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This is hard



Thinking for a title to each entry is not easy. It kinda stinks, to tell you the truth. Does anyone agree with me? I hope some of you do. Maybe I'll just throw random letters. Like this: geioauhr, iwoejens, Martin Luther...


Umm, so, Life is going well right now. Except that I found out that I might not be going to the science bowl this April. Which sucks on every level because I realy wanted to go, but we "usually don't take freshmen out of state." Which is retarded, because I'm better at science (especially physics) than the rest of my team put together. And, I really wanted to go to Washington D.C. Oh well.


It would really piss me off if they went and the dumbass team captain buzzed in too early and they ended up losing because of him. Actually, I think I would laugh at their misfortune, because they didn't take me with them.


Hot Cross Country Guy has such a nice butt. Since he has such nice legs, you can bet he has pretty much the world's cutest butt. It's perfect. That's all there is to it. Perfection.


Oh my God! Church is so boring! Church yesterday just really bored me so much worse than it usually does, and I don't know why. Religion itself is boring. Luckily Catholicism is slightly less boring than the rest of Christianity.


-psychic psychopath


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we "usually don't take freshmen out of state." Which is retarded, because I'm better at science (especially physics) than the rest of my team put together. And, I really wanted to go to Washington D.C. Oh well.





They deserve what they get if they leave their star on the bench. :pissed:


Hopefully, they'll understand that they've got a sharp freshman and start their real first team.

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Hmmm. Rules and regulations are very annoying, but look at it this way. If you'd been on the team four years and had faithfully shown up at every meaning wouldn't you be kind of po'd if some freshmen replaced you? You could always try to be somebody's alternate or something or even try for "team mascot" if you're really desperate.


Ah... I wonder do most gay guys focus on an object of intentions and then devote all their attention to observing him? I know I'm no better but I tend to switch around a lot (why not if they're never going to reciprocate anyway?). Is HCCG a senior? Or a freshmen like you? I don't know if you ever mentioned that. Is he gay?


Oh... those crazy catholics ;) No insults intended. Depending on how perverse you want to be Catholicism as a religion can be kind of fun if you're willing to step outside of it and view it in an unbiased manner. Whenever I'm forced to sit through a mass I view the ceremony as an anthropologist. "How curious, they all rise like a group of sheep at a signal from one man..." or similar perversions of the gospels are constantly on my mind.


Or less offensively, just think of it as a way to view history. Chances are your ancestors chanted the same prayers, sang the same songs and ate the same bread. It's a way of identifying with the past and if your children (if you choose to have them) have children, the future. Also, generally the sermon is there for you to think about. Dwell on it, what does it mean? Can you see its effect on society? Do people follow it? Or are they merely empty words practiced in your community? Mass is only boring if you sink to doing surface level analysis. The best part of mass imo is seating two mortal enemies together so when it's "time to give each other a sign of peace..." well, you get the picture. ;)


Oh, dear. I've gone and posted an entry longer than your blog. I need to stop doing this... *grr*



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Ah... I wonder do most gay guys focus on an object of intentions and then devote all their attention to observing him? I know I'm no better but I tend to switch around a lot (why not if they're never going to reciprocate anyway?).



Or less offensively, just think of it as a way to view history. Chances are your ancestors chanted the same prayers, sang the same songs and ate the same bread.




Goodness you'd think they could bake some more every once in awhile! :P


Speaking as a (very liberal, non-traditional) Catholic myself, I don't really mind the mass. My only problem is actually staying focused instead of letting my mind wander off (Someday I just know it's going to forget how to get home).


As to your other observation. No I seldom become fixated on a straight guy, I'll check them out, or may think a friend or someone else I see on a regular basis would be really cool to date if he were gay, but I don't dwell on things that aren't going to happen (well pretty much only in this realm though).


Thinking for a title to each entry is not easy. It kinda stinks, to tell you the truth. Does anyone agree with me?

Yes and No, I more have the opposite problem, I think of like 3 or 4 titles and have to choose. And as far as books and stuff go, sometimes I just come up with titles that sound cool and then think "Now all I have to do is write the book." But yeah I definitely feel pressured to come up with a good, appropriate title, and that can be frustrating.


Umm, so, Life is going well right now.




Have a great day!

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