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Silent Heartbeats - 6. Chapter 6: Carter gets his job back but will things get easier or tougher for him?

Thanks for the patience, guy, and I am so grateful for the love you've shown this story. I am so humbled and i am looking forward to hearing from you soon. I really, really hope you'll love this chapter. Waiting to hear your comments.
Love y'all 😘
Feel the passion...

Carter took a deep breath and smiled softly at his father's picture on the table by his bedside. The morning sun cast a warm glow through the curtains, filling the room with a soft, hopeful light. It had been three days since the uncomfortable encounter with Jeremy, and Carter was feeling more optimistic today. He felt a renewed sense of determination, ready to face whatever the day had in store for him.

He looked at his father's picture, the familiar features that brought him comfort, and whispered, “I need your blessings today, Dad. I’m going to need them.”

He lit the incense, letting the fragrant smoke curl up toward the ceiling, and then picked up his bag, slipping into his black sneakers. He patted the picture gently and said with a small, hopeful smile, “I'll be back, hopefully with some amazing news.”

Carter headed for the door, mentally preparing himself for another round of job hunting. As soon as he opened the door, he froze in the doorway, his heart skipping a beat.

Standing right in front of him, hand raised as if ready to knock, was Jeremy.

Carter's face turned pale, his mouth slightly agape as he took in the sight before him. Jeremy looked impeccable, dressed in a designer suit that was tailored to perfection, his polished shoes gleaming in the morning light. His glasses added a sharpness to his already handsome face, but it was the seriousness in his expression that made Carter's heart race.

To say that Carter was surprised would be an understatement. He gasped, barely managing to say, “Sir.”

Jeremy stared back at him, his eyes betraying none of the emotions that must have been swirling inside him. Carter felt like a deer caught in headlights, unable to move, his mind racing with questions.

“How… how did you find me? And what are you doing here?” he stammered, his voice laced with confusion.

Jeremy didn’t answer right away. Instead, he took a moment to study Carter, his gaze intense and unreadable. Finally, he spoke, his tone firm but with an undercurrent of something softer.

“You can get back to work as soon as possible.”

Carter blinked, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. “What?”

“You heard me,” Jeremy replied, his voice steady. “You’re rehired. Effective immediately.”

Carter's face fell into a deep frown as a whirlwind of emotions played across his features. Shock, confusion, anger—each expression flickered rapidly as he tried to process Jeremy’s unexpected offer. He felt a surge of frustration boiling inside him. Before he could fully react, Jeremy had already turned on his heel, his hand casually tucked into his pocket as he started to walk away.

“Wait, what do you mean I'm rehired?” Carter's voice was higher than he intended, tinged with an edge of frustration. “Is it really that simple? After everything that happened?”

Jeremy stopped but did not turn around. Carter hurried towards him, his voice rising in intensity.

“You know, I was almost molested. I was wrongly fired, and if it weren’t for that woman admitting the truth, I’d still be labeled a liar. I deserve an apology, not to be treated like I don’t have any feelings!”

Jeremy turned slowly, his eyebrows raised in an expression that was a mixture of surprise and irritation. His face was unreadable, a mask of professionalism that barely concealed the storm underneath.

“Do you know how many applications are waiting for me to just say the word? I could have replaced you in a heartbeat,” Jeremy said, his voice clipped. “The fact that you came here, when you could be making millions somewhere else, is something you should be thankful for. I lost a client because of you, so what exactly am I supposed to apologize for?”

Carter’s shock was palpable. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to find words, but Jeremy cut him off with a sharp edge in his tone.

“I told you, you could have your job back, but it’s not going to be open for long. If you don’t show up, I’ll replace you at the snap of my fingers.”

With that, Jeremy turned back toward his Porsche, the sleek, expensive car gleaming in the morning sun. His guards stood by, waiting for him as he got into the car. The engine roared to life, and the vehicle sped off, leaving Carter standing in the doorway, stunned.

Carter remained frozen, his mind racing as the reality of the situation sunk in. The anger and hurt from Jeremy’s words seemed to seep through him, leaving him feeling utterly helpless. He stood there for what felt like hours, his eyes fixed on the spot where Jeremy’s car had disappeared, his heart heavy with a mix of confusion and despair.


Jeremy's voice thundered through the phone, his tone so sharp and venomous that it made those passing by his office pause in trepidation. He was shouting at his board members, his frustration palpable. The tension in his office was thick, and anyone could tell that he was in a particularly bad mood that morning.

Just as he was about to hurl another biting comment at the unfortunate soul on the other end of the line, the door to his office creaked open. Carter walked in slowly, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt like a child who had been called to the principal's office, his steps tentative as he met Jeremy’s furious gaze. Jeremy was pacing the room, phone pressed to his ear, his expression dark and unforgiving.

Carter stood there awkwardly, his hands clenching and unclenching as he waited for Jeremy to finish his call. The tension between them was thick, almost suffocating. Finally, Jeremy ended the call with a sharp, “We’ll discuss this later,” and slammed the phone down on his desk. He turned to Carter, his eyes narrowing as he glanced at the clock on the wall.

“Is that the time you report for work?” Jeremy's voice was cold, laced with barely restrained anger. "Don’t you have a watch or something?"

Carter raised an eyebrow, the unfairness of the situation pricking at his already frayed nerves. “How could I, when last time I checked, I was wrongly fired and…”

Before Carter could finish, Jeremy cut him off, his voice sharp. “Mr. Mayson,” he said with an edge that made Carter flinch, “I don't need to repeat myself. You can either choose to work in my company, following the rules, or you can work elsewhere.”

Carter’s mouth trembled slightly, his frustration bubbling over as he looked at Jeremy. "How can you be so cold? Is apologizing for a wrong really that hard?"

Jeremy’s fists clenched at his sides, his heart racing with a mix of emotions he didn’t fully understand. His anger flared again, a burning heat that made him step closer to Carter, closing the distance between them.

“This is my company,” Jeremy hissed, his voice low and dangerous. “I am never wrong. Or maybe I was wrong this time, by employing someone unworthy.”

The words hung in the air, heavy and cutting, making Carter flinch as if he had been physically struck. Jeremy's gaze bore into him, the intensity in his eyes making Carter’s breath hitch. The room seemed to shrink around them, the tension crackling like electricity.

Tears welled up in Carter's eyes as Jeremy’s cold words hit him like a punch to the gut. His chest tightened, but before he could muster a response, the door swung open, and Dexter's venomous voice filled the room.

“What the hell is he doing here?” Dexter spat, his eyes narrowing as they zeroed in on Carter.

Dexter rushed towards them, his face twisted with anger. He grabbed Carter’s arm with a force that made Carter wince.

“You’ve crossed the line,” Dexter hissed. “Last time I checked, you slapped your boss and were told never to step foot here again.”

Jeremy cut him off sharply, his voice firm. “Carter is here because he’s still an employee. Or isn’t he?” He glanced at Carter, who quickly nodded, backing down.

Dexter froze, his expression morphing from shock to disbelief. A quiet “What?” escaped his lips, as if he couldn’t comprehend what he was hearing. His eyes flicked between Jeremy and Carter, filled with a mixture of confusion and fury.

“Why would you make such a decision over someone as worthless as him?” Dexter’s voice was laced with bitterness, and his hands trembled with anger.

Jeremy’s reply was as cold as ice. “Because I can, and I just did.”

Dexter tried to argue, but Jeremy cut him off again. “I’ve made my decision, and that’s final. If you don’t like it, that’s your problem.”

Dexter stared at Jeremy, his eyes filled with pain and betrayal, before shooting Carter a look of pure hatred. Without another word, he stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

Carter stood there, feeling a whirlwind of emotions—relief, fear, and an overwhelming sense of dread. The tension in the room was thick, and Jeremy’s eyes remained cold and unreadable as he looked at him.

The silence in the room was thick, laden with tension and the weight of unspoken thoughts. Carter wiped his eyes, trying to regain his composure, his breath shaky as he steadied himself. Jeremy, now seated at his desk, leaned back in his chair with a commanding presence. His hands clasped together in front of him, he looked every bit the authoritative figure Carter had always known him to be.

“You can start by cleaning up your appearance and getting ready for work,” Jeremy said, his tone firm, almost dismissive. Carter watched as Jeremy leaned forward, his expression turning serious, businesslike.

“To ensure you’re as good as you claim, you’ll be working directly under me as my assistant,” Jeremy began, his eyes fixed on Carter, measuring his reactions. “But don’t get it twisted—this isn’t about me doing the work while you assist. You’ll be doing all the work. From sketching to fabric selection, fittings to final designs, it’s all on you.”

Carter’s heart raced at the sheer volume of tasks Jeremy was laying out. He opened his mouth to say something, but Jeremy wasn’t finished.

“And to prevent any more incidents like the last one,” Jeremy continued, his voice taking on a sharper edge, “your meetings with clients will be in the presence of one of my guards. He’ll accompany you wherever you go.”

Jeremy paused, letting the weight of his words sink in.

“Any questions?” he asked, his gaze never leaving Carter’s face.

Carter, still processing everything, felt overwhelmed. “It seems like a lot of work,” he finally said, his voice betraying his uncertainty.

Jeremy’s response was swift and without sympathy. "It’s nothing compared to what you’ll need to do if you want to stay here permanently. You’ll have to work harder than anyone else and earn your place in this company. So, are you up to the task?"

Carter took a deep, nervous breath, the enormity of the situation pressing down on him. He could feel the sweat on his palms and the tightening in his chest, but he nodded, determined to prove himself.

“Good,” Jeremy said, his tone leaving no room for doubt or hesitation. He reached across his desk and picked up a thick file, tossing it onto the table in front of Carter. The sound of the file hitting the table echoed in the quiet room.

“Study this,” Jeremy ordered. “It’s for a very big event. Everything you need to know is in there, and whatever you plan to do or purchase must be approved by me first.”

Carter stared at the file, the weight of it seeming to symbolize the challenge he was about to face. His mind raced with a mix of anxiety and determination as he realized the scope of what lay ahead. This was his chance, but it was also a test—one that he couldn’t afford to fail. He picked up the file, feeling its heft in his hands, and nodded once more, silently vowing to himself that he would rise to the occasion, no matter how daunting it seemed.

Carter stood before Jeremy, determination in his eyes as he said, “I'll do my best.”

Jeremy’s gaze was cold, unyielding.

“Your best won’t be enough,” he replied sharply. “You need to give it your all.”

Carter nodded, picking up the thick file from the desk, feeling the weight of his responsibilities settling on his shoulders. He carried it to his desk, settling in to study its contents, knowing that this was just the beginning.

From that day on, Carter’s life in the company transformed into a whirlwind of relentless work and mounting pressure. He arrived early each morning, often before the sun had fully risen, and stayed late into the night, the hours blending together in a blur of sketches, fabric samples, and client meetings. The clients he was working with were celebrating their 10-year anniversary, a milestone that deserved nothing less than perfection.

Meeting with them was a rare bright spot in his increasingly hectic days. Their eyes lit up as they talked about how they met, their love story unfolding in front of Carter like a beautiful tapestry. He listened with genuine interest, smiling as they shared their memories, their dreams for the celebration, and their desire for outfits that would capture the essence of their journey together.

But the joy of these moments was short-lived as Carter returned to the drawing board, literally and figuratively. His sketches piled up on Jeremy’s desk, only to be rejected one after another with increasing frustration. Jeremy’s standards were impossibly high, his patience wearing thinner by the day. He demanded perfection, and anything less was met with a dismissive scowl, harsh words, and sometimes even the paper sketches being tossed back at Carter, or crumpled and thrown across the room.

Carter’s nickname for Jeremy, "grumpy boss," felt more fitting with each passing day. The man’s moods were a storm, unpredictable and fierce. One moment he would be brooding in silence, his dark eyes scanning over Carter’s work with an air of dissatisfaction, and the next he would explode, his voice cutting through the air like a whip as he shouted at Carter for some perceived shortcoming. Papers, files, and whatever was on his desk became his weapons of choice, thrown in fits of anger that left Carter reeling.

Despite it all, Carter pressed on, determined to meet Jeremy’s impossible expectations. His nights grew longer, often stretching into the early hours of the morning as he worked on creating samples of his designs. He had never worked at this level before, and the learning curve was steep. The pressure was immense, but Carter refused to give up.

As the days turned into weeks, the strain began to show. Carter was exhausted, his eyes rimmed with dark circles, his body aching from the long hours. But it wasn’t just the physical toll, it was the emotional weight of working under Jeremy’s constant criticism and outbursts. No matter how hard he tried, nothing seemed to be good enough for the man who loomed over him like a dark cloud.

Jeremy, on the other hand, seemed to be in a perpetual bad mood. His temper flared at the smallest provocation, and his outbursts became more frequent and more intense. The pressure of running the company, the high stakes of the upcoming event, and perhaps something deeper, something unresolved, all seemed to contribute to his increasingly volatile behavior. His office became a place of tension, where the air was thick with unspoken resentment and frustration.

Jeremy’s perpetual bad mood had a deeper cause that went beyond the stress of running a company. Ethan's memorial was fast approaching, and with it, a surge of pain and unresolved grief and as the anniversary drew nearer, the wound felt freshly opened. The resemblance Carter bore to Ethan sometimes in the way he did things only intensified Jeremy’s turmoil.

Carter, despite bearing the brunt of Jeremy’s wrath, found solace in the presence of Jeremy’s children whenever they came to the company. The twins were a whirlwind of energy and joy, a stark contrast to the tension that filled the office. Whenever they visited, their laughter and playful antics brought a lightness that Carter desperately needed.

Oliver, with his boundless enthusiasm, always seemed to gravitate towards Carter. The little boy’s eyes would light up whenever he saw him, and his infectious happiness was impossible to resist. Andrew, though initially more reserved, had started to open up as well, slowly but surely coming out of his shell around Carter. The two boys had a way of making the world seem a little brighter, even on the darkest days.

Carter loved spending time with the twins. Their innocence and genuine affection were a balm for his weary soul. He enjoyed playing games with them, listening to their stories, and simply being a part of their world. Despite the chaos and the challenges he faced at work, the moments he spent with Oliver and Andrew were precious. They reminded him of the good in life, the simple joys that could be found even in the midst of turmoil.

Through it all, Carter remained determined to prove himself, to show that he could rise above the challenges and make a place for himself in this world. And in those moments of doubt, when the weight of it all threatened to overwhelm him, the laughter and love of two little boys gave him the strength to keep going.


3 weeks later…


Jeremy sat on the floor of his dimly lit bedroom, the soft glow of candles casting flickering shadows across the room. The scent of incense hung in the air, mingling with the heavy weight of sorrow that pressed down on him. Dressed in all white, a stark contrast to the darkness surrounding him, he looked more like a ghost than a man, his face etched with a sadness that seemed to have settled deep within his soul.

Before him, a screen played an old video, its bright and lively colors a jarring contrast to the somber atmosphere of the room. Ethan’s face filled the screen, radiant and full of life. He was laughing, the sound of it so clear and genuine that it cut through Jeremy’s heart like a knife. The memory of that day on the beach, so many years ago, played out before him as if it were happening all over again.

In the video, Ethan ran along the shore, the sun reflecting off the waves as he turned back to look at Jeremy, mischief glinting in his eyes. With a playful grin, he leaned down and splashed water at the camera, his laughter ringing out as he ran away. The camera wobbled as Jeremy, the man behind it, laughed too, his voice so carefree and full of joy that it was almost unrecognizable to the man watching it now.

Ethan turned, sprinting back towards the camera, and then there was a blur of movement as he grabbed it from Jeremy’s hands, turning it around to film the man who had been recording. The camera captured Jeremy’s face, lit up with a broad smile, his eyes twinkling with love and happiness. He looked so alive, so different from the man sitting alone in the dark room now.

The video played on, showing snippets of their day on the beach, Ethan’s laughter, their playful banter, the way they looked at each other as if the rest of the world didn’t exist. But for Jeremy, the joy of that memory was tainted by the knowledge of what came after. He couldn’t hold onto the happiness he saw on the screen; it slipped through his fingers like sand, leaving only the pain behind.

As Ethan’s laughter echoed in the room, Jeremy picked up the remote with a trembling hand and paused the video. The screen froze on Ethan’s smiling face, his eyes full of warmth and love, looking directly at Jeremy. The silence that followed was deafening.

Jeremy slowly rose to his feet, the movement almost mechanical, as if every step took an immense effort. He walked over to the screen, his hand reaching out to touch the frozen image of Ethan’s face. His fingers brushed against the cold, unfeeling surface, but in his mind, he could almost feel Ethan’s warmth beneath them.

“Ethan,” Jeremy whispered, his voice breaking as he traced the outline of his late husband’s face on the screen. “You were so beautiful... the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”

His hand fell to his side as he took a step back, his eyes never leaving the image of Ethan.

“Today marks five years, Ethan,” he said softly, the words heavy with the weight of all the days that had passed without him. “Five years since you’ve been gone... and the emptiness inside me keeps growing. I don’t know how to fill it. I don’t even know if I can.”

He closed his eyes, taking a shaky breath as the pain of those years crashed over him like waves.

“You left me the two most beautiful sons anyone could ever ask for,” he continued, his voice barely more than a whisper. “But it came at such a sacrifice. Was it worth it, Ethan? Are you happy wherever you are? Because I’m suffering here without you.”

Jeremy’s voice cracked, and he swallowed hard, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. The room was silent, save for the sound of his breathing, harsh and uneven. He opened his eyes again, staring at the image of Ethan as if willing him to speak, to answer the questions that haunted him day and night.

But there was only silence. Ethan’s smiling face remained frozen on the screen, a moment captured in time that Jeremy could never return to.

A soft voice cut through the heavy silence, startling Jeremy from his thoughts.

“He would have loved to see you smiling just like that again,” the voice said, filled with a quiet sorrow. “So he probably isn’t happy.”

Jeremy’s eyes snapped toward the doorway, where a woman stood, her figure illuminated by the faint candlelight. She was beautiful, with a serene elegance that seemed almost ethereal. She wore a long, flowing white dress that matched the quiet, somber atmosphere of the room. Her hair, a rich shade of brown, was pulled back into a simple ponytail, and her eyes, though gentle, were filled with a deep, aching sadness.

For a moment, Jeremy just stared at her, shock evident in his expression. He hadn’t expected anyone to be there, especially not her. Slowly, he moved toward her, each step careful and deliberate, as if he were afraid she might disappear if he moved too quickly.

When he finally stood in front of her, they were close enough that he could see the unshed tears glistening in her eyes, mirroring his own.

“All Ethan ever wished for was for you to be happy,” she said softly, her voice trembling with emotion. “Even if he wasn’t around... because you deserve it, Jeremy.”

Her words were like a balm to his wounded soul, yet they also made the pain sharper, more acute. He could see the struggle in her eyes, the effort she was making to stay strong, but the tears that began to well up in her eyes betrayed her.

Jeremy felt his own tears start to rise, the grief he had been holding back for so long threatening to overflow.

“How could I ever smile again,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion, “when my very reason for smiling was taken away by the cold hands of death?”

She tried to smile at his words, but it was a feeble attempt, her lips trembling and failing to lift at the corners. It was a smile filled with the pain of someone who had lost everything but was still trying to find a way to comfort someone else. After what felt like an eternity of standing there, silently sharing their grief, Jeremy finally spoke the word that had been on the tip of his tongue since she had arrived.

“Mother,” he said, his voice breaking as he finally allowed himself to acknowledge who she was. Ethan’s mother, the woman who had lost her only child, and now stood before him, sharing in his grief.

Without another word, Jeremy stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace. She returned the hug just as fiercely, as if holding onto him could somehow bring her son back. They stood there for what felt like hours, clinging to each other, their tears mingling as they wept for the man they both loved and lost.

Jeremy and Ethan’s mother broke their embrace after what felt like hours, their connection palpable in the dimly lit room. Jeremy’s voice was soft but filled with concern as he asked, “When did you arrive, mother? Why didn’t you call me to pick you up?”

Elena, a woman of quiet strength and grace, gave a gentle smile, her eyes reflecting a mixture of love and sorrow.

“I didn’t want to trouble you, Jeremy. I know the state you’re in, and besides, I knew you would have insisted on coming. The memorial is important to me.”

Elena had been gone on a pilgrimage for months… to pray for her son’s spirit to continue resting in peace and for the family to find happiness once again, especially Jeremy whom she couldn’t continue seeing suffering. It was too much.

Jeremy nodded, understanding the depth of her devotion. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done.”

Elena reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You’re my son, Jeremy. I’d do anything for you.”

The room grew silent again as their gazes turned toward the large photograph of Ethan on the wall, his smile forever frozen in time. The warmth of his memory filled the room, mingling with the lingering scent of incense and the soft flicker of candlelight.

Elena’s voice broke the silence, her tone filled with quiet determination. “Ethan wouldn’t want us to be stuck in the past, Jeremy. He’d want us to live, to find joy again.”

Jeremy’s throat tightened, his eyes still locked on the picture. “It’s hard to think about happiness without him.”

Elena nodded, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I know. But we owe it to him to try.”

For a moment, they stood in shared silence, the weight of their grief and love intertwined, both staring at Ethan’s image, the man who had brought so much light into their lives and left behind an indelible mark on their hearts.


Carter sat at his desk, the folder in his hands containing the culmination of all his hard work. The sketches, fabric samples, and client notes were neatly organized, ready for the final touches. His clients had loved the concepts, and now all that remained was Jeremy’s signature to begin the final designs.

He stared at his phone, frustration building as each attempt to reach Jeremy failed. The line wouldn’t connect, and each failed call left him feeling more anxious. He gripped his hair in frustration, groaning softly. Jeremy had been elusive lately, and Carter couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.

“What do I do?” he muttered to himself, glancing at the clock. Time was slipping away, and he knew he couldn’t afford to delay any longer. After a few more moments of internal debate, he made up his mind. He couldn’t sit around waiting. He had to do something.

Carter grabbed his bag, tucked the folder securely inside, and headed out. He didn’t have a plan, but he knew he needed to find Jeremy, even if it meant going to his home. As he stepped outside, the cool air hit his face, and he took a deep breath, hoping it would calm his racing heart.


The room was solemn, filled with an air of quiet reverence. Family members, close friends, and relatives were seated on the floor, all dressed in white, facing a large framed photograph of Ethan. The picture showed Ethan in a moment of pure joy, his smile wide and eyes bright, a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere in the room. In front of the photo, a small altar had been set up, adorned with flowers, candles, and incense, all part of the rituals being performed for the peace of Ethan's soul.

The room was silent except for the soft murmur of prayers and the occasional sound of someone shifting on the floor. Jeremy sat among them, his eyes bloodshot and his head pounding with memories that refused to stay buried. The weight of the day pressed heavily on him, each ritual, each whispered prayer pulling him deeper into the abyss of his grief.

After what felt like hours, Jeremy finally stood. His movements were slow, burdened by the emotional toll of the day. He walked to the front of the room, where the incense waited to be lit. His hands trembled slightly as he picked up the incense stick, his eyes briefly closing as he tried to steady himself. He lit the incense and opened his mouth to sing the hymn, a tradition that had been passed down through generations.

But as Jeremy's eyes drifted across the room, something caught his attention. His gaze froze as it locked onto the far end of the room, where another picture of Ethan hung on the wall. And standing just beneath that picture, as if stepping out of a dream, was Carter.

Carter had entered the room slowly, his footsteps tentative as he took in the scene before him. He wore a simple long-sleeved black and white striped t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and sandals. His hair had been styled in a way that, to everyone’s shock, made him look eerily similar to Ethan in the photo hanging above him.

Carter's eyes were wide with shock, clearly taken aback by the solemn gathering and the sea of white-clad mourners. He hadn't expected to walk into something so sacred, and guilt quickly gnawed at him for barging in unannounced. But what he didn’t know was the storm brewing within Jeremy, the man who stood frozen at the altar, his eyes glued to Carter like he was seeing a ghost.

Jeremy's entire body tensed as rage ignited within him, burning through the sorrow and pushing aside the grief. His hands clenched into fists, and his vision tunneled until all he saw was Carter standing there, a painful reminder of what he had lost. The resemblance was too much, too raw, too soon.

Everyone in the room sensed the sudden shift in Jeremy's demeanor and turned to see what had caught his attention. When they saw Carter, a murmur rippled through the room, confusion and concern mingling as they tried to understand what was happening.

Without a second thought, Jeremy moved like a bolt of lightning, shooting from where he stood and rushing toward Carter. His footsteps were heavy, his presence like a storm bearing down on the unsuspecting boy.

When he reached Carter, his voice thundered through the room, filled with an anger that shook everyone present.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

Jeremy’s voice was harsh, almost unrecognizable, as he loomed over Carter, his eyes burning with fury.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Jeremy is still grieving, but grieving in a way that is self-destructive, uncaring and oblivious to what is going on around him to the point of being a bullying bastard, he needs intensive therapy but I doubt he will admit it. Carter is desperate for a job where he can prove himself and doesn't know what he has let himself in for, is he going to be collateral damage for Jeremy's grief or the catalyst that snaps Jeremy out of his self-imposed suffering? For both of their sakes, I hope this comes to an end allowing them to live a life in peace. One thing I do know is that if anyone treated me the way Jeremy is treating Carter I'd have told Jeremy to fuck off long ago, I'd rather struggle than put up with that shit.

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