pain.

But then, a voice cut through her thoughts, sharp and cold. “What are you doing?”

Elena turned to see Dexter standing behind her, his face twisted in displeasure as he took in the scene. His eyes were dark with anger, and the sight of Jeremy laughing so freely seemed to only fuel the fire in him. His jaw clenched, and his fists tightened at his sides.

“I’m watching my son finally find a little happiness,” Elena said softly, her smile faltering as she noticed Dexter’s reaction. She hadn’t seen Jeremy like this since Ethan’s death, and it brought her a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in a long time. “He’s letting go, and it’s beautiful to see.”

Dexter’s response was immediate, his voice dripping with venom. “What are you smiling about? Jeremy’s out there playing with some stranger, someone who’s been trying to worm his way into our lives. Don’t you see it? He’s trying to steal Jeremy’s money, erase Ethan from his mind. And you’re just standing here, smiling like an idiot.”

Elena’s smile faded, replaced by a frown as she looked at Dexter with a mix of sadness and disappointment. “Why would you say something like that, Dexter? That boy seems kind, and the twins clearly adore him. Why can’t you see that?”

Dexter groaned, his frustration boiling over. “I don’t know if you’re stupid or just blind. That boy is manipulating his way into our lives, and instead of protecting Ethan’s memory, you’re standing here, acting like everything’s fine.”

Elena sighed deeply, her heart heavy. “I don’t hold anything against him, Dexter. He’s done nothing wrong.”

“Of course you don’t see anything wrong,” Dexter snapped, his voice laced with bitterness. “You’re too stupid to see what’s happening right in front of you.”

Elena winced at his words, the pain evident in her eyes. “You don’t have to insult me, Dexter. No matter how much you hate me, I’m still your mother.”

Dexter’s response was a bitter laugh, his eyes cold as he looked at her. “You’re not my mother. You’re just a woman who trapped my father by opening your cursed legs. Don’t ever call me your son.”

Elena closed her eyes, the sting of his words cutting deep. When she opened them again, her expression was one of quiet sorrow. But before she could say anything more, Dexter turned on his heel and stormed away, his anger hissing through his teeth as he left her standing there, the sound of laughter from the garden now a distant echo.

Elena took a deep breath, pushing away Dexter's harsh words, deciding not to let them affect her. She had grown accustomed to his disdain, but she wouldn't let it ruin the day. She replaced her frown with a warm smile and walked towards the garden where the sounds of laughter filled the air.

“Alright, everyone!” she called out, interrupting the playful chaos. “You've been in that cold water long enough. It's time to get dry before you catch a cold.”

The twins groaned in unison, their fun clearly not yet over. “But Granny,” Oliver whined, “we're not done playing!”

Elena chuckled, “If you don't get dry now, there won't be any chocolates or ice cream later.”

That caught their attention. Oliver and Andrew exchanged a look before they both smiled widely and nodded in agreement. “Okay, Granny!” they chimed, both now eager to comply.

Oliver looked up at Carter, tugging on his sleeve. “Carter, can you help me get dry?”

Andrew quickly echoed his brother's sentiment, “Me too! I want Carter to help.”

Elena smiled at their enthusiasm, turning to Carter. “It seems like you're in high demand. Are you sure you're okay with helping them?”

Carter smiled warmly, nodding. “Of course, I can help. I'd be happy to.”

Elena laughed, “Alright then, I'll show you where to go. Come along, boys.”

As Carter followed Elena and the twins toward the house, Jeremy watched them leave, a sense of contentment washing over him. The connection between Carter and his sons was undeniable, and seeing Oliver, usually so reserved, open up so easily around Carter filled Jeremy's heart with warmth. A smile crept onto his face, unbidden, and he let it stay.


Carter wrapped a large towel around the twins, his hands gently drying their small, damp bodies. Their innocent giggles filled the room, bringing a warm smile to his face. He worked his way from their bodies to their hair, ruffling the soft strands until they were mostly dry. The twins' laughter was infectious, and Carter found himself chuckling along with them.

Once they were dry, Carter helped them into warm clothes, ensuring they were snug and comfortable. He leaned down and kissed each of their cheeks. “All done, my little champions,” he said with a grin.

Oliver, eyes shining with affection, looked up at him and said, “I love you so much, Carter.”

Carter’s heart melted. “I love you too, Oliver,” he replied, kissing them both again.

Just then, Elena entered the room, holding a set of clothes. She smiled at Carter and said, “You need to get out of those damp clothes, or you’ll catch a cold.”

Carter stood up and looked at the clothes she brought. “Thank you,” he said, hesitating slightly. “Where did you get clothes that would fit me?”

Elena’s smile widened. “They’re some of Jeremy’s old clothes. I thought they’d be perfect for you.”

Carter was a bit hesitant, unsure about wearing Jeremy’s clothes. “I’m just nervous,” he admitted with a sheepish smile.

Elena reached out and touched his arm reassuringly. “You don’t need to be nervous. Everything is going to be fine. In fact, I should be thanking you. You’ve made my grandsons so happy, even if just for a little while.”

Carter’s eyes softened as he glanced at the twins. “They’re such wonderful kids. Who wouldn’t love them?”

Elena nodded in agreement. “I’m going to take the kids so you can change,” she said, ushering the twins out of the room.

Once they were gone, Carter made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. It didn’t take long, and soon he emerged, dressed in Jeremy’s clothes, which fit him surprisingly well. He had a towel wrapped around his hair, which was still damp. As he looked around for a hair dryer, he realized there wasn’t one in the twins’ room. After all, it was a children’s room.

Curious, he began walking around the room, and his eyes fell upon another door. Intrigued, he opened it and found himself in a spacious, elegant bedroom. The room was tastefully decorated, with carefully arranged furniture and beautiful paintings on the walls. A large portrait of Ethan hung above the bed, drawing Carter’s attention.

He quickly realized this was Jeremy’s room. He was about to leave when he spotted a hair dryer sitting on a table, almost as if it were calling out to him.

For what felt like hours, he stood there, contemplating whether to use it or not. Finally, he gave in, rushing over to pick up the dryer. With a deep breath, he turned it on and began drying his hair, feeling slightly out of place but also oddly comfortable in the space.

Carter was lost in the gentle hum of the hair dryer, carefully running his fingers through his damp hair as the warm air worked its magic. The calmness of the moment wrapped around him like a soft blanket, the world outside this room fading into a quiet murmur.

Meanwhile, Jeremy emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed in a smart shirt, black pants, and sandals. He felt refreshed and ready to face the day. As he dropped the towel onto a nearby chair, the soft whirring of the hair dryer caught his attention. His eyes instinctively turned towards the source of the sound, and he saw Carter standing there, drying his hair with an easy grace.

Jeremy froze. In that instant, everything around him seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them in the room. The way Carter bent his neck slightly, the peaceful concentration on his face as he dried his hair—it all triggered a flood of memories for Jeremy.

He was transported back to a time when he had watched Ethan doing the same thing, standing in front of a mirror with a hair dryer in hand. Jeremy remembered the way he used to stare at Ethan, mesmerized by his beauty and the effortless way he carried himself.

The memory played out in his mind like a vivid dream. He remembered walking up behind Ethan, wrapping his arms around his waist, and planting soft kisses along his neck. The feel of Ethan’s warmth, the sound of his laughter—everything came rushing back. He could even hear his own voice echoing in his head, teasing Ethan by saying, “You look so yummy, I could have you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

Ethan’s laughter had been light and full of joy as he replied, “Then we’ll never get anything done.”

The memories brought a bittersweet smile to Jeremy's face. He was lost in his daydream, savoring the warmth of those cherished moments, the love they had shared, and the deep connection that was now only a memory.

But the present called him back as Carter turned his neck and noticed Jeremy staring at him. Carter’s eyes widened, and his heart skipped a beat. He quickly switched off the dryer, the abrupt silence filling the room.

“I’m so sorry,” Carter gasped, his voice laced with surprise and a hint of nervousness.

Jeremy blinked, pulled from the past and thrust back into the present. The smile faded slightly, replaced by an awkwardness that neither of them knew how to bridge.

Jeremy looked away slightly, his gaze shifting to the floor as the silence between them grew. Carter felt the nervousness settling in his chest, unsure of what to do next. He put the hair dryer down and spoke quietly, “I didn’t mean to enter your room. I was just... I’ll leave now.”

Before Carter could take a step, Jeremy’s voice stopped him. “It’s okay,” Jeremy said, still not meeting his eyes. “I understand.”

Carter was taken aback. He had expected a harsher response—maybe a sharp rebuke, a command to leave—but instead, Jeremy’s tone was calm, almost understanding. What had changed? Carter’s eyes met Jeremy’s for a brief moment, searching for answers in the man’s unreadable expression.

Jeremy broke the silence first, shifting the conversation away from the awkwardness. “I saw the documents and the pictures,” he began, his tone more business-like now. “And I received a call from the clients. They got their clothes and they’re very pleased. They’re happy with the work you did.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Carter’s lips, a mixture of relief and pride.

“Thank you,” he replied, genuinely pleased. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I remembered what you said, and I’m going to keep proving myself and get even better.”

Jeremy nodded, his face serious but not unkind.

“You better,” he said, his words carrying a weight of expectation that was almost reassuring in its familiarity.

Another silence settled between them, but this time it was less tense, more contemplative. Carter hesitated before speaking again, his voice a bit unsure.

“I also received an invitation to attend their event,” he said, referring to the clients. “As a thank you for making their outfits, but...”

Before Carter could finish, Jeremy interrupted him, his voice steady and encouraging. “You should go.”

Carter blinked, surprised again by Jeremy’s response. He had expected resistance, perhaps a dismissal, but instead, he found support.

“Really?” Carter asked, almost as if he needed confirmation that he had heard right.

Jeremy nodded, his gaze finally meeting Carter’s. “It’s part of your job. It’s important to make connections and build relationships. Go, represent the company well.”

Carter nodded, feeling a warmth in his chest at Jeremy’s unexpected encouragement. “Thank you, sir,” he said, his voice steady now, filled with determination.

There was a heavy silence between them, an unspoken tension lingering in the air. Carter finally broke it, his voice steady but tinged with a sense of urgency. “I should go back to work. As for the event, I’ll leave in the morning, but thank you again.”

Jeremy simply nodded, offering no further words. Carter took that as his cue and turned to leave. He made his way to the twins' room, picked up his bag, and started heading out of the house. The morning had been eventful, and he was ready to get back to his routine. But as he stepped out of the room, a voice stopped him in his tracks.

“What’s your real mission in our lives?”

Carter froze and slowly turned around, his heart sinking as he found Dexter standing there, arms crossed, eyes full of hatred. The intensity of Dexter’s gaze made Carter feel like he was shrinking under the weight of it.

Dexter took a step closer, his eyes narrowing as he looked Carter up and down with disgust. “Don’t think you can just waltz into our house, get close to my nephews, or worse, to Jeremy,” he sneered. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but it stops now.”

Carter frowned, a mix of confusion and indignation rising in him. “I don’t have any agenda,” he replied, his voice steady but carrying an edge of frustration.

Dexter’s eyes flared with anger, and he suddenly shouted, “Don’t lie to me! You’re nothing but an opportunist, taking advantage of a man when he’s at his weakest. You think you can worm your way into his life and take whatever you want, but you’re just a gold-digging bitch.”

The harsh words hit Carter like a physical blow, stinging deeply. He felt his chest tighten, the hurt washing over him as he struggled to maintain his composure. Dexter’s venomous tone cut through the air, each word laced with bitter accusation.

“I’m sick of seeing your face around Jeremy,” Dexter continued, his voice a harsh whisper of barely contained fury. “You don’t belong here. You don’t belong with him, with us.”

Carter’s temper flared, and he snapped back, his voice rising in defiance. “Last time I checked, I didn’t come here for you. And Jeremy, or the twins, they’re not complaining.”

Dexter's eyes widened in shock at Carter’s bold response. The surprise quickly morphed into a fiery mix of frustration and anger, his face contorting with rage. “How dare you talk to me like that?” he snapped, his voice laced with incredulity.

Carter met Dexter’s glare with a steady gaze. “I know I’m a guest in this house, but that doesn’t give you the right to talk to me like I’m nothing.”

Dexter burst into laughter, the sound harsh and mocking. He raised an eyebrow, his voice dripping with disdain. “Worth anything? You’re not even worth working as a nanny. If we needed someone to take care of the twins, we would’ve hired a professional, not some... nobody.”

Carter felt a pang of hurt but stood his ground. “I know I’m nothing compared to you all in wealth or status,” he said calmly, “but a person’s worth isn’t measured by those things.”

Dexter scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Spare me the lecture.” He stepped closer, his presence looming as he raised a finger, pointing it threateningly at Carter. “Stay away from Jeremy. I’m not going to repeat myself. If you don’t listen, there will be consequences.”

The air between them thickened with tension, almost suffocating. They stared at each other, neither backing down, the room seeming to shrink around them. Dexter’s eyes blazed with cold fury, while Carter’s resolve remained unbroken, his heart pounding in his chest.

Carter cast one last glance at Dexter, his expression calm but resolute. Without another word, he turned and walked away, his footsteps echoing down the hallway. Dexter stood frozen, his breath coming in short, furious bursts. As Carter disappeared from view, Dexter groaned in frustration, stamping his foot on the floor with a force that reverberated through the room. His fists clenched tightly at his sides, nails digging into his palms.

“He’s not getting close to Jeremy,” Dexter whispered under his breath, venom lacing every word. “I won’t let some nobody steal my position.”

The thought of losing again, just as he had with Ethan, ignited a firestorm of anger and determination within him. Memories of past failures fueled his resolve, the sting of being overshadowed by Ethan still raw and festering.

“I won’t let it happen,” he muttered to himself, the words almost a vow. An evil grin curled at the corners of his mouth as a twisted plan began to form in his mind. “Carter’s playing with fire, and he’s going to get burned.”

Dexter’s eyes gleamed with a dangerous light, his mind already scheming. He wouldn’t let Carter come between him and what he believed was rightfully his. He had waited far too long, endured too much, and sacrificed too greatly to be sidelined again. This time, he would make sure he was the one in control, no matter what it took.

To be continued

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks a lot to everyone that took the time to read my work. I love you guys a lot. Don't forget to drop your comments about what you think about my work. Ciao!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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As always @vanalas is slowly opening cards, on by one! We've found out, Dexter is not only Jeremy's best friend, as it was mentioned before. He is Ethan's brother and seems a rival too. That explains his constant presence in Jeremy's life.

Dexter is very hostile toward Elena, does he feel she was more supportive of Ethan and Jeremy or he is just mean?! 

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The plot thickens, just what has Dexter got in mind? Whatever it is it doesn't bode well for Carter. And what is Dexter's problem with Elena, his mother who he describes as 'just the woman that opened her legs for his father'? Learning that Dexter is Ethan's brother and feels cheated that Ethan got Jeremy instead of him has me thinking, especially as Carter looks more like Ethan than Dexter. Was Carter adopted, or is it possible that Elena had an affair with Carter's father at some point and Ethan was the result? As they say, the truth will come out in the end so this will be interesting to watch and see.

Jeremy enjoyed himself for once, joining in the fun with the twins and Carter, and for a time became the man he used to be and noticed the likeness between Carter and Ethan. He even treated Carter properly for once, speaking to him, not at him and treating Carter as a person, not a thing. I Jeremy wants more of this he needs to pull his head out of his arse and do something positive before Dexter takes the opportunity away from him. This is Dexter's problem, he lost out once to Ethan and has no intention of losing out to 'an Ethan look-a-like', which is how he sees Carter.

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