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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Silent Heartbeats - 16. Chapter 16: Jeremy finds Carter. Will they both survive or is the danger too close?

Carter stumbled to a halt, his legs trembling beneath him. He slumped against a tree, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. His heart pounded so violently that he feared it might burst from his chest. His body was drained, every slight movement sending jolts of pain through his exhausted limbs. His senses were on high alert, every rustle of leaves making him jump. Tears welled up in his eyes, a mix of fear, exhaustion, and hopelessness washing over him. He glanced around frantically, trying to take in his surroundings, his mind racing with thoughts of escape.

For a long time, Carter stayed there, too afraid to move, every muscle in his body tense and ready to flee at the slightest hint of danger. When he was finally sure he was alone, he slowly stood up, his legs shaky, and began to walk, his eyes darting around, constantly checking his surroundings. He moved cautiously, each step slow and deliberate, his senses still heightened by fear.

As he walked, the faint sound of flowing water reached his ears. His throat instantly felt parched, the dryness making it hard to swallow. Driven by a desperate thirst, he quickened his pace, following the sound until he came upon a small stream. He dropped to his knees beside it and plunged his hands into the cool, clear water, bringing it to his lips. He drank greedily, like a thirsty camel at an oasis, the water refreshing his dry throat and parched lips. He splashed some on his face, trying to wash away the dirt and grime that clung to him.

He stayed there for what felt like hours, savoring the small respite the water provided. Eventually, he knew he couldn't stay in one place for too long. Reluctantly, Carter stood up, his muscles protesting as he forced himself to keep moving.

But the moment he rose, his heart froze. Just a short distance away, two men emerged from the trees, guns slung over their shoulders. Carter’s blood ran cold, and his body went rigid with fear. He couldn't move, his breath catching in his throat as he stared at them.

The men had their backs to him, their voices raised in frustration.

“This damn kid has put us in so much trouble,” one of them shouted angrily, his tone laced with irritation.

Carter knew he had to act quickly. Every instinct screamed at him to run, but he knew better than to make any sudden movements. Slowly, carefully, he began to inch backward, trying to put more distance between himself and the men. He kept his eyes on them, his heart pounding in his ears, terrified that they might turn around at any moment.

Just as Carter was about to turn and slip away, he felt a strong hand grab him from behind, covering his mouth tightly. He was yanked backward, dragged into the thick brush. Panic surged through him, and he struggled, trying to break free, his mind racing with fear. He fought against his captor, his elbow thrusting backward into the man’s stomach.

“Shhh,” a voice hissed urgently, trying to calm him.

Carter’s heart leapt into his throat, his face going pale with terror. In his panic, he managed to drive his elbow hard into the man’s stomach, and he heard a grunt of pain as the grip on him loosened. Carter tried to dart away, but he was quickly pulled back and pinned against a tree.

Gasping, Carter looked up, his eyes widening in shock. There, staring back at him, was Jeremy. His stern, handsome face was mere inches away, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and determination. For a moment, Carter was too stunned to move, his mind reeling as he processed who was standing in front of him. He could feel Jeremy’s hot breath on his face, the proximity between them overwhelming.

Before Carter could say anything, the men’s voices cut through the tension.

“Hey, kid! If you're out there, come out now! If Lopez catches you, it's not gonna be good!” one of them shouted, his voice carrying through the trees.

Carter’s body shook with fear, tears spilling from his eyes. He tried to suppress a sob, but his body trembled uncontrollably. Jeremy quickly covered Carter's mouth with his hand, his other arm wrapping around him protectively. He pulled Carter closer, shielding him with his body. Jeremy’s eyes remained locked on the men, his focus unwavering as he listened intently to their conversation.

As they watched, one of the men’s phones rang. They answered it, speaking in hushed tones. Jeremy strained to hear, catching snippets of their conversation.

“The boss wants us to meet him immediately,” one of the men said, his voice low and tense. “He thinks someone helped the kid, and they ran into this jungle. We need to regroup and search thoroughly.”

The other man groaned in frustration.

“This kid has put us in so much trouble. We should’ve been done with this job by now.”

With that, the two men turned and began to walk away, their complaints fading as they moved deeper into the jungle. Jeremy waited, holding his breath until he was sure they were gone. Only then did he loosen his grip on Carter, letting out a relieved sigh.

Carter slumped against the tree, his legs giving out beneath him. His body shook with silent sobs, the weight of everything finally crashing down on him.

Jeremy stared at Carter, the boy's face pale with fear, his eyes wide and brimming with tears. He knelt in front of him, trying to meet his gaze.

“Carter, are you alright?" Jeremy asked softly, his voice filled with concern.

Carter's breath came out in ragged gasps, his chest heaving as if he'd been running for miles.

“We... we need to get out of here,” he stammered, his voice trembling with panic. “If he catches me... if Lopez catches me, he's going to kill me.”

Jeremy tried to keep his voice calm and steady.

“Carter, just breathe, okay? We need to stay calm.”

“No!” Carter interrupted, his voice rising in desperation. “You don't understand, Jeremy! Lopez is dangerous! We need to get out of here now!” His hands were shaking, and he looked around frantically, as if expecting Lopez to appear at any moment.

Jeremy nodded, understanding the urgency in Carter's voice. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, hoping against hope for a signal. But the screen remained blank, no bars indicating service. He frowned at the phone, frustration building.

“There's no way you're going to get service in this thick jungle,” Carter said abruptly, his eyes darting around. “We need to move. Now.” His tone was urgent, almost frantic, and Jeremy could see the fear that gripped him.

“You're right,” Jeremy agreed, quickly pocketing his phone. He glanced around, his mind racing to find a way out. “The thugs went that way,” he said, pointing in the direction the men had gone. “We need to go the other way. That's where I came from. There has to be a road or some help out there.”

Carter didn't need to be told twice. He scrambled to his feet, ignoring the pain that shot through his bruised and battered feet. His mind was focused on one thing: getting as far away from Lopez as possible. Jeremy stood up beside him, giving Carter a reassuring nod.

Together, they began to move, pushing through the thick underbrush, branches snagging at their clothes and scratching their skin. Jeremy led the way, moving quickly but carefully, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger. Carter followed close behind, his breath coming out in quick, shallow bursts. Every step sent a jolt of pain through his feet, but he pushed on, driven by the fear that any moment, Lopez might find them.


Night had fallen in the jungle, the dense canopy above shrouding everything in darkness except for the faint glow of the moon filtering through the trees. Carter and Jeremy moved through the shadows, feeling like they had been running forever. Their breaths were ragged, and their muscles ached with exhaustion. Jeremy glanced over at Carter, noticing how pale and shaky he looked.

Jeremy gripped Carter's hand tightly, pulling him to a stop.

“Carter, we need to rest for a bit,” he said, his voice firm but gentle. “Especially you. You don’t look so well. How long have you been running?”

Carter shook his head stubbornly, fear etched on his face. “No, we can't stop,” he insisted, his voice edged with panic. “We need to get as far away from Lopez as possible.”

Jeremy didn't let go of his hand, instead guiding him to sit down on a fallen log.

“Just relax for a moment,” he urged, his tone soothing. “We need to catch our breath.”

Carter sat, but his body remained tense, his eyes darting around, still jumpy and scared. Jeremy could see the fear that clung to him like a shadow.

“What's going on, Carter?” Jeremy asked quietly. “Who were those men, and why are they after you?”

Carter stared at Jeremy, his expression conflicted. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart.

“How did you find me?” he asked, avoiding the question.

Jeremy sighed, running a hand through his hair as he leaned back against the tree.

“Jeff went to your house and sensed something was wrong,” he explained. “Then, at the traffic lights, I saw you in that car. You looked unconscious, and there were three men with you. I tried to follow, but I lost sight of you. Later, I found your necklace and saw blood stains and footprints leading into the jungle. That’s how I tracked you down. But you still haven't answered my question.”

Carter took another deep breath, his eyes meeting Jeremy's.

“It's a man from my past,” he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “A past I thought I had left behind. He blames me for his brother's death and now wants revenge.”

Jeremy stared at him, a frown creasing his forehead.

“Did you do it, Carter?” he asked, his voice low, searching for the truth in Carter's eyes.

Carter shook his head vehemently, his voice filled with desperation.

“No, it was all a misunderstanding. I promise I'll explain everything as soon as we're safe. But right now, we need to keep moving."

Carter tried to stand, but as soon as he put weight on his injured foot, a sharp pain shot through his leg. He groaned in pain, his knees buckling beneath him. Jeremy caught him just in time, wrapping his arms around Carter and holding him tight. Their bodies were close, and Jeremy could feel Carter’s ragged breaths against his chest.

“Easy, easy,” Jeremy whispered, steadying him. “You’re hurt more than you’re letting on. We need to take it slow.”

Carter nodded, leaning heavily on Jeremy for support. His whole body trembled with exhaustion and fear, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Carter's eyes filled with guilt as he looked at Jeremy.

“I'm so sorry for dragging you into this mess,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “You shouldn’t have come looking for me. Now you’re in trouble because of me.”

Jeremy shook his head, his expression calm and reassuring.

“Don’t apologize. I’m here already, and we’re going to figure a way to get out of this. Together.”

Carter nodded, still feeling the weight of guilt pressing down on him. He sat back, scanning their surroundings, the silence between them heavy and tense. After a few moments, a shiver ran through him as the cool night air settled around them. He began rubbing his shoulders, trying to generate some warmth.

Suddenly, he felt something soft and warm draped over his shoulders. Startled, Carter looked up and saw Jeremy placing his jersey around him. Their eyes met, and for a moment, Carter felt a surge of warmth spreading through his chest.

“You didn’t need to give me your source of warmth,” Carter protested softly.

Jeremy shrugged. “It's okay. I’m not feeling cold anyway.”

Carter nodded, unable to tear his gaze away from Jeremy. He watched the man in quiet admiration, noting how calm and composed he seemed despite everything. As his eyes drifted, they landed on Jeremy's forearm, and his heart skipped a beat. Blood was trickling down from a gash on Jeremy’s forearm.

Carter gasped and reached for Jeremy’s hand, gently holding it up to inspect the injury.

“You're bleeding,” he said, concern etched on his face. “It’s a deep wound.”

Jeremy glanced down at his forearm, then back at Carter, dismissing it with a wave of his hand. “It’s just a scratch.”

Carter shook his head, his brow furrowing in worry.

“You make it seem like it’s nothing, but if you don’t cover it, it could get infected. Especially out here in the jungle.”

Before Jeremy could argue, Carter ripped a strip of fabric from his shirt, surprising Jeremy with his quick action. He moved with care, wrapping the makeshift bandage around Jeremy’s wound, his touch gentle and deliberate. Jeremy watched him, a small smile forming on his lips as he felt the tenderness in Carter’s actions. He was so focused on the warmth of Carter’s hands and the care in his movements that he didn’t realize Carter had finished until Carter snapped his fingers in front of his face.

“What?” Jeremy blinked, coming back to reality.

“I was saying that we need to leave,” Carter repeated, his voice urgent. “We can’t stay here all night. It’s too dangerous.”

Jeremy sighed, knowing Carter was right but also worried about his condition.

“Alright,” he relented. “But take it slow. We don’t want to push you too hard.”

Jeremy gently helped Carter to his feet, his arm supporting him as they began to walk again. They moved cautiously, every step slow and deliberate, the weight of their situation pressing down on them as they navigated the darkness of the jungle.


Carter and Jeremy continued walking slowly, their pace cautious as they made their way through the thick jungle. Gradually, the dense foliage began to thin, and they found themselves under the open sky. The moonlight illuminated the path ahead, casting a soft, silver glow on their surroundings.

As they walked, Carter suddenly stopped, squinting his eyes as he peered into the distance. A smile broke across his face, and he nudged Jeremy.

“Look,” he said, pointing. “I think I see a hut.”

Jeremy followed Carter’s gaze and, sure enough, a small, dilapidated hut stood in the distance, partially hidden by the overgrown vegetation. Before Jeremy could respond, Carter suggested, “We should go there. Maybe we’ll find someone who can help us.”

Jeremy nodded, and they both made their way toward the hut. As they approached, they noticed the structure looked old and abandoned. When they reached the door, they knocked and called out, hoping for a response.

“Hello? Is anyone there?”

Their knocks caused the weak door to creak open on its own, revealing the inside of the hut. It was a pitiful sight—grass had grown in through cracks in the floor, pieces of tattered cloth hung from the ceiling, and bundles of dried grass were piled in corners. The place looked like it hadn’t been inhabited for years. Carter exchanged a look with Jeremy, and they both understood there was no one there to help them.

Jeremy sighed, turning to Carter.

“We can spend the night here. At least it’ll shield us from the cold and any wild animals.”

Carter nodded in agreement, and the two of them stepped inside, gently closing the door behind them. The interior was a bit dark, but enough moonlight filtered through the broken roof to give them a view of their surroundings. The hut, despite its decrepit state, felt like a small haven from the dangers outside.

Carter sat down, his body aching with exhaustion, followed by Jeremy, who looked equally tired. As Carter settled down, he slipped his hands into the pockets of the jersey Jeremy had given him. He felt something small and pulled it out, a surprised smile lighting up his face as he raised a piece of chocolate.

Jeremy looked at the chocolate and chuckled. “Probably one of my sons left it there.”

Carter let out a small laugh. “Bless them,” he said, tearing open the wrapper. He looked at Jeremy and offered, “Want to share?”

Jeremy shook his head, smiling.

“No, you go ahead. You’re the one who’s been running all this time. You need it more than I do.”

Carter nodded gratefully and began eating the chocolate, savoring each bite. The sweetness and the energy it provided brought a small wave of relief, settling his nerves and giving him some much-needed strength.

Jeremy, meanwhile, pulled out his phone, checking for any signal. Seeing that there was still no network, he sighed in frustration and looked over at Carter.

“We should get some rest. We’ll need our strength for tomorrow.”

Carter nodded, agreeing silently. He stood up and moved around the hut, gathering some of the piled dry grass and the least tattered pieces of cloth he could find. He made a makeshift bed for Jeremy, arranging it as comfortably as possible. Jeremy watched him, touched by the boy’s thoughtfulness.

Once he was done, Carter made a similar bed for himself, a little distance away from Jeremy. They both lay down, Carter curling up slightly for warmth, while Jeremy lay on his back, staring up at the patchy roof and the slivers of moonlight seeping through.

Jeremy began to smile, a distant look in his eyes as memories surfaced.

“Ethan loved to camp a lot,” he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. “We would make time for it every month, no matter what. He loved lying outside at night, staring at the moon and the stars. He used to say he wished he was one of the stars so he could shine in the lives of the people he loved, especially in the darkness.”

Carter was watching him intently, taking in every word. There was something about Jeremy's tone, the way he spoke about Ethan, that was both heartbreaking and beautiful. Jeremy continued, “The first time we camped together, we spent the whole night just staring at the stars, talking about everything and nothing. That was one of the best moments of my life. Just... being there with him.”

The smile on Jeremy’s face faded as he was pulled back into the reality of their situation. His eyes drifted away from Carter, and he gazed up at the moon again, the weight of his memories pressing down on him.

“We promised to look at the moon together until we were old,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “But now, it’s nothing but a dream... one that haunts me every night.”

A heavy silence settled between them, broken only by the soft sounds of the jungle. Carter could see the pain in Jeremy's glassy eyes, the way they shimmered with unshed tears. The moment stretched on, thick with unspoken emotions, until Carter finally broke the silence.

“The man who’s chasing me,” Carter said quietly, “he’s my brother-in-law.”

Jeremy's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to look at Carter, shock evident on his face. “You are married?” he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Carter nodded, a somber expression on his face.

“I used to be, a few years back,” he replied. “It was in high school when I met Elias. He was... he was everything. Sweet, kind, lovely. He made me feel happy, like I could do anything, be anything, as long as he was by my side.”

Jeremy listened intently, sensing the depth of emotion in Carter’s words.

Carter’s voice wavered as he continued, “I fell in love with him, hopelessly in love. I couldn’t imagine life without him. But that love... it drove me to make the biggest mistake of my life.”

Carter turned onto his back, staring up at the moon, the silver light casting long shadows over his face as painful memories filled his heart.

“I disowned the man who truly loved me, who sacrificed everything for me—my father,” Carter said, his voice thick with regret. “I thought I was happy with Elias, but everything I knew about him was a lie. The day I found the divorce papers...” Carter explained to Jeremy abot the confrontation, the accident... “my life turned upside down.”

A tear rolled down Carter’s cheek, and Jeremy watched, feeling a deep, empathetic pain stirring within him. Carter wiped his tear away and took a shaky breath.

“Now, Lopez is after me,” he continued, his voice barely a whisper. “And he won’t stop until I’m dead. I just wish... I wish I could turn back time, make things right. Not give in to Elias. Maybe... maybe my father would still be alive.”

Carter’s voice broke, and he sniffled, his body trembling with the effort to hold back more tears.

“Now I’m here, in the jungle, yet to fulfill the promise I made to my father. And now I’ve dragged you into this mess too. You shouldn’t have come looking for me, Jeremy. You shouldn’t have come into the jungle.”

Silence fell over them once more, the air heavy with shared grief and regret. Jeremy finally broke the quiet, his voice firm but gentle.

“I promise I’m going to get you out of here as soon as possible,” he said, his eyes meeting Carter’s with determination. “I’ll find a way to contact the police, and they’ll rescue us. Don’t worry about everything right now. Just close your eyes and rest.”

Carter slowly turned his back to Jeremy, his tears silently falling, the pain inside him more intense than ever. Jeremy, too, was lost in his own turmoil, the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future pressing down on them both. Jeremy was honestly worried but he knew they needed to get out of that situation and soon.

Will his promise be fulfilled?


At Jeremy's house, Jeff stood by the window, gripping his phone tightly as he ended a call. "Thank you," he murmured into the phone before hanging up. He turned around, his face heavy with worry, and saw Laura rushing toward him, gripping his arm tightly.

“What did the police say?” Laura's voice was strained with desperation.

Jeff looked into his mother's eyes, seeing the exhaustion and fear etched into her features. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

“They found Jeremy's car parked on the side of the road,” he said quietly.

The color drained from Laura's face, and her strength seemed to leave her all at once. She collapsed to her knees, looking utterly devastated, her eyes red and puffy, as if she hadn't slept in days. Jeff immediately knelt beside her, wrapping his arms around her trembling form.

“Mom, listen to me,” he said gently. “They haven't found Jeremy yet, but they believe he ran into the jungle. They're going to do everything they can to find him.”

Laura's anguish erupted in a wail, her cries echoing through the room. Dexter, who had been standing nearby, stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her. Despite his comforting actions, his expression was tight with anger.

“This is all Carter's fault,” he muttered under his breath, his voice full of venom. “If he hadn’t come into our lives, none of this would be happening.”

Elena, standing by the door, looked visibly shaken but tried to remain calm. “Everyone, please,” she said softly, “we need to stay calm. Jeremy is strong. He’s going to come back with Carter, and…”

Before she could finish, Laura snapped her head up, her eyes blazing with fury.

“Are you happy now, Elena?” she shouted, rushing towards her. “Is this what you wanted? You encouraged Jeremy to go when I told him not to! This is all your fault!”

Elena’s eyes widened in shock, her face pale.

“Laura, how can you say something like that?” she asked, her voice breaking. “I would never…”

But Laura was relentless, her voice rising with hysteria.

“You're unhappy because your son is dead and Jeremy is still alive, isn’t that it? Maybe you wish Jeremy had died instead!”

Tears welled up in Elena's eyes, and she shook her head, devastated by the accusation. Laura continued her tirade, her words cutting deep. “All of this is because of you and your dead son!”

Jeff, unable to stay silent any longer, intervened. “Mom, how can you say that?” he exclaimed, shock and hurt clear in his voice. “Elena is part of our family. She loves all of us!”

“Does she?” Laura shot back, her voice dripping with bitterness. “Or was this all just a plan to make us miserable with that stupid boy?”

Elena’s tears spilled over as she tried to speak through her sobs.

“Laura, I’ve told you before, Jeremy is like a son to me. I would never want anything to happen to him.”

Laura glared at her, her words laced with venom.

“Your son is already dead. Maybe it's time for you to leave too, so Jeremy can heal in peace.”

The harsh words were too much for Elena to bear. Overwhelmed with grief and pain, she turned and ran out of the room, tears streaming down her face. Jeff watched her go, shaking his head in disbelief and disappointment. "Mom," he said softly, his voice filled with sadness, before he followed Elena outside.

Dexter, who had been silent through the exchange, now stepped closer to Laura. A slight, satisfied grin tugged at his lips as he held her tightly, cupping her cheeks gently.

“Don’t worry, Laura,” he said soothingly. “Jeremy will be found. He'll come home safe.”

Laura clung to Dexter, her body racked with sobs, as she buried her face in his chest. Despite the chaos and the pain of the moment, Dexter couldn’t help but feel a twisted sense of triumph. At least he still had Laura on his side, and that was enough for now.

‘Come back, Jeremy,’ Dexter thought to himself, his grin widening as he imagined the scene. ‘Come back so I can wrap my arms around you, so I can be the one to comfort you in your time of need. I’ll be your pillar, your rock, the only one who truly understands you.’

He relished the idea of Jeremy returning home, broken and vulnerable, needing him more than ever. The thought filled him with a twisted sense of satisfaction, a dark desire to be the one Jeremy turned to in his moment of despair.

But as his mind shifted to Carter, Dexter's expression twisted with malice.

‘And Carter...’ His thoughts darkened further. ‘I hope you're already dead, lying somewhere deep in that jungle, your body rotting away, never to be found.’

The idea of Carter suffering a slow, painful death brought a wicked smile to Dexter's lips. He imagined the jungle swallowing Carter whole, the elements and wild creatures erasing any trace of his existence.

‘With you gone, Carter, everything will be perfect,’ Dexter mused silently, his heart filled with a cold, malevolent glee. ‘Jeremy will be mine, and Laura will finally see you for the nuisance you always were. We can all go back to being a family... without you.’

As Dexter held Laura tighter, his mind continued to spin with sinister thoughts, his heart blackened with his hatred for Carter and his twisted obsession with Jeremy. He was determined to seize the opportunity that chaos had presented, and nothing, not even Carter would stand in his way.


The morning sun peeked through the canopy, casting long shadows across the forest floor. Birds sang cheerily, a stark contrast to the grim urgency of their situation. Carter and Jeremy walked slowly, still shaken from the events of the previous night. Jeremy led the way, his pace steady but brisk, while Carter trailed behind, his movements sluggish and tired.

Suddenly, Carter stumbled over an unseen root. He was about to fall when Jeremy swiftly turned around and caught him by the waist, pulling him back upright. Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, everything seemed to slow down. The tension of the jungle, the fear of being caught, the exhaustion from the night before—it all faded into the background. They stood there, inches apart, lost in each other’s gaze.

Jeremy was the first to break the moment. He quickly released Carter, clearing his throat as he stepped back.

“I feel really thirsty,” he muttered, looking away. “And I’ve got cramps. We need to find water, fast.”

Carter, still catching his breath, nodded and looked around, scanning their surroundings. After a few seconds, he spotted a slow-flowing stream a little way off.

“There’s a stream over there,” he said, pointing in the direction.

They made their way to the stream, the sight of the cool water a small comfort in the otherwise harsh environment. Jeremy knelt by the edge, trying to scoop up some water with one hand, but it slipped through his fingers before he could bring it to his lips. He tried again and again, growing frustrated as he got only a few drops each time.

Carter watched Jeremy’s struggle, then crouched down beside him. Cupping his hands together, he dipped them into the stream, filling them with water. He brought his hands to Jeremy’s face, careful not to spill.

“Here,” he said softly. “Drink before it all slips out.”

Jeremy hesitated, glancing between Carter’s hands and his earnest expression. Finally, he leaned forward and drank from Carter’s hands. The cool water was a relief to his parched throat. Carter repeated the process until Jeremy was satisfied.

Jeremy wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, then met Carter’s eyes again. There was something there, in the way Carter looked at him—the resemblance to someone he had lost, someone dear. It drew Jeremy in, made him feel a connection he couldn’t explain. For a long moment, they just stared at each other, time seeming to stretch into eternity.

The spell was broken by a sudden shout, cutting through the silence like a knife.

“Carter!” The voice was rough, angry, and dangerously close.

Carter's head whipped around, his heart pounding as he saw Lopez and two of his men searching near the hut they had just left. Lopez’s voice boomed through the trees, furious and threatening.

“I know you’re here, Carter! Show yourself!”

Carter gasped, his body freezing with fear. But Jeremy didn’t hesitate. He grabbed Carter’s hand and pulled him into the trees, moving quickly but carefully. They ran through the underbrush, dodging branches and roots, trying to put as much distance as possible between themselves and their pursuers.

“I heard something over there!” one of the men shouted, their footsteps growing louder.

Carter stumbled again, his legs burning with exhaustion. He let go of Jeremy’s hand, leaning heavily against a tree, gasping for air.

“I can’t… I can’t run anymore,” he panted. “Go… go without me. Lopez doesn’t know you’re here. You’ll be safe.”

Jeremy spun around, grabbing Carter’s arm.

“Stop talking nonsense!” he snapped. “I’m not leaving you behind.”

Tears welled up in Carter’s eyes as he pleaded with Jeremy.

“Please… just go. Save yourself.”

Jeremy shook his head fiercely.

“No. I’m not leaving you.” He grabbed Carter’s hand and started to run again, pulling Carter along with him.

They hadn’t gone far when Carter’s foot caught on something. He cried out in pain as he went flying to the ground. Jeremy stopped abruptly, spinning around to see Carter lying on the forest floor, clutching his leg. A bear trap had clamped down half his foot, its jagged teeth digging into his flesh, blood pouring from the wound.

“Jeremy!” Carter screamed, his voice choked with pain. He bit down on his lip, trying to stifle his cries.

Jeremy’s heart clenched at the sight. He rushed to Carter’s side, his hands hovering over the trap, unsure where to touch without causing more pain.

“Hold on, Carter,” he said urgently. “I’m going to get you out.”

As soon as Jeremy touched the trap, Carter let out a strangled cry of agony. Jeremy winced but continued, knowing they had no time to waste.

“Try not to scream,” he said softly, his voice strained. “I’m going to get you out of this.”

Jeremy gripped the sides of the trap, his fingers digging into the cold metal. He pulled with all his strength, trying to pry it open. The trap budged slightly, but the pain it caused Carter was excruciating. Jeremy’s muscles trembled with effort, sweat dripping down his face.

Suddenly, a rustling noise came from nearby. Carter’s eyes widened in terror as he looked up at Jeremy. “Leave me,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “Please… save yourself.”

Jeremy’s eyes blazed with determination. “I’m not going anywhere!” he snapped, his voice breaking with emotion. “I’m not leaving you!”

With a final, desperate effort, Jeremy yanked the trap open just enough for Carter to pull his leg free. Carter cried out as he moved, the pain searing through his body. Jeremy quickly wrapped his arms around Carter’s waist and knees, lifting him up as if he weighed nothing.

Without another word, Jeremy started running again, Carter held securely in his arms. He could hear the footsteps of Lopez and his men closing in, but he didn’t look back. All he could think about was getting Carter to safety, away from the danger that seemed to be closing in on them from all sides.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks a lot to everyone that took the time to read my work. I love you guys a lot. Don't forget to drop your comments about what you think about my work. Ciao!
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Jeremy has found Carter but he hasn't saved him yet. Has Jeremy bitten off more than he can chew? Possibly, they are not out of the woods yet (pun intended), now he and Carter are on the run from Lopez. Fingers crossed they make it. 🤞

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Drama continues, suspense grows... If there is anything good out of this situation, it is honest talk between Jeremy and Carter and Carter's revelation of his failed marriage. Is it going to be enough for a fresh start (assuming they are going to escape Lopez and his men)?

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