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Self Image



I have been inspired to write this by a number of recent threads


First of all... How 'real' is your online identity. Well I took that to mean are you a role player, do you pretend to be someone else, hide behind a facade and my first reaction was ... no of course I'm not. I don't hide behind any facade, I am exactly who I say I am. I am completely open and honest, what you see is what you get... etc etc. But am I honest? Am I completely honest? Becuase the only pictures I have posted here on the site of me are good ones... very good ones and by that I mean flattering.


So many times in the picture threads I have seen people post a picture and then say things like... don't blame me if you have nightmares, or don't run for the hills... what they are really saying is don't judge me by the way I look, don't hate me because I have a negative image of myself.


Of course some people say that to draw out favourable comments because they know they're good looking but that's a different story.


The thing is that I have been completely open and honest in all the things I have said... all the opinions I have expressed, the things I have revealed about myself, my likes and dislikes, who and what I am, my family, my experiences. But in the things I haven't said? The things I haven't let you see? Surely the things we hide say as much about us as the things we reveal, even more.


Another thread that made me think was the.... how do you define beauty... thread. How do you define beauty? All to often it's how somone looks on the outside and I know it is because that is a large part of how I define it too. I love eyes. I love minds. I fall in love with minds and eyes and I don't even have to ever have met the people behind them. So does it matter what that person looks like... no. It helps if they have gorgeous eyes and I usually find that people with beautiul minds have beautiful eyes, but it's not the way they look that interests me at all. If someone is beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside then they are not beautiful at all.


So where do these two come together. Well it has to do with the way we see ourselves and the way we project ourselves online. When we are online no one can see us. They can't see the fact that we are slobbing out in our pyjamas or eating toast and gettng butter on our chins and the keyboard. We are not intimidated by beautiful shells or turned off by less than beautiful ones. In some ways we can be more honest online because we can show what is behind the mask and see what is behind other masks.


But is that being honest at all. Isn't that mask part of who we are as much as the things we say, the way we think? If you have a negative image of the way you look then doesn't that affect the way you present yourself, whether someone can see you or not?


I can express my opinions until the cows come home, contravertial or not. I can talk about intimate details of my life, my past, my experiences, my thoughts, feelings.. blah blah blah. But I don't take compliments well and in the beginning I would actually cry when someone said something really nice about my writing. I am getting better at that but sometimes it still makes me feel uncofortable. Why? Because I hate the way I look. Does that make sense?


It's hard to describe but over the last 45 years I have spent a large part of it being told negative things about myself, usually for non malicious reasons. My mother was so concerned that I would get 'big headed' that she took every opportunity to pull me down and sneer at every achievement I have had. You would think that she would be proud that I am the first member of my family to go to university, the first to be a professional, the first to be a writier, the first to be a painter... the first to actually do something interesting and creative with their lives... but no. It is a cardinal sin where I live to be considered 'snobby' or 'above yourself' and she was on a mission to make sure I 'kept it real'


And then there's my weight. I used to be a very active person. I played badminton for the county, a lot of sqash, walked the mountains, engaged in very physical activites with the re enactment society I belonged to .... like running around fields waving a sword at sexy men and screming. And then in 1997 I broke my back. For a time I had to use a wheelchair and I was told I would be confined to one at some point... well screw that. No one was interested in pushing me in it and got resentful when they had to so I got out of it and stored it underthe stairs. I threw it out the other day because it was gathering dust.


However, as a result of that accident and the ongoing problems it has left me I piled on the weight.


Once I was fat AND useless I started to lose hope. Then I got epilepsy and it flared up my psoriasis so now I am a red, flaky, fat, insecure person with severe mobility problems and a stubborn streak a mile wide. Who's going to love me? Well people who can't see me might.But then I would have to pretend to be attractive and that wouldn't be honest.... so I cut that whole thing out of my life. I can be a flirt to a degree but it's never personal. I never let myself get close to anyone, not it that way... well I didn't... because rejection is expected and therefore the opportunity to be rejected is never allowed to present itself


So I don't show a photograph of me as I really am, I show one of my head, in a good light, half hiding behind my hair, with enough make up to sink the Titanic.


So how honest am I? I am breaking all my own rules about beauty and I am hiding a huge part of myself from eveyone here. And that's not even touching on the whole vampire/angel thing and by completely off the wall beleifs.


So how honest am I? i really don't know.


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Lying is saying things you're not, not telling things you are is not lying about yourself :)


I've always found you a very strong woman (and I love it when my story pleases you :wub: ) and I've always found you to be awesome!


I love you for who you are, for your past and your present :)

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Nephy <3 I'm sad reading this. But I do actually have something to say this time. ^^


A lot of my photos are just like your photos, only of my head, in good lighting, when my skin is clear and not broken out... etc. And I know I'm attractive and nice looking, but I hate my physical self, and not many people understood until recently.


As I mentioned (painfully) I'm transgender, and I have some major body dysphoria. I wake up every morning in a body that is not right. It disgusts me, I never look at it, and what is worse, is that no matter how much I run, things will happen with my body that are simply, utterly female.


For example: if I start to gain weight, it goes to places that are typical for girls, thighs, hips, etc. What seems like a good idea idea to women, is a terrifying nightmare to me, but there's a simple solution: DONT GAIN WEIGHT. So if it looks like I'm getting a shape to my body, I'll lose weight.


When it comes to relationships, I have never had any luck, excluding my bf and one other guy. Other than that, people reject me, and as much as it hurts, I don't blame them. Why should I? They spent weeks looking at a nice face and thin body, but then they find out what is underneath my clothes, and suddenly I'm a different person. I don't get close to people intimately because I know what happens, and I hate being heartbroken.


Who's going to love me? Well people who can't see me might.




The reason I only post pictures of my face is because I do think I'm attractive, and I like to let people know what I look like, it's so much better to have a face to vision when you talk to someone, and I have posted a few photos of my body, mostly to friends I trust considerably, or to this one guy that I fell for because he accepts me. :wub:


I won't show a photograph of me as I really am. I'll hide things from you because I wish so badly I could hide them from me. And I don't care whether people view it as dishonest or not: I cannot stand my body to the point where I'm not the same sane Lacey as you know.


As for saying I like you: it's 100% sincere, Nephy. You are amazing, and like the coolest woman/mother/vampire ever. You don't need to have a look for me, your personality makes you beautiful to me.




(sorry it's long)

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I fully agree with you, the things we don't say can speak infinite volumes about us. But if we are really and truly honest with ourselves there is no doubt we all can, at some time or another, inadvertently or purposely be misleading about "our real self" online.


Like crime, it is "by commission or omission", i.e. whether you do the crime, or omit reporting or trying to stop the crime.


For myself, I know what I say can completely be taken a wrong way, but I don't often try to correct it...such as my statement of "I don't care". It means only I know I can't change some people's minds about me or anything, so I'm not going to cause myself grief by trying to. I prefer to concentrate on something else. My faults, I don't mind having them pointed out, it depends on how it's done. Or if someone has only read what I did or didn't say, and don't know me at all, yet try to pass judgement.


I keep dancing as it were. Took a while to reach that point though.


I enjoyed reading your entry.

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I totally f**king typed out something incredibly heart warming (I swear to god) and I lose it UGH DERP DERP.


Anyway, listen here woman. Forget society and their wants. Yes we all want to follow them, yes six pack abs, yes tan, yes blondes (lulz) etc so forth. Its incredibly annoying. To be beautiful is not about looks, f**k that. I mean, in middle school I was all about the looks yeah. I was like 12 though helloooo. As I got older (you already know this but I need to re-hash it for my point) I really began to take into account personality, the way the person was etc.


To be frank I could say I'm in love with everyone of my friends. No they aren't all good looking but holy shit are their brains pretty. Very few, but f**k I could eat them they are so nice.


I will keep this brief, I'm never one to sit and comfort (not to say that comforting is not good, it is). You don't need that, you're strong enough to deal. I sense this. You have a charming personality, engaging, thoughtful...perhaps a bit feisty (cat meow~~) If you are like that in the flesh then I think you have the wrong idea about how you think people perceive you (if that was what you were saying... oO). Look in the mirror one day, disregard your thoughts about how you look (which isn't an issue, seriously) and just say, "I'm awesome."


For me I get it automatically cause my ego is just obnoxious huge. Take your talent of writing (plus your knowledge of so many other worldly things and more), that's really cool. Just like somebody who plays soccer and enjoys it, or knits or god forbid fishing. Nobody can write like you, or me, anyone. That is a talent a SKILL. A unique ability that, in fact, not everyone has. Its pretty f**king lulz to sit in my English courses and see how much fail people are at the English language, something they were designed to understand.


To wrap this up though, respectfully Neph to make words something alive is pretty f**king awesome. that's just the tip of the iceberg in regards to things you bring to the playing field of life. Imagine the world without it [the gift of written word], without you. Well that would be impossible, because without you, the world would just be plain boring.

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Shit. I never expected that. I was in a weird mood after reading those threads and it made me thing about myself and how I am online and in life. Yeah I have committed the cardinal crime... hypocrisy. How many times have I said that what's on the outside matters far less than what's on the inside and I truly believe that... except when it comes to me. Meh. I never claimed I'm not a hypocrite.


And I have to admit that I wasn't expecting these responses, especially after I posted the pics to. To tell you the truth I'm rather shaken. When I clicked on the site this morning I had completely forgotten I had posted and I was really happy. I had a comment on Hostage and then I had a pm about a tech question I asked which made me smile... and then I had a comment on my profile about the photos I posted. And it was a nice comment, a lovely comment but it crashed my world... because then I rememberd and I was scared, really scared. It took a lot to come here, especially when I saw that four of you had commented. But boy was I glad I did.


f**k I'm lucky to have friends like you guys. You're truly awesome. Thank you doesn't feel like enough but that's all I've got right now... Thank you :wub: :wub:

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Nephy, love....


You have NO IDEA how much of my online time is spent searching around the GA site. For instance, I just moments ago found this post (blog-whatever)!So-consider this as an apology for not responding until now. Please?


Your 'story' makes me sad. But at the same time you have given me a super injection of pride in Nephylim! (The same goes for the other four who posted-especially Lacey). Between the five of you I see more honesty than I ever thought would come from the collective member group of GA! I am SO happy about that!


I don't have any idea how to respond regarding the problems you've had in the past, nor the current ones. Was that your way of allowing yourself a chance to breathe a sigh of relief? As much as to say "There! Now they know the truth!"?


Let me tell you what you *look like* to me!


When I see a post by Nephylim, I see "Nephylim". And then I get so excited because I KNOW that something good is about to be discovered. Maybe funny, sad, interesting-whatever, but I am about to be entertained. I don't need a picture. Oh, it's nice, I guess. Bullcrap! Of course it's nice! But I don't NEED it. I don't care if you look like a two-headed ogre in the body of an anteater! What I care about is the personality that gives me so MUCH enjoyment.


"Nephylim" exudes love and personality, and I can NEVER get enough of *her*! Nephy, you've no idea how many of my days you have started with a laugh. When you tell someone that they made you snort coffee is so funny. Your off-colour flirting (especially w/ Sam) really tickles me.


In short(?), I love Nephylim. It's so simple.


btw-I like your stories too. heh

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Awww nephy. Don't worry about what other people say about you. I've seen pictures of you and you really are a beautiful woman even with a dodgy back and issues with your looks.


You are one of the most amazing people i have ever met and i hope to meet you outside of GA and in real life so i can admire the real you. The real Nephylim :)


I always look forward to the day to meet one of my online mums :) Hehe :)


Rush is on the list to meet too :P

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