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Csr Discussion Day: Rca Anthology Winners





Can you believe summer is almost here? Well, it is! But first, first we get to discuss some very interesting anthologies from the last few years voted as the best of each year ... by you! Well, the yous that were around each year when the site voted for the Reader's Choice Awards. In this case, we're discussing 4 stories from 2010, 2011, and 2012. Welcome to May's CSR discussion day.


2010: A Chance Encounter by Jian Sierra (tie) (Contemporary Drama)


2010: The Search for Pandora by Graeme (tie) (Sci-Fi)


2011: It Was A Holy Day by Lugh (Sci-Fi)


2012: A Friend In Need by Andy021278 (Contemporary Drama)


So, the first thing we decided earlier this month to do was to share our favorite lines for the stories we read.

I get to go first, woo hoo!


From Jian's A Chance Encounter: I must have stopped breathing as he flashed me a smile, his dimple making an appearance. To me, this epitomizes that first blush of attraction between two people, that heart pounding, omg feeling, and since that was the focus of this story, I thought it summed up the whole thing so well.


From Graeme's The Search for Pandora: He was breaking one of his people's most basic laws, but he knew how much Herk wanted to rescue his sister. This story was short, and there was a lot we didn't know but had thrust upon us in it because of that factor. Even though the main character was alien I felt he was intrinsically familiar based on the way he was written, which made him relatable. His most humane quality ... the ability to put himself at risk for others, even against all he had been taught.


From Lugh's It Was A Holy Day: Rix laughed because the only other thing he could manage right now would be to cry and that just would not do. Oh yeah, Rix has that strong male persona down pat, but this line also shows his internal, softer and more emotional, side. I love that we saw both in just this one line.


From Andy's A Friend in Need: “I have bad news.” Tearjerker. Seriously. And I cannot think of a more fitting line to showcase this story.


So, what were your thoughts? Favorite lines? Do you have any questions for the authors? That was the second element of this month's discussion day. I didn't get any questions in advance, but authors promise to try and reply if you readers have any pressing NEED to know inquiries. :D


As always don't forget to post your thoughts for next month's selection!


Recommended Comments

When the CSR for this month was announced joann414 asked me:




"Did your emotions overwhelm you at any point in your story"


As promised, my answer.


Yes, Joann, they did.


While I was writing the story I must have gone through three boxes of Kleenex.


There were times I got so wrapped up in the characters and emotions, I just had to walk away and do something else.


I've killed off characters in my stories before and I dare say I will again, but those characters were nameless and faceless.  This was the first time I'd ever invested so much into a character, given them a name, woven them into a story and then killed them off.


By the time I finished writing the story, I was an emotional wreck.  I don't think I've ever felt quite so drained from writing a story.

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