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Food porn, music and disaster

Food Porn




I tried the new Kentucky Fried Chicken Double-down sandwich.


It's frikin' awesome. Where else can you find all the awesomeness of fried chicken, cheese and bacon in one mouthful?


I had one and... no chest pains!



Cool Old Videos


My facebook friends know that I post a cool old video from youtube every day with a special on Saturday night and a theme for the week. This week theme is the blues influence in early rock.


Because Mondays suck and I want it to suck less, here's todays bonus video.



Here's a bonus, bonus video for following my blog:




End of the Gulf as We Know It


It appears that British Peritoneum has screwed the pooch on a new and monumental scale that can even be seen from space.




Disaster is word that has suffered from overuse. Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami are all disasters. This oil spill is so large that it threatens a unique way of life. It threatens people who have just gotten up off the matt after the most destructive and deadly hurricane in living memory and now have to face the death of an entire ecosystem.


If the response to Katrina was a blunder by the Bush Administration, this is Obama's Chernobyl. Washington has done nothing of substance and has stood by and watched as this disaster has mushroomed out of control. If we can not contain this disaster soon, it will be so destructive that the costs will bankrupt not just BP and her underwriters but the complex web of economic interdependencies that tie countries and their economies together.


The oil is already making landfall- and you can count the cost at 5 1/2 billion $ per day until the well is capped.


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Food Porn?


*food touch*



That video is misleading... traffic NEVER moves like that in LA, even in a city at night.


Also, I hope those breasts are over 18... that is all. :P



Re food porn, my mouth is watering like mad. In fact this is me:





I'm not sure what can be said or done about the oil rig explosion. At least it isn't killing humans right now, although its long term consequences may be a lot worse than it'd seem.

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