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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Silent Heartbeats - 3. Chapter 3: A scary situation turns into Carter's favor.

Thank you so much for the love you've shown this story. I am so encouraged and motivated to deliver and not to disappoint. Hopefully, you'll love this chapter. Looking forward to reading all your comments. Feel the passion...

The world seemed to move in slow motion. Jeremy's heart pounded in his ears as he ran, each step feeling like an eternity. The truck loomed closer, and Jeremy's screams intensified. He pushed himself harder, faster, but the distance between him and Oliver felt insurmountable. The truck's horn blared, a deafening sound that sent a jolt of pure terror through Jeremy.

Just as the truck was about to reach Oliver, a figure darted out from the sidewalk, grabbing the boy and pulling him to safety in one swift motion. Jeremy's breath caught in his throat as he witnessed the narrow escape, relief flooding through him like a tidal wave.

He rushed to the side where his son was, breathing like a woman in labor. Oliver clung tightly to his rescuer, tears still streaming down his cheeks. Jeremy's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized who it was.

"Carter?" he breathed, his voice a mixture of shock and gratitude.

Carter looked up, his expression a mix of relief and concern. His hands trembled slightly as he held onto Oliver, who buried his face in Carter's chest, still sobbing.

Carter felt a surge of emotions as Oliver's trembling arms wrapped around him. He felt something familiar, something deep and profound, as Oliver wrapped his trembling arms around him, sobbing. The boy’s fear and vulnerability struck a chord in him, overwhelming him with emotions he had never experienced before. His own hands shook as he moved them to gently embrace Oliver, murmuring soothing words.

“It's fine,” Carter whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. “You're safe. I have you.”

Tears welled in Carter's eyes, and when he raised his gaze, he found himself staring into Jeremy's frightened eyes. Jeremy was slowly kneeling down beside them, his face etched with worry and relief. He wrapped his arms around Oliver and Carter, pressing kisses all over his son's face.

“Thank you,” Jeremy said, his voice thick with emotion. “I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to him.”

Carter nodded, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I couldn't just watch while he was in danger. I had to do something.”

Jeremy's gratitude was palpable, and he felt a surge of overwhelming relief. If he had lost Oliver, he knew he would have been devastated. He tried to gently pry his son away from Carter, but Oliver clung tightly, refusing to let go.

“It's okay, Oliver,” Jeremy said softly, rubbing his son's back. “You're safe now.”

Oliver shook his head, his grip on Carter tightening.

“No, Daddy, I want to stay with him,” he whimpered.

To say Jeremy was surprised would be an understatement. The past years, Oliver had been so quiet and he rarely allowed anyone to touch him for long, except for Jeremy and a few family members. But he paused, understanding that Oliver needed the comfort and security that Carter provided in that moment.

Eventually, Dexter and Andrew joined them, Dexter's face a mixture of worry and subtle annoyance as he observed the way Jeremy had his arms around Carter and Oliver. Andrew's concern was purely for his brother, his eyes wide with anxiety.

“Is Oliver, okay?” Andrew asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Jeremy managed a small, reassuring smile. “Yes, Andrew. He's safe, thanks to Carter.”

Andrew moved closer to Jeremy, seeking comfort. Jeremy wrapped an arm around his son, feeling the need to protect both his children even more fiercely now. Oliver still clung to Carter, his little body trembling slightly.

Jeremy glanced at Carter, his expression a mix of gratitude and lingering tension. “Please, let's go back inside.”

Carter nodded, his own emotions still raw from the intense moment. They began to walk back together, Oliver still holding onto Carter, while Jeremy kept his arm around both of them, feeling the need to maintain a connection.

Inside, they made their way to Jeremy's office, the atmosphere gradually calming down. Jeremy guided everyone to sit, ensuring Oliver was comfortable and close by. Dexter watched, his eyes flickering between Jeremy and Carter, his emotions unreadable.

“Oliver,” Jeremy said gently, “Are you feeling better now?”

Oliver nodded, his grip on Carter's shirt loosening slightly but still holding on. “Yes, Daddy.”

Jeremy smiled, relief washing over him. “Good. You were very brave.”

Jeremy took a deep breath and gently asked his son, "Oliver, why did you go out like that?"

Oliver, still holding onto Carter, glanced up at him with wide, innocent eyes. “I thought it was Papa,” he said softly, his voice trembling. “That's why I followed him.”

Jeremy felt his heart pound in his chest, the name Ethan bringing a rush of memories and emotions. He wasn't the only one who had seen a resemblance; even his son had. The thought filled him with a bittersweet mix of love and sorrow. He smiled sheepishly and placed a gentle hand on Oliver's cheek.

“Oliver, it was dangerous to run out like that,” Jeremy said softly. “What if something had happened to you?”

Oliver dropped his gaze to the floor, his small voice filled with regret. “I'm sorry, Daddy.”

Seeing his son sad, Jeremy's heart ached. He moved closer, wrapping his arms around Oliver and Carter, offering comfort and reassurance.

“I'm not mad at you, Oliver,” he said tenderly. “I was just scared. Promise me you won't run away like that again.”

Oliver looked up, his eyes brimming with sincerity. “I promise, Daddy.”

Jeremy nodded, his own eyes moist. “That's my brave boy.”

Carter watched the exchange, his own emotions swirling. He felt a strange, protective connection to Oliver, and seeing the father-son bond so strong touched something deep within him. He gently rubbed Oliver's back, offering silent support.

Jeremy took a deep breath and turned to Dexter. "Dexter, could you take the twins to the cafeteria for a while? I need to talk to Carter."

Dexter hesitated, his protective instincts flaring, but he nodded. "Of course." He turned to the twins. "Come on, boys. Let's get some snacks."

Andrew nodded eagerly, but Oliver clung to Carter, his small hands gripping tightly. Carter smiled reassuringly and knelt down to Oliver's level. "It's okay, Oliver. I'll still be here when you get back."

Oliver looked uncertain but finally let go. Dexter gently took his hand, and the twins followed him out of the office. Jeremy watched them leave, a mix of relief and lingering anxiety in his eyes. Once the door closed, he rose from the couch and faced Carter.

“My sons are my life,” Jeremy began, his voice steady but emotional. “They're what I have left as a reminder of my husband. I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to Oliver.”

Carter nodded, his own emotions raw. “I'm glad I was nearby. But I feel responsible because Oliver ran out because of me.”

Jeremy stared at Carter for what felt like hours, his gaze intense and searching. Finally, he spoke. “You're hired.”

Carter's eyes widened in shock, then filled with excitement. He quickly rose from the chair, his gratitude overflowing.

“Thank you! I promise I won't let you down. Thank you for this opportunity.”

Jeremy held up a hand to cut him off. “You have a lot to prove, Carter. My company needs the most skillful people, and saving my son's life doesn't mean you'll get any special favors.”

Carter nodded earnestly. “I don't count on it. I understand.”

Jeremy's expression softened slightly. “I'll be inspecting your work closely. You'll face some challenges to see if you can meet our standards.”

Carter's determination shone through. “I'm ready for it. I'll give my best.”

Jeremy nodded, appreciating the young man's resolve. “Good. We'll start tomorrow. Be here early.”

Carter smiled, his heart racing with a mix of nerves and excitement. “I'll be here. Thank you, sir.”

And a smile brightened Carter face as he knew he had gotten into the famous company. Deep down, he wanted to scream, shout like a kid but he knew better than to act professional. Was he gonna have a good time here or was he gonna be challenged beyond his capacity?


Carter entered his small apartment, the familiar cold and quietness greeting him like an old friend. It wasn't much, but it was a start, a new chapter in his life. He looked around the modest space and sighed, closing the door behind him. The weight of the day, the excitement and the anxiety, all seemed to press down on him at once.

He kicked off his shoes and walked slowly to a small table in the corner of the room. On it sat a picture, framed simply, with incense burning on either side. He sank to the floor, crossing his legs as he stared at the photo. His eyes began to glisten as he took in the image of the man he loved, a handsome figure with grey hair and the brightest smile he had ever seen.

Carter sighed deeply.

“I did it,” he said softly, his voice trembling. “I got a job at one of the biggest companies in the country. I wish you were here to share it with me.” His fingers traced the edge of the photo frame. “I love you and I miss you so much.”


A few months back…


Carter came rushing into the hospital like the hounds of hell were after him. His heart pounded with fear and worry, the sterile smell of antiseptic hitting his nostrils as he burst through the entrance. He frantically searched for the room number he had been given, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

When he finally found the door, it was ajar, revealing his father lying in bed, looking frail and weak. The cardiorespiratory support systems beeped steadily, the only sound in the otherwise silent room. A tear rolled down Carter's face as he covered his mouth to stifle a sob. Without a second thought, he moved towards the door, desperate to be by his father's side.

Just as he was about to enter, a hand shot out and stopped him. Startled, he looked up and saw her—his father's cousin, a very beautiful woman with chocolate brown hair, her face contorted with anger. Her grip on his arm was painful, and she pulled him away from the door, closing it firmly behind her.

“What do you want?” she demanded, her voice trembling with rage. “After everything you've done, what do you want?”

Carter's eyes were wide with distress. “I heard what happened to Dad. I came to see him.”

She laughed bitterly. “What happened to him? Or what you did to him?”

Carter flinched at her words, knowing exactly what she meant. He could still hear the harsh accusations, the disappointed voice of his father, and the painful memories of their last encounter. His father had been so proud of him once, but Carter's choices had driven a wedge between them, one that he feared could never be mended.

“Please, Sheila,” Carter pleaded, his voice breaking. “I just want to see him. I need to make things right.”

Sheila's eyes flashed with anger.

“Make things right? You think you can just waltz in here after abandoning him, after breaking his heart, and everything will be fine? You are a selfish, reckless child. You didn't care about him then, and you don’t get to pretend to care now.”

Carter swallowed hard, the guilt and pain of her words cutting deep. “I know I messed up, Sheila. But I love him. He's my father.”

Sheila's eyes burned with fury as she rounded on Carter, her voice sharp and unforgiving.

“A man who sacrificed so much for you, who put his happiness before anything else, and you didn’t think twice before betraying him for someone you didn’t even know! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

Carter's heart ached with guilt, tears streaming down his face. “I’m sorry, Sheila. I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry?” Sheila yelled, her voice echoing down the sterile hospital corridor. “Your father doesn’t need your apologies or your guilt. What he needs is peace, something an ungrateful child like you never gave him.”

“I’m here now,” Carter pleaded, his voice breaking. “I can be here for him.”

Sheila chuckled bitterly, furiously wiping away her own tears.

“Here now? After everything you’ve done, you think your presence is going to magically fix everything? You took his chances at happiness, and now you're probably going to be the cause of his death.”

Carter’s legs gave out, and he dropped to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. The weight of his actions crashed over him, nearly suffocating in its intensity.

“Please, Sheila, I love him. I want to make things right.”

Sheila looked down at him, her face a mask of pain and anger.

“If you had any ounce of dignity or at least pitied your father, you’d disappear and never return. He deserves peace, and you... you’re a reminder of everything that’s gone wrong.”

Carter's heart shattered at her words, but he knew she was right. He had made unforgivable mistakes, and his father's suffering was a direct result of his actions. He looked up at Sheila, his eyes red and swollen from crying.

“I understand,” he whispered. “I’ll go. But please, tell him that I love him.”

Sheila’s expression softened for just a moment, but her resolve remained firm. “I’ll tell him,” she said quietly. “But you need to leave. For his sake, and for yours.”

Carter nodded, his body trembling with grief. He slowly stood up, casting one last, longing look at the door behind which his father lay. Then, with a heavy heart and a final tearful glance at Sheila, he turned and walked away, the sound of his sobs echoing through the empty corridor.


Present day…


Carter lay on the floor of his small apartment, staring at his father’s picture through tear-blurred eyes. The incense burned slowly on either side of the photograph, the gentle smoke curling upward, filling the room with a comforting scent. He sobbed softly, the weight of his regrets and loneliness pressing heavily on his chest.

“I know I promised not to cry,” Carter whispered, his voice breaking. “I said I’d smile and make you proud, but I can’t help it. I miss you so much, Dad. If I could go back and make things right, I would. I would change everything.”

He reached out, tracing the contours of his father’s smiling face with a trembling finger. The man in the picture looked so happy, so full of life, and it tore Carter apart to remember that he had caused him so much pain.

“But I can’t go back,” he continued, his voice barely a murmur. “I’m here now, in this big city, all alone. I have a job at one of the biggest companies in the country, but it doesn’t mean anything without you. I need you, Dad. I need your guidance, your support... your love.”

Carter curled up on the floor, clutching the picture to his chest as the sobs wracked his body. The room felt cold and empty, the silence deafening in its completeness. His mind drifted back to the memories of his father, the laughter they shared, the lessons learned, and the unconditional love that had always been there, even when Carter didn’t deserve it.

As he lay there, he felt a small spark of determination ignite within him. His father had always believed in him, always encouraged him to pursue his dreams. He couldn’t let his father’s faith in him be in vain.

Wiping away his tears, Carter slowly sat up, still holding the photograph.

I’m sorry, Dad,” he said softly. “I’m sorry for everything I did. But I promise you, I’m going to make you proud. I’m going to work hard, and I’m going to succeed. For you.”

He placed the picture back on the table, the incense still burning gently beside it. Carter stood up, feeling a newfound resolve coursing through him. He had a long road ahead, filled with challenges and obstacles, but he was determined to face them head-on. For his father’s memory, and for the man he wanted to become.


Carter got out of the elevator and rushed into Jeremy's office without knocking, his heart racing as he worried he might be late. He wore a simple T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, his hair tied back in a ponytail. The moment he entered, he froze upon seeing Jeremy in his office living room with some clients, both male and female. Jeremy, dressed impeccably in one of his expensive suits, gestured for Carter to come over.

Carter hurried to join them, nervously greeting the clients who smiled at him. Before they could respond, Jeremy dropped the bombshell.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is Carter,” Jeremy announced. “He will be the one designing your wedding outfits.”

Carter felt his heart plummet. He stared at Jeremy in shock, unable to process the magnitude of the task handed to him. The clients exchanged skeptical glances but remained polite. The woman smiled warmly and said, "We can't wait to see your wonderful designs, Carter."

Jeremy and the clients rose, exchanged pleasantries, and left. As soon as they were gone, Carter turned to Jeremy, his voice shaky.

“I... I'm not ready for such a big project.”

Jeremy's face darkened with a frown. “What do you mean? You wanted the job, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did,” Carter replied, his anxiety evident. “I want this job desperately, but I thought I would start with something small. This is too much, too soon.”

Irritation flashed across Jeremy's face as he stepped closer to Carter. “Carter, we don't work with just any clients. We work with top clients, and we have a reputation to uphold. Do you understand that?”

Carter nodded slowly, trying to process everything. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could finish, Jeremy cut him off.

“You have a lot to prove,” Jeremy said, his tone sharp. “The last thing I need is baggage. Either you're up to the task, or you're not. And just a reminder, these clients are important. They deserve nothing but the best. I won't hesitate to fire you if you mess up. I expect to see some preliminary sketches by the end of the day and they better be good.”

Carter swallowed hard, feeling the weight of the responsibility pressing down on him. He nodded slowly, his heart pounding. Jeremy gestured to a file on the table.

"That file has all the details of what the clients want. It will help you with the sketches. See my secretary; she'll show you to your work desk so you can start as soon as possible."

Carter nodded again, not trusting himself to speak. He picked up the file and left the room, his mind racing with a mixture of fear and determination.

As he walked down the hallway, he felt overwhelmed by the enormity of the task ahead. He knew he was good with sketches, but this was too much to handle. The clients were important, and their expectations were high. He couldn't afford to mess this up.

Carter entered the elevator, his mind racing with thoughts about the sketches he needed to create. The pressure of impressing both Jeremy and the clients weighed heavily on him. As the elevator doors began to close, a hand stopped them, and Jeremy stepped inside.

Carter looked up, surprised to see Jeremy's ever-serious face. His mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. The silence in the elevator was almost deafening.

Suddenly, the elevator jerked to a halt, and the lights went out, leaving a dim emergency light. Jeremy frowned and started pressing buttons, but nothing worked. He picked up the elevator phone, but it was dead. His phone had no signal either. Frustrated, he pressed the emergency button repeatedly.

A sound of labored breathing caught Jeremy's attention. He turned to see Carter standing in the corner, clutching his files, his breathing rapid and shallow. Carter's eyes were wide with fear, and his hands trembled as he dropped the files. He brought his hands to his mouth, looking around in panic.

Jeremy was suddenly hit with a vivid memory. Ethan, his late husband, had reacted the same way when they had been stuck in an elevator together. Ethan had been terrified of dark, enclosed spaces. Jeremy remembered how he had comforted Ethan, holding him close and reassuring him until they were safe.

The loud sounds of Carter's sobs brought Jeremy back to the present. The young man was crying and seemed to be praying. Jeremy's heart ached at the sight.

Without hesitation, Jeremy moved closer to Carter. He gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Do not worry,” he said softly, trying to keep his voice calm. “It's okay. We're going to be fine.”

Carter's eyes flicked to Jeremy, filled with fear and desperation.

“I-I can't... I can't breathe,” Carter stammered.

Jeremy took a deep breath, trying to channel the same calm he had felt with Ethan. As he looked at the boy, he saw his late husband staring at him in fear and his instinct to protect him kicked in.

“Look at me. Focus on my voice. Breathe with me, okay? In and out, slowly.”

Carter nodded, his eyes never leaving Jeremy's. He tried to match Jeremy's breathing, but it was a struggle. Jeremy stepped closer, wrapping an arm around Carter's shoulders, offering both physical and emotional support.

“It's just a temporary glitch,” Jeremy continued. “We're safe. Help will come soon.”

Carter leaned into Jeremy's touch, his breathing gradually slowing as he followed Jeremy's lead. Jeremy kept talking, sharing calming words and reassurances, even as his own heart pounded with a mixture of concern for Carter and the memories of Ethan.

Minutes stretched on, but the elevator remained stuck. Jeremy stayed close to Carter, holding him and ensuring he didn't succumb to his fear. He didn’t even know what he was doing, somehow, his mind was stuck in the past, to his Ethan.

Finally, the elevator jolted and the lights flickered back on. The elevator resumed its descent, and Jeremy felt Carter's body relax slightly.

As the elevator doors opened, Dexter's laughter and cheerful conversation with Jeremy's mother abruptly ceased. His eyes widened in shock, and his smile vanished as he took in the scene before him. Jeremy was standing close to Carter, his arm still wrapped around the younger man's shoulders in a comforting gesture. Carter was wiping away tears, his breathing slowly returning to normal.

Dexter's heart pounded in his chest, jealousy hitting him like a lightning bolt. His fists clenched involuntarily, and his jaw shook with barely contained anger. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks a lot to everyone that took the time to read my work. I love you guys a lot. Don't forget to drop your comments about what you think about my work. Ciao!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

The chapter that brings more questions than giving answers! A few moments from Carter's past have been relieved, making us wander about his relationship with his father and how did he disappoint him. Similarities between Carter and Ethan are more and more intriguing. I've mentioned possibility of twin brother in previous chapter but, knowing incredible plots @vanalas can make - anything is possible. They could be the same person, with lost memory in tragic events arranged by jealous Dexter. A huge plot, organized by evil masterminds with fake disease, steeling Ethan's corpse (who is not dead actually), erasing his memory ... oh my ... @vanalas, am I good?! 😁 

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I love @Cane23's speculations as crazy as they may appear, but then so much has been thrown into the mix anything is possible. Carter's past has a strange parallel that attracts him to Jeremy, are we going to discover that Jeremy's mum is a dead-ringer for Carter's aunt? Is Jeremy's mum in league with Dexter to pair them up and relieve Jeremy of his fortune? The children, especially Oliver, see the similarity that Carter has to Ethan just like Jeremy does. And then Jeremy gives Carter a job in gratitude for his brave and selfless actions, which is commendable, but has he given him a task in the belief that he can complete it like Ethan would? So much is going on it's intriguing and leaves a lot of questions that need to be answered. This is just getting even more interesting.

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