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Csr Discussion Day: Seasonal Spooktacular!



It's a Halloween week feature for those who like to get into the season! I hope these anthology stories got you in the mood this month. Did you read the stories and poem? Did you have a favorite? Change your mind on some of the featured spookies?


To kick off today's discussion, I asked the authors to answer a few questions about their stories and Halloween!


Ghosts: The Harpsichordist by Carl Holiday
Why did you use ghosts as a character in your story/poem?
Why did I use a ghost (actually 3 ghosts) in my story (The Harpsichordist)? I think I was thinking of an old house on a bluff above the ocean. Old houses seem to be a place where you can definitely find ghosts. Having three in the same house, well, why not. Two little kids and the title character provided the protagonists with a medium where their recovery from a personal tragedy could have a happy ending.


Do you have a favorite Halloween memory?
Favorite Halloween Memory: this occurred back when kids could roam freely throughout the neighbor with out any danger of some think like this: there was a weirdo driving around trying to run over kids; it came to a happy ending, though; seems this kid was out in his cowboy suit and for some reason he put his hat on top of a fire plug; from a distance or with drug/alcohol influence, it looked like a kid with a cowboy hat that wasn't running away.


Recipe for Disaster: Ones and Zeroes by Mann Ramblings
Do you have a favorite Halloween memory?
I wouldn't call it a favorite, but it is my most memorable. In third grade, I wanted to be a vampire for Halloween. I had the fangs, the cape and the makeup, but at the last minute I let my mother know I needed to have my hair slicked back, because that's how they looked, you know? We didn't have any hair products that could do the job and she wasn't about to run to the store at the eleventh hour so she made do with Vaseline. I kid you not... Vaseline.


Did you know it took three weeks to wash that crap out of my hair? We used shampoo, laundry detergent and a few other things I've forgotten about. We probably should have just shaved my head, but I liked my hair too much for that. I'm surprised it didn't all fall out after all the abuse we heaped on it that year.


Do you have a favorite Halloween legend?
I have to admit I'm pretty partial to Sleepy Hollow and the Headless Horseman. I saw the Disney version every season as a kid and it was exciting, creepy and utterly fascinating even back in those days. I even loved the Tim Burton film starring Johnny Depp and bought the DVD when that came out. I like to watch it at least once during October.


Pandora's Box: Rise of the Serpent by Celetheiel
Do you have a favorite Halloween memory?
I was 7 and looking at my moms home-made costume that i was going to wear... I was a little Indian boy... I was really wowed that my mom made that costume, herself for me.... Afterwards we had enough candy that it lasted us half-a-year. Mom and dad would put it all in a big old glass jar and it would sit there...and if say it wasn't wrapped all melt together in a big...pile of sugar...


Do you have a favorite Halloween legend?
Not really, the only real Halloween legend i remember is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, doesn't help that it plays every year at Halloween.


Why did you use a vampire as a character in your story/poem.
The simple answer would be... because it fit... It fit with the Theme... It's actually based in the same universe with my big Vampire Story, A Crimson Frost, and I felt like it was a good tale to tell.


What's your favorite treat for Halloween?
Candy Corn, I believe I like the most.


The Back-up Plan: Magic in the Air by Andy78
Do you have a favorite Halloween legend?
Aside from the traditional Bloody Mary, The Thirteen Floor is one of my favourites.


The Thirteenth Floor (which I think originates from Pennsylvania) is about people who enter a haunted house on Halloween and try to reach the thirteenth floor. Each floor tried to scare them from going up to the next floor. The only people who survived were those who fled before reaching the thirteenth floor.


What's your favorite treat for Halloween?
Anything with sugar and nothing with granola :lol: I'm very partial to toffee apples (candy apples) this time of year, but they're not really Halloween specific.


Okay, so what did you think of this month's choices? Enjoy them? Don't like creepy crawlies so you were hiding behind your hand as you read? Want to share your fav Halloween memory?

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*Thinks there actually was never a time when kids "Roamed Freely" As Carl Put it, since there was a maniac running round trying to run down Trick-or-Treaters, and he's 65 years old.*

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