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Melancholic words to dampen your spirit

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Moving right along, again

Delivered my first load for the new company.   I've had a HazMat endorsement on my CDL for nearly 5 years and this is the first time I had the opportunity to placard a trailer. It was not fun driving down the Interstates with four red placards stating quite clearly what was in my trailer. "Flammable Gas"! That's right, nothing that could leak, but it sure would've made a terrific BOOM if some dummy used one of the placards for target practice.   Actually, it was quite harmless. Just 5 tons o



Moving right along

It seems my first schticky story is off and running with a number of readers actually leaving comments in my forum. So, you ask, where does this schtick stuff come from? Well, a number of years ago I started writing the history of the Argottean Federation and this news item came out:   3 Hurl -531



Um, well, Happy Anniversary, I wish I was there . . .

Thirty-six years ago today I was living in a small one bedroom furnished apartment in Cabot, Arkansas, with the woman I was going to marry, which I did as tomorrow is our 36th anniversary. Today I am in the Holiday Inn Express in Ontario, California, and the other half is home in Lakewood, Washington. Yes, she is a bit bummed with the whole concept of me being here and her being there. Such is life.   Today I increased my score on a very critical test at my new company. Now I will be able to l



Green Bay, WI

Yesterday drove from Liberty, MO, to Green Bay, WI. Yes, it was a long drive. Unfortunately, as I neared Madison, WI, large accumulations of black air began to settle upon the countryside making it extremely difficult to see anything that was in the headlights or under streetlamps. Wisconsin was totally in the dark.   Luckily, early this morning, after delivering a load of Arizona cheese to be reprossessed and relabeled Wisconsin cheese, the black air slowly dissipated due to increased amounts



A loving mother

Yesterday at our lunch break, one of my classmates, a very interesting woman who drives one of the vans that ferries us between the driving school and the Holiday Inn Express, was overheard talking to another group of students about her family. She was mostly talking about her youngest son, who happens to be gay. She had a lot of funny stories about him, but what got to me the most was when she said, "He's my boy. I can't stop loving him. No matter what, I still love him."   It's nice to hear



Fourth of July

I hope all of you got your gift requests out in time.   Tomorrow, Uncle Sam will be distributing gifts and putting them under the flag poles of all the patriotic boys and girls across the good ol' U S of A.   Unfortunately, I'm still in SCal relearning how to be a trucker so I won't be home to put out the brats and beer Uncle Sam enjoys so much. I know the wife won't do it because she's not as patriotic as the rest of us. She kind of takes everything with a grain of salt. Plus, she totally d




The truck driving refresher course I'll be attending begins 6/28. That'll be 17 days in sunny Mira Loma, CA. Then it's out on the road for 90 days before I'll be eligible to get my own truck.   It's been a long, long time, but it feels good to be going back.   I've stopped taking the mood stabilizer since I ran out and couln't afford to get them refilled. Actually, I feel a lot better for not having them. I am going back on the antidepressant as soon as I get some money, which should be tomo



This could me good

One thing about not having any money is I can't buy all the prescriptions I supposed to be taking.   No, I am not going to suddenly die.   But, I am finding out that maybe it's time for me to get off the Welbutrin crutch. I should be really, really depressed right now, but I'm not. In fact, I don't feel any different now than when I was taking that shit. Sooooo, maybe I don't need it.   Of course, not taking Welbutrin has to be combined with not taking Depakote, which will be running out i



It was such a good plan

As the money leaked out, I hoped and hoped and hoped that something would come my way, but nothing, absolutely nothing in the way of a new job raised its joyous head and yelled, "Hey you! Here I am! Pick me!"   I had a plan, though. It was such a good plan, nothing could go wrong.   Unfortunately, Robert Burns said it best:   The best laid schemes o' mice and men Go often askew,   Yesterday, one of the companies I thought was interested in hiring me, but never returned my calls, sent me



A little good news

The good news is The Valley of the Dwarfs is moving right along. Closing in on the final chapters in a week or two.   Other good news is the next story will be starting before Valley ends. This one is titled Incident at Red Bridge. It




Ben has been published   Valley of the Dwarfs is out for editing and will start posting soon.   Have started a new story tentatively titled The Killer of Men. It is a post-apocalyptic kind of story. Most of the Earth's human population is dead (the Great Plagues) or gone (the Great Exoduses), leaving small pockets of people out in the countryside or in what remains of cities. Jesse is twelve, going on thirteen, when the story starts. He is a member of the Red Men of the Blue Knoll clan and y



The Valley of the Dwarfs

It just came to me.   The working title of the new fable is now "The Valley of the Dwarfs."   Yes, I know! I know!   It's been done.   But, this isn't a rehash of "The Valley of the Dolls."   Honest.   Besides, the strongest intoxicant in the Hinterland is dwarf ale, which will knock you down onto the floor and roll you around in the filth.   Just finished Chapter 5. A couple werewolves showed up. And, it was daylight! Figure that one out. The alpha male, Alberto of La Rosa, is bla



One down

Posted the last chapter of "Dreams Can Come True" this morning.   The next fable, "Ben," should be up in a week or so. Although there are 5 chapters, they'll all be posted at the same time. It's probably the closest I've come to a "children's story," but unfortunately, I had to throw in some sex and the cute children's story becomes something entirely different.   The fourth in this series, which just might be longer than the others, has been completed through Chapter 3. Don't have a working




for all my complaints about hypergraphia and sunk under a cloud of melancholy, the gnome fable is finished and in the can.   Let's see, started 3/29, completed 4/7, what's that? 10 days?   Well, it's not that much when you consider it's only 15.4K words.   Next up:   A story about a group of university graduates who setup a winter tourist destination at a time when tourists were mostly people on some kind of pilgrimage to the site of some odd religious relic like the left big toe of Sain



it's over

the recent bout of hypergraphia has subsided into general malaise and i am wrapped in a blanket of dark melancholy.   luckily, the meds keep me up enough to prevent acts of fatal stupidity.   hopefully, will be back on track soon. the gnome story was going good, but the light changed and won't change back to green.   in the meantime, my next story dreams can come true will be out soon. as with the previous story, it is short. i can't seem to be able to do anything of substantial length.  



It's the Gnomes!

Okay, started the new story.   It's sort of a take-off on Sir Terry Pratchett's novel The Wee Free Men which I recently completed. Yes, it's aimed at teens, but if you're a Discworld fan, that doesn't matter.   My story won't have any Nac Mac Feegles, but it will have Gnomes, which are (in my world) evil beings who steal children to be their slaves; and, once the children have grown up, well, they're not useful anymore and are sold to elves (even nastier beings, which appear in my latest sto



It's done and in the can

Wow! This wave of creativity just goes and goes. Not waking me up in the middle of the night with plot solutions, since these simple tales are a little skimpy on everything.   The new story, carrying Dreams Can Come True as the title, is finished and chapter 1 has been sent off to the editor.   I don't know what to do next, but I'm kind of thinking about a spin on Sleeping Beauty (sleeing beau), the virgin locked in the tower (could be another quest story with the attendant assorted characte



The Words Will Set Us Free

Once upon a time someone went down a hole and couldn't find his way back out.   Until now.   Seems the muse has found me no matter how hard I tried to keep her at bay or was it something else preventing her from giving me that urge to share. Don't know.   Still plagued with the bipolar shit. Some days good, some days bad. Some days very, very bad.   The new story is only just over 22,000 words long, barely a novella. If published, the font size would be a bit larger than normal, the font



6 days

22,000 plus words.   Chapter 1 off to the editor.   One week, and considering I haven't written practically anything except bits and pieces and uncompleted works, I think it's an accomplishment.   And, it's stayed light as any fairy tale should.   Though there is a bit of offal and blood, but that's just the way I do things.   Thinking of doing a dragon story next, course it won't be your usual dragon story. I see the knight as a bit of a dandy. Probably the gold embellishments on his




Just when I thought this story couldn't get any weirder, the pixies showed up.   Seems they're caught in the castle, too, but they know how to get out and have enlisted Gregor's assistance. Well, it wasn't hard since he very much wants to get out, too.   Also, the sorcerer has been named, though he doesn't yet know the significance of that event. We'll have to see.   Plus, we now know how everything can go wrong, forever dooming Gregor to the evils in the castle.   Actually, it's all com



It's a damned fairy tale!

Don't know where it came from. Where do stories come from? Out of the ether I suppose.   Anyway, it's a fairy tale. You know, one of those Grimm brothers tales about curses, monsters, princes, fair maidens (only in this case it's not a maiden).   Don't know what's to become of it. Since I've pretty much every thing I've started this year is hanging around undone in the Doc folder. Of course, this hasn't been a very good year, but the meds seemed to have stabilized me, so let's keep our finge



Happy New Year! a tad late, I guess

Was trying to do a Happy New Year! entry yesterday on the Wonth of January, but betas sometimes prove themselves to be what they are and the entry was ended back in on the Tooth of January, 2004, long before I was even a member.   Oh well, that's life.   The good thing about all of this is that you won't have to be forced to read to an irrelevant rant out of the depths of melancholy. Trust me, it reeked of unbelievable amounts of black bile.   Oh well, that's life.   So, I guess, for wha



Oh damn!

It seemed like a good opportunity. Little was I to know that with one little click of the mouse, I was in for a day of blood curdling hell.   Norton has an update that it's pushing to hapless subscribers. "Norton Internet Security 2010 has been downloaded to your computer. Click the button below to f**k up your computer."   Of course, it didn't say that exactly, but that's what happened.   The update didn't take and presented a wonderful error message with a three step process to fix it. S



It was wrong

Stepped on the scale this morning. It wasn't quite awake.   It said 275.5.   That was obviously an incorrect answer.   Stepped on the scale again.   It said 277.   I can live with that.   (277 = -15 lbs. in 1 year)   I can live with losing 15 pounds.   Now, all I have to do is get through Xmas.



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