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Luc's Dementia

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Another day in the life



Lost another kitten last night. One of Sweetheart


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Hey Luc! :):hug:


Holy cow! Tell your son congrats for me! That's pretty impressive given how young he is. :) That's awsome, you must be very proud. :D So are you going to be one of those parents that has their entire back bumper of their car covered in bumper stickers that state "My Son is an Honor Student at _______ School"? ;) I have yet to figure out if those make the kids feel special or just mortified? 0:)


I'm sorry to hear about the kitten. :( Goodness, so many kittens...but even the loss of just one feels so huge. It's funny how something so small can affect someone so much.


Ok, that just brought up a memory...kind of gross so if you don't want to read it don't! ;) When I did my undergrad research project I worked with mice. Lots and lots of stinky smelly mice. But the 1-3 week old baby mice were adorable...small little black fur balls! So Cute!!! (for a mouse! ;) ) Anyway, the first litter that was born (my research project involved studying fetal alcohol affects) scared the crap out of me. I didn't know she was pregnant...I saw the pups (5 total)...replaced the cage lid....checked a few hours latter and all that was left was one dead, half eaten mouse pup. I have no idea why she did it but it seriously freaked me out. I never had any of the other mice do that again, but everytime one would have a litter of babies I would spastically watch them "just in case"...I don't know why, I couldn't have prevented the mouse from doing it...but yeah. Off track side thought. hmm...I don't know where I was going with that. I hope it didn't gross you out too much. :( Sorry if it did. :)


But, I hope you have a great up coming week and take care!!!


- Kaiten


p.s. I hope the rest of your kittens are all healthy. How are the ones with the crooked legs? All better??

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p.s. I hope the rest of your kittens are all healthy. How are the ones with the crooked legs? All better??


:) They are both doing very well. The little black and white one's leg was nearly backwards when she was born. You wouldn't be able to tell at all now. The little tiger one's leg was turned completely sideways and was very stiff when she was born. Now she moves around like a little maniac--much faster than her siblings--and the only evidence of anything is that she drags her foot just a little when she is moving slowly (which she seldom is).

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