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A Resolution



From now on, I will abstain from topics regarding Pope Benedict XVI.


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Why? Are you afraid he's going to damn you to hell? Meh... even if I thought he had the power I wouldn't give a damn. Or are you concerned about the reception of your comments... meh who cares



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It seems that I can't be objective where he is concerned. That's why. It seems to offend every single person on GA.

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Your going to offend someone no matter what you say objective or not. I agree with nephy, though it seems like people take things way too seriously around here.

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Its the soapbox Tim. As long as you don't insult people nobody gives a flying shit what you or anyone else says. You don't need to be objective, sensitive or even reasonable in there and E=mc^2 knows we have that demonstrated to us almost every day by various participants. People get offended because they have a poor outlook on what is important in life, and rank disagreement with a near-stranger high on their priority list, you don't need to pay any attention to that.

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It seems that I can't be objective where he is concerned. That's why. It seems to offend every single person on GA.


Well yea...look at the subject of what you're talking about.


Neph and Caed are right....ish, but for me, I like to know when to keep my mouth shut just cuz it's way too messy sometimes to keep talking about something that you know have no compromise, unless I just wanna keep pushing it, in which case, I'll keep going, but that's just me.

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People get offended because they have a poor outlook on what is important in life, and rank disagreement with a near-stranger high on their priority list, you don't need to pay any attention to that.



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It seems that I can't be objective where he is concerned. That's why. It seems to offend every single person on GA.


I totally disagree with your opinion on the Pope, but i respect you for expressing it.


I am sometimes bemused, sometimes exhasterated, sometimes entertained and sometimes shocked by how you express yourself.... but if we all had the same thoughts and views, it would be incredibly boring in the soapbox...


i have much thicker skin than to be offended. And as Rob says.... thats how the soapbox works, its what its there for ! :D



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