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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

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January Signature Author Feature: Boundaries: An Old West Tale by Headstall

In this first month of 2025, as we look forward to this new year, I thought I'd feature a story that looks back. So who feels like reading in the historical western genres? Headstall is known for those, so I thought I'd pick one of his stories.  Boundaries: An Old West Tale by @Headstall   Length: 16,640 Description: A lot can occur in a single day, and this day starts with Virgil Pruitt riding into a sad, struggling Texas town seven years after the end of the Mexican-Am

December CSR Discussion Day: The Devil is Gay Series by kbois

How were your holidays? Did you get lost in the hustle and bustle? Love it? Hate it? Hopefully you were able to get just the right about of holiday cheer, but if you felt the need for a bit of break, I had the perfect bite-sized chunks of *ahem* alternative entertainment in kbois series, The Devil is Gay. Share your thoughts on those stories below, say congrats on kbois promotion to Signature Author if you haven't already, or comment on this interview!  Do you eat your fruits and vegetables


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

December CSR Feature: The Devil is Gay Series by kbois

In honor of kbois recent promotion to Signature Author (congratulations again!!) I wanted to feature something that I thought was fun because sometimes we all need a break from when the holidays get hectic and crazy... so why not a short story series like... The Devil is Gay. Seriously, doesn't that just make you go, wait, what?! You can read these all in one go or in a bite-sized chunks when you need them. kbois wrote the last story, Corrupting the Innocent, to celebrate her promotion to Promis


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

November CSR Discussion Day: Hustle by Talo Segura

Wow, November already. With the year almost over, I wanted to keep featuring things that kept readers guessing and challenge the idea of the traditional reading genres and stories. What did you think of Hustle? Share your thoughts below, but first, the interview!! Chocolate or Vanilla? I have to cheat... both! What's your favorite room in your home? Do you plot or write there? I don't have a favourite room and I write where ever I find myself alone and not being disturbed, of


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

November CSR Feature: Hustle by Talo Segura

It's November, can you believe it? Canada just had their Thanksgiving and this month the US has ours. Do other countries have this holiday, or ones similar to focus on family and giving thanks? Share that below, if you want! In the vein of the focus on family, I wanted to share a story with that same theme, but this is no fluffy and light story, so be warned! Sometimes family is all we can count on to get us through this painful journey life thrusts upon us. Hustle by @Talo Segura


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

October CSR Discussion Day: Turnabout is Fair Fae by Valkyrie

Did you read this month's feature, a short story with all the thrills and chills for October? Turnabout is Fair Fae by Valkyrie was a fun quick read, so I hope you'll share your comments below after you read my interview with her! Let's share the love (or shudders... you know, whatever works!)  Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? I eat a lot of veggies, but not much fruit.  I like the flavor of fruit, but not the texture.  What are you wearing (and no fibbing!)? It’s 6:30


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

October CSR Feature: Turnabout is Fair Fae by Valkyrie

It's October which means spooks, ghouls, fae, vampires, werecritters... yep, this month is for all the spookies! If you can handle them, that is. I chose to feature an older story written by our very own admin, @Valkyrie, for the 2017 anthology The Fall Out and Secret Spaces. This short story is a perfect bite-size treat for the season!  Turnabout is Fair Fae by @Valkyrie   Length: 4,055 Description: Not all fairies have wings and sprinkle pixie dust.  Briar Toadthistle


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

September CSR Discussion Day: La Tambola by drsawzall

Did you read the CSR feature this month, La Tambola? This story tells all about how humanity does... and doesn't, manage new beginnings. Before you share your thoughts below, check out my interview with drsawzall.  Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? I do make my bed in the morning 75% of the time. If you were an animal, what would you be? A clone of dabeagle who has to be among the best crafters of written dialogue, he constantl


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

September's CSR Feature: La Tombola by drsawzall

Welcome to September! The return to school and another year (work for me, boo!), the changing of the seasons for most of us, and life continues to march on for another month and we're that much closer to the end of another year. Where DOES the time go? Enjoy it here on Earth while it lasts, because it might not be forever, and then where would humans end up? (no more pumpkin spice, that's for sure!) Check out this month's CSR story by @drsawzall to see what he came up with! La Tombola


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

July CSR Feature: Sneakin by penguinsrgay

So... clearly I was not good at Sneakin... because last month I failed to get the CSR out on time! Luckily this month penginsrgay answered some questions for me. Did you read this story about someone else not so good at sneaking around? Share your thoughts below! Q: Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? A: Religiously! Q: If you were an animal, what would you be? A: Next! Q: What’s one location you’d love to go to research for a story? A: Probably China. I've met a few gay

June CSR Feature: Sneakin by penguinsrgay

So... why not throw another curveball at you? Plus I really chuckled at the username. This recently finished short story is by a newer author to GA but comes with a high recommendation in its only review... lets get some extra comments and reviews on the story this month!  Sneakin by @penguinsrgay Length: 14,472 Description: A delinquent sneaks out of his home to go shoplifting.  A Reader said: I opened this and started reading it 40 days ago when it posted. It’s taken m

May CSR Discussion Day: Deeds of Their Past by mcarss

Did you read Deeds of Their Past by @mcarss for our Can't Stop Reading, or CSR, Blog Feature for May? This story has magic, foul deeds, and a few twists and turns to keep readers guessing. What did you think? Share your thoughts in a comment below the author interview!  If you were an animal, what would you be? Most certainly a bird. I love all birds, but especially hold a deep affection for corvids. More than once, I've considered befriending a murder of crows. The idea of having them

May CSR Feature: Deeds of Their Past by mcarss

I've been featuring short stories lately, I thought I'd give you all something to sink your teeth into. Read outside in the sunshine or inside away from the torrential rain (if it's anything like it is here in Washington right now!) but come back on Monday, May 27th to share your thoughts!  Deeds of Their Past by @mcarss Length: 66,950 Description: Nathan—a man who lives life in shadow and solitude—finds himself hunted due to an old assignment. While awaiting his execution, h

April CSR Discussion Day: The Big Empty by James Savik

Today we're looking at a story that looks upward and outward to all that unknown in space. Did you read James's take on the big black? Share your thoughts below after you enjoy this interview.  Who was the real villain, ACME or Wile E. Coyote? The Roadrunner. He was a smart ass. If you were an animal, what would you be? A Tomcat because we like the same things. What’s one location you’d love to go to research for a story? I’d love to travel in the South Pacific: Au


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

April CSR Feature: The Big Empty by James Savik

I'm featuring one of my favorite genres this month because I'm on spring break right now (woot!) and it's all about indulging myself. Why don't you join me, even if you're not on break? This is a short hour's read, c'mon... live a little, if you dare!  The Big Empty by @JamesSavik Length: 3,251 Description: Spacers, like sailors before them, pass vast distances to get between stars. Like sailors before them, they have their stories. Spacers call it the Big Empty- or inte

March CSR Discussion Day: Running Far Afield by Libby Drew

This month's CSR author was Libby Drew, an author who has been a Signature Author on GA for a very long time, sharing her work with readers here for our enjoyment. Did you like reading Running Far Afield? Share your thoughts below! But first... the interview! Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? I make the bed strictly so the dogs won’t get their muddy paws on my clean sheets. If I’m in a hurry, I just throw a blanket over the whole thing a


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

March CSR Feature: Running Far Afield by Libby Drew

This month is the beginning of the spring Sports season at high school (ask me how I know, track mom here!). How many of you remember playing sports in high school? Man, I was a disaster in softball, hence my my kids did/do track, lol! So I thought I'd share a story to bring back the nostalgia of the season for myself, and others, with Libby Drew's story Running Far Afield.  Running Far Afield by @Libby Drew Length: 15,560 Description: Aaron thought nothing would be different

February CSR Discussion Day: The Weakest Link: Teenage Triumphs Edition by AusGlitterati

Did you catch this month's CSR Feature by @AusGlitterati? The Weakest Link: Teenage Triumphs Edition & the follow-up story are both available for you to enjoy, if you haven't already, but make sure you read this interview first.  Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla all the way! I always have to wonder why vanilla gets a bad rep as the boring or basic flavour. Vanilla is actually lit, and it deserves more respect on its name - chocolate is the basic flavour. That's the hill I will die on. 😁


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

February CSR Feature: The Weakest Link: Teenage Triumphs Edition by AusGlitterati

For February, I often feature stories of love and romance... but we can all read those on our own time! Instead I wanted to feature a story that brings all sorts of people, personalities, and fun together for this leap month! And if you love it, there's a follow-up of sorts too.  The Weakest Link: Teenage Triumphs Edition by @AusGlitterati Length: 34,886 Description: In 2012, nine gifted teenagers arrive seek to win up to fifty thousand pounds for themselves and for charity b


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

December CSR Discussion Day: Mr & Mister Danvers: Initiation by LJCC

First, to all who celebrate, Merry Christmas!! Second, did you get a chance to read this month's CSR? I figure anyone who isn't celebrating, or who needs a break from celebrating, could definitely enjoy LJCC's story Mr & Mister Danvers: Initiation. Make sure you leave a comment below, but first... enjoy this interview!  Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? Yes, fruits and vegetables are essential to life. Plus I’m in my late 30s now, if I don’t eat my fruits and veggies, my docto


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

December CSR Feature: Mr & Mister Danvers: Initiation by LJCC

Welcome to our last CSR feature of 2023! 10 years of features needed something dramatic with flair, and what is more dramatic than a spy thriller? So you can put down your holiday nog (or grab it if you need some spirits and enjoy them together!) and focus on this story for a fun journey of twists & turns you'll never expect.  Mr & Mister Danvers: Initiation by @LJCC Length: 59,674 Description: Greg Danvers, a former London police sergeant now a part-time waiter, ten


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

November CSR Discussion Day: When Opportunity Knocks by kbois

This month's feature was a mix of so many characters, pets, and details that you needed a LONG month and a bit of a holiday to finish it all. I hope you enjoyed kbois' story, When Opportunity Knocks! Make sure you add your comments below, but first, you get to enjoy this interview.  I say, I say… who does it better, the chicken or the chicken hawk? Well, the chicken hawk has better eyesight, but chicken tastes better, and there are so many ways to cook it, so I’d have to go with the c


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

November CSR Feature: When Opportunity Knocks by kbois

I wanted to feature a story by kbois this month, and while this story is on the longer side for a CSR pick, I liked that it aligned with that oft-featured holiday month issue... unexpected family dynamics and all the bumps that indicates! So, please enjoy this month's story by @kbois and come back at the end of the month ready to share your thoughts! When Opportunity Knocks by kbois Length: 96,473 Description:  Jett Anderson and Kyle Benton are starting to build a relationshi


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

CSR Discussion Day: Miles to Go by Comicality

Can you believe tomorrow is Halloween? It's true! In honor of the spooky season, I picked a story that also dipped into the paranormal and featured an author that has a variety of stories in the genre if that's your thing! I hope you enjoyed Miles to Go this month, now enjoy this interview I sent to @Comicality before you share your comments below.  Who was the real villain, ACME or Wile E. Coyote? Hehehe, Wile E. Coyote! All the way! They sold it...but YOU bought it, dude. Repeatedly,


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

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