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Luc's Dementia

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Drips from the faucet in my head

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Tempting Fate

The one thing I should have learned from my dad is never to tempt Fate. It was probably one of the basic rules of his life, the one that formed the core of who he was. If he said anything pleasant about the future, such as,



Life, death, mad dogs and kittens...

You know, if you ever want to get a real strong sense of mortality, of that very fine line between life and death, have kittens. One day there is a big, fat, healthy-looking kitten bounding around a room, getting into things, biting your finger



Sifting through the layers

Was reading Someday Out of the Blue. I had no intention of reading it, especially when someone told me what it was about. Knew there would be nerves touched. But a discussion in the chat room and with Mark made me decide to read it. I am partly glad I did




Cubby died this morning.   First thing, I want to thank everyone for their kind and encouraging words about Cubby. One thing I know is that every moment of Cubby's life, someone cared about him. There are many cats--and people--about whom you cannot say that. His little body wasn't able to contain his spirit. It's free now and hopefully will find a stronger body next time around--hopefully he will be as loved as he was during this short life.   I knew things weren't going to go well last



In their next life, maybe they will be pond scum

I just want to say that I think people who use other people as pawns in head games are the lowest form of life. Especially when they use vulnerable people. There are people like this. They can smell who is useable and who is not. I suspect they spend much of their conscious time sniffing the air



Sweetheart is SUCH a good kitty

Well, Sweetheart has had her kittens. I swear she waited until today just to give me the maximum amount of anxiety. I was a wreck worrying about leaving her when she was so very pregnant. Last time she had 4 kittens and one was born dead and the others died about a week later--so I had nightmarish visions of coming home to little corpses.   But I was awoken this morning by the unmistakable sound of a newborn kitten screaming its head off. Seems they always do that. Either they will be b



Maybe I'm feeding him too much?

The other night Sam and I were in Price Choper (local grocery store) and for some reason I happened to notice him. *laughs* Well, he is pretty hard to notice since his mouth is usually running and he has a voice that could whisper and be heard in the ozone seats in a stadium. But you know how you see someone every day and then suddenly SEE them? All of a sudden I noticed I was looking at him in a different place. Ok, that sounds strange, I know. What I mean is, when I had looked at him the



Death comes in small packages

I love cats. Anyone who knows me will actually laugh at that statement because it is an understatement of incredible magnitude. All I can think is that I must have been a cat in a former life and haven



Thinking out loud

I sometimes like to say nothing. Meaning I like to speak, but not actually say anything. I accuse my son of liking to hear his own voice, but he gets that from me. Though I do it with the keyboard; he uses his mouth. My way is better since at least no one HAS to read what I don



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