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Silent Heartbeats - 14. Chapter 14: Carter confronts Jeremy. Will their relationship remain the same?

Hey guys, another chapter that I know you're gonna love. Enjoy and don't forget to drop a comment

Carter sat at his desk, the room eerily quiet as he carefully placed his belongings into a cardboard box. Each item he picked up felt heavier than the last, laden with memories and the weight of his emotions. He couldn’t believe he was doing this again—packing up his life in a small, simple box, just weeks after he had done the same thing. His heart ached as he ran his fingers over a framed photo of him with some colleagues, a time when he felt like he belonged.

His hands moved slowly, almost mechanically, as he continued to pack. His eyes were misty, and he felt like he was teetering on the edge of tears, but he forced himself to stay strong. He closed the flaps of the box and was about to seal it when he suddenly felt a presence behind him, a thick tension hanging in the air. Before he could turn around, a hiss cut through the silence.

He spun on his heel to find Dexter standing there, his face contorted in fury, his jaw visibly trembling. Dexter’s eyes were locked on him with such intensity that Carter felt like he was being physically struck by the anger radiating off him.

“You whore,” Dexter spat, his voice dripping with venom. He didn’t hold back, letting loose a torrent of insults that stung with every syllable. “I knew from the very moment I saw you that you were nothing but a whore, and now you’ve proven it.”

Carter’s heart pounded in his chest, his breath caught in his throat. He stared at Dexter, trying to comprehend what was happening.

“What are you talking about?” he asked, his voice shaky, a mixture of confusion and fear.

Dexter chuckled bitterly, a cruel smile curling his lips.

“Don’t play dumb with me. I know what happened with Jeremy—how you seduced him like the cheap slut you are.”

Shock coursed through Carter, his eyes widening in disbelief. He felt like the floor had just been pulled out from under him. His mouth opened, but no words came out; he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“What?” he finally managed to whisper, his voice breaking.

Dexter’s face twisted in disgust. “I should have known when you were all over Jeremy at the party that your stupid hole was throbbing for him.”

Carter’s eyes became glassy, tears threatening to spill over. He tried to process what Dexter was saying, but his mind was spinning, every word sending a sharp pain through his head. The room seemed to tilt, and he struggled to keep his balance, gripping the edge of the desk for support. His heart raced, each beat echoing loudly in his ears.

“Dexter, please... what are you saying?” Carter asked, his voice barely a whisper, his body trembling. He couldn’t understand; it was too much to process all at once. His thoughts were a jumbled mess of confusion and hurt.

Dexter continued, his words like daggers.

“You should be ashamed of yourself, taking advantage of a man in his vulnerable state. But guess what? All your plans failed. Even after you spread your legs for Jeremy and slept with him, he didn’t give two fucks about you.”

Carter gasped, his knees feeling weak. He clutched the desk, his strength leaving him, as the reality of Dexter’s words hit him like a punch to the gut. He raised his face, his voice barely more than a broken whisper. “Did Jeremy really tell you that? That I... I seduced him?”

Dexter’s expression remained cold and unyielding. “Yes,” he sneered, leaning closer. “Jeremy told me everything—how you were all over him, how you got him drunk. He’s so disgusted by what happened that he can’t even stand to think about it.”

Carter felt his heart shatter. He was breathless, his chest tightening as he tried to make sense of Dexter's words. His mind was spinning, filled with confusion and a dawning horror.

“Why are you telling me this?” he pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don't remember anything... If something had happened, I would have known, or felt something...”

Dexter snapped, his eyes blazing with anger. "Because you're loose, that's why!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the room. "Stop pretending, Carter. You planned this from the very beginning, but guess what? Your plan failed, and now everyone knows exactly what kind of person you are."

Carter flinched at the harshness of Dexter's words, his body trembling. He felt a coldness settle deep in his bones, a chill that seemed to seep into his very soul.

Dexter's hand trembled as he raised it, pointing a finger in Carter's direction. "If you know what's good for you, you'll pack up your little, stinking body and get as far away from everyone as possible," he warned, his voice low and threatening. The anger in his eyes was palpable, radiating off him in waves.

For a moment, Dexter seemed like he wanted to say something more, but then he groaned, the sound filled with frustration and disgust. He turned on his heel and stormed out, leaving Carter alone in the empty room.

As soon as Dexter left, Carter felt his strength leave him, his knees buckling as he collapsed weakly into the chair behind him. His heart pounded in his chest, racing uncontrollably as a flood of memories rushed back, unbidden and overwhelming. Images of his past flashed before his eyes, each one more painful than the last—memories of Elias, the only man he had ever truly loved, the man with whom he had shared everything. The ache in his chest grew with each passing second, a deep, gnawing pain that seemed to consume him.

Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision as he sat there in silence, lost in the torrent of emotions that threatened to pull him under. He couldn’t understand what was happening, couldn’t grasp how his life had spiraled so far out of control.

But then, as if a switch had been flipped, something inside him snapped. Carter shot up from the chair, furiously rubbing the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. A fierce determination took hold of him, pushing aside the confusion and hurt. He refused to be broken by this, to be torn apart by the lies and the anger.

Without another thought, he spun on his heel and rushed out of the room, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and resolve. He had to find answers, had to confront the truth, whatever it may be. And he wasn’t going to let anyone stop him.


The heavy wooden doors of Jeremy's mansion swung open with a loud crash, the sound echoing through the grand hall like a thunderclap. Carter stormed in, his face a storm of fury and pain. His brows were deeply furrowed, eyes blazing with an intensity that could burn through steel. His jaw was set tightly, teeth clenched as he breathed heavily, each exhale sharp and quick. Every muscle in his body was taut with rage, his fists clenched at his sides as if ready to strike again at any moment.

“Jeremy Rivers!” Carter shouted, his voice booming through the mansion. “Get out here! Now!”

He continued to yell, his voice echoing off the marble walls as he marched further into the hall.

“Jeremy! Come out, you coward!”

Upstairs, Laura was in her room, lost in her thoughts, when she heard Carter's voice slicing through the air. Something inside her stirred—a fierce, protective instinct mixed with a boiling anger. She leapt to her feet, moving as if pursued by the hounds of hell, her heart pounding with fury. Dexter was right behind her, his face set in a grim expression, ready for whatever confrontation lay ahead.

As Laura descended the stairs, her eyes locked onto Carter. She saw red.

“This boy again,” she muttered under her breath, her voice low and dangerous. “I’m not going to spare him this time.” She rushed towards him, her expression a mix of contempt and fury.

“What on earth are you doing here?” Laura demanded, her voice sharp with frustration. “What more drama are you planning to bring into this house?”

But Carter didn't hold back. He whipped his head toward her, his eyes burning with defiance. “You think this is drama?” he snapped back rudely. “This is your son’s mess, and I’m here to clean it up!”

Before Laura and Dexter could process his response, a loud, heavy footfall echoed from the staircase. Jeremy appeared at the top, his face a storm of rage, his body tense with barely contained anger. His eyes were dark, and his fists were clenched at his sides as he descended the stairs quickly.

Seeing Jeremy, Carter's anger boiled over. He rushed toward him, his steps swift and purposeful.

“How dare you!” Carter shouted, his voice trembling with fury.

Without another word, he swung his hand back and slapped Jeremy across the face with a force that echoed through the hall.

Jeremy stumbled back a step, more stunned by the audacity of the slap than by its sting. His cheek reddened almost immediately, the sharp sting radiating across his skin. For a moment, the hall was deathly silent, the shock palpable in the eyes of everyone present. Laura’s mouth fell open in disbelief, and Dexter’s eyes widened with shock, a dark mix of emotions swirling in his gaze.

Jeremy's head slowly shook as he processed what had just happened. He turned back to Carter, his eyes narrowing into slits of rage.

“How dare you,” he began, his voice low and dangerous.

But Carter cut him off, his own fury roaring back to life.

“No, how dare you!” he shouted, his voice trembling with a mix of outrage and hurt. “How dare you say such things about me! Who the hell do you think you are?”

Jeremy's face was a mask of confusion and anger, his mind racing to understand. Carter stepped closer, his voice rising with each word, his anger spilling over like a dam breaking.

“Accusing me of getting you drunk and taking advantage of you? What the hell is wrong with you?”

The hall was filled with the sound of Carter's voice, each word striking like a whip. His chest heaved with each breath, the raw emotion of his words hanging heavy in the air. The shock of the slap, the accusation, and the anger filled the room, leaving everyone stunned and silent.

“Do you think so cheaply of me, Jeremy? Do you really believe I'm someone who would seduce you and lure you into bed?” His voice cracked with anger and pain, his eyes ablaze as he stepped closer to Jeremy.

Jeremy's face drained of color, his pale skin betraying the shock that coursed through him. His body suddenly felt weak, as if the very floor beneath him was threatening to give way. His eyes locked onto Carter's, wide with disbelief and terror. He couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, the world around him narrowing down to the furious boy standing before him.

“I have no memories of that night, not even one!” Carter shouted, his voice trembling with the intensity of his emotions. “I could barely remember seeing you at the bar, so how dare you accuse me of seducing you?”

He took another step closer, his presence overwhelming Jeremy, who stood frozen in place, his mind reeling. Carter’s words cut deeper than any physical blow.

“You remember everything, Jeremy. You saw whatever happened between us, and yet you had the nerve to tell your family that I seduced you?”

Jeremy’s breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding so violently in his chest that it felt like it might burst. He tried to find words, any words, but his mouth opened and closed in silence. His pulse roared in his ears, drowning out all other sounds.

Laura, stunned and enraged, snapped out of her shock and rushed toward Carter.

“How dare you!” she yelled, her voice trembling with fury. "How dare you lay such accusations on my son! Jeremy would never do such a thing!”

Carter turned his head to glance at Laura, his expression a mix of sorrow and defiance.

“Believe whatever you want,” he said, his voice cold but weary. “But only Jeremy knows the truth.”

He turned his gaze back to Jeremy, who looked utterly shattered, unable to speak, unable to defend himself against the truth that hung heavy in the air. The silence between them was suffocating, filled with the weight of unspoken words and buried guilt. Carter’s chest heaved with the effort to keep his composure, but his eyes betrayed the deep hurt and betrayal he felt.

Carter’s voice cut through the thick silence like a knife, sharp and accusing.

“Why are you so quiet now, Jeremy? You had plenty to say the other day!” He shook his head in disbelief, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and hurt. “You’ve been angry at me, telling me how much you hate me, but really, who’s supposed to be angry here?”

The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of Carter’s words hanging heavy in the air. Then, with a voice that trembled with barely contained fury, Carter yelled, “You’re angry with me because you know the truth—the truth that maybe you were the one who took advantage of me!”

Jeremy felt tears burning in his eyes, his vision blurring as his emotions overwhelmed him. His hands trembled uncontrollably, and his throat felt tight, as if he couldn’t find his voice. He wanted to escape, to run from the piercing gaze of the boy he had wronged, but as he turned to leave, Carter furiously grabbed his arm and yanked him back.

“Why aren’t you saying anything now that the truth is out in the open?” Carter demanded, his voice filled with a mix of pain and anger. “You had plenty to say to your fiancée!”

Laura rushed forward, stepping between Carter and her son, shielding Jeremy with her body.

“Stop accusing my son of things he didn’t do!” she warned harshly, her eyes blazing with fury. “Where’s your proof? You don’t have any because you’re just trying to ruin his life!”

Carter felt a sharp sting of pain at her words, tears welling up in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He took a deep breath, his voice shaky but defiant.

“For all intents and purposes, I didn’t do anything wrong, Laura,” he said, his tone steady despite the turmoil inside him. “But let’s say, just for argument’s sake, that I did try to seduce Jeremy. Why did he allow it if he could remember everything that happened?”

Laura and Jeremy were both silent, their expressions unreadable. Carter shook his head, frustration boiling over.

“You want proof? I’m the one who doesn’t remember anything, and Jeremy remembers it all!” His voice rose, filled with a mix of frustration and hurt.

“There’s no way Jeremy touched you!” Laura shouted back, her voice filled with disbelief and anger.

Carter’s eyes flashed with determination. “No, I’m not going to justify myself,” he snapped. “I’m not going to clarify anything because I didn’t do anything wrong!”

The hatred in Laura’s eyes was palpable, and Jeremy looked overwhelmed, his shoulders slumping as if the weight of the world was pressing down on him. He tried to leave, but Carter quickly moved in front of him, blocking his path.

“I was so happy when I got a job at your company, Jeremy,” Carter said, his voice trembling with emotion. “I’d heard so many good things about you, and despite all the abuse I got from you, I stayed. I just can’t believe you’re that kind of man. I understand you’re grieving, but this has nothing to do with Ethan. Maybe this is who you really are—just a bad man.”

Jeremy’s lips quivered, overwhelmed by a flood of emotions he couldn’t contain. He stared at Carter, his eyes filled with regret and pain.

“I just can’t see you the same way anymore, not after this,” Carter said softly, his voice breaking. He raised his hand, holding a stack of papers, and thrust them toward Jeremy. “From this moment on, I’m no longer an employee at your company. I’m quitting.”

Carter’s voice was filled with a quiet, aching pain as he continued, “Enjoy your pride, your prestige, and your loneliness to your heart’s content.” He said each word slowly, deliberately, the weight of his decision hanging in the air.

Then, to everyone’s shock, he threw the papers in Jeremy’s face, the pages scattering like leaves in a storm. Without another word, he turned and walked away, his steps slow and heavy with sorrow.

Jeremy watched him go, his heart shattering into a million pieces. As soon as Carter disappeared from view, Jeremy turned on his heels, intent on following him, but Laura grabbed his arm, her voice frantic.

“I don’t believe anything that stupid boy said!” she cried, her eyes wide with panic.

Jeremy looked at her with a mixture of anger and despair, harshly pulling his arm away. He stormed out of the mansion, leaving Laura standing in the living room, calling after him, her voice echoing through the empty space.


Jeremy was in the gym, unleashing his anger and frustration on the punching bag. His fists collided with the heavy leather, each impact resonating through the room with a dull thud. Sweat dripped down his face and neck, soaking his shirt, and his breath came in ragged gasps, each one laced with a hint of desperation. His knuckles were red and swollen, the skin raw and scraped from the relentless assault.

As he pounded the bag, images of that night with Carter flooded his mind—the heat of their bodies pressed together, the soft moans that filled the air, the intoxicating mix of desire and regret that now haunted him. The confrontation with Carter replayed in his head, twisting his insides with guilt and shame. He hit the bag harder, grunting with each strike, as if he could somehow punch away his problems and bury his pain beneath his fists.

The sound of leather against leather echoed through the empty gym, his groans blending with the rhythmic pounding of his fists. His muscles burned, his body trembling with exhaustion, but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t stop. He needed to feel something other than this crushing guilt that consumed him. He struck the bag again, harder this time, and then again, and again, until finally, with a guttural yell, he hit it one last time and leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees, panting like a man who had just survived a brutal battle.

His breath came in heavy, ragged gasps, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Sweat poured down his face, stinging his eyes, and his heart pounded in his chest, a wild, frantic beat that matched the chaos in his mind.

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him, a voice that sent a chill down his spine.


He froze, his body tensing. That voice—he knew that voice. Slowly, he turned around, his eyes widening in shock as he saw a figure standing a short distance away. It was a man, tall and slender, with long, dark hair that framed his face. His eyes were filled with sadness, and his expression was solemn, almost haunting.

Jeremy felt his heart race, his mind struggling to comprehend what he was seeing. He blinked, as if trying to clear his vision, but the figure didn’t disappear. It was Ethan, standing there, staring at him with a look of deep sorrow. Jeremy’s breath caught in his throat, and he whispered, almost in disbelief, “Ethan…”

Ethan’s gaze didn’t waver, his eyes locked on Jeremy with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.

“I’m not happy with you, Jeremy,” Ethan said softly, his voice filled with a quiet, aching pain. “You’ve hurt me.”

Jeremy’s heart clenched at the words, a sharp, stabbing pain slicing through his chest. His voice trembled as he spoke, barely above a whisper.

“I didn’t mean to, Ethan… I didn’t mean to cheat on you…”

Ethan stared at him for what felt like an eternity, though it was only a few seconds. His eyes bore into Jeremy’s, filled with a mixture of sadness and disappointment.

“I’m not mad at you for that. In fact, I am very happy it happened,” Ethan said finally, his voice calm but laced with a strange, bittersweet acceptance. “That you were able to feel the pleasures of someone else. But I’m not happy with the way you’re treating everyone else, Jeremy. All I ever asked of you was to treat every human life with value.”

Jeremy felt his knees go weak, the weight of Ethan’s words crashing down on him like a tidal wave. His mind raced, memories flooding back of the life they had shared, the love they had built together, and the promises they had made. He remembered Ethan’s kindness, his unwavering belief in the goodness of people, and the way he had always encouraged Jeremy to be a better man.

“We’ve been through so much, Jeremy,” Ethan continued, his voice soft but firm. “Our family… everything we’ve passed through together… it was all for something, for a purpose. You’re losing yourself, and you’re hurting those who care about you. That’s not who you are. That’s not who I loved.”


Tears welled up in Jeremy’s eyes, blurring his vision as he stared at Ethan. His chest tightened with emotion, his heart aching with the pain of his mistakes. He wanted to reach out, to touch Ethan, to feel his presence one last time, but he knew it wasn’t real. Ethan was gone, and this was just a manifestation of his guilt, his grief taking on a form that his heart desperately needed to see.

“I’m sorry,” Jeremy choked out, his voice breaking. “I’m so sorry, Ethan…”

Ethan’s expression softened, a hint of a smile ghosting across his lips.

“It’s not too late, Jeremy. You can still make things right. You can still be the man I loved, the man I know you can be.”

Jeremy's voice trembled as he stared at Ethan, his eyes wide with a mixture of disbelief and longing. "How can I be the man you loved when you’re not with me, Ethan?" he asked, his voice breaking with emotion.

Ethan smiled softly, his expression gentle and understanding.

“I’ve always been with you, Jeremy,” he said quietly. “Watching you, praying for you... hoping that one day you’d find your happiness again.”

As he spoke, Ethan began to walk closer, his steps slow and deliberate. His presence was almost ethereal, a comforting light in the dark room. When he reached Jeremy, he stopped just a foot away, his smile brightening with a warmth that seemed to fill the entire space.

“You can’t mourn me forever,” Ethan continued. “You need to move on, to allow someone else to love you and to show you the love you deserve.”

Jeremy shook his head, tears streaming down his face.

“I don’t think I have any love left in me,” he whispered, his voice thick with grief. His shoulders slumped, and he looked at Ethan with eyes full of despair and confusion.

Ethan’s smile softened, his eyes full of kindness and understanding. He extended his hand and rested it gently on Jeremy’s chest, right over his heart. The touch sent a shock of warmth through Jeremy’s body, and he inhaled sharply, feeling the comforting heat seep into his skin and settle deep within him. His breath hitched, and his chest heaved with emotion as he felt the weight of Ethan’s touch.

“You need to melt the ice in your heart,” Ethan said softly, his voice a soothing balm to Jeremy's tortured soul. “If you do, you’ll find that you still have so much love to give.”

A sob tore from Jeremy’s throat, and he looked at Ethan with desperate eyes.

“Are you really gone?” he asked, his voice a hoarse whisper.

Ethan nodded slowly, his expression tinged with sadness.

“I’m gone, Jeremy, but I’m still watching over you. I’ll always be with you, in every memory, in every tear, in every heartbeat.”

Jeremy's face crumpled, his tears flowing freely.

“I love you so much, Ethan,” he cried, his voice breaking. His whole body trembled with the force of his emotions, his heart aching with the depth of his loss.

Ethan’s smile was bittersweet, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

“I love you too, Jeremy,” he replied softly. “But you need to heal, to move on. Loving someone new doesn’t mean you love me any less. It just means you’re expanding your heart, letting more love in. That’s what I want for you, Jeremy. You need to do this for me.”

Jeremy reached out, his hand trembling, trying to hold onto Ethan, but as he did, Ethan’s form began to fade, slowly dissolving into the air like mist in the morning sun.

“Ethan, please don’t go,” Jeremy called out, his voice desperate.

But Ethan was already gone, his presence lingering only in the warmth that still radiated from Jeremy’s chest. Jeremy stood there, frozen, his mind reeling from what he had just experienced. His legs felt weak, his heart heavy with a mix of grief, love, and longing. He swayed slightly, his body unable to support the weight of his emotions.

Finally, he dropped to his knees, his body folding in on itself as he began to weep, the sound of his sobs echoing through the empty gym. Tears poured down his face, his chest heaving with the force of his cries. The pain was unbearable, a raw, aching wound that seemed to rip through his very soul.

Jeremy stayed like that for a long time, kneeling on the cold floor, his body wracked with sobs, tears flowing freely down his face. He cried for Ethan, for the life they had lost, for the mistakes he had made, and for the man he had become. He cried until there were no more tears left, until his body was spent, and he was left feeling empty and hollow, the weight of his grief pressing down on him like a heavy shroud.


Carter stood in his small apartment, frantically tossing his belongings into a basket, his hands trembling as he tried to pull himself together. Tears streaked down his cheeks, hot and unrelenting, as he furiously wiped them away with the back of his hand. The confrontation with Jeremy had torn open old wounds he had fought so hard to bury. Now, he was left with the dull throb of a headache, the weight of reality pressing down on him like a heavy stone.

As he struggled to compose himself, his phone suddenly rang, breaking the tense silence. Startled, Carter quickly grabbed it from the counter, his voice thick with emotion as he answered, “Did you find anything? Any good news? Because I could really use some right now.”

The man on the other end hesitated for a moment before replying, ‘I'm sorry, Carter. It's a dead end.’

Carter's heart sank, his breath hitching as he combed his fingers through his disheveled hair.

“How can that be? It’s been weeks now. Shouldn’t we have heard something or any clues?”

‘I'm afraid it's possible they might have left the city,’ the man continued, his voice heavy with regret. ‘Maybe even the country. They could be anywhere.’

Silence hung in the air for a long moment, Carter's mind racing as he tried to process the news. He felt like the ground was slipping out from under him, the fragile hope he had been clinging to crumbling away. The man on the other end of the line cleared his throat, breaking the tension.

‘Do you want me to stop looking?’

Carter shook his head vigorously, even though he knew the man couldn't see him.

“No,” he said firmly, his voice steadying with determination. “I can’t give up now. I promised my father. Just... keep looking, okay?”

The man sighed. ‘I'll do my best. Hang in there, Carter.’

“Thanks,” Carter muttered before ending the call, his hand dropping to his side as he stared blankly at the wall, lost in thought. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, fear, anger, and a deep, aching sadness that threatened to swallow him whole.

A sudden, desperate knocking on the door jolted him from his reverie. The sound was frantic, almost panicked, echoing through the small apartment.

Carter's frustration flared, and he rushed to the door, yelling, “What else do you want from me?”

He swung the door open, ready to confront whoever was on the other side, but his words died in his throat when he saw who was standing there. A man leaned casually in the doorway, his lips curling into an evil grin, eyes gleaming with malice. Carter's heart stopped, his blood running cold as he stared at the familiar face.

“Lopez,” he breathed, his voice barely a whisper.

Lopez chuckled darkly, his grin widening. “Did you miss me, Carter?”

Fear gripped Carter's heart like a vice, his body moving before his mind could catch up. He tried to slam the door shut, but Lopez was faster. He kicked the door with a powerful force, sending it flying open with a loud bang. Carter stumbled back, panic surging through him as he turned to run, but Lopez was already on him. He grabbed Carter's arm with a firm grip, pulling him back with a strength that left no room for escape.

“Where do you think you’re going, huh?” Lopez sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. “Aren’t you happy to see me? I’m happy to see you. I have been dying for this family reunion, haven’t you?”

Carter's eyes widened with terror, and he screamed, “No!”

Desperation fueled his movements, and he stomped down hard on Lopez's foot, earning a pained grunt. Lopez's grip loosened momentarily, and Carter seized the chance, tearing away and bolting toward the living room.

But Lopez was relentless. He lunged after Carter, and the two of them crashed into a nearby table, the wooden structure shattering under their combined weight. Plates and glassware scattered across the floor, breaking into pieces with a sharp, jarring sound.

Carter struggled to scream, but Lopez quickly clamped a hand over his mouth and nose, a sickeningly sweet-smelling handkerchief pressed tightly against his face. Panic surged through Carter's veins as he realized what was happening, his vision blurring and his limbs growing heavy.

His mind screamed at him to fight, to resist, but his body was failing him. The world around him started to fade, darkness creeping in at the edges of his vision. The last thing he heard before everything went black was Lopez's low, sinister whisper in his ear,

“We have a lot of catching up to do, baby.”

And then, everything went dark.


Carter slowly blinked his eyes open, but they felt unbearably heavy, as if lead weights were pressing down on his eyelids. A dull, throbbing ache pulsed in his head, clouding his thoughts and making it difficult to focus. Darkness surrounded him, oppressive and suffocating, with only a faint, dim light filtering from somewhere above. The small circle of light was distant and barely enough to see by, casting eerie shadows that danced around him.

As his senses began to return, Carter tried to move, instinctively wanting to reach out, but his body felt restrained. Panic surged through him as he realized his feet were bound tightly together, and his hands were tied behind his back, painfully secured with coarse rope that bit into his skin. A gag was tightly wound around his mouth, muffling his voice and cutting into the corners of his lips. He was trapped.

His breath hitched, and a cold sweat broke out across his skin as the realization set in. The darkness pressed in on him from all sides, and a suffocating claustrophobia began to creep in. The space felt cramped and confining, the air thick with a stale, musty scent that only heightened his sense of fear. The walls seemed to close in on him, the darkness playing tricks on his mind, making him feel as if the space was shrinking, squeezing the life out of him. He tried to calm himself, but his breathing quickened, coming in short, panicked gasps as his heart pounded violently in his chest.

Memories of childhood nightmares flooded his mind—times when he had been trapped in the dark, in closets or small rooms, crying out for help that never came. The fear of dark, enclosed spaces had always been with him, lurking in the back of his mind, but this was far worse than any nightmare. This was real.

Desperate to escape, Carter wriggled and squirmed, using all his strength to try and free himself from the binds that held him. He managed to move himself into a sitting position, his muscles straining and burning with effort. He tried to cry out for help, but the gag muffled his screams, turning them into nothing more than pitiful, muffled cries that echoed faintly in the confined space. The sound only served to heighten his panic, reminding him of how alone he truly was.

Suddenly, he felt a cold sensation trickle down his back. His eyes widened in horror as he realized what was happening. A slow trickle at first, then more, and then all at once—a steady stream of water began pouring in from above, splashing down around him. The coldness of it sent a shock through his system, and he struggled even more frantically, trying to find a way to stop it.

But the water kept coming, faster and faster, quickly rising around his legs. It soaked through his clothes, clinging to his skin and sending shivers through his body. Carter's breaths became frantic, his chest heaving with each desperate gasp as he tried to scream for help, but the gag silenced him. His eyes darted around, wild with fear, as he realized the water was rising too quickly. He was going to drown.

“No, no, no!” he tried to scream, his voice a muffled, desperate plea.

He fought against the restraints with renewed vigor, his body thrashing wildly as he tried to break free. But the ropes held firm, cutting into his skin with each struggle. The water was already up to his waist, and it was still rising.

Terror gripped him as the cold water reached his chest, then his neck. He tilted his head back, trying to keep his mouth and nose above the rising water, but it was no use. The water continued to pour in, relentless and unforgiving. Carter’s heart raced, pounding in his ears as he fought to breathe, his breaths coming in shallow, panicked gasps.

He realized with growing horror that Lopez was trying to kill him, using his worst fear against him. The darkness, the confinement, the water—it was all too much. He was trapped, helpless, and there was no one coming to save him.

The water was up to his chin now, and he struggled to keep his head above the surface. He kicked and thrashed, trying to push himself up, but the water was rising too fast. It was at his lips now, and he tipped his head back as far as it would go, his eyes wide with terror as he struggled to breathe.

Was this it?

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

If Carter doesn’t have any pain, then maybe he wasn’t raped like is seemed what Jeremy had done. If Carter had been so drunk he couldn’t remember, ha was not likely a willing participant in whatever happened.  Jeremy need serious help.  And Carter is kidnapped by a psychopath who tried killing him before.  How did they know about his fears to enact this possible murder scene. Could it just be his imagination and fear making this up?  Scary cliffhanger?

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He first took advantage of drunk boy and then, he has accused the same boy of trying to seduce him!?!?! Well BRAVO Jeremy, you piece of shit! BRAVO! 👏

What a cliff at the end...let's see who is going to be a hero?

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Posted (edited)

A lot is going on in this chapter but there are no answers, only more questions. We found out that Jeremy took advantage of Carter while both were intoxicated. While it's not a forcible rape it could still be technical rape as Carter was not able to give informed consent, but that is if sex did take place which is unconfirmed. I base that on Carter's response as he doesn't remember it and is feeling no after-effects of sex which would leave at least some discomfort since Carter hasn't had sex since his divorce from Elias. As they had been drinking heavily it is possible that no sex took place, as we Brits would say it is possible Jeremy was suffering 'brewers droop', that's where the spirit is willing but the flesh was weak, too weak to maintain an erection. I'm not saying that is what happened, I'm only mentioning a possibility. Has Jeremy had an 'other-worldly' experience, or has he experienced something based on guilt? Guilt from creating the explosive situation that he is in and causing emotional harm to those around him and the turmoil that Carter is being put through as a result.

What is happening to Carter after opening his door to Lopez? Is it real or is it a nightmare? I'm hoping it's a nightmare because I'm struggling to see any way out for Carter if it is real. But then our author has woven such a web of intrigue anything is possible and believable. The next chapter will, hopefully, answer these questions, either that or this web of intrigue will become more intense.

Edited by Mancunian
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