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Cody Waustin's Blog

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Holiday Monday...

It's Memorial Day weekend. We had a big family reunion/BBQ planned for this weekend, but, a lot of the family can't make it because of the flooding. My youngest brother and my Aunt both live between Austin and Houston and that entire area is in VERY bad shape. Plus, in the last few days they have had some terrible tornadoes there as well. So, the entire weekend kind of got cancelled. It's a real bummer because I was really looking forward to seeing the extended family.   It's given me som



Lazy Thursday...

The weather is unseasonably cold. I mean really cold. We are used to being in the high 80s or low 90s (F), but it is currently in the 50s (F). I had already shut off the fireplace and central furnace and had to relight them. It has been raining for 6 days straight. We DON'T get rain here like this. It's crazy.   After my car accident I decided to get a new vehicle. I got a new Ford F-150 King Cab. It is so cool. I love it. First new car I have had in 14 years. I wish I knew how to b



Car Wreck

Well, Friday turned out to be a bad day. I had just picked up my meals for delivery and was stopped at an intersection with a red light. I was headed east. As I sat there waiting on the light, a SUV came barreling in the other direction headed west and was T-boned by a pickup that was headed south through the intersection. They were going very fast and the pickup drove the SUV into ME! It all seemed to happen in slow motion. The sound of the crash was horrific and I watched as the SUV came



Started Blog

Okay. So, I have wanted to have a blog/journal, so I guess this is as good a place as any. My blog will be very much like a journal documenting some of my general thoughts and observations.   Today has been a beautiful day in West Texas. Weather is beautiful. Wish I could go out and play golf today. Unfortunately, I have to be at my desk... even more unfortunate, it is a slow day. Not many calls, but, I have to be here anyway. I always say, if I am not on the phone, I am not making mon



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